Owner Pose
Selina Kyle Evening in Gotham, another cold and windy night settling in around the South Hinkley/Sandy Hook area. There's a Gotham Knights game going on at Herod Arena so that area's a little more active, but the hustle and bustle of the fans coming and going doesn't extend far past the building and various food options nearby. Blocks away, toward the southern tip of the island, there is a shelter for the homeless. It's set up extra cots and blankets in expectation of being packed due to the weather, and they're always in need of whatever good samaritans are willing and able to offer.

There are good samaritans, and then there's Catwoman. Rather than her usual motorcycle, she's in a four-door luxury car and parked curbside, and it might be an unexpected site to see the woman in the catsuit, the Feline Fatale, stepping out of the vehicle to rummage around in the trunk after it's been popped, acting like it's normal to see her like this. Perhaps..it is.
Azrael Azrael is on the rooftops, watching. Here, there seems to be little. No muggings or kidnapping at the moment. Prostitution and drugs, but nothing violent. He moves quietly, and looking down, sees the catsuited woman. A familiar-enough type of look, sometimes just for fashion, sometimes more than that. But something seems familiar. A whip? Curioser and curiouser. He drops down the ladder, braking near the end and landing with a solid thump. Definitely not Batman, especially in the red and gold costume. "Who are you?" The voice is low, resonant.
Selina Kyle Catwoman is a rooftop kind of person. Seems there are a few like that in this city, but it's a good spot to see what's going on below. Few people look up, after all. Few have reason to think to, even when Batman is typically swooping in from above. In Catwoman's case, whether she even hears Azrael's landing or not - the streets aren't quiet and there are a few people huddled outside the shelter - she makes no quick movements when the question is asked of her. "Catwoman. Couldn't you tell?" she replies, turning around with...bags of food? "Now are you here to help me take this stuff inside, or are you here to annoy me?" Pause. "Whoever you are."
Azrael Azrael tilts his masked head. "Heard of you, yes..." He looks at the bags of food and supplies. "This is...not what I would expect. What are you doing with them?" No move to hinder, yet no mobe either to help. Yet.
Selina Kyle Inside the trunk, more blankets. Toiletries like soap, toothbrushes, dental floss. The bags of groceries hold canned soups and vegetables, crackers, other simple things for a meal, if not always the healthiest meal, but a meal nonetheless. "What does it look like?" Catwoman asks as she leaves the trunk up while stepping forward to set the bags down for now near the door. "You going to give me a hand, or just ask questions?"
Azrael It takes a moment for Azrael to make a decision, but he ends up picking up several of the bags, though his right hand is still mostly free. "You are here for the shelter nearby. Merciful." A shake of the head, and then he says, "I am Azrael." The killer. The burner.
Selina Kyle "Good. Your eyes work just fine behind that mask," Catwoman remarks, nodding back toward the car. "I've got a few pillows in the back seat as well." If he checks the plate later, he'll find the car is a rental. Further inspection would reveal a name on the paperwork that is probably fake, since it's just 'Kat Stephens.'

"Thought I heard your name before. As you can see, I'm here to make these people's time here a little more comfortable," she explains, glancing over a shoulder toward the man. "And no, I didn't steal any of this, in case you're about to ask."
Azrael "That would be...unproductive," Azrael says. "And so we just drop this off,or do you want them to know who their benefactor is?" He turns to wath around, just in case, the back to the dashing rogue. "And why steal in the first place?" Despite the mask, a genuine curiosity.
Selina Kyle Catwoman says, "Let's get everything out first, then we can take it in. They know me here." So it's probably not the first time Catwoman's brought something to the place before. Is that what she's getting at? She hoists up a couple bags after getting the door and keeping it open with a foot, setting them just inside next. "For starters, I enjoy it," she tells the costumed man. "And I'm good at it."
Azrael Azrael nods then and holds the door for her. "Good," he says. "More should give like this. Where it makes the most difference. Too many give just to benefit themselves," he says, voice getting darker.
Selina Kyle Catwoman casts a brief glance toward the man as he seems to accept what she has to say at face value. "Who knows, maybe this is also my way of making up a little for the other things I do." A conscience, perhaps? It's probably not guilt, if Azrael has any idea of the types of people she steals from.

