Owner Pose
Star Shimmer Finally. Autumn has fully moved into the guestroom at the tower. Her things are put away, organized and completely set as she likes them. After all the hard work, she wasn't exactly up for going out and patroling so, she made her way to the gym to train. Stepping into the gym, She is clearly not dressed for a workout. Nor is she in uniform. Taking a glance at her ring, She thinks hard about what she is about to do. Something changes in her countenance as she seems to rethink what she was going to initially do. With a quick flash, her clothing shifts to a violet sweat suit and a pair of matching sneakers. She is most definitely not in uniform.

Quickly she moves to a punching bag and starts going to work. Its very clear she doesn't use her muscles too much as she is a little on the weak side. Still she is showing that she has had some training. Her moves definitely reflect that of Batwoman. She throws singles first. Then as she gets more confident, She shifts to 1-2 punches. Finally she starts doing 3 hit punches. Jab, Jab, Jab. Jab Jab, Hook! Jab Hook Uppercut!
Dick Grayson     "You got the routines down. Just need to work on your coordination."

    The voice is smooth. Friendly. Masculine, but not too deep, nor too high pitched. In the pleasant middle ground between boyishness and masculine maturity.

    "You'll get more power out of your strikes if you get down kinetic linking. Using your whole body in unison. Punches aren't thrown from the arm. That's just the delivery mechanism. Punches are thrown from the center of gravity, and it starts at your feet."

    The voice comes from one Dick Grayson. The young man, former leader of the Titans, and now more of a "consultant" or "advisor" has made a point to be available to the Titans, now that Damian has taken to his own devices elsewhere. Right now, he's just paying a visit, but that visit, it appears, includes an appearance at the gym. As such, he's dressed down. No uniform. Just a blue tank top and a pair of black basketball shorts hanging low on his hips. Running shoes on his feet. A pair of blue headphones looped around the back of his neck.

    He pauses just inside the door, where he gives a bit of a start, his brows furrowing as vibrant Oceanic blue eyes look her over. He lifts a finger and then bobs it in her direction as he asks, thoughtfully, "Oh. Hey. You're uh... Nightingale, right? Autumn."
Star Shimmer Autumn pauses and turns to look at who is talking. She gives a little waves. "I used to be. I kinda am just saying goodbye to that name and going by Star Shimmer now." Idly she rubs her hands showing that she is hurting a little bit. Quickly she focuses and a pair what look like violet light ribbons wrap around her hands and quickly take on a more tape like appearance. "I remember you. You kept me from robbing a computer store over a year ago. I was kinda umm... Misguided. And yeah, For a while, Batwoman was training me. Then I got smacked in the head with a ring." She laughs.

She pauses and gives Dick a once over, "Nightwing." She smiles, "you were there when I got smacked with the ring." She starts attacking the bag again. This time using her whole body to punch the bag. It moves a bit more now as she goes.
Dick Grayson     Grayson nods his head as she relates the story. He remembers. His lips arc with a one sided grin, and he gives an upnod of his head in her direction to show recognition. The "tape" that she produces out of light has him tilting his head to one side.

    "You might want to add a few real elements to your arsenal," He offers. It doesn't sound condescending at all. In fact, he clarifies, "I've worked with enough Lanterns to know that sometimes, the Ring gets nullified. Powers get cancelled. Hell, sometimes, you just get emotionally exhausted, right? So it helps to have a little bit of the real to make sure that, when that happens, you're not left with a sore wrist from socking a guy in the jaw."

    His feet carry him closer with steps that are silent and almost inhumanly graceful. Almost like he's more ghost than man. It's the job. That kind of training is hard to turn off when you're in the civvies.

    "I have support braces in my gloves. And steel tipped knuckles. But, just your hand position when you throw the punch can help to mitigate a lot of that pain. I can show you a few things, if you want."
Star Shimmer Autumn takes a deep breath and then gives a soft smile. "Thank you so much. Seriously, I know the others are kinda leery of me due to my being a Star Sapphire. They want to make sure I'm aware of the gravity of using a ring that could potentially overtake me. I tried to say that I know the gravity of the situation but it came off sounding like I was a know it all and I just got frustrated by it all.

She nods and then does something she only rarely does. She takes her ring off and pockets it. Her violet bandages and her outfit stay for the time being. "I came in here with every intention of not using my ring at all. Then I remembered I was dressed wrong and that I haven't actually been in physical combat for a while." She goes back to punching the bag.

