Owner Pose
Kaydin     "So let me get this straight. You sent one of your duplicates to china. They became a shaolin monk. He then got absorbed, and now you have all of his training and combat experience." Kaydin says as he walks with Jamie. He was checking the garden and ran into jamie while he was working on the lawn. Well he may be talking to a duplicate, you never know with jamie.
Jamie Madrox You absolutely never know with Jamie. A few drinks and sometimes even Jamie doesn't know! Luckily for Jamie, he's on a bit of a booze cleanse after the epic hangover from yesterday. He's sworn off the hooch. Until next time. Walking with Kaydin, Jamie Madrox is dressed as he -always- is. Same outfit. Same overcoat. Every time. "Yup. One of the first, actually. Once I realized that I kept the experiences? The knowledge? Why wouldn't I?" He asks with a chuckle.

Around them, a team of Madri tend the grounds. Two working the garden, trimming and soil testing. Some distance away, three are running a V formation with lawn mowers. He's... everywhere.

"I've also passed the bar exam, became a paramedic, danced at The Wizards Den and... It gets weird." Smirking wryly, he looks to Kaydin with a raised brow. "You're the speedster that I was hearing about, right?"
Kaydin     "I do murals of heroes. Sam gutherie managed to get me a wall outside the mansion to do murals on. Every so often I change it." Kaydin says as he watches the madri. "Yea I am one of the speedsters here. Got struck by lightning and then boom, speedforce powers." He says as he watches the man. "So you are literally a one man army. I bed you can kick serious butt."
Jamie Madrox "That's really, really great. I like your work, Kaydin. Between you and me? Gonna need to see more Emma Frost on there." He says with an eyebrow waggle and an elbow nudge as they walk. Reaching into his overcoat, he takes out a pack of smokes. "Oi!" He shouts. A Madrox turns and throws a lighter to him. Sparking up, he nods in impressed approval. "Struck by lightning and speedforce connected. That's insane. Cool as Hell but insane." Exhaling a cloud upward, Jamie comes to a stop. Hands on his hips, cigarette dangling from his lips. "I can handle myself pretty well, yeah. Not my main event but I put on a show when I need to. You doing combat training? Who's your instructor?"
Kaydin     "Scott summers was my original combat instructor. I got basic self defense down pat. My older brother is a reservation police back home on the res near seattle." Kaydin says as he watches him. "He made sure me and my younger sisters knew enough to defend ourselves. After that mr. Summers showed me a few tricks but I am willing to learn." Kaydin explains. "I can stop bullets in midair so guns arent that big a threat to me."
Jamie Madrox Jamie tsks, taking a drag off his cigarette. Unknown to Kaydin, Jamie and Scott have always historically butted heads. "Yeah, Summers is good for it. Always good to know how to extract a stick from your-" Catching himself, Jamie clears his throat and plucke the cigarette from his lips. Pointing it at him. "Willing to learn is important. You stop learning, you're dead... Now, just to be clear? This ain't graded." He laughs and flicks the cigarette away. Another Jamie immediately shouting at him for littering. "Bullet catch? Even if you don't know it's coming?"
Kaydin     "According to my research on the speed force, I can eventually absorb any speed of whatever touches me. So I can make a bullet stop dead as soon as it hits me. I am still working on that ability. The speedforce provides a plethora of powers and I just now learned how to phase through solid objects. Phasing through a person can kill or seriously injure them."
Jamie Madrox Jamie, listening and learning(while not a power, certainly something that's kept him alive), purses his lips. Eyes narrowed ever so slightly as Kaydin explains some Speedforce basics. "So, wait, wait, wait. Kaydin? Are you a Mutant?" A sideways look from the man with a big, black 'M' forever etched into his face. After a second, he continues. "Man. First lesson is going to be hard for you, kid." He laughs at that. "Stance is important. Once held form for... six hours? God, that'd be inhumane treatment to a Speedster!"
Kaydin     "No I am a metahuman. I was recruited to xaviers when I first ran from seattle to new york city and met with professor jean grey and miss munroe." Kaydin says as he chuckles nervously at the man. "Yea time is slowed down for me. I can briefly pull people into my aura and show how time flows for people like me." He says as he watches jamie."
Jamie Madrox It's not that Jamie is a racist or a bigot but... when Kaydin admits he's Metahuman, he does look the young man up and down rather critically. After a moment, he nods in acceptance. "Jean and Ororo, huh? Couldn't ask for a better welcome." A smile returns, slow and relaxed. An easy going cheer if ever there was one. "Nah, I've already tried cocaine once. Gonna pass on that. But you? I think you're fishin' for pointers. Speed is important but you need skill to back it up. Raw power can get the job done but style is everything."
Kaydin     "I can do style." Kaydin says as he watches the man. "So are you going to be training me? Atleast it wont cut down on your workload." He says with a smile as he watches the man. "I dont want you to push yourself just for my benefit."
Jamie Madrox "And -that- is what matters. Can-Do Style." Jamie says with a snap of the fingers. And just like that, there's another Jamie next to him. Both of them crick their necks the same direction. Jamie 2 bending down to stretch as Jamie Prime pops his knuckles. "I'm not going to be your instructor. For that, I'd ask James Proudstar or Psylocke. Hey, Dani is here too, yeah? Oh, man. Ask her for sure." Shrugging out of his overcoat, Jamie smiles sweet and chipper. "But I am going to show you a thing or two. Push myself? There's only twelve of me here. Barely even breaking a sweat. Remember. Awareness. Balance. Style."
Kaydin     Kaydin nods as he takes a fighting stance. "So you are going to show me a few tricks. Arent you worried that I may move too fast to be caught by you?" He asks curiously. He then looks around to the second madrox and smiles. "Definatly more useful then my powers."
Jamie Madrox As Kaydin takes a basic defense stance, Jamie chuckles under a breath and shakes his head. "Kaydin, that's kind of the point. See if you can. Heads up!" Shouting suddenly, when Kaydin looks at the second Jamie... rake comes flying at the back of his head like a javelin. "Every power and every skill is useful in the right situation!" As he yells this, the ground vibrates lightly. A stampede of Madri. Jamie Madrox coming from all over the property. Some jumping off mowