Owner Pose
Tatum O'Neal Tatum needed some time to herself, to deal with this situation of being out of her own timeline. No... Worldline as Beast called it. The more time she spends in this world, the angrier she gets. She wants to go home to what is familiar. This place is so much like home, but things keep being not quite right. People aren't the way they are supposed to be.

And so, Tatum left the mansion to try and clear her head. She walks along the streets of M-Town, trying to keep to herself. In a place with so many mutants, the chance of one of these needing their power to actually live increases, and so her power becomes increasingly dangerous.

Stopping in front of a shop, Tatum looks within and sighs. It would be nice to wear something of her own, rather then lent clothing by others at the Institute, but buying clothes needs money, money needs employment, and employment means having things like a Social Security number. You know, being an actual person that exists in the system. Fun
Vorn Bjorn was in a good mood. He had become quite the regular around mutant town, and greets those he knows with a booming "Hello!" that could be felt as much as heard. The rather massive and impeccibly dressed man was making his way down the street. He even takes a moment to flex his massive muscles infront of a rather reflective mirror, going on an ego trip!

And frankly...he kind of was. The enthralling feeling and power that came with his new state of being has yet to dwindle, and he happily reverred in it. But once down his egotrip he continues walking down the street... and eventually find himself near Tatum and the shop

Bjorn peers into the shop ".....Oh! Think this place new!" he looks to Tatum and engages her right away without missing a beat "You would not happen to know, would you?" his eyes seem to spark with electricity for but a moment.
Tatum O'Neal Turning to face Bjorn, Tate looks the large man up and down. Her wan smile fades quickly and she turns to look back at the window. "I... I haven't been in this neighborhood recently enough to know," she tells him. It's not a lie, but it's not the truth either. But hey, how do you tell a person 'Sorry, this isn't my reality. I have no clue what is new around here.'

She keeps her powers tight to herself, avoiding touching anything. The flash of lightning in the big guy's eyes could have been a trick of the light or a power, so she doesn't bat a lash about it.
Vorn Bjorn is undettered it seems by the fadeing frown. He actually laughs, his voice booming like rolling thunder. "Well, would not it! Bjorn swears, every person he meets is new to this neighborhood! Youngins aught to put down some sturdy roots sometimes!" he claims. Though he does not, white hair aside, look old, perhaps just grizzled and rugged.

"So, most folks in this part of town are mutants. How bout you, what you got?" talking openly abouts powers and such is not to uncommon in mutant town, when it is a blantant part of the neighborhoods exisitance.
Tatum O'Neal Bjorn's words hit harder then he likely intended. She has roots. Had. The X-Men were her family as much as her own mother. But here, in this world... "Does Bjorn always talk about himself in the third person?" she asks with a smirk, still looking at the clothes in the window.

"You know... it's not actually polite to ask a person about their power. If they want you to know, or if it isn't obvious, they'll tell you," she says, slowly turning to look at the large man. Mind you, she's a pretty petite sorta gal. "But, for what it's worth, I'm a Null."
Vorn "Third person?" Bjorn asks. One moment two moments, three moments more "Ahhh1 Well, yes, that is what americans call it. Bjorn just speaks way Bjorn does" he says not seeming to mind

"May not be polite, but it not rude either. Pretty common place from what Bjorn has seen" he says in rebuttal, but there was no malice... actually despite his size, the man had a rather gentle deminor. Almost like a bear. "....what is a Null?" he asks confused
Tatum O'Neal Tatum nods. For all she knows, in this world, asking what a person's mutation is might be as common as yelling for a cab. Which is pretty common in New York. She sighs heavily and turns her back to the window, reaching into the pocket of her leather jacket -- the only piece of clothing from her own world that managed to come with her here -- and pulls out a lollipop. "It means I turn off people's powers. So, no touching."
Vorn Bjorn cants his head "You turn off powers?" he reiterates. He consideres this before smiling wide showing some rather large canines "Well! That quite the ability! Pretty useful to put folks on even grounds!" he says seeming to think nothing of it
Tatum O'Neal Tatum nods, her dark hair spilling down in her face. Casually, she runs her hand over an ear, pushing her hair back. "Yeah... it can be a good thing sometimes. But other times.... Once accidently turned off a person who's power made him able to breath our atmosphere. No one even knew he was a mutant. Kinda sucked."

Arching a brow, she looks over Bjorn again. "WHat about you? Seems you're new here yourself. At least new enough that you talk about Americans as you aren't one. What's *your* gift?"
Vorn t"Because Bjorn is not! He is icelandic first and foremost. Been here... mabey a bit over a year now." he says "And Bjorn travel before than to many many places" he says proudly sememing fond of travel "Shame though. Power is to breath our atmopshere... you sure he was not an alien? Seems odd to have a power that everyone has"

When asked about his powers he chuckles "An overall superior body, bit o color changing, und well eat electricity" actually it a bit more complicated than that. But if his powers have a chance to get negated, he may as well cover his basics. "Beleive it or not, Bjorn is 63" nope, he does not even look close to that, either in muscle mass or in looks and demineer
Tatum O'Neal tate wants to say something about Iceland. About it being the most feminist country in the world, and the according to Facebook the best place in the world for casual sex, but she realizes once again that her world's Iceland might not be this world's Iceland. She closes her eyes and clenches her jaw, hating this world more and more. She just wants to go home.