Her form is okay. There is rust clearly. She's doing her best though. She even throws a kick or three. "I have my Nightingale uniform in my room but... It kinda doesn't fit so well anymore." She blushes. "I've not really had to fight much. Most of my stuff has been diplomatic save for accidentally causing a public makeout session between two rival gangs."
Dick Grayson     "Yeah," Grayson says, letting that single syllable stretch out just a bit as he nods and looks away. "The Star Sapphire bit can be... there's definitely some issues. But then, this is a team that was just recently run by the human personification of Grumpy Cat, who had a katana, so..."

    His broad shoulders rise and fall with a rolling shrug.

    "Just remember that everyone has the right to voice their concerns, and that they're only trying to ensure that you're as prepared as you can be for everything that might come. None of it is a personal attack."

    As she starts punching the bag, Grayson circles, examining her form. The rust is evident. He doesn't seem to be too concerned, though. He just lets another smile creep up on his face.

    "Here. Watch this," he says, before he takes on a boxing stance. His feet are shoulder width apart, with his toes pointing directly forward, and his knees bent at a 45 degree angle, lowering his center of gravity. He brings his very loosely balled fists up, just under his eyeline, and keeps his elbows tucked in tight with his chin tucked down.

    "Like this, you're able to be perfectly offensive and defensive at once. You have a solid base that keeps you balanced and steady, and you can use the ground to add more power to your strikes. Your arms and elbows protect your sides, and it's just a muscle twitch to protect your abdomen with your forearms."

    He pivots on the balls of his feet, cocking his hip to the right side. At the same time, he draws his right fist straight back, knuckles pointed down, and fist clenched near his ribs.

    "Like this, you're chambering your punch. Bunching everything up so that when you release, it's like a slingshot, right?"

    And then he pivots again, slowly. The slowness is so that she might see the way his arm extends straight forward in a horizontal line. As his elbow unbends itself to deliver the slow motion punch, his wrist twists, turning his fist right side up. His hips, too, turn, shifting from the side to forward facing. As he extended his arm, he keeps his wrist straight, and his fingers loose, until just before he taps the bag. At that moment, his fist clenches so tight that his knuckles turn white, with the first two knuckles protruding further than the remaining.

    "Snap the fist closed entirely at the moment of impact, and use your hip and feet pivoting to literally put the entire snapping force of your body into the punch. Try to only strike with two knuckles. It makes the point of impact smaller. It's the difference between someone pushing a knife into you versus the end of a soda can, you know? Which one is going to do more damage?"
Star Shimmer Autumn follows what she's being told very carefully. She repositions herself, matching the stance that Dick is in. She steps back from the bag and begins practicing throwing punches into the air. Slowly the rust begins to wear away as she starts moving, her stance reflecting what she's been taught. Her mind going back to the things she was taught before she had a sector of the Galaxy to consider. She gives a smile and keeps going.

"The knife of course." She begins adjusting her punches to match what she's being told. She's a quick study and it shows.

As she continues practicing, she speaks up. "I know that everyone's worried and that everyone has the right to speak their mind. The problem is it really feels condescending at times. For over a year I was the only Star Sapphire in this sector. Star Sapphire was on Zamaron being trained to be a Princess. I understand what everyone is worried about but when I'm being talked down to over something I face everytime I power up, it just pushes me. I do my very best but when I all I can think about is not messing up and hurting the world I love, Its like I'm being set up for a fall." She comments. Then, she moves, darting towards the wall, She jumps, jumps off the wall and kicks the heck out of the bag.
Dick Grayson     Dick watches as she practices, absorbing what he was showing and putting it to use. He just gives a nod of his head, and says, "That's good. Make sure that your arm and the back of your hand are aligned flat and straight. Picture your extended punch like making a table. You wanna be able to line up shots of tequila on that arm."

    She speaks of feeling condescended to, and Dick remains silent, letting her vent her frustrations. He doesn't disagree with her assessment. He knows what it's like to feel like you're being underestimated or treated like a potential liability, rather than being acknowledged for your own competence. Being a kid vigilante means that's a very, very real thing, from bad guys to his fellow heroes. Mostly his father's peers. Many of whom he could have taken when he was 14.

    As she speaks, Grayson has moved to straddle a nearby weight bench, where he just picks up a dumbbell and begins curling it. Clearly he's not trying to show off, as it's only a lightweight thing, design so that he can do more reps. And not be grunting with exertion while trying to converse. "I know it can be rough, for sure. You just have to remember that not everyone was there. They didn't see your struggles. They didn't see you rise to where you are now. Everyone has to... prove themselves over time. The more power you have, the more people are going to be wary. I'm not saying it's right. It really isn't. But it is human nature. Just don't let it stop you from making friends, okay?"