A few more things are added to the group of bags and blankes and such inside, and a couple of the volunteers begin to approach, surprised at first before they realize who it is. "Catwoman! Thank you! Who's your friend?" She lifts a hand in a wave, offering them a cheerful enough smile. "It's not Christmas, but just your neighborhood Santa Kitty with a few gifts. And he's..giving me a hand," she answers, leaving it at that for now.
Azrael Azrael thinks about that and nods. "Atonement is commendable," he says, "but not always possible." A hint of sadness in the voice. When the others are curious, he gives a courteous nod, almost a half-bow. "This is Azrael," he says, unwilling to lie, even if it frightens others.
Selina Kyle A few apprehensive looks are exchanged between some people who have spotted the costumed pair, while it doesn't register for others and beyond that, there are even a couple expressions of gratitude. "Seems you've go a reputation of your own among these people," Catwoman says to Azrael before turning back to the volunteers. "It's going to be rougher than usual out there tonight. I even went with my extra-insulated suit. Hopefully this helps get a few more people through for a bit." Atonement, simply looking out for people worse off than she is, the reason may not matter so much as the act itself.
Azrael "Perhaps I do. I just do what God calls me to," he says. "And punishing the wicked and defending the widow, the orphan, those are all part of my calling." He looks over, "And I suppose it is cold. Is there anything else you will need here?" the last he asks to the workers.
Selina Kyle They assure Azrael there's always more they could use, but this should be enough to help for a few days at minimum. Catwoman nods, adding, "If you get low on toilet paper, I've got some extra I can bring by. You take good care of them tonight. I see you have more cots than usual." With that, she simply exits and takes a walk back toward the car. "Whatever you believe behind it, this is the right thing to do," she tells Azrael.
Azrael Azrael nods to the others then steps out as well, the thick lok swirling around him, helping to buffer against the cold. "Right actions will eventually lead to right minds," he says, scanning about openly. "And I give thanks to God that you are doing this."
Selina Kyle Catwoman sniffs. "You might not feel the same the next time you see me, depending on what I've been up to," she points out to him, making no effort to hide the fact she's just as liable to commit a crime as she is to help someone in need. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves, hmm?" she winks past tinted goggles, which mask the color of her eyes.
Azrael Azrael snorts, the mask expressionless. "I do not punish for what might happen. Only for what I know has happened." The gold gleams, and there's no fog of breath either. The red is dark enough to almost be black. "What do you wish?"
Selina Kyle Catwoman nods without a comment to the man's statement. It's difficult to read him without a face to look at, leaving her with just body language to go by, the tone of his words. "I wish the gangs would leave this neighborhood and take their guns somewhere else, but that's not likely any time soon, is it?" the woman in the catsuit replies, standing by the driver's side door and looking at Azrael from there.
Azrael Azrael ponders. "Perhaps. Sometimes gangs just move. But merely punishing the wicked without helping the desperate just leads more to become desperate." He looks at her and gives a nod, "And if I do it...do you wish their blackened corpses left on the ground for all to see as a warning? For if not..." Suggesting that more danger coils within.
Selina Kyle Catwoman's eyes sharpen, narrowing on the man. "They may be scum, but I'm not condoning killing them. Let them have their time in court. You aren't judge, jury, and executioner. That goes too far, especially if you're leaving /that/ behind as an example."
Azrael "Then be careful what you ask me. What you imply. For that is what I do. It is why I let the gangs alone and search for those who deserve death..." A slight snort, "'Will no one rid me of these troublesome gangs?'" He shakes his head, and then a smarl, and he rocks his hands up, tearing at the mask, pulling it off to reveal the face of a man in his twenties with deep blue eyes that glitter. "A-apologies, Catwoman. The angel of death knows no mercy save what I teach him."
Selina Kyle "I said I'd like them to leave, not end up slaughtered," Catwoman answers, an edge to the words now present, along with a guardedness that wasn't as clear before. "They kill each other already, but too often innocent people get caught up by it, whether they join gangs themselves because they think they have no other choice, or because they want a little power, or if they're just people in the wrong place at the wrong time. So if you're going around burning them to a crisp, we're going to..."

Going to what? What was she about to finish saying? It's interrupted by the removal of the mask, and that face with whatever its current expression is. "The only Angel of Death I know is from that Broadway musical." This man really /does/ seem to fancy himself the decider of fates.
Azrael Jean-Paul Valley shakes his head. "Angel of Music that is. This is Jekyll and Hyde..." He snarls then, a fist lenhed before relaxing, "I'm /trying/ to stop him. Ask...ask Isley....Please."
Selina Kyle Catwoman points out, "He also called himself the Angel of Death," showing she knows her shows. But, the apparent matter of a split personality causes the Feline Fatale to squint and consider her next words a little more carefully. Azrael would hardly be the first one in Gotham to suffer from that sort of psychological disorder. "So 'he' wants to kill, and you want to..what, exactly?" Maybe she will have to visit Poison Ivy.
Azrael "Chastise...no. Punish...no...make them /stop/. He...I...have spilled enough blood." A harshness to his voice, before he starts to relax. "Dr. Isley...I have asked her to help me."
Selina Kyle "How?" Catwoman asks the simple, direct question, focusing on that rather than spending more time on whatever the other half of this man appears to thirst for. "How do you think she can help you control that?" A hand remains gripping the top half of the door frame, open slightly.
Azrael "I do not know if it is possible," Jean-Paul admits. "But I want to try. And if there is a...biologial component that can assist..." His smile is gaunt, "She graciously has offered to try. And I appreciate it greatly."
Selina Kyle Catwoman comes off somewhat skeptical, or at least on the doubting side of it. "There are psychiatrists," she points out, as if the man might not have thought of that already. Perhaps yes, perhaps no. He would be able to say, if he wishes to. "Whatever the case, trying is better than not, especially if it can help." She begins to open the door wider so she may enter the car. "So I'll offer another wish: success for your sake."
Azrael Jean-Paul Valley nods, "Thank you. May God go with you," he says, before stepping bak, and putting the mask back up against the cold. And the darker voice says, "Go well. I will watch near my own home."
Selina Kyle Catwoman says nothing of God, but the man is given a short nod before she finishes getting in, wasting no time in starting up the car and moving off into the night. Only in Gotham.