Owner Pose
Kitty Pryde There are a few boxes sitting in Kitty's room. Her door is open as she puts a few things away to take down to the room in New York. Lockheed is settled over on the bed, watching. "Yes, there's plenty of popcorn down there. Anyway the room is magic and it can just... have popcorn if we need. You don't have to pop it for us anymore if you don't want to," Kitty says. Thankfully they never started a fire, Kitty and Lockheed popping popcorn in her room with his fire breath.

Kitty gets back to it, sorting through things, only grabbing those she thinks are most important to have on hand in the city.
Jean Grey A knock on the door signals someone on the other side, before Jean's voice gives away the person there, "Kitty? Are you in there? I heard the good news, wanted to offer my congratulations...got a moment?"
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde grins and drops what she was holding on the bed, hurrying over to the door to throw her arms about Jean, if allowed, to give her a big hug. "There you are!" Kitty says, beaming a smile to the redhead. "Was hoping I'd catch you before I drive back down to the city," she says. "Come on inside." Lockheed takes wing, flying over to Jean and landing on her shoulder if allowed, to rub his head against her cheek in a greeting. "Oh, I have even more to tell you. Unless someone else blabbed," Kitty says, but doesn't elaborate what yet.
Jean Grey The hug is returned, with a bit of a squeeze, Jean was genuinely happy to see Kitty. More so when there isn't someone trying to destroy the computer lab, taking away all chances to spend time together. "Congratulations on getting a job at Stark, that's very impressive, and lucrative."

But Jean is soon distracted by Lockheed landing on her shoulder, "oh there's my favorite dragon in the whole wide world!" Jean coos, reaching to pet Lockheed if he allows it, thrilled to finally have a moment with him since Kitty returned from England. Busy scritching and petting Lockheed as if he was a large cat, Jean turns to listen to Kitty, "oh do share, I'm hardly free enough to have people tell me stuff. I'd love to hear what else is going on in the world of sane people."
Kitty Pryde There are people Kitty is always overjoyed to see, and those she doesn't get to see as often, like Jean, are definitely on the receiving end of warm hugs when she does. "Oh boy, so much," Kitty says. "So, you know I've been seeing a guy named Jason, in Gotham, I think? The one who bought Piotr's painting of Illyana, to put in an orphanage? We've been getting kind of serious. And he... gave me a promise ring," she says, holding out her left hand to let Jean see the ring.


Kitty is rather excited about it, though trying to restrain herself. "Mom came into town for Purim week before last. I asked her as Lorna and I were taking Erik to temple, we're... kind of trying to help Erik regain his faith. And I thought it might help to have her there too. Which, I think it did, really. And so... she met Jason. And gave him her blessing, and that of my dad who's in Genosha. And... I guess his dad... oh, he's Bruce Wayne's son, I don't know if I mentioned that. So Mr. Wayne really liked me when we'd met, and he gave Jason the ring for when he thought it was right. It belonged to Mr. Wayne's mother," Kitty says.
Jean Grey "A promise ring...?" Jean says as she looks at the ring carefully, reaching for Kitty's hand to bring it closer, "it's beautiful, just what did he promise with it?" Jean asks teasingly, clearly wanting to know the good stuff, though she does tease Kitty as well, as she quips, "...but I don't know if you'd be a good couple, I mean, Jason...? It's not exactly Peter, you know," after all, to date it seemed to have been a requirement in order to date Kitty for a guy to have a 'Peter' or 'Peter' derivative first name.

"Oh my god, you had a Purim celebration with your parents? That's so lovely, wish I could be there with you, I'm always interested in how other cultures do their thing."

"Okay, you don't have to tell me what he promised, if it was Mr. Wayne's mom, I get the message...also, nice catch, Kitty," Jean winks, even though it's clear to either of them Kitty wasn't the kind of girl to chase money.

Jean does have a lingering look into the distance for a moment at the mention of attempt to help Erik regain his faith, something she may have some thoughts about, but neglects to share in this moment in time. Not wishing to marr good news.
Kitty Pryde Kitty laughs at the question of what the promise was. "It's still -really- early. We're really not rushing it, despite that. Just he wanted to make sure I knew how serious he was about me," Kitty says, smiling. "And he knows I'm a mutant. And that I put myself in harm's way for people. And he's ok with it," Kitty says. "Of course I'm not telling him about anyone else or anything about the team. But it's nice knowing he supports me and all," she says, smiling.

The mention of him being a nice catch causes Kitty to laugh and she shakes her head. "You know, I really was going out of my way to make sure it never has seemed to be about that. Mr. Wayne bought me a car because I didn't have one, which I'd told him I would take care of myself. And we were literally going shopping for a used car the day it was delivered. But, you know he's got a reputation and all? Big playboy? But I think he does it to draw attention away from his kids. He's really a good man, I'm finding out," Kitty says, eyes drifting off to the side.

Kitty looks back to Jean and says, "Oh, and... so, the job? Started at Stark. Going well. I was looking for a room in New York. And, Rogue and I went to see Doctor Strange, I have to go... ah... to Asia to stop some magic beings from taking over a place of power. That's... a whole other story. Anyway, Rogue took me to see if he had anything I could use that would help. And while I was there, she suggested I stay in her room that he's kept empty in his Sanctum. And Doctor Strange agreed. He only asked that I help him organize a bunch of his tomes, and digitize some of the ones in poor condition," Kitty says.

