Owner Pose
Hela The next time Silver attends Club Mjolnir, Elle goes out of her way to meet her directly. "Come," she says without further words, as she turns to lead Silver down that familiar hallway. Again she reaches to her pendant, the valknut fitting in the hidden slot behind one of the tapestries, and the secret passage opens. "I'd like not to be distrubed this time around," she explains, before moving down the spiraliing spiralling staircase.

Once in the Sanctum Eljudnir, she reaches, as the last time Silver saw her there, for one of the dark robes which she dons with reverence. "Welcome, once again, to this most special of places...at least for me, I call it Sanctum Eljudnir."
Silver Sable Silver follows along as she's bid, though no one would mistake her attitude as docile or complacent. Silver Sablinova is the sort who'd spit defiance at the devil standing naked in the fires of the pit. But she doesn't offer any complaint or objection and descends along the stairs with an even step. Her outfit's suitable for any professional engagement; black trousers and a matching vest worn over a white blouse. It'd look quite bluntly masculine if it weren't so very deliberately cut to emphasize her feminine curves.

Silver looks around when they hit the basement, checking corners with a survivors' habitual awareness. "It still reminds me of standing in the middle of a weather event. I can feel it here. Moving on my skin," Silver informs Elle.

She grins. "I like it."
Hela Once Elle has donned her robes from one of the several hanging on the hooks, she turns to face Silver and offers faintly, "it's because there's only truth offered here. True power. True connection with the gods of old. You feel that energy...it's not a facade, it's truth." Elle explains it in her own terms, smiling as Silver remains this time around, "I am glad you are not driven to leave this time...I had hoped I could share this truth with you."
Silver Sable Silver's grin spreads, a rare but sincere expression. A modest dismissal comes with a flick of her hand. "Am more convinced now, you are not going to sacrifice me to some ancient chthonic being," Silver assures Elle. "Mostly assured, anyway. If I see ritual knives, I'm going for the door," she says with an easy laugh.

"It was very kind of you to invite me once. Generous to inivte me twice. How could I be so rude as to refuse such a polite invitation?" she asks with a rhetorical splay of her fingers. "So, am here. What is it you wish to show me?"
Hela "What gave you the impression of sacrifice taking place here...?" Elle asks curiously, "is it the silence? The murals?" She then moves closer to the makeshift ring out of the cloak and four black spears, directly opposite to the altar, "the ring?"

Finally she gestures at the altar on the other hand, with the prominent trunk of an ash tree, and the dragon heads looking down from atop, "or the altar itself?"
Silver Sable "Too many bad movies as a young girl," Silver quips dryly.

She uplifts a hand. "I kid. It is from childhood," she assures Hela. "Orthodox church, always out in the open. Catholics, too, very prominent; the church was always the center of the town. But you could walk right into it."

She gestures around. "Hidden places like this were for old ways. For religions long suppressed, sometimes for good reasons, sometimes bad. So when I come into a place like -this-, hidden behind secret doors and filled with strange runes and trappings--"

She shakes her head. "Please, let us not talk of this anymore. It is in the past, da?" she pleads of Elle. "Come, show me what you brought me here for."
Hela "Yes...precisely, old ways," Elle's eyes seem to light up energetically as Silver mentions something that strikes true. "Surely you understand modern religions fear the old, and with good reason, there are no fake men who claim the word of god to direct the believers. There is only truth. Modern religion hates truth...it fears it..."

Elle looks rather pleased with herself upon disparaging the modern religions, before reaching into her cloak, and pulling out a leather necklace with a valknut pendant not unlike her own.

"I wished to extend an invitation to you, to join, at least in a sense that you may use this sacred space of mine to commune with the gods of old. Whenever you feel the need for guidance, or wish to show gratitude, or make request of favors this way or that...I want you to feel free to come here. You will be heard, I promise you that much."
Silver Sable Silver lifts a brow at Elle's sudden vehemence on the topic but otherwise doesn't voice an additional opinion. When the woman walks over with the pendant-- the key for the hidden lock-- in hand, Silver's brows lift in mild surprise. The expression turns to one of polite gratitude though, and then to a warm smile.

"That is... a very generous gift, Elle," Silver says, and holds the other woman's eyes for a few moments.

Her expression settles to something neutral, thoughtful even. "Elle, I do not mean insult, but I must ask: why would you offer me this?" Her tone is flat but far from rude, trying to phrase the question on her lips as frankly as possible without sounding merely suspicious. "We do not know each other well. We've met... a few times. At least twice of them, I was very far from sober. I know you're not human, Elle." The observation's given without rancor or observation. "And from the way you engaged with Lord Thor, you are clearly more than just some fey spirit. I-- I am just a mortal woman. What possible interest could you have in me to bring me to this sanctuary?"
Hela "I trust you, Silver, you are familiar with the old ways, and even if your own path is a variation, it echos of truth. I respect and appreciate it," Elle explains to Silver, "I've seen you here more than once, I can tell there's more to your mannerism than pretense. You carry strong values, you're steadfast, and have the full faith of your men. It is commendable, more so for a woman in this world."

Elle laughs as Silver describes what she may be, shaking her head ever so slightly, "you assume much, what evidence have you to base such an assumption upon? My miracles during the Black Sleep? That was a boon granted for my faith, the old gods are most just and approve of courage and spirit."

"I am not spirit, I am merely rewarded for my faith, just like the oracles, closer to norns but not quite..."
Silver Sable Silver bows her head slightly in gratitude for the high praise the woman offers her. "You are too kind," she murmurs. But she doesn't refute it, either. Silver's ego is precisely as big as it ought to be. She knows her self-worth.

"You say yourself, 'miracle'," Silver points out. "A magical disease that stoppered doctors and holy men and witches all." She shakes her head and makes a passing gesture through the air.

"It is not important. All of us are entiteld to our story and our secrets. I won't press yours from you," Silver assures Elle with another flashing smile. "You've taken me greatly into your confidence as it is, in more ways than one. I am not sure I am worthy of such trust... but I am humbled nonetheless."
Hela "That is what won me the moniker, 'Miracle Elle', but I know what it truly was..." Elle responds as she turns to deliberately point at the altar, "the work of someone stronger, better, far more capable...someone who can be merciful or at least sympathetic to the worthy."

"If you honor with taking solace in my sanctum, even if only for peace of mind, if not prayer or request for favor...it will be enough. I like you, Silver, and there aren't many I yet like since coming here from my old home." Elle seems rather adamant about that much, "you may come here as you please, only, make sure you are not followed when you do venture forth. This place is for a special group of friends, for those who know the old ways. Not for the run of the mil pretenders, partaking in festivities and drinking on the upper floor."
Silver Sable Silver nods at that, and smiles at Elle again. This time, when it's offered, she accepts the valknut rune. It's examined carefully with a tracing of her fingers and then she slips it over her neck and tucks it out of sight.

"I know how to keep a secret, Elle," Silver promises the woman. "If the secret gets out, it won't be because Silver Sablinova can't keep her teeth together." Something about her tone suggests it's more akin to an oath of allegience than a flippant dismissal of Elle's concerns. Silver will clearly take the responsibility of security quite seriously.

"And... for what it is worth, I like you too, Elle."