Owner Pose
Thor     The sun hangs high over Kvalvika, casting deep shadows and with its relentless brightness. Spring has struck and the hillsides are rich with the brilliance of jade, grass reaching upwards to life and lending an element of vibrance to the world that has so embraced the people of New Asgard.
    It is warm, but the breeze off of the bay lends itself to keeping the people cool even now as they labor upon the tall fortress of New Asgard, its spires reaching high and its beauty striking against the pristeen untouched countryside. Only the settlement stands out, beauteous and magical almost like a fairy tale brought to life.
    But it did not reach such a state purely through magic. It took hard labor and great effort. Effort that continued even now as the workers of the settlement prepared to place the foundation for the second series of battlements to the fortress, making it all the more secure. Yet to build such requires stone, stone deep from the quarry. And it is there that one would find Thor Odinson today.
    "Watch your fingers." He says as he grunts, one shoulder holding up a large block of granite that had been sliced clean from the quarry's depths. He grimaced as he pressed up sharply and then pulled away from the greater stonework, yanking the six foot by six foot block away from where it had rested for many many years. There's a faint crack as it breaks partially loose and then he starts to carry it up the long ramp, bringing it back up towards the fortress proper.
Hela Ever since her return from banishment, or as it would appear to most Asgardian, her appearance out of thin air, Hela has become a gradually more likely sight in New Asgard. Still not frequent, she still has other matters she attends to, but when she is seen about, at least now nobody does the mistake of asking who in Odin's name she might be. That's a vast improvement.

But Hela finds that New Asgard is tremendously wanting compared to Asgard of old glory, the one she helped elevate into an empire of might. This one has gadgets and devices of Midgard make that frankly puzzle her. One moment she is working on weaving a protective spell for the castle, and the next she's distracted by infernal beeping and vibrations that seem to have no rhyme nor reason. There's no spell activating these bothersome effects, so there's nothing to dispell. Furthermore, seeing how the source of the racket is coming out of a room belonging to Thor, she's not going to obliterate it, if only to keep face and maintain the rather successful peace that the royal siblings have created.

Unhappily, she takes the device and teleports in a swirl of mists to walk out from the room into the quarry, looking at Thor with an annoyed visage, as she holds the Midgardian Device of Noise And Bothering, "brother dear...what is the purpose of this infernal noise making gadget? I can't get it to shut up...I'm very close to obliterating it, but I figured since you own it, there must be something worthwhile to it beyond racket making..."

Just to render a quicker verdict onto the bothersome gadget, she tosses it at Thor almost as soon as she asks the question, maybe if he fails to catch it then it can die all on its own.
Ellisandra     There is no sound to herald the arrival. There is nothing then a moment later, there is a sleek black spacecraft flying overhead at some speed. It passes over New Asgard then slows and turns, holding position in a hover as it does so. A moment later, the dagger-like ship moves more slowly over the settlement.
    There are no signs of weaponry. There is nothing happening that seems to be an attack. It moves to a spot near the main settlement and begins a vertical landing.
    New Asgard seems to have visitors!
Thor     "Hela," Thor greets her even as he's toting that hefty bit of stone upon his shoulder, scowling at the effort though he does set it down upon the plateau with a heavy /whompf!/ He turns to her as she approaches, just in time to catch the flipped phone in one hand. For an instant his brow furrows as if he didn't recognize the thing, but then it knits together as he scowls.
    "Ah, cursed thing." He shakes it a little, since it now is blissfully silent, though the little Kordtech insignia on the screen seems to be pulsing with a slowness, as if it were laboured and on its last legs. It's only when Thor tries to swipe a finger across its screen that it makes a faint 'chur-chirp!' sound and then states simply, 'Low Battery' before the screen image fades entirely.
    "These mortal inventions are supposed to make things more convenient. I find that to not be the case..."
    That last word trails off as Thor looks up, catching sight of the sleek black ship as it knifes its way across the sky, then seems to stop just above the settlement before it sets down. A quick look is shot towards Hela as the Thunderer quirks an eyebrow, silently asking her if she knows anything about it. But then he shakes his head as if to tell her he didn't know a thing about it himself. That established he starts off down the steps towards the township proper, taking up a rag as he passes by a pile of crates and using it to wipe his hands.
Hela "Naturally," Hela agrees with Thor's assessment of the Midgardians' inventions, "that little thing can only make noise and shake and be annoying. Useless all around." But that line of conversation is entirely cut when the ship arrives above New Asgard.