Which makes her remember. "So speaking of that? Rogue said there's a magic mirror. When she lived there, she used it to be able to step back and forth between the school and her room. Not have to make the long drive. Professor Xavier asked her to stop using it. I was wondering if there was any way I could get it ok to use again? If it's a question of protective measures I could talk to Dr. Strange. Or even just put it somewhere only a person capable of phasing can even get to it?"
Jean Grey "Well, he better be serious about you, Kitty, I don't know about your parents. But he'll definitely not want to get on my bad side, let alone Logan's," Jean grins and reaches to embrace Kitty again, taking care not to shift Lockheed off his perch as she does so.

"I heard about Mr. Wayne's reputation as a womanizer, playboy is how the old boy's club refers to it. I think womanizer is more apt, until I'm shown otherwise." Jean seems to have some kind of formed opinion, and it's no surprise, media and tabloids are very eagerly reporting what hot supermodel Bruce Wayne was seen with on any given night.

"That's wonderful, I bet you find working for Stark more challenging than looking after the intranet at the Mansion," Jean teases, having heard Kitty curse that wiring system on more than one occasion. By now it's probably mostly wireless, but Jean really wouldn't be the person to know much about it.

"Well lucky you, Kitty, I've been on working terms with Dr. Strange, so you definitely have my okay to use that mirror, in fact, I want to see it for myself sometime," Jean says before reaching to caress Lockheed some more, "by the way, next time you see the good Doctor, tell him Jean needs to tell him something about a Jeremy Larkin."
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde gives a nod of her head, eyes kind of off to the side like she's trying to commit that to memory. "Jeremy Larkin," Kitty says, "Got it, I'll be sure to mention it to him," she says. Kitty moves over to sit on the corner of the bed as she gives a soft chuckle. "Yes, there's a small line of people waiting to threaten Jason like that," she says, shaking her head but smiling. "He met Ellie when I showed them both the room at Doctor Strange's place. She told him she's a mutant, and that she'd blow him up if he hurt me. And his own family have pretty much told him the same. They are a really amazing bunch," Kitty says.

"So, enough about me. How are -you- doing?" Kitty asks. "Is there anything exciting happening with you? Any dates lined up perhaps?" Kitty asks, tilting her head as if she suspects maybe there is a story to be had.
Jean Grey "As if you didn't know we had your back, but then, being reminded of it never hurts, does it? We're a big happy family, or at least we try to be," Jean says with a warm smile, "I'm glad you have the means to visit often, which is why you're getting that permission," she winks and grows a bit quiet as a question of how she's doing is aimed at her for once. "Well, to be fair, I haven't really had much time for any of that...but," she notes hesitantly, "there might be something building up with Scott."
Kitty Pryde Kitty Pryde's face breaks out in a huge grin. "It's about time. The number of times I've seen one or the other of you look at the other when you thought you were unobserved," Kitty tsks as she grins to Jean. "I hope it works out for you," she says more softly. "Rogue and I went on a scouting mission with him recently. He ended up improvising and we stole a truckload of Sentinel parts and destroyed it. It was awesome. He was running it off the seat of his pants. I think he's loosening up," Kitty says with a grin.

"Oh, and we found a kitten in the truck, which he's taking care of, and named Scribbles," Kitty says, smiling at that. "You really deserve the best. I'll give him a couple of dates before I start threatening him though, ok?" Kitty teases.
Jean Grey Jean leans back and shakes her head defensively, "we weren't doing that..." though the way Kitty looks at her, Jean eventually relents, "much." Jean looks thoughtful at that mention of that mission, "well, he's going through a lot lately. Both of us, that whole ordeal of a daughter from the future was weird, and led to the most awkward conversation of my life..."

Jean laughs as she taps at her temple, "I'd imagine he freaks out a fair bit just by what I might overhear in his mind, can't be easy to date a telepath," Jean muses, before her green eyes brighten, "I heard that report, I need to meet Scribbles for sure!"
Kitty Pryde Kitty's reaction to Jean's statement about what it's like to live with a telepath is a somewhat skeptical look and a shake of her head. "You know, I think if anyone can handle it, someone who has been around it as long as Scott could. And I'd tend to think the two of you would probably have some beautiful chemistry in being able to share your thoughts on levels that most couples cannot. I have faith the two of you will work it out if you're meant for each other," Kitty says. Her fingers stray to her necklace and the Star of David pendant that hangs from it as she speaks. "Oh, shoot, the time. I need to finish packing and... well, if I can find Anna-Marie and get the mirror working, that'll sure help moving things," Kitty says.

She pops up to move over to Jean to give her another big hug. "Best of luck with Scott," she tells Jean.
Jean Grey "That's the bright side of it, if we get comfortable enough," Jean agrees in musing, clearly having devoted some thought to it. She smiles as Kitty reaches for her necklace, and then reaches to gather Lockheed from her shoulder, cradling him in her arms, before cooing at him, "I think Kitty needs to finish up here, so I'll leave the two of you alone, but you know, Lockheed, you're always welcome to visit me in my room, even if Kitty isn't around..." she reaches to hand the loveable dragon to Kitty, before offering one last embrace. "Was good talking, Kitty, let me know when you've spoken to Strange."