Owner Pose
Loki Loki still maintains his personal accomidations near the site of the castle: a 'tent' worthy of a prince that might have intended to show up to a joust or similar event. That is, except that it is covered in magic, both from a visual standpoint (the runes are impressive) as well as it obviously having to be that to be present there. It has been there for quite a while; the interior furnished with everything the sorcerer would choose to have, but also elusive: the building can be found to phase out when Loki isn't present to mind it.

Today it is there, and has changed to a glittering silver, befitting the current mood of the trickster god. The entrance is open, and Loki resides inside, in a thick velvet chair of ornate make and expensive fabric and fur. He's referring to a few things from his library, while sipping a warmed drink with a clove-like scent that drifts in whispering steamy tendrils from the cup.
Thor     The tent does serve to offer an impressive visual focal point, the very image of nobility in waiting while their regal homestead is being built. The opposite approach of Thor assuredly, but is that not the way?
    Last night there had been visitors. Festivities. He likely already knows who and the why, for there are any number of Asgardians willing to bend the Trickster's ear, and some of them might as well even /be/ him. But as ever the Asgardians arise in the morning, the crack of dawn, their work ethic unassailable as they set to again.
    But some time on into the day, that tent is given visitation by the current monarch of Asgard. Thor steps through in his usual commoner garb he wears for when working in the quarry. He calls out, "Loki?" A moment before stepping past the threshold. But pausing before the first flap so as to not intrude. "It is I, Thor." As if he didn't recognize the voice.
Loki "Is it indeed?" Loki asks innocently, in his cheeky way that can also lend to the usual frustration. "Seeking respite from watching others do hard manual labor?"

Loki gestures across from him, an invitation to have a seat in a similar lush chair to Loki's own (but not quite as lush), while he slides a hand up and under his book, neatly tipping the cover closed and setting it aside. Loki is dressed in regal comfort: warmth evident with style of silver minky fur around his upper cloak and shoulders, flecked with the shiver of essence of something magical throughout it; the rest of his garb is clean and perfect, leather that hasn't seen any wear lately. "I won't tell. Join me for a spell," Loki invites, a flick of fingers causing the tent doors to slide shut behind with a soundless brush.
Thor     A small snort slips from Thor as he enters, looking upon Loki at his leisure and shaking his head with a wry chuckle. "I intend to lend my efforts to Bjarke's command this day, Loki. Though I am sure he will grow weary and dismiss me in a short span." He crosses and takes a seat on the moderately lush chair, resting on the edge of it, forearms upon his knees and fingers iterlaced.
    "A matter has come to my attention. An aged Svartalfar from our grandfather's era has landed on Midgard. In the land of Canada. She is one of Malekith's scientists, The Shaper, Arella. The mortals hold her in custody." All laid out like that, factual, direct. "This matter displeases me. And I have vowed to not take action, for we must maintain the laws of this land."

And yet...
Loki "Of course. It is important to maintain excellent politics with the humans and their various groups," Loki answers, tongue pure silver. Agreeable, smooth as anyone could ever want. "I agree you shouldn't take any action," soothes Loki.

"Do you think the mortals will continue to hold her, that she may be loose when they fail to do so, as they often tend to do, when misunderstanding such things? Perhaps another resolution for her than that would be better." Loki asks as if it were just occurring to him. Obviously it isn't; he's always ten paces ahead and to the left.

