Owner Pose
Thor     Inside the confines of the castle, everything is aflutter with activity. Visitors, new arrivals, new quarters to be made. It all is in a state of flux and the court is rampant with action. Servants rush hither and yon quickly to procure enough linens and supplies to prepare the needed rooms for the Princess Ellisandra and her entourage of courtiers and guards and acrobats and singers and musicians. The leadership of the guardsmen are already meeting and creating a proper duty schedule to handle the suddenly active castle.
    But once the Lady Ellisandra is sent on her way with her people it leaves Thor there with some of the court as he strides down the hall quickly, boots clicking on the stone floor as he moves with such intent. Over his shoulder he is expressing his anger with a rapid-fire series of questions that poor Bjarke tries his best to answer.
    "Have we received no word at all of this?"
    "No, my lord."
    "And the contract, have you looked upon it?"
    "Aye, my lord."
    "Your thoughts?"
    "It is a significant document, my lord. It will take some time to consider and comprehend the full extent of it," Bjarke says slowly, his voice having a hint of wariness to it that is rarely there in the old Asgardian's words. "But it seems both legitimate and valid."
Loki     "Where is the contract now?" wonders one of the advisors to Bjarke, in a gentle manner often known to the elder Asgardian. "If I can offer assistance, my time is yours," continues the man, with humility, and an incline of his grayed head, and thoughtful brush of fingers across his beard.

    "Surely there is a way to void the contract; no one can demand anything of a true king without his agreement," continues the advisor, loyally.
Thor     At the words from the advisor, Thor gestures sharply to the side towards Bjarke who promptly produces it in accordance with Thor's wishes. The old ship's captain and now guard captain steps forwards and unfurls it to present it to the bearded elder for his perusal.
    But that doesn't stop Thor from continuing his train of thought. "Just what is Loki getting at with this?" He turns and looks at some of the others, "Is this some gambit to gain favor with the Shi'Ar?" Thor pushes open the door to the study, moving within its confines and then turning just a few paces beyond the doorway. "What game is he playing?"
    To which Bjarke can only look at his liege lord with a troubled if somewhat blank stare, his hands lifting slightly. "The terms are... generous. Milord." He licks his lips and looks back at the cadre of people, then back towards Thor. "It is a strong contract with a very fitting bride price. But beyond that I am afraid I am out of my depth."
    A grunt come from the Thunderer and he scowls, looking sidelog. "Very well then, see to matters at hand. Now leave me."
    "Yes, milord." And the court leaves the King to his thoughts in the study there.
Loki     The elder accepts the document. "I will read it and study it; should I be needed, I will be in my chambers," says the advisor, furling the document closed, as it was quite clear Thor wished him to offer his advise. He disappears down the hallway, clearly going to assist as soon as possible, and taking the seriousness very ... well, seriously.

    Is the study empty?

    Appearances at first suggest it is so. Not that it is.

"What, don't you like her?" Loki's voice asks, tone surprised, from the vicinity of one of the study's chairs, although there's no visual sign of the trickster. He doesn't need something thrown at him /immediately/.
Thor     "Lokiii." Thor's response is almost instinctive and given just upon hearing those surprised words from that particular voice. With the door to the library shut, Thor folds his arms over his chest and stands there with a glower that assuredly promises that above them thunderclouds are gathering, despite his efforts to maintain his cool.
    "When did we speak on nuptial matters that you thought it best to pursue something such as this on your own?" There's a sternness to his tone, steely but not angry. "Did I ask this of you?" He gestures to the side as if about to pull the existence of such an occasion out of the air.
    "Did I say that I was looking for a wife?" Though he was, to be fair.
    "Did I tell you to contact the Shi'Ar for..." He stops and shakes his head, then /finally/ answers the question
    "I don't _dislike_ her, but I do not know her. At all. She seems..." The tall man looks away, brow furrowing and his one good eye looking down, then up, then he shakes his head and looks back towards Loki. "She seems like one of those creatures from Vanaheim infested father's court when we were young. One of those... just so delicate people."
Loki     Loki finally graces the room with his presence. Or an illusion. Sometimes it's just not worth guessing which it is. Either way, there's something now for Thor to stare at, since Loki appears: not near the chairs, but near a window, hands folded together neatly at the small of his back, hair and dress immaculate black leather and stiff green collared royalty.