Hela looks at Thor the very moment he looks to her, which makes her believe he knows nothing of it, and therefore the only thing she can think of is the stupid Nova Corps might have sent someone to die. "Shall I destroy it?" Hela offers ever so casually, clearly, it's a good thing Thor is the King and in charge of diplomacy with visitors. No wonder the denezins of Niflheim are so wary of Hela.
Ellisandra     At the location where the ship landed, it has settled in and there is no movement for a few moments. Then a ramp lowers and extends from the craft, thumping onto the ground and sending up a puff of dirt and dust.
    A few of the Asgardians are starting to wander closer, some armed, to get a better look at the craft and goings-on.
    Long moments pass then there is a single figure that appears. A man with a strange triangular hair wearing a jumpsuit appears. He rushes down the ramp toward the closest person he can find, a young woman who stares at him curiously. As he gets closer, she can see that his hair is actually a crest of feathers.
    "Is this New Asgard?" the alien asks.
    The girl looks to her companion then gives a nod. "It is."
    "Oh thank the Maker," the man murmurs and he turns and runs back up the ramp as rapidly as possible, disappearing from view.
    A moment later, the exterior comms on the craft blare flare to live with a triumphant orchestral trill of harmonic music as twelve Shi'Ar choral members begin a song of such alien beauty. Thanks to the Asgardians allspeak ability, they will be able to understand the alien words.

    // Be Blessed of Life and Bright of Cheer //
    // The Scion of the Empire, Ellisandra is Here! //
    // Such beauty, such charm. A <untranslated> beyond price. //
    // Feel the warmth of the creche, this gift to your life! //
    // For now she is among you. Ellisandra. Ellisandra. //
Thor     The ship's ramp opens and Thor is just then reaching the final turn in the stairway. He holds up a hand towards Hela as he says, "Bide for now. But if they prove hostile..."
    And then the music starts up just as the Asgardian monarch reaches the edge of the crowd. All attention is forward from the people. The song captures them and they are surprised, rapt and enthralled by this... curious spectacle. So much so that when Thor is amongst them they don't even notice. It takes a few smiles and hands upon shoulders to get them to clear the way, but once Thor starts moving with Hela further forward, the crowd ripples to open up and allow them a clear view. For his part Thor blends in with the people entirely. His garb being that of a laborer today, what with the work boots, the blue breeks, and the sweat-stained white tunic.
    Until the pair of them are standing there at the base of the ramp, even while some of the other Asgardians are standing at the ready, not sure if this song could be considered... hostile or not.
    A glance is shot towards Hela and Thor flares his hands helplessly as if to say that he had no idea what was going on, but then he folds his arms over his chest and looks upon the ramp.
Hela "Oh...you're forgiving of tresspassing," Hela muses, though she makes no other judgement of Thor, at this point merely stating a point, meaning her decision might not have been so cordial. "Shall we go have a closer look?" She asks, turning to look at the ship as it lowers its ramp and the hapless guys make a quick run to verify their location.

Hela moves at her brothers' side as they approach the ship, and it's a good thing his eyes are set forward, because her visage twists in a rather unpleasant response of repulsion at the sounds of the heavenly music that blasts from the vessel. The added song is just enough to classify the musical treat as a first strike on her people and a declaration of war. Good thing that for now, she's not the one who makes the call on how New Asgard responds to visitors.

By the time the crowds disperse enough to allow Thor and Hela through, she had managed to regain a rather neutral expression across her visage. Unlike Thor, her manner of dress is very much regal and warlike, predominantly black with green highlights, and of course the dark green of her royal cape.