"I certainly would not suggest anything that would involve you taking action, nor anyone that is under your command; your honor is important to Asgard."
Thor     Shaking his head, Thor's features twist as he looks away. "I know not what they plan to do. I /tried/ to impart to them the danger she represents." His good eye swivels back towards Loki as he tells the trickster of Arella's past. "She is responsible for the loss of so many lives. She created such contagion and venom... and yet they treat it as if I am merely enraged because of what her people have done to ours."
    The chair creaks as he sits back, exasperation clear on his features. "And, in truth, to some degree I am. Yet I can divorce what her people have done from what she has done and still come up with a clarity of purpose that is unwavering."
    He waves a hand to the side, "They likely will release her at some point. And then she will enact whatever evil she has in mind. I fear many more lives will be lost."
Loki Loki seems to thoughtfully review Thor's concerns of what the dark elf may do. "A bit of investigation is in order, maybe. I'll see what I can pull in about what we can expect.... and how the climate is about requesting the war criminal come to us to stand for her crimes in the past?" Loki says, rationally. His tone is proper, manner adopted a perfect mesh with his current 'role' as advisory counsel.

"And, of course, to keep a look on where she is, such that when she starts harming someone, we'll be able to neatly pounce and end things without ... political fires to extingish." Loki offers a sudden little quirk of smile. The smile reaches into the lines of his eyes; natural enough.
Thor     One hand comes up, a sharp motion as Thor declares, "Our ways are not their ways. They would likely look upon our process for justice and find it lacking." He shakes his head and looks away, brow furrowed heavily and deep in thought.
    Sidelong he murmurs, "I would relinquish any legal right we have to her if I knew she would no longer do harm. Aye, she deserves death for what she has done. But now?" He lifts fingertips as if brushing away those years... those crimes.
    "I would be pleased if I knew there would be no further harm from her. No threat of her presence here amongst us."
Loki Loki relaxes back further, setting one leg across his opposite knee at the ankle. Comfortable, but always willing to talk. Loki does like to talk around things.

"The various people of Midgard vary quite strongly in what is acceptable for 'justice'," Loki clarifies. "Some countries don't kill. Others are fine with it, even part of their populations push for it eagerly," Loki shrugs, with a gesture of hand as if to brush those minor things away. "Perhaps it is easiest to simply see if we can't get her into the possession of someone that shares OUR views, and they can handle it." Loki teasingly smiles, a darkness in the trickster's eyes. "Don't worry about it, focus on building. If it needs to be handled, I'll finesse it for us."
Thor     Now /that/ draws Thor's attention as he tilts his head to the side, "Loooki." He straigtens up, exhaling a controlled breath as he lowers his hands to rest them on the arms of their chairs. "I come to you to share my concerns. If there is aught to be done I shall do it."
    There's a pause, then he looks to the side, brow still furrowed with distanced concentration. He taps a fingertip upon the wooden frame of his seat and then murmurs, "But if you receive word then tell me. Perhaps matters will progress and our words will gain weight of credence by this creature's actions."
    Another pause then he adds, "I just hope no further lives are lost because the mortals are naive about what guise true evil might take."
Loki "You act like I'd contract someone to murder her," Loki scoffs. He then laughs, and offers a dazzling grin. Which probably doesn't make Thor feel better. "If anything, I'd 'encourage' her to fall along the line we'd prefer, and keep her out of our affairs: as you'd said would be ideal." Loki shrugs. None of that specifically said he wouldn't kill her, though.

But he changes the subject, with a bit of a dodge. "I did have a question for you, before you head off. Personal matter," Loki says, at ease, as if it weren't any issue for HIM. "About /that/," Loki states, pointing directly at Thor's face. "Is this a badge of honorable combat, or an expression of guilt and loss?"