She lifts her shoulder in a shrug. "He might have been an alien. Doesn't really matter. He's dead either way." And then the big guy mentions he's 63. She looks up at him and clearly doesn't want to believe him but then chuckles. "I guess if Logan can do it, so can you. You look great, grampa."
Vorn "Is something wrong?" he asks Tate when he sees her close her eyes and clench her jaw. In truth... yea iceland was still quite casual and very much about a feminist place. But thats life!

He blinks and laughs "Hey now! Not know who this logan is, but this grampa is very much old fashion. You should respect your eldars!" and that was definintly him joking "Bjorn consider himself lucky really. Plenty of bars and such to go to and people to meet too" and he wiggles his brows "If you get Bjorn meaning"
Tatum O'Neal Shaking her head, Tate waves a hand to dismiss the question if something is wrong. "Just me being a moody Millenial." Crap, if the year is 2025 here, then she's way too young to be a millenial. Oops.

"Hey, I'm respectful. I'm more then happy to get you your slippers and a blanket for your lap if you're cold." She winks, feeling a little playful at the banter.

When Bjorn mentions people to meet and bars to go to, Tate considers. "So, it's true what I've heard about Iceland? That you guys don't actually *date* but just sorta... meet up and.... " Yeah, she's usually rather crude, but she doesn't want to offend a stranger. Three cheers for personal growth!
Vorn Bjorn makes a riotes roar of a laugh at the playful banter. But at the last question he stops and stares at Tatum with a dead pan expression. A long moment passes as his piercing eyes drill into her.... and then quite suddenly he breaks out in a grin, the anger an apprent ruse "Well not quite. We do infact date. And well varies from person to person, but yes, we are rather casual about sex" he says bluntly
Tatum O'Neal /Great, Tate. Way to offend the big guy. And here you are without any weapons. Good luck!/ Tate thinks to herself as Bjorn stares at her for bring up the whole Icelandic casual sex thing. But then he laughs and she rolls her eyes with a smile. He was pulling her leg. Thank goodness for that. "That's what I heard. A couple years ago, I would have loved that place."
Vorn "Aye. Pretty decent actualy, men, ladies inbetweeners or whatever the hell folks call themselves these days." Bjorn says "Still very nice. Great weather, foods still rather bland amittedly. But Bjorn love visiting. Though he avoids any chance of a red aureas bolis" he says warning "Bad juju that is!"
Tatum O'Neal Leaning on the window of the shop, Tatum smirks. "So, you like to travel? Where else have you been?" She's trying to be friendly, keep things light. At the same time, she doesn't want to make any connections. Do as little damage to this timeline... no, worldline, as possible. "What do you mean red aurora borealis?"
Vorn "Well, it like the northern lights. The difference is, it red. Fancy smancy science proably has a reason for it, but it still bad juju" Bjorn says crossing his arms. Superstitious it seems. Bjorn though cants his head "Africa, asia, united kingdoms, south america too. Peace rallies and missionary trips to improve the lives of mutants, metas and other beings. Alot has changed since then.... a real lot." he stretches
Tatum O'Neal Tate thinks back to what she was dealing with just the week before and nods. "Yeah. I remember. A lot of protests, fights right here in M-town. Is it really that much better though? There will always be people that hate mutants. Hell, even some mutants hate mutants."
Vorn "Well, every mutant could be wearing power inhibting collars, be forced to hide underground and have absolutly no voice in polotics and world matters. All over the globe. We can also be, slaves. So, yea, Bjorn would say it quite a bit better. Imagine if fate had taken THAT path?" he says.
    Bjorn than adds "Do not get Bjorn wrong, he is not saying things are perfect. But they are certainly better. And hopefully things will continue to improve. But the world will only change, if the people change. It why we must put best foot forward and guard agaist the wrongs" a bit of crusader probably went into that.
Tatum O'Neal Tate takes a deep breath. The way this man talks... does he know? The path her world seemed to be going? "Yeah, that would have sucked. A lot." The lollipop in her mouth goes from one side of her mouth to the other, the candy clicking against her teeth.

"I just meant that it doesn't seem.... all that different from.. say... 8 years ago?" She nods her head slowly. "I know what you mean though. Things like segregation only make the hatred worse. Integration works better. It helps people to realize that we aren`t that different.`
Vorn "Hmmm, eight years ago, heros began showing up. Caped ones. And well people got more used to the ideas of metas and mutants. And aliens. Seems quite different to me" Bjorn says "But, mabey that just the patience of old age talking!" he eclaims
    "Aye, though integration is not easy. Not for them, not for us, not for anyone. But it is far better than the alternative" he makes a goofy face at the window
Tatum O'Neal Tatum pushes herself off the window, turning to look at Bjorn's reflection as he grins like a goofball. "I think so. I'd say we all bleed red, but nowadays, not all of us do." She laughs softly. "Thanks for stopping to say hi, Bjorn. I should probably get back home though before people notice I'm missing."