As Thor doesn't seem like he will address the visitors first, it is Hela who takes it upon herself, as she calls out over the music, "excuse me...but is this sickly saccharine music truly necessary?" It's her polite way of asking them to STFU.
Ellisandra     Perhaps they heard Hela as the music stops after two rounds of joyous celebration. Or perhaps it is because it is time for the festivities to truly begin!
    First come the ladies down the ramp, tossing alien flower petals into the air to fall around like a celebration of color, all the rainbow represented. Unfortunately, this is their second attempt, thus they are tossing out rather scant handfuls instead of the wide sweeping armloads that were shared with Captain Marvel (and only Captain Marvel) back in Canada. Still, it is an attempt.
    Behind them are musicians, in crisp uniforms, remiscent of a marching band here on Midgard. They move in formation, steps synchronized perfectly, down the ramp them moving to the side as they continue to play their music. It seems to be the same tune as the song that had been sung, but the chorus is absent so it isn't quite as horrifically perfect.
    Next, acrobats! Dozens of them, tumbling and leaping, pulling out flowers to offer the ladies along the line in the crowd before moving to the far end of the 'walkway' and creating a semi circle facing toward the ramp. One of them even dares offer a flower to Hela herself, with a bold wink, before bounding off to his place in the arc.
    Now are the soldiers. Their dark blue uniforms are perfect, boots gleaming. Swords hang at their sides. They march forth then take up spots on either side of the ramp, drawing their swords then to hold in an honor display.
    Then the singing starts again. The Chorus of twelve walk down the ramp, their voices rising to the heavens, as though the angels themselves had taken mortal forms. They fan out behind the guards then kneel, so they won't draw the eye from what is to come.
    It is that moment that Ellisandra appears, holding her spot at the top of the ramp to take a moment and eye the crowed. In Shi'ar's finest fashion, which is a bit militaristic and still oddly alien, with her large headdress framing her face, she is a sight to behold. Truly, she is beautiful, despite the fact the pomp and circumstance might make one thing she is overcompensating for a lack of looks in the hopes of telling others she is.
    She slowly moves down the ramp, looking to the crowd and giving a smile here, a nod there. She raises a hand and even gives a royal wave once or twice. By the time she reaches the end of the ramp, she is pleased to have the level of attention she deserves--er, had expected on her first landing.
Thor     The cavalcade is bright, it brings a life all its own to the people of New Asgard. At first it was sombre, the citizens looked on with trepidation, wariness. But then the parade began and there was a shuffling and jostling as other warriors and citizens shifted to try and get a better look. Up on some of the nearby rooftops some of the children climbed up to get a better angle on what is happening.
    But it was when the acrobats leapt forth and started circulating amongst the crowd while the music piped happily that the first laugh began. The mood started to turn, and at each presentation of beauty and precision people began to applaud and some even cheer.
    "An actor's troupe?"
    "Perhaps there is to be a festival!"
    All such positive sentiment, and to be fair Thor is not immune. His lip curls wryly as he looks at the beings so presenting themselves and looks sidelong to gauge Hela's features. He shakes his head with a half-smirk and then dusts his hands off. He steps forwards, out of the crowd taking point. People around him step back out of deference. "Lady Ellisandra, I presume?"
    His voice is strong and it carries even as some of the civilians continue to cheer and wave back at her. "I am Thor Odinson." He touches a hand to the center of his chest. And there he stands, the first sight she has of her husband to be. Short haired, eye patched, and in such a state of dress that he would not be considered presentable even to the worst places on the Shi'Ar capital world.
Hela Hela looks incredulous as she stares at the ladies scattering the flower petals in their wake, something entirely foreign to how she experienced a royal procession. In the Asgard she knew, with the Odin she was proud to call her father, it was all about might and power. Flowers had little use, aside perhaps for certain recepies of mead and ale. This entire extravagant display was jarring to watch. She peers aside at Thor, wondering how her brother is taking this entire affair, before leveling her gaze with the oncoming march of flower petal throwing ladies and musicians that follow in their wake. "This has the looks of someone making an appeal, by the effort put in, I'd imagine it's an appeal verging on outright insolence..." she shares of her experience with Thor, though she's never quite experienced something like this, she had held audience with defeated foes petitioning for their lives or freedoms. "Is there anyone who wishes to clear a blood debt with you, brother?" Hela asks in fascination, since she didn't take him for someone to readily threaten others with terrible deeds of utmost violence.

Of course Hela grows silent when one of those fools approaches her of all people, gaining a rather untrusting glare for his troubles. For a moment she entertains the thought of impaling him for his audacity, but then it might put a serious damper on the diplomatic meeting that's bound to happen at some point in this century, so she begrudgingly takes the flower offered instead. Still, she does not look happy. Her hand extends to the nearest Asgardian to her that is not Thor, and she snaps, "take this token of the visitors, do with it as you please."

She smirks when soldiers finally walk down the ramp next, at least their presence she can understand, even if her initial impression of them isn't all that high. The militaristic inclination of the Shi'ar fashion is something that at least Hela does approve of, even if the lady in question might be responsible for the whole affair, which automatically renders her a nuisance.