Loki's expression is clouded, a mix of things. Which Thor may read accurately as that Loki does feel something about it, he's not indifferent, but he's cloaking so much that what exactly that root emotion is? That's a harder thing to divine. "Because we /can/ do something about it. I mean, think of me. I have to look at it."
Thor     Nobody had dared ask him before. Very few would dare ask him. And it's clear that the shift in topic... it sits poorly with him. Thor turns away, his expression twisted as his brow furrows. His lips purse as if holding back words that would be no avail or even harm. But that is one of Thor's failings, at least perhaps in Loki's opinion. His reluctance to speak naught save the truth.
    And it is his brother asking him.
    "It is what I deserve, Loki." He lifts a hand to touch the ridge of that strapless eyepatch. But then he lowers his hand sharply, as if displeased at himself for such a gesture.
    "It is so I do not forget what passed. How I failed. A promise I do not do so again lest I be lost in darkness as I should be for such weakness."
    He takes a deep breath and scowls, looking sidelong at Loki then. "If it displeases you then I apologize. But it reminds me each morn when I awaken what has passed."
    Then, as if trying to attain that lightness he is known for he smiles and says, "Perhaps in time I will need to do something about it. A foe that needs vanquishing. A reason to repair what can be repaired. Until then, however?"
    He flares his hands.
Loki Loki dares do a lot of things, particularly when it comes to Thor. Often it can deserve something being flung at him. And it's often for manipulative reasons. There's a manipulative quality to also choosing, very intentionally, to rip a bandage off unexpectedly.

Loki listens, and his expression of cocky teasing does reduce. There are ways to dig under Loki's snarky armor, and Thor can /sometimes/ do it. Much to Loki's distress when he notices, but for now, he's paying attention to the conversation's tense emotion, and there's a rare empathy.

Because it's about their lost home.

"Fine, wear it," Loki says, shrugging. "I'm more in a mood for rebuilding, restoration, and looking ahead. Showing that the past hasn't beaten us."

There's a pause. "'Asgard isn't a place, but a people.'" Loki looks away, at the last line, not certain his own expression won't betray what he feels when he quotes their father like that.

"I don't forget for an instant what we lost, but. Healing the people we have, including you? I suppose I see it different. Maybe it's the two eye thing," Loki says, picking up his tea, re-warming it with a brush of magic, and having a sip.
Thor     A small chuff of exhalation is given, not quite a laugh, not quite a grunt. But accepting his point of view, and accepting its merit. He does, again, touch the eyepatch and runs a fingertip along its rough edge. He takes a deep breath, then Thor says towards his brother, "You always said I tried too much to be like our father."
    The smile is given grudgingly, and isn't it like Thor to try and make light of a scar of his won at such a cost in battle. But then he holds up a hand as if to stave off any snap back as he says, "It is a damned nuisance, Loki. And there are times that it is trying. But I feel like... I should hold onto this feeling."
    Another beat then he adds. "For now."
    Then he engages in one of the few conversational gambits he knows. The subject change. "How fares the progress with the Bifrost?" Shifting from one uncomfortable topic for Thor, to perhaps one uncomfortable for Loki. "Gaining ideas?"
Loki "You throw things constantly. I would imagine you're less effective in battle, with depth problems," Loki says smoothly in answer, needling. Like the things thrown at Loki now and then. "Why you'd decide to stay injured, to be less powerful? Didn't seem like you," Loki shrugs, "Besides, I make no real promises, I haven't gotten a close up review of what hit your face. But we have to start somewhere. Chip away at your stubborn guilt. Decide if you need to suffer alone or take my help."

"The bifrost? Well. If I'd had a working one to look at, this would have been easier," Loki rolls his eyes. "Fortunately for us all, I was interested in it for centuries." Though Thor no doubt knows that. Loki investigates magic.

"A new Bifrost is less important now, as I have personal magic that can do the same function as a bifrost," Loki can't resist bragging, even if it's probably going to get him in trouble. Each brother has an issue with pride. "So it was not as urgent. Still, yes, progress is being made on plans, and I'm collecting some key materials."
Thor     Another chuff, this time at the 'constantly throwing things' comment. "Keep speaking so harshly to your brother and you might well see how accurate I can be with Mjolnir, brother." Oh what is the threat of impending violence between siblings? Only natural for Asgardians. Of course. Then again it has been a good chunk of time since Loki has stabbed him.
    "But you may be right," He admits, grudgingly. "I have had none look upon it. No physicker nor sorcerer." That having been said he shakes his head and says simply, "Bah."
    On to the next topic.
    "I know we can accomplish much the same with our magics, brother. But not quite to the scale that would be useful. If we reestablish the Bifrost..." He rubs at the line of his jaw, scratching the stubble thoughtfully, "We would have more to offer the world of Midgard. It would solidify our place. Buy us some greater measure of safety."
Loki "You would prefer to be a king that nobody dares speak to honestly?" Loki parries smoothly. He slides a hand sideways and throws a ripe, fresh pear at Thor, clearly with the intent for Thor to catch it. It was an easy toss.