    The kick has him chuckling, lowering his face and releasing a low whistle. "That was slick."
Star Shimmer Autumn snickers a little as she resumes punching the bag, this time actually doing a rather good job of pummeling it. "Thanks. When I was training with umm, Batwoman I was also training with free running. It helps to be able to get around when I can't fly and stuff. You know how weird it is to say that even after all this time?"

She quietly begins using the rest of her attacks. Her mind is racing as her memory of how to properly fight is returning to her. She is an okay fighter. She wouldn't stand up to too many people as she is but she could stand up to some others.

"So What was it like?" She asks curiously. "I mean Batwoman was training me for a bit but, Batman was kinda training you a bit. That is pretty cool if you ask me. I mean I grew up in Gotham. Everyone knew of the Bat and heck, Some people are told that if they don't behave Batman will come in and make them!" She laughs
Dick Grayson     "Training me a bit is an understatement, if I've ever heard one," Dick says, chuckling. Still curling that dumbbell, he switches hands to work the other arm, while keeping his eyes focused on her as she runs her drills. "In my case, it was true. If I wasn't behaving, the Bat would make me. Often he'd send me to my nest with no worms."

    A pause.

    "That was a Robin joke."

    Shrugging, he lowers his eyes to floor between his feet, his blue eyed stare becoming distant, though he maintains a small smile. "It was... Well, it was a lot of things. Good. Bad. Ugly. Beautiful. It was growing up. But he gave me a light when I was lost in the darkness. He gave me a focus and an ideal to strive for. He set me on this path, and after all this time, I realize that it's absolutely the most worthy path I could walk. Batman made me. It's not a metaphor. He made me into the person I am. I'm not him. He made sure of that. Gave me the things he didn't have. Provided me with a life that never knew want or need. I wouldn't change a thing. He's the best partner a guy could have."
Star Shimmer Autumn stops and steps over to Nightwing, "Thats actually kinda intense still it sounds nice. Better than what I had at least. I think the reason I love this world so much is because it was my escape. My father was... abusive. He hated the fact that I was trans. Rejected me entirely. My mom wouldn't stand up for me. She was trying to 'keep the peace' but that meant always siding with dad. It was hell. My Aunt was the one who helped me but the second she got me meds to stop puberty and junk...I was cut off." She sighs.

"Batman and Star Sapphire rescued me." She wipes a tear from her eye. "I guess in that way I was a jilted lover. Both great love and without it at the same time. No wonder I got beaned with a ring."

She turns and attacks the punching bag again. This time there is more there. A fire that is burning inside her. She wails on the bag, "I didn't deserve what they did!" She speaks to the bag as she socks it one.
Dick Grayson     As Autumn relays her story to Dick, He sets down the dumbbell that he had been curling, and rests his elbows on his knees to listen. He's attentive, his eyes focused on her, his head nodding slightly as she gives key points about her parents. He can understand the hurt she felt deep down. Having the rejection of your parents, he thinks, could even be worse than having them die when you are young.

    He remains silent, though. He doesn't want to interrupt. Dick isn't the kind of person who listens only for his chance to speak next. When he listens, he listens. Only when she starts to pound the bag and gives that last exclamation does he finally speak up.

    "Easy there, slugger," He says in a soft, warm voice. Reassuring and gentle. He offers a wane smile, and holds his hands out to either side of himself, as he continues, "You're right. You didn't deserve it. But they don't deserve you, either. Look at your life now. You've gone on to do much better, bigger things, you know? Looking back on it, would you really want to change anything? You're a badass chick with an all powerful ring. You're loved and respected. You're a space faring hero."

    He gestures towards her, up and down, with one finger, and adds, "And... I mean, stop me if I'm wrong here, but it looks like the ring did a number on you. Like you got to bypass a lot of the struggle and pain that other trans people have to go through to become their self-realized persons. I personally know a few women that would kill for that. You've been blessed. While those people who hurt you? They're left behind, still living in a miserable, small little world. Without their amazing daughter, no less."

