Owner Pose
Henry McCoy Henry McCoy should be doing this in the kitchen, but it's hard to tell if he'd be allowed to. He has a table set up ina corner, with a hot plate, a couple bottles of oil, and several boxes of twinkies. Oil is poured into a pan on the hot plate, and is heating up.
Armor Hisako Ichiki walks into the rec room, and of course smells what's going on before she totally even sees it. Hands behind her back, she carefully walks on over, stands up straight, and watches silently, wide-eyed and curious.
Jubilee Jubilee is sitting on the corner of a table in a fitted, button-down white blouse and a pink pleated skirt, swinging her pink Converse-clad feet. She's watching Henry prepping his contraband cooksite and chatting enthusiastically about the possibility that fudgecicles would go REALLY well with these things.

"You're gonna LOVE it, Handsome. Just wait and see. It'll be like chocolate ice cream on top," she chimes.
Henry McCoy Henry McCoy applies a thin coating of corn starch to one of the twinkies, and dips it into the oil. It starts to sizzle. He raises a brow and looks to Jubilee. "Chocolate and twinkie together? I have to admit I do like coffee and twinkie, so we'll try your idea." he grins. Hisako's gawking is of course noticed. "I'm frying Twinkies. It's about time. Fairly recent American tradition. Want one?"
Armor Hisako Ichiki blinks, and leans forward to really watch, albeit from a safe distance, as the cooking begins. "Fried Twinkies. Interesting. Yes I would like to try one if I may, Mr. McCoy." she smiles. "Mrs. Lee, may I ask how one eats a fudgecicle with a fried twinkie?"
Jubilee "I'm got some softening a little on the counter. I'll just unwrap 'em and pull the sticks out, then slice em up like bananas and put 'em on top--" Her eyes go wide. "Oooh bananas....."

Typical of Jubilee, her mouth is always just a step behind her brain. "Bet that'd be good, too....I guess it'd be hard to do that if the twinkies were on sticks tho, huh?"
Henry McCoy Henry McCoy pauses, and smiles. "Good idea. Hisako, would you mind grabbing us some sticks from the kitchen? That will make these cleaner to eat, as well." Though the one already cooking is getting flipped in a pair of tongs. "I will throw myself ont he grenade of eating this poor, messy specimen."
Armor Hisako Ichiki covers her mouth and snickers. "I will right away. We must attempt this." She then rushes off in a swish, and comes back in no time. Her arms armored up, she carries in one hand a package full of wooden sanitary sticks, carefully setting them down away from the hot plate. The other arm holds a water dispenser, which she sets down on the end for people to have water with their treats.
Jubilee "Have...you ever made these before?" Jubilee hops down off the corner of the table and moves closer to Hank, petting his arm absently as she peers into the hot plate. "Careful ya don't singe yourself. That'd be painful," she remarks with a furrowed brow, and leans her cheek against his shoulder for a moment to hug his bicep. "Ohh water...good idea!"
Henry McCoy Henry McCoy laughs. "Indeed, thank you Hisako and good thinking." He then takes the first twinkie off of the oil carefully, setting it on some paper towels set out for the purpose. The second twinkie has a stick shoved into it before it's placed into the oil. "Never in my life, Jub. But they're twinkies. You cannot harm a twinkie."
Armor Hisako Ichiki bows slightly to Jubilee at the praise. Armor fading, she fills a cup with some water for herslef, before coming back around to watch the action. "Mrs. Lee you should have this one. I can try the next."
Jubilee "Nahh...I get into his Twinkies all the time. You can have it! This looks like something that needs maybe powdered sugar, now. Not fudgecicles." She goes back to the counter and nabs the fudgecicles, taking them back to the freezer and returning with a bag of powdered sugar instead. "This should work better." If ever it was obvious that Jubilee runs in sugar, this might be that moment.
Henry McCoy Henry McCoy makes a face and a sound akin to the Homer Simpsons 'donuts...' reaction when Jub says that. "Ooooooh powdered sugar. Now that's an idea." The fresh one slowly being turned in the oil. "And sure, this one can go to Hisako, and Jub can have the third. Don't touch the stickless one though. It's still very hot. But bring over one of the fudgesickles Jub, and try rubbing one over the twinkie. Could act as somewhat of a glaze if it works."
Armor Hisako Ichiki will gladly take one when give it. She armors her hand up to take the stick and hold it most carefully. A short bow. "Thank you Mr. McCoy." she then backs off to let others watch, as she very slowly blows on, then eats her sweet treat.
Jubilee Jubilee retrieves a fudgecicle and she rubs it on the piping hot twinkies before dusting them with powdered sugar, making a chocolately, sugary crust. "Well....it might work!" She grins as Hisako takes her Twinkie to enjoy it. "You're always comin' up with so many good ideeeas," she says with a grin.
Henry McCoy Henry McCoy rests his free hand on Jubilee's shoulder as he finishes off one Twinkie, putting it on a plate for Hisako, before starting on the one for Jubilee. "That looks amazing. I'm going to let it cool a little more before trying it. My mouth will regenerate.. but I'd rather not have to."
Jubilee "Yeah, I don't have those kinds of powers," Jubilee replies. "So the roof of my mouth would just melt to my brain and I'd have tater tots for brains for like, forever." She leans in, nudging against Henry idly. A comfortable and familiar gesture. "Where did you try these?"