Owner Pose
Josh Foley Josh comes trundling down the hall from the Danger Room into the Med Bay with Illyana in his arms. He leans away from her just slightly as if afraid the the darkness around her will bite him. Josh lays Illyana down on a free bed.

"Privacy field," he says sharply. A grey energy wall surroundes the bed area, cutting off Illyana and Josh from the curious eyes and ears of the X-Men's drug addicted guests.

"Hey Illyana, can you hear me? It's Josh, I'm gonna help you out," Josh says calmly. He taps the controls on the bed so the monitors start up. Then he lays a hand on the side of Illyana's face and concentrates for a moment. His hand glows golden as he works for a good solid understanding of her current state.
Illyana Rasputina Illyana hangs slack in Josh's arms. She is a tiny little thing, for a Queen of Limbo, and any real weight to her comes from the pauldron on her shoulder which is easily removed with the unclip of a strap beneath her underarm. Her head is lulled back, hair dangling, eyes rolled back where they're visible through small slits of her eyelids, and there's a ichorous black smoke radiating out of them that immediately disappears upon escaping her body.

In the medbay, she lists to one side, jaw open beause of the angle she's laid in, and arms splayed out to the edges of the bed itself. Vital signs show her heart rate in is tachycardic, one thirty seven, but her oxygenation remains steady at 99%. Blood pressure is eighty over forty.

She's dehydrated.

Croaking quietly at the sound of the voice heard somewhere far off, drawing one eye open a crack. The pale blue iris rolls out of darkness to stare at Josh from that same far off place... breathing in sharply, then, when the golden light from his palm begins to radiate down through her body.. She over did it. Drew on too much darkness in too exhaustive a state.
Josh Foley Josh smirks to himself at what he feels from her, and confirms with the readings on the monitors. It takes no time at all to decide trying to run an IV on an unconscious Illyana could go horribly wrong, so Josh skips the saline. He takes a breath and the golden glow around his hand intensifies. It spreads across the side of Illyana's face. A feeling like liquid warmth spreads from where Josh touches Illyana throughout her body.

But the strangest thing for Illyana is probably not the return to alertness, but the feeling of /wellness/. Just a deep feeling of being... well... that fades with the feeling of warmth when Josh lifts his hand from Illyana's face.

Josh watches Illyana and glances up at the monitors occasionally as he waits. Her body is well, but with Illyana who knows if that is enough.
Illyana Rasputina Illyana is a very difficult person to predict. Will she be appreciative or murderous when she wakes up? Will this all be Josh's fault somehow? Her vitals suggest that her body is returning to normal, heart rate lowering and blood pressure rising, but her consciousness doesn't come immediately. The problem, perhaps, is the nature of the condition.

It's born of an intense use of dark magic. The taint that leaves on a normal situation is profound and visible, but under these circumstances? Who can really know. Will it be Illyana that wakes up?

Or will it be Magik?

The answer comes with eyes popping open. Startled and looking around at her surroundings with a bit of frantic, and dangerously defensive, motion. "Where am I? How am I getting here?" There's no fireballs.. at least not yet!
Josh Foley Josh is on edge the entire time as he waits. He has seen Illyana in training and heard about her in the field, and is not eager to be dragged to Hell. Nor does he have any illusions that he could stop her.

"Hey Majesty," Josh says simply with a half-smile but backs off a couple of steps and keeps his hands where Illyana can see them.

"You passed out in the Danger Room, so I carried you to the Medical Bay to fix you up. This is just a privacy field," Josh gestures over his shoulder to the mid-gray energy wall.

"There's no danger and no threat here. Unless you're gonna try to tell me I'm a threat. Which I get. I intimidate lots of people," Josh jokes with a growing grin.
Illyana Rasputina Illyana is looking around the immediate area with narrowed eyes, trying to piece it together. Obviously she remembers the fight and nods when he mentions the danger room... also Pixie.. which is probably when her face sneers. If only she knew Pixie had craddled her head. "Oh..." Turning on the medical bed to dangle her booted feet off the side with hands clasped in her lap. "Thank you." She murmurs, shifting stare looking up at the field, then directly at Josh.

"Where is.. the pink haired... thing.." She can't summon up an appropriate insult right now. Head still kind of foggy, it'll have to do. "Did she see me like this? Do I have to break her? I will break her anyways..." bodes ill! "You get pass, you helping me." Does it bode less ill?

She does not understand his joke about intimidating people and snaps her gaze up at him. "Why are they intimidated of you?" Because she, is not.
Josh Foley "Bad joke, don't worry about it," Josh says with a chuckle. He seems considerably more relaxed than he usually does near Illyana, despite... maybe getting a pass.