"I imagine these are not the Nova Corps come to fight," Hela mutters dryly to her brother as she keeps her eyes levelled on Ellisandra, clearly the lady in charge of this entire affair. But Thor's words clearly are leaning to formality, assuring this exchange is about to be a whole lot longer than it needs to be, so Hela, who takes a few steps closer to the ramp, despite staying just a bit behind Thor, snaps, "we are all -amazed- by your penchant to fanfare and silliness, but please, do get to the point..."
Ellisandra     The music fades, allowing for their Lady to speak. She has a speech prepared, of course. This is an epic moment. These will be her people and she wishes to make a good impression upon them.
    Which is when the man moves to the front of the crowd, announcing himself to be Thor Odinson. She takes in his appearance, from the sweaty and dirty clothes to the rather unkempt hair.
    Ellisandra is not without a sense of humor. She knows a joke when she is presented on and this is obviously one of the people who has heard why she is here, jesting. "A valiant try but I know the visage of Thor Odinson and you are not he. Be a good man and go find your king. I would see him forthwith." And with that, she waves a dismissive hand his direction as she turns to the crowd, preparing to go with her speech.
    "Good people of Asgard! Today is a day of celebration! I am Princess Ellisandra of the Shi'ar, sent to help bring our two empires together! We heard of the plight of King Thor, unable to find a worthy mate on this planet! No longer will he be subjected the substandard options of this world. Asgard and Shi'ar will join and share technology, resources and our people. The might of the Shi'ar Empire will be there for Asgard to call upon. Shi'ar is blessed to have the people of Asgard to call upon as well, the people of this place well known throughout the galaxy!."
    She pauses to look upon the entire assemblage before making her final announcement. "Once the marriage is completed, as your Queen, I will do my best to be worthy of my place! I am honored to be among you and chosen for this role!"

She holds out her right hand. Nothing happens. Then she clears her throat.
    One of the soldiers leaps forward, drawing a large scroll out of his jacket and placing it in her hand. She takes it and gives him a narrowed look then holds it aloft. "I have the marriage contract for King Thor when he arrives!"
Thor     At first the crowd seems to settle down at her words to Thor, there's still some tittering, a few laughs flicker through the crowd but quickly fade. Then they realize that it's perhaps not truly an actor's troupe nor entertainment that is to be offered.
    Then she launches into her speech and if there is one emotion she can read from the people it is confusion. Confusion in not just the way they look at her, but as they look at Thor as well, seeking to draw what lead they can from him how they should receive this information. And this person.
    In the silence that follows her last words, there's no longer laughter. There are just that mass of brown and blue and grey eyes as the survivors of Asgard look on, then they turn to look at Thor. It's in that pregnant pause that the sound of the tall man clearing his throat is heard.
    "Yes, well." He buys some time with that as he steps forwards and he extends a hand towards the new arrivals, but then looks back towards the people nearby. Searching for familiar faces, he knows Hela is there... and there's Harald. But Bjarke is nowhere to be seen nor his brother. He turns back.
    "I assure you, Lady Ellisandra, that I am Thor Odinson." He speaks slowly, steadily, words chosen precisly as he perhaps tries to mentally catch up with all the information imparted.
    "It seems you come upon us unawares and much like myself we are not in a proper state to receive you." At that he takes the scroll from the man proffering it. He smiles to the man, a little thinly for those that know Thor, then looks back towards Ellisandra and says, "If you'll be so kind, we shall arrange quarters for you and yours in the castleworks. The construction is mostly complete, but the guest quarters are sound."
    A quick look to the side, "Harald!" He barks.
    "My liege?" Harald rushes forwards in his full armor, kneeling with spear in hand.
    "Do be so kind as to lead the Lady Ellisandra..." He looks over at the entourage, then back to the youthful Asgardian. "And as many of her people as she feels she requires to meet her needs, and see them appropriately quartered for the time being."
    That said he turns back to Ellisandra and says with a smile, "If you shall forgive me, good Lady, I shall set matters aright and this evening during the dining hour we shall properly celebrate your... arrival."
    All such calm and precise words, delivered with a practiced ease that some might find surprising to come from Thor. And in truth it seems like he might not be displeased. Not at all.
    That is until there's that distant crackle and rumble of thunder from a faintly darkening sky.
Hela If the procession was irksome and annoying to Hela to this point, and it took massive display of good faith on her part to not impale the audacious fool who handed her a flower, now comes the speech. Hela is just about at her limit for good behaviour. At least Ellisandra manages to draw actual laughter out of her as she dismisses the very King whose hand she seeks. Hela actually applauds at that point, albeit a mocking kind of applause, hopefully Elissandra would be just as dull to catch on as she is at spotting the 'real' Thor.

"I am Hela Odinsdottir, Queen of Niflheim and Princess of Asgard, I will vouch for my brother's identity," Hela speaks loudly with a booming voice as she steps further towards the ramp, moving now to stand by her brother's side, apparently her amusement died down and she will not tolerate further disrespect towards the King of Asgard.

