Owner Pose
Dan Richter The night is young in the city of Gotham, but the rain blots out the sight from the docks of the glitz and glamour of the city's streets, clubs, and dens of ill repute. A typical night for this warehouse, goons come in, take inventory, pack drugs to go out with the next shipment. Until the power goes out. Donnie Double-Tap goes out to check the breaker. He never comes back. As the minutes tick by, more and more of the goons go missing, until the last panicked bunch take a run for the door, only to find it blocked from the outside. And that's when he makes his presence known to them, standing behind them as if he had always been there, the blue LED eyes staring pitilessly at them for a scant few seconds before he descends on them. As the last of the still conscious goons tries in desperate vain to crawl away, sobbing out beggary and bribes all the while, Amarok grabs him by the ankle, pulling him back from the dim light of the window. A few minutes later, the man is hanging from a chain hook in the middle of the warehouse, hands tied together behind him, lights reignited to show him the carnage of the night, and Amarok prepping a few small tables of basic warehouse tools, for a not so basic purpose....
Elektra Natchios It had been some time since Elektra had haunted the streets in such a focused fashion. Oh, she'd been out there, and certainly the criminal element had felt her presence, but the past while she'd been rather more deliberate and fierce in her stalking of those undesirables - still not killing, but not pulling punches either.

There were things on her mind, and she was feeling out where her new limits lay.

She was also leaving messages for those who could - and should - read them. And those weren't always the same two sets of people, though they sometimes did overlap.

The sobbing alerts her, and diverts her attention, finding her sneaking into the warehouse, all the tools of her ninja and assassin's trades plied to avoid detection. For a moment - several as it happens - she regards the scenario unfolding. Only just long enough, though. Not long enough for the man to use the things upon his table.

"Rather a messy way to make a point, do you not think? If you're going to kill it, playing with it makes you no better than it."

Her words dry and pointed. Calmly given.
Dan Richter Amarok turns his gaze to the intruding ninja as she makes her presence known. However, he doesn't stop arranging the various tools on the little mobile tables, "....I dont need to make a point...I just need to ask some question...If he answers them to my satisfaction...He may leave here with some of his fingers..." The man pipes up through his sobs, practically screaming, "I'll tell you, I'll tell you anythin you....w-SOME!?" Amarok finishes his preperations, then selects a flathead screwdriver, walking back and forth, back and forth, back and...stop, his gaze held to the man's face, not saying a word, just gently twisting the screwdriver against the tips of his finger. His gaze suddenly snaps back to Elektra, no movement from her location stopping him from homing in on her, "...If you have no business here....I suggest you leave....Gotham is a....dangerous place..." His synthesized voice as cold and lifeless a monotone as his unblinking LED eyes.
Elektra Natchios "Oh my dear," Elektra laughs, the sound soft and rich, seemingly filling the chill space the trio occupy - lingering in corners and curling round back again. "That's either the most pitiful threat I've faced in longer than I can remember, or you fail to assess the situation correctly."

Her voice chills some then.

"I /am/ the danger in Gotham."
Dan Richter Amarok looks Elektra over for a few awkwardly silent moments before responding, "....Funny....I remember Batman being taller....And also not dressing like a whore.....Now, if you're done. I have some torturing to do..." This last line draws more panicked screaming, crying, begging, and flailing on the chain from the poor thug, who shall henceforth be known as Lenny the Luckless.
Elektra Natchios "I see you understand humour. Poorly."

She moves forward, with intent, her sai being drawn and flipped easily into her hands. "Now, see, here is where I say we've had a fundemental failure to communicate. I'm sure I won't like" she nods her chin at Lenny "any more than you do, but between the two of you.."

Her sentence drifts off, but it's clear the talking portion of this moment has passed and the stabbing portion has begun.
Dan Richter Akarok lazily twirls the screwdriver about in his hand, "...Talk is cheap..." He looks to Lenny, who is trying to drown himself in his own juices it would seem, "...You...Watch carefully....And think about what you expect me to ask, very carefully..." He says as monotonally as ever as he looks back to Elektra, taking a knife fighting stance with the screwdriver.
Elektra Natchios Talk is, indeed, cheap, and Elektra is a very, very rich woman.

That Amarok is holding a blade is of no concern to her - she's fought against better blades than that; she'll know where the man stands once she's engaged. Even then, she's not worried, and not just because she's fairly incapable of being killed but for that particular circumstance..