"I left the 'pink haired thing' in the Danger Room," Josh says. "And leave me out of the rest of that... whatever it is going on with you two. Question, is that black stuff that was leaking out of you dangerous?"
Illyana Rasputina "Black stuff.." Illyana's form of not worrying about the bad joke is by forgetting it. She's a point and click kind of woman in that regard, no threat? Cool move on. "Oh, that is Limbo... well dark taint from limbo. It is happening when I summon a lot of magic across barrier." She explains in not so many words. It's rather complicated, obviously.

Her hands slip down to the edge of the bed so she can slid down off and onto her feet. Testing their strength while she's something to keep herself stablized if she falls. "Sometimes is very obvious, sometimes is very subtle.. this time is first thing."
Josh Foley "Yeah, it was very obvious, all over you when I was carrying you, which nobody saw in the base halls," Josh assures her seriously. "Is it dangerous to me? It didn't feel great when it brushed up against me. Oh, and your shoulder thing is on the floor on the other side of the bed. Doesn't that thing slow you down?"
Illyana Rasputina "In large expossures... da it can be." Illyana is a straight shooter, "You would having probably been better getting Katherine, she has dealing with it." She murmurs, looking Josh over more critically, "But it takes more than trip from danger room to medical..." As for her pauldron, "Nyet. I am having worn it more than one decade in combat. Arm feels weird without it when swinging sword. Counter balance." She lifts her right hand and jerks her left shoulder.
Josh Foley "Huh, cool. You must be pretty damn strong fighting with that bigass sword and the pauldron," Josh says. He slouches a bit into his normal easygoing posture and his hands slip into his pockets. "Dealing with the other stuff. That's fucking hardcore. Like, it was dark as hell. Which makes sense I guess," he considers. "But serious, power to you. I don't think most people could use that stuff and not go seriously crazy. Legit."
Illyana Rasputina "I guess..." Illyana shrinks a little at compliments levelled at her and looks around a little sheepishly. It probably flies directly in the face of those same compliments! A hand comes up to push hair back from her face, eyes turned down towards the floor. "A lot of having experience with fighting... in.. darkness.." She clears her throat quietly and stands up a little straighter, "Thank you for making me healed. That is noble ability. Very useful.. you will be spared until last when judgement comes." Her jokes are a little dark.
Josh Foley "Last? That's better than I usually get around here," Josh says with a 1000-watt grin. "You're welcome, any time you need me, I'm there. I kinda wondered what you'd be like, but straight up, you're just girl. Woman. Physically," he clarifies and winces slightly. "You know what I mean. You're just like the rest of us. Except with more badass and dark servant things at picnics and stuff."

"Anyway, you're good to go, just don't like push it that hard and get down a couple bottles of water. Unless you really wanna just hangout and have a saline drip, but it's boring as fuck down here with the smackheads, so, water's probably better."
Illyana Rasputina Illyana snorts quietly at the kind of compliments and address of her as ''just a girl'' or woman. There's a flash in her eyes, but she swallows it back, for once taking it for what it is. "Blagodaryu vas." She murmurs quietly in Russian, then realizes and repeats, "Thank you. I am feeling more like one recently than every having being feeling before." With her legs stable and her head clearing, she nods once to the medic.

"I am okay without having dripping in my arm. It was high stress situation. Probably was Megan's fault. We will blame her." That is not the royal we, she's including Josh too. "I am sure I will be made to drink many bottles of water."
Josh Foley "I'm sure you will. Take it easy, Majest," Josh says. "Privacy field off."

The grey field vanishes and the rest of the Medical Bay is revealed.

"Fucking get me outta here, please, I'll do whatever you want," pleads a haunted looking student of Xavier's, Sarah, in a bed surrounded by a restraining field. The other handful of young women and one young man have various reactions from threats, to angry glaring, to moaning in pain.

"Please don't kill or maim the pink thing, Majesty. I don't have a lot of room in here right now."
Illyana Rasputina Illyana looks at the children once the field is removed and, as is usual with them, she has a specific effect. Rumors abound, quiet whispers, she is evil.. She tucks hair behind her ear and nods to Josh once more, "I will try not to kill her. But no promises on making her feel very small." Holding up a thumb and fore finger as she steps around the medic towards the exit. The students can fend for their damn self.
Josh Foley Josh watches what is for once a young woman and not an unholy terror leave Medical.

"Huh," he says unknowingly. He lets the cacophany behind him fade out of his awareness and goes back to his computer and the trays of roundworms laid out beside it.

"Alright, let's do this."