"No physician nor sorcerer nor family, even, so must you stand alone?" Loki barbs. "We need to work on your trust issues," teases the manipulative trickster. "I'll help you front perfection to the world, but really now." Loki gives a hurt little sigh, but allows the topic to move.

"It does also put us here more permanently. Not having built it yet gives us a bit more ability to move if we had to. It isn't a bad thing - but I know you are very fond of this place." Loki likes his escape hatches. He always has one. Or eight.
Thor     Reflex is a damnable thing. At first Thor's hand starts to lift, but he checks the motion, then reaches his hand forward to snare the stem of the pear and hold it loosely for a moment... before reasserting his grip. He grimaces and tosses the fruit in the air once before catching it and taking a bite with a low crunch.
    Most might be surprised at the facility had with that catch, but then again most are not Loki. Not as good as he once was, nor as fast, nor as precise. Yet he made do.
    Another crunch then he sets it aside on the end table nearby. Arms now folding over his chest, body language defensive as he clearly grumbles a little under his breath. "It is not a trust issue. A one-eyed Thor is greater than all other warriors still." There is the arrogance. It had been hiding this long, under that visage of what Asgard and his friends /needed/ of him.
    But he nods at Loki's answer about the Bifrost. "True, but we will live here long enough that we shall e'er have a presence here. Even if all things go as best as they can... it will be hundreds of years before we as a people can leave here."
Loki Loki is pleased to have dug the arrogance out. There's a comfort, a weird comfort, in the old, familiar ways. "Guilt is a heavy burden, I'm told. Why carry more? But fine," Loki smirks. Not that he'll actually let it go. This is going to crop up again and again until Loki tries of the joke. That's just the nature of the beast.

And an easy opening to Loki's manipulation seems to have showed: and opportunities are not ignored. "It's been a long time since we've seen that warrior. A /shame/, really. Your main redeeming quality, after all," Loki comments. "I think that should be how you -- what did you call it? -- solidify -- our place here. Leave the Bifrost and these dark elf political issues to me. The best thing you can do is doing what you do best, of course; a good leader delegates to experts otherwise. Heroism and Valor is what would really /inspire/ Midgard, not a fancy magic bridge. ...Sadly."
Thor     For a time Thor just watches Loki as he regales him with this tale of how things /should/ be, how adventure awaits beckoning for him like some temptress long neglected. And as his brother goes on, Thor's smile grows until finally he's shaking his head and chortling a little. It's at that moment that he places his hands flat upon the arms of the chair and then _pushes_ himself to his feet.
    "Loki, it is good to have you around." He says that with such warmth that it carries with it sincerity. The Thunderer starts to walk towards the tent flap, but pauses long enough to rest his hand upon his brother's shoulder.
    "Thank you for indulging me this day." And with that he turns away and moves towards the exit, still chuckling a little as he walks.
Loki Being 'mocked' in that way sets Loki off, as is expected. "Don't walk into the tent pole on your way out," Loki replies when he's touched, automatically grumpy at being seen through in such a transparent way. He gets miffed when one of his games falls through; it's just his way.

"If you need more direct honesty, I'll try to be available, but I don't have all the time in the world; /someone/ wants a magic bridge to anywhere." There's a grumble, but Loki does like the project and the appreciation he'll glean from doing it.
Thor     There's no verbal response from Thor, just that low chortling. But then inside the tent flap Loki will probably see just Thor giving a thumbs up. Then his hand disappears.