Owner Pose
Tatum O'Neal Sitting on the beach with Remy, Tatum rests her head on his shoulder, cuddled up to him. For any that didn't know them, they might mistake this closeness for that of a relationship, but in truth they are just both very physically demonstrative people. Tatum points up to the night sky. "Okay, which one is that?"
Remy LeBeau "Ah told ya before, t'at's t'e north star, and it's the only one I know o' ot'er t'an t'e big dipper." Remy says with a chuckle as he lays down on his back and smiles at Tatum. "Y' okay? We ain' hung out like t'is too often."
Tatum O'Neal Tatum laughs softly. Every star, other then the Big Dipper, has been the North Star. She lies down next to Remy and looks up at the stars, snuggling in. "I know we haven't and the fact is we should hang out more often. Just I'm so busy with classes and you're so busy with Marie. we don't get to see much of each other."
Remy LeBeau Remy kindly puts his hand down on her face as though he were comforting her kindly but without being too serious about it. "T'en we should make an effort to hang out more, non?"
Tatum O'Neal Tatum nods her head. "We should. Which is why we are here." She sighs happily and looks up at the stars. "So, I have good news for you. I changed my mind about the cello. I mean, I want it, but I'd rather earn my Strad then have it stolen by someone else. That really makes me no better then that Sergei guy."
Remy LeBeau "Oh?" Remy says with a frown as he looks over to Tate and pulls his hand away, collecting hers on the way back and he examines her fingers closely. Seems he has news for Tate but doesn't want to tell her based on what she just said.
Tatum O'Neal Tate eyes Remy suspiciously. "What are you not telling me?" She bites at her bottom lip and shakes her head. "It's too late, isn't it. There was nothing about it in the news! Did it go okay? You didn't get hurt or in trouble