She moves in, feinting a blow she expects him both to block, and try to stab or slash her from - her intent to take some of that blow, slip past him, and using her body motion and his to unbalance or turn him. Own the floor and the orientation so to speak.
Dan Richter Amarok holds still as Elektra comes in, not moving until she throws her feint. Then, as it comes in, parries it to the side, and steps in, catching the ploy, and Elektra, and using his greater size and her own momentum to suplex her over his head and into and across the tool tables he'd set up, already kipping up as she makes contact with the tables, however she may try to fix her flight.
Elektra Natchios "Interesting move," is all Elektra says as she's grabbed and thrown. The rest of her attention taken by twisting mid-air nothing unlike a cat to catch the table she *should* have hit like a sack of potatoes with her hands and using that momentum to handspring off and backspin into the air till she lands on her feet, facing him. Hunkering down into an expectant stance.

The table, having sufficed for its springboard duty, quivers with the force used to push off of it, and compensates entirely the other direction, spilling its contents onto the floor in a loud clatter of metal on cement as both implements and table hit and bounce off in scattered directions.

"So not quite the thug. What else have you?" Her words an invitation.
Dan Richter Amarok spins around, kicking the oncoming table into Lenny's fat gut....Cuz screw that guy, I guess. He then rights himself, lazily loosening his neck out as he steps forward a bit, punching Lenny in the stomach as the momentum from being hit with a table brings him back. Poor Lenny. All he wanted to do was supply drugs to dealers who hang out near schools! Is that so wrong!?.....Yes. Yes it is. Amarok stops just a bit past him before raising his off hand, curling it towards himself a few times in the universal 'bring it' motion, before leaning back into his knife fight position, Lenny trying to curl away from him to avoid his head touching Amarok's shoulder.
Elektra Natchios There's a rich chuckle from Elektra who isn't about to be drawn into the 'come get me'. No. That's not how this plays out. At least not yet. She circles from a distance away - close enough to make a rush and a strike, but not so close that any action wouldn't be seen in time to be countered should he care to attack her.

In short, something of a detente while she assesses what can be gleaned of her opponent. His stance. How he carries his makeshift weapons. How he regards her. Whether or not he turns to follow her movement in the space they are in. His breathing and what might be noticed of his heartbeat.
Dan Richter Amarok holds firm for several seconds, simply pivoting in place as Elektra makes her circle. Suddenly, he straightens up and turns over to Lenny, taking the screwdriver and using it to begin prying off one of Lenny's nails, who begins shrieking and flailing like a banshee being branded.
Elektra Natchios "You've had training," Elektra says simply, her circle about the man continued until she is nearly back where she started. "Very good training. I'm impressed."

That is until he begins prying Lenny's nail off.

"I can't let you, you know."

Barring an easy way to deal with the poor hapless Lenny who is hanging there and being tortured, Elektra has little choice but to engage Amarok full on now, turning the brunt of his attention to her, and hopefully dissuading him. She doesn't want to kill either man.
Dan Richter As Elektra charges in, Amarok seems utterly disinterested in her. Until she's just about on him. Without a moment to spare, he turns, shooting Elektra three times in the stomach with a pistol that MUST be compensating for something, the rubber rounds impacting mercilessly hard and throwing her off course just barely enough for him to catch her and toss her again, holding onto Elektra's wrist and guiding her flight into a nearby box, which as cardboard boxes tend to do, basicly explodes on impact, spraying white powder into the air. Not a moment is wasted as Amarok spins around across Elektra's prone self, locking her wrist and arm and holding her down in the powder, "....Tell me....Do you know what you're laying in?....Would you believe me if I told you I tracked it here from Gotham Elementary?...." The powder is, obviously if Elektra has ever seen Scarface, cocaine. And LOTS of it. Looking around, this is only one of hundreds if not thousands of similiar boxes, ranging in sizes from breadbox, to deluxe freezer.....
Elektra Natchios Thankfully, being mostly undead, the powder has no effect on the woman, shoudl any get on her or into her.

"Now, see," she drawls lazily, belying the shots she took to the belly - they must have hurt? not that she's showing it (yet) - "If you'd led with that. Still, we are civilized beings. And there are much more efficient ways to get information from someone than prying off their fingernails. You can grow a fingernail back."

