Owner Pose
Tyran'tar     Word has spread throughout space that a particular queen of tamaran was recruiting bounty hunters. As they arrive on tamaran, They would be met by Tyran'tar, commander of tamaran's defense force. He brings them to an office and offers Tamaran's delicacies to the various hunters. "As the missive said Kormand'r is recruiting bounty hunters to track down her sister." He says calmly as he sips the alcohol he poured himself.
Vorn      Vorn was more than happy to get food...he more or less took entire platters and had them stacked up, munching away with an apetite befitting someone so large. He even let out a massive burp before patting his stomech. But there were questions to be had, as such he asks "What exactly did Starfires do to warrent being hunted down?" he asks as drinks some strange liquid. He didn't keep up with politics, and he mostly know about Starfire from...the fact they lived on the same planet.
Lobo     In the corner, a figure stood idly. His head down, more focused on the throwing knife in his hands that he is currently twirling between his fingers again, and again, and again. But he is paying attention to every single word being said, and finally he speaks up in that deep voice of his. Though he still doesn't look up.

    "Yeah yeah, blood thicker than water. I should know, seein' as I separate geeks from the former on a semi-regular basis. Frankly, I don't care who stole whos dolls growin' up, all I wanna know is, how much is dis 'Koipond' or whoever willin' ta cough up? Extractions of royalty don't 'zackly come cheap these days."
Tyran'tar     "She is a threat to our reigning monarch. If she so chooses she can lead a rebellion to overthrow her sister. Her sister doesnt want that so here are the terms. Koriand'r is to be captured alive. No disintegrations. Kormand'r wants to personally deal with her sister. Your job is to track her down and bring her back to New Tamaran. Simple as that. If she resists you are allowed to use whatever means to capture her as long as she doesnt die." Tyran'tar explains. He then looks to Lobo. "My queen is willing to pay whatever you want. If the million credit bounty isnt good enough, she will pay extra if you provide Starfire." He says calmly. He then looks between the bounty hunters. "I will provide coordinates to where she was last seen, but it is doubtful she is in the area."
Vorn Vorn grunts "Very well." He already knew where to find her, if she was indeed the same person he was thinking. But it would be good to know where other bounty hunters may go...or see how fast he will need to send a message to earth, and the titans. Though he does consider capturing her just so the two sisters can fight and get this nonsense over with, but everything in time. Though he does eye Lobo, as they prior interactions have been....not the best to say the least. And well his reputation procedes him.
Lobo     "Disintahowawhatsits? Listen Clyde, ya should know by now that as assassin to royalty an' scourge of the cosmos, I only frag in the most spectacular an' autirtistic ways possible. An' that's only when the job spec'fically calls fer it. An' if Kori'Haim is willin' ta put up the credits, I'll drag her sis here by her pretty princess pigtails, don't ya worry yer head none!"

    This whole time Lobo was still playing with that knife, until the very second Vorn made lingering eye contact. Instantly the ghost-white Czarnian flicked his wrist, and that super dense sharpened spacer-steel was hurtling through the air and burying itself in a rather thick fruit, something like a mix between a pineapple and a glowing crimson lava lamp.

    He gave a grin to the man with the appeteite, before giving a snort.

    "Looks like we gots a bit of a race between us, pal."
Tyran'tar     "Were it up to me, I would rather both sisters work together for the better of Tamaran. That isnt going to happen. As it stands, Blackfire is the reigning monarch and I am under orders to hire the best hunters to track down Starfire. I cant stress this enough, Starfire is to be brought back alive. If she dies, then dont bother coming back to Tamaran for payment." Tyran'tar says calmly. He then looks to Lobo. "Starfire may have friends willing to defend her. She was inspirational during the war. Those friends can be fragged if need be."
Vorn The knife is eyed and seen almost in slow motion as it embedds into his fruit. The fruits juices dripping down much more readilly now. As the juices hit the floor there slight steam due to the strange fruits nature.
    Vorn smirks and takes a nice big bite out of the fruit...and the knife, even grinning back. "Indeed. Though, between the two of us...well, the lead belongs to me." he states. It was half mind game, half truth. Perhaps it would send Lobo cruising towards the coordinates faster, putting distance.
    "Whatever the case though. There a job to do. The sooner we got the intell you have the better" he tells Tyran'tar...before slapping the hand of another bounty hanter going for his plate "Next time, you LOSE the hand." someone was food aggressive.
Lobo     As a matter of fact, Lobo was already out the door. Well, in this case, out the wall. Taking a running start, the massive form leapt and smashed through the plaster and other fancy spacey materials, hurtling through the air before landing atop his waiting Spacehog. And with that he was streaking through the sky like a reverse comet, like a bat out of hell. As it turns out, he'd do anything for creds...Including this. And hey, one out of one wasn't bad!
Tyran'tar     Tyran'tar moves to the computer and uploads the coordinates to the bounty hunter's computers. "Good hunting." Tyran'tar says as he looks to Vorn and he watches as the hunters begin to leave. It is then his ring glowws green and makes his eyes glows green. "If there is nothing else, then I wish you good fortune on your job." He says as he watches Vorn.
Vorn Vorn laughs at Lobos shenigans. Vorn was...less of a stickler than Crusader as it turns out. He stands and tunes into his spaceship the Starpiercer, confirming the infomation has been recieved. He looks to Tyran'tar "Not at the moment. Good luck on whatever mission you end up on" it was time to head back to earth, he didn't need the coordinates. He didn't rush off because he wanted the other get ahead first before he took off...and took off he did...after making sure he takes as much tamaran food with him as he could (wehich was alot)