    He takes a deep, deep breath and releases a long, slow sigh, before clapping his hands together, and offering her a bright smile. "I'm just saying that... it's easy to let the pain of our pasts define us. That's something that I see everyday. I'm very personally acquainted with it. But now, you're literally living your best life. Try to remember that your past is only the trials you had to face to bring you to this."
Star Shimmer Autumn wipes her eyes. "Yes. In that way I am forever thankful that I got my ring. Its a good thing in that. It helped me to be myself. Sadly it can never change what was stolen from me." She sighs and rubs her head. "I'm trying my hardest though." She frowns and just decks the bag one more time. "Thanks Nightwing."

She looks around and grabs a jump rope. Idly she begins skipping rope. Again she's out of practice. She's not done this one since school and that was well over a year ago for her. Still its easier to get into the swing of that (No pun intended) Than it was to punch a bag.
Dick Grayson     "Dick," He says, as he stands up from the bench, and flashes a smile that was one gracing the pages of all the celebrity news outlets, when Richard Grayson was the hotshot, model heir apparent to the Wayne fortune, and named Gotham's most eligible bachelor for years in a row. "Unless we're in the field, just call me Dick. It's always felt weird when friends use the codenames in private, you know?"

    As he heads towards one of the elliptical machines, he keeps an eye on her, noting the slight lack of coordination. "Hey, think of that as a rhythm game like guitar hero or something, right? Or... just a dance. Keep steady and bounce to the beat."

    He winces, though, after the word bounce comes off of his lips. Yeah. He looks away now. Just climb up on the elliptical and start working, Grayson.
Star Shimmer Autumn smiles, "Autumn then." She snickers. "In the field its Star Shimmer. I couldn't exactly go by Star Sapphire without copyright infringement and junk. I mean its kinda hard to ask Star Sapphire's permission to use the name Star Sapphire when she's half a galaxy away."

She then focuses on her rope skipping. She does start getting into the tempo of it. When she's told to bounce to the beat and then notes his reaction she has to snicker a little bit. She stops and reaches into her pocket. A moment later she is back to skipping rope, now with much less... bounce. Sometimes a power ring can be the most useful thing in the galaxy.
Dick Grayson     "To be fair, I'm pretty sure there are like fifteen guys going by Green Lantern, though. And I'm starting to suspect that there are at least three or four different guys that use the identity of Spider-Man. If not more," Dick says, even as he knows in his heart that if someone else came around trying to call themselves Nightwing, he'd... well, he HAS, made a distinct point to shut that down quick. But then, for him, Nightwing is something special. A legacy, yes, but one told in myth and legend of a mostly extinct alien race. One shared with him, that made a lasting impression upon him forevermore. He'll always be thankful to Big Blue for sharing that with him.

    But Nightwing is now his. It doesn't just represent the Kryptonian legacy, anymore. Nightwing was Dick's escape from the deep, dark shadows of the Bat. It represents him becoming his own person, not tethered to anyone or anything. Not as Batman's sidekick. Not as the teenage hero of the Titans. But as his own, unique identity. So, he can understand the need to protect that.

    "Looks like you're getting the hang of it. It's like riding a bike, you know?"
Star Shimmer She snickers as she keeps skipping rope. "Fifteen? Try Thirty-six hundred plus." She shutters at that. "I think its like calling a police officer just officer." She shakes her head. "Sorry. I'm not wearing it but I'm still connected to my ring and it gives me all sorts of crazy info sometimes. Like the tale of the Nightwing and the Flamebird. Kryptonian in source." She comments but doesn't go into depth with it.

She thinks to herself a little bit before speaking up. "its kinda strange to actually be living in the Tower. Honestly its kinda strange to be on Earth! I have been off planet more than on lately. Oh and umm... before anyone tells you different, Pizza is in fact the best food in the galaxy!"
Dick Grayson     Still working on the elliptical, Dick's actually starting to work on a gossamer sheen of sweat on his sunkissed flesh, creating a dark blue V down the center of his chest where the shirt sticks to his skin. He gives a faint nod of his head when Autumn mentions the Nightwing and Flamebird myth, giving a faint little smile. "That's the one. It's where my name comes from. So there's really that many Green Lanterns? I mean, I knew there was "The Corps" or whatever, but... man. That is a lot."

    He hops off the machine, though, and lifts his shirt to wipe sweat from his brow. Comments about pizza make him chuckle, and he nods his head. "As if there was any doubt. But yeah, I bet it can be strange. Being back on a single planet and living that kind of life, as opposed to soaring the cosmic starways. But, you'll get used to it. Plus, this will always be your home."

    That being said, he starts heading towards the door. "This has been a good talk, Autumn. Let's do it again sometime. Right now, I've got to get going. Take care!"