She smiles behind her scarf, leaving only her eyes to denote that cold thing.

"You can't grow a family."

Not that she knows if hapless Lenny even /has/ a family, but her stint as the Fist that Rules the Hand taught her a lot about poking into the dark crevices of people's lives and making them wish you hadn't.
Dan Richter Amarok simply stares coldly down at her for several awkward seconds before slooowly leaning down, "....Funny....You sound like more than a few people I know..." He says before suddenly releasing her hand and stepping away back towards Lenny, "A man with nothing left to lose is broken, likely to say nothing just to spite you....But a man with the hope of survival...You'd be surprised the things you're willing to do to survive..." He strolls around to Lenny's front and crouches down to be face to face with him, "....Isn't that right?....Now...I'll only ask one time....Who. Is. Supplying. You?...." He reaches his hands up in front of Lenny's face and mimes peeling off a nail.
Elektra Natchios "A man whose hand you're breaking will say anything. Pain is a funny motivator. You'll lie, cheat, and steal to make it end. We live in the moment. But things that linger - those are the lasting horrors."

She should know. Her life has been nothing but a lingering, lasting horor - one she participated in fully, but not one she truly had a choice about. It was kill or be killed her entire life. Had she not lived to see the sun rise the next day, she would have failed at what they were creating with her, and they'd have found another in her stead.

"You want to hurt his bosses. Not him. He's just a pawn. He may not even know who they are." She chuckles, softly. "He might know a name. Maybe two. But they won't have been stupid enough to let him know more than that. He's a lackey. And a stupid one at that. Ask me how I know. I do know this, though - he's not of the Hand."

That's not only obvious, but it may give the other man an idea of how she knows what she knows. An inkling.

Her hand reaching out and grabbing Amarok's wrist, having followed him over.
Dan Richter Amarok reaches jerkily up to lightly rub Lenny's face with the back of his hand, "...Oh, you'd never lie to me..." He suddenly stops, Lenny whimpering in terror, "....would you?" He stares silently into Lenny's terrified eyes, his own LED stand in eyes reflecting ominously off them before Elektra retakes his attention, batting her hand away. "I dont need the ringleader right now. Take him out and the next in line will just replace him. Work my way up the chain, and there wont /BE/ anyone to replace him...."
Elektra Natchios "I /was/ the top of that chain. You'd be surprised how easily they are replaced. But if you want interesting information, I can tell you how they're moving product in."

She allows her hand to be batted away, but she isn't impressed.
Dan Richter Amarok's heard jerks back to look at Elektra as he straightens up, Lenny's eyes going wide as realization occurs, followed by more of what we shall continue to call juices, "Y-You're...Oh shit oh shit oh shit, lemme go, lemme go! I gotta get away from her!" He begs, to no avail, "....Then I suppose you're the one I need to dangle off a roof.....Or...Rather, were...." He pauses and glances back to Lenny, kicking him in the face and mercifully robbing him of consciousness, "Quiet you..." He then looks back to Elektra, "....So....What do you want for this....information?" He asks with a curious tilting of his head.
Elektra Natchios Elektra considers, or makes it look like she is. She already knows what she wants.

"That one you leave alone. The others? You beat the every loving shit out of every last one you need to until they get it. Make it clear to his bosses that children are forbidden."

Her words are the cold decisive things she'd adopted as leader of the Hand. Colder still than her emotionless upbringing had wrought of her.

She awaits Amarok's decision.
Dan Richter Amarok tilts his head a few times back and forth at Elektra, ".....Alright....I think I can manage that....Any care how public it is?" He asks with a few more head tilts.
Elektra Natchios "It's your life," Elektra says simply. "How certain are you that you won't get caught. If others get the message, I don't think I'll be disappointed."

She gives a negligent shrug. And once he agrees to her terms, she tells him how it is that many of these groups are getting cargo into Gotham ports without being detected: Holes left in security from when Rising Tide took over the world's internet. Those who had noticed the great gaping black spots in customs and export had been taking advantage of them quietly for over a year now.

"Simply put, they're bypassing the need to hide what they're doing. So they're getting bolder. It's not just drugs. Children and women for the sex trade too. Some tech. Someillegal workers for slave mills."

"Once you know what you're looking for, it's easy to track and find."