    "I see opportunity to bolster the glory and might of Asgard, and I make good things happen out of nothing," Loki says, smoothly. He glances over his shoulder. "I should think you'd be pleased, for more than one reason. Delicate? Most all women are delicate for YOUR taste; perhaps don't throw her around?" Loki suggests mildly.
Thor     "You know what I mean." Thor's tone is admonishing, but he does nod as he says it, granting Loki points for his point of view. He takes a deep breath and steps to the side, boots clicking upon the floor as he paces, but not an orderly back and forth pacing. This path wanders around the library, under the pretense at considering books. The nearby desk. The conversation nook. He pokes and pulls at various tomes, looking over the titles but not seeing them.
    But then it is back towards Loki as he says, "It just seems so... so rushed. Does it not?"
    His hands come down to rest on his hips as he seems to force himself to focus on the matters at hand. "And, in truth, an alliance such as this is more than we could hope for." His brow knits as he looks down and to the side partially, then back up as he asks of Loki, "But will she be happy?" He asks curiously. "Will this..." He gestures to the side, "Be enough for her?"
Loki Loki has reclined, leaning one elbow on the chair's armrest, two fingers artfully placed against his cheekbone near his eye. His smile is sleek, the type he wears when he has to sell a bridge he doesn't own, but will enjoy the process of it. The look passes some, though Thor may certainly have caught it. Loki's slippery, and only shows his amusement when it benefits him to slightly dig the knife in: so he is, no doubt, aware, and showing it on purpose. That the struggle for Thor amuses him. Not that that makes it a bad plan. Just a funny one that has mischief in it.

"Shouldn't that be up to her?" Loki suggests. "Besides. She gets you with it. That is part of the package," Loki compliments.
Thor     His good eye widens a touch as Thor's eyebrows climb with a hint of something akin to exasperation and incredulity. He lifts a hand to rub at the back of his neck, shaking his head as he gives thought to the situation, then makes a small grunt of a sound.
    "I just had always imagined that when I did find someone, aye, there would be elements of state to it. But that I would also perhaps find someone whom..." He waves a hand to the side, "Whom I could love. But then again..." He shifts and argues Loki's own case for him, since these are ever the best tricks aren't they? The ones plausible enough to make the mark leap through the hoops at their own biddding.
    "Then again, perhaps we would grow to love each other." He then stops and faces Loki directly, leaning now against the writing desk that's there in their newly built library. "Did you ever ask mother how things were with her and father back when they were first married?"
Loki "Because I'm such a bleeding heart and would inquire about how they met, courted, and fell in love?" Loki asks, slim dark brows raising, as if Thor were asking him some sort of insane information. Loki amends, "I do know, though, yes. What is it you wanted to know?" Loki inspects his fingernails, in his often insufferable manner when he knows something but is enjoying the game of prying the information out of him.

Loki then waves the hand away just a little, as if dismissing the game. Perhaps he'll be serious for a minute? Hard to know. "Royalty is another matter. There's the responsibility of leading our people to consider, and your queen must be appropriate for that. And give strategic advantage. Were I in your place I would marry for strategy." There's no lie in it, Loki absolutely would do that.

"I wouldn't tell you to do something I wouldn't, brother."
Thor     "Just when I asked her, she always deflected," Thor slips his hands into the pockets of his breeches. His good eye distances for a moment, then he looks back towards Loki. "Not that I asked her over and over, barely... I think three times. But each time she laughed it off, and spoke to how the best experiences always begin with difficulty."
    A deep breath is taken again then he shakes his head, "In any case, she is of rank. The people will accept her as royalty. Most likely. So long as she doesn't do anything out of madness. And with what the Shi'Ar are offering..."
    He pushes away from the desk and starts to pace once again, "It would be hard for me to turn away any bride. With all the good it could do for our people." He looks towards the door, "Certainly she is delicate, and a courtier from a court unlike our own. But..."
    He looks towards Loki, "It could be worse, I imagine."
Loki Loki teases, "If you want some time off to think about it, go on an adventure, there are some ways to delay it. I mean, you're only on the hook while you're king. I can stand in until you return." Loki phrases it as a joke, but sometimes the best seeds are planted as if they were simple little off ideas. And ones that started by trying to HELP Thor.

"Nothing is impossible to adjust and tweak a little. I wouldn't paint you into a corner. Even if it /is/ a fine, political match," Loki clarifies.
Thor     A small snort comes from Thor as he gives Loki that sour look again then shakes his head as his iris lifts upwards, as if pleading for help from some power above. Most likely dad.
    He lifts one hand and finally Thor says, "Well nothing is pressing right now. The elders will want to go over the contract and to speak with her representatives, and she'll have some time to acclimate. If everything works through... well... we'll see."
    A few steps carry him towards the door where he pauses, "Just, brother..." He pulls out a small thin album of some kind from the shelf of books and casually flips it towards Loki. "Don't do something like this again."
Loki Loki doesn't catch it. Because it passes through him. Loki gives a sort of funny little playful 'aw you caught me' little grin. But he then he appears to then have it. Was the passing through part the illusion? He often is just to the side of where his illusions are, and could have moved to correct to the illusion's position... it's enough to give a headache, probably. Just mischief. Loki. And mild, overall. Better the mild than the real knives.

"No, I don't think I'll agree to not," Loki says, with a sudden little dark smile. "I'll do what's best for Asgard. That you'd COULD be happy with her too, I think, well, that's a side effect I suppose I can live with."