Owner Pose
Lorna Dane Lorna had been to Genosha and back repeatedly in the past few weeks, far more than she had previously. With the threat of the Sentinels she had been spending more and more time in Genosha, helping shore up defenses and making sure to assure the populace that everything possible was being done to ensure their safety. It was a balancing act, to find time for herself amid the chaos. From Xaviers and back, to the Palace, to the city and back. It was a good thing that Blink was able to create portals.

Now, she'd finally found time to address something that had set her on edge since she'd found it.

The younger magnokinetic came into the council room where her father was working on refugee matters. She entered, and took up a position by the door and simply stood there, waiting for acknowledgement and time to gain her father's attention. She wasn't in the habit of interrupting serious meetings that impacted Genosha. Though it was clear through the magnetic spectrum that she was agitated, her powers wavering about her in a barely restrained way that meant something was clearly bothering her. Even if she kept her expression as carefully flat as she could. The green haired Princess stood with her back pressed against the wall, wearing a sundress made of layers of diaphanous silks in different shades of blue, all punctured through with little metal rivets that caught the light.
Magneto      "The fact of the matter is that more and more of our mutant brothers and sisters are arriving to our shores every day. Emergency shelters are in place, until we can establish more permanent homes for them. A sense of normalcy is paramount, once we get them integrated here, they'll contribute just as everyone else has." Magneto sat back down in his chair, relinquishing the floor. It was then that his eyes made contact with Lorna's.

  A motion is made to a gentleman beside him. The gentle debate on the floor is stopped before Erik stands again. "I think that is all for now, unless I am needed further." The consensus being that everyone had reached the conclusions needed. Soon, the floor was cleared, all council members going back to their respective offices, while Magneto remained seated in the gallery, in one of four chairs reserved for the royal family.

  "Tell me, what on earth could have you so flustered, that you seem as if you are not at all?" He asks, peering at Lorna from his chair. "You has everyone else fooled, but they cannot feel your ire as I can."
Lorna Dane Lorna usually entwined her magnetic fields with her father's when she saw him, a happy twist of the fields that only they could sense. It had been almost like a security blanket for the young woman, or an inside joke even. Something that boosted her in combat and lifted her up. Their emotions were tied so intricately with their powers, it was impossible to hide just how she felt from Magneto. But now she didn't, she kept them close to her. Separate.

The green haired woman stalked forward as her father spoke of her having everyone else fooled once the room was cleared and she stopped at the edge of the massive collection of chairs and tables, her lips thinning into a line. She inhaled a breath and then promptly shoved a wrinkled piece of paper down in front of her father. Her hands curling into fists as they came to rest at her sides and her teeth ground together as she glared at it in accusation. It was of course, the note from the present he'd sent to Rogue.
Magneto      It had been handwritten by him of course, and the gift that was inside meant solely for Rogue. A brief moment to read a piece of the note was enough for him to assess the damage.

  "This? This is what has you so angered?" A quick chuff from his nose before he stands and hovers above the counter, then landing next to Lorna. "Well, lets have it then." He comments, preferring to quell this right here, right now.
Lorna Dane Lorna tilted her head up as her father brushed off her anger, and the note all at once as he stood taller than her. She ground her teeth together, her features twisting with rage. "Tell me that you're not //seriously// flirting with one of my best friends. She's younger than me! It's gross. Please." She exhaled a breath, twisting away and pacing as she crossed her arms and swallowed back another string of angry woods. She was a mess in the electromagnetic fields, the more she paced.

Finally Magneto's youngest daughter came to a halt, turning back to face him fully once more. Waiting.
Magneto      "I did." Magneto explains plainly, then, still holding the note in his hands, he sighs. "Disgusting? I'd think not as much as you do."

  "She carries herself as a much more mature woman. And she brings out a side of me I hadn't seen since...much before you were born."
Lorna Dane Lorna exhaled a breath as her father spoke, and she //stared// at him, her lips parting and she swallowed back bile that rose at the back her throat. Her lips twisted, and she glared at the elder magnokinetic. "She is //younger// than me. She is one of my best friends." She hissed, as if these were two very important key facts. Her green eyes were sharp and anger was hot in her voice and in her posture.

"How... how can you just... it's.." She struggled with words as rage bubbled in her magnetic grip, and a strangled sound escaped the back of her throat. "It's not okay! It's sick. If you continue .... with.. with your intents in pursing one of my //best// friends. Then I'm done here." She practically snarled.

"And with you."
Magneto      Magneto stood by as his youngest daughter chided him. His own anger had started to boil over. His lip curled with anger. "And what exactly am I supposed to do? Troll around retirement homes for some widows? If you haven't noticed Lorna, the playing field has long since died out for me, and spare me a moment to have been enraptured by a beautiful, powerful woman. Her age did not play any role for me." Erik simply refused to feel any shame or such for his gesture. "I did not do more than send a gift. If it is such an issue with you, I'll stop. But mark my words, young lady, this will not become a habit for you." His words are stern, his voice resonating in this rotunda.
Lorna Dane Lorna glared at her father, despite his own building anger, and she wrapped her arms around her waist as she met his gaze with her own. A clash of blue to green eyes. "Please, just... try not to date my //best friends//." She waved a hand expansively around them. "I'm not asking you to stop trying to find someone that makes you happy or try to dictate what you do you with your time, but there are lines, Dad. She's younger than I am, I'm only twenty four in case you forgot." She was speaking normally now, her voice falling from the snarling anger that had boiled hot moments before.

"There is a whole island of mutants here that would love to catch your attention."
Magneto      Magneto raises an eyebrow, gesturing with his hands. "That was exactly why I was rather taken by her. She did not seek me out like a rabid dog. Or like a thief sees a diamond."

  Erik gives a forlorn sigh, and rests against the counter of the hall. "With this...business with Sentinels, it was nice to have a diversion, if not for a fleeting moment."
Lorna Dane Lorna exhaled a breath, and pursed her lips together as she eyed her father. "You didn't think about sending a bottle of perfume to Kitty, did you?" She arched a brow, and then glanced about the room, reaching out a hand and casually using her powers to push in the various chairs the Council members had left in a disarray as they had left the room. Her focus returning to her father after a beat.

"I get how hard it is to find people that aren't interested in the position and the fame rather than who you are." She reached up and dragged a hand through her hair. "But how would you feel if the Professor sent me romantic overtures? Would you be okay with that?"
Magneto      "That would require Charles be interested in anything other than climbing upon the cross." Erik mentions in a slightly snide way towards Charles.

  "You need not try to convince me, suffice it that I do not need any more convincing." He says plainly, by her other question, Erik only reads back his head. "No, she's a nice girl. But I did not think of sending her such a gift." The difference, he sees Kitty and Lorna as the same level, as if she could be his daughter.
Lorna Dane Lorna rolled her eyes at her father's comment regarding the Professor, clearly disagreeing with him on his perspective but let the subject drop otherwise. She nodded once as Magneto continued in regards to Kitty and it seemed as if he'd managed to smooth his youngest daughter's ruffled feathers entirely. The crisis, it seemed, was averted at least, for Lorna. She let her gaze fall and she exhaled a long, drawn, breath.

"Okay." She mumbled, and her shoulders slumped before she reached up and dragged her hands through her hair.

"Okay." She repeated.