As she stands there at Thor's side, Hela casts a glance at him, one suggestion incredulity that he would even entertain that obviously crazy alien lady, but nevertheless, she lets him have his decision to entertain the guests. Going so far as to move further to Thor's side to clear the ramp for the lady and her MASSIVE retinue.
Ellisandra     As Thor explains, Ellisandra stares at him in shock. She flicks her gaze over him, taking in his appearance and trying to remember the images she had. Youthful, long blond hair, blue eyes. This man is not at all like the image though the color of his eye does match.
    "You are Thor?" Her voice is more subdued, confusion there in her tone.
    When Hela introduces herself, the fact she names herself Queen has the storm clouds gathering in Ellisandra's eyes for just a moment. They had her come all this way and he is already married?! The next sentence clears that up when she announces herself as sister.
    "I don't understand. I was certain you were aware of my pending arrival. I thought..." She bites her bottom lip and, for a moment, the regal woman is gone and there is just a vulnerable young woman who is quite lost now.
    It is only for that moment. She remembers there are eyes upon them and she forces her shoulders back, drawing herself back to her full height and giving a nod. "Thank you, King Thor. I apologize for not recognizing you. You are much changed from the images that were shared with us on Shi'ar." She glances to the captain of her personal guard and gives a nod. He motions to the ship and the larger ramp at the back opens. It allows them to bring a huge floating box down out of the craft and draw it over near the gathering.
    Ellisandra waves and her people shift out of the way, moving back into the craft as things have gone sideways rather quickly here. She gives a bow in the direction of the two royals she is facing. "I would like to present you with the first portion of my dowry. The rest would not fit on this ship so another will arrive later today." She motions and the box is opened.
    Within is a crystalline chandelier, delicate and beautiful. The thousands of tiny pieces catch the light and seem to cast rainbows in all directions. "A small token from my father. It has been in our family for six generations."
    She glances to Thor and Hela, then gives a soft sigh. "Perhaps those quarters would be best at this point. I find myself suddenly feeling I need to rest and think."
Thor     "Indeed, I am." Thor answers, for he is changed. He steps back and to the side, "And do forgive me, sister, where are my manners?" He uncurls a hand in the direction of the Queen of Niflheim and he says, "Princess Hela of Asgard. My sister." A cursory form of introduction, but it allows him to focus once again on Ellisandra.
    But then he is taken back by the immensity of that gigantic box and he steps out of the way as the servants roll it down the ramp. He gives it a once over, but tries to stave off the explanation. "Let us not get ahead of ourselves, Lady Ellis..."
    But then she replies she needs to rest and think and he finds himself nodding in agreement, perhaps with a touch more enthusiasm than one might expect. "Aye, indeed. Harald?" He gives a nod to the young guardsman who snaps into action.
    "If you will follow me, My Lady." And the youth in heavy armor turns and begins to move, holding long enough to make sure she joins him. And once she's moving then a good portion of the entourage falls into step as well. The guards assuredly, the hand maidens, some of the performers who had been blessed by her favor. They all peel off to move after her.
    It all goes as if by rote, so precise are their movements. Thor just stands there and occasionally gives a smile or nod to those that might meet his eye. But once they are on the road up to the Castleworks, Thor folds his arms over his chest and watches after them.
    Sidelong to Hela he says simply, "This is an unforeseen turn." He unfurls the scroll and gives it a look over, then gives a nod to one of the other guardsmen nearby. Sharp in order, he nearly growls, "Find Bjarke. Send him to me." To Hela, "There is much to do."
Hela Hela shifts her stance ever so slightly at the storm clouds one could sense in Ellisandra's eyes, intent is keenly felt by truly experienced wariror, and if Ellisandra was about to start something, she had another thing coming. Luckily, those storm clouds were likely reserved for her own men, as when no aggressive action follows, Hela eases her stance once more. Though truth be told, she was rather disappointed, it's been a while since she got to truly use her skills. "Perhaps your raven didn't make it...?" Hela suggests when Ellisandra shows confusion at the Asgardians obliviousness of her arrival. She inclines her head ever so slightly as Thor goes back to introduce herself for formality's sake, even though she had just introduced herself. She was not so petty as to be offended over such a minor slight.

But when discussion shifts to dowry and marriage and such, she just smirks, at least she has the diplomatic wherewithall to not further discuss this issue with Thor in Ellisandra's presence, or her men. "This is a very curious development," Hela muses, as she gestures for Harald to be at ease and ignore any ceremonial bows and such, and simply get to lead Ellisandra and her retinue to their quarters.

"I was unaware you were openly seeking a wife," Hela quips at her brother, before turning to walk down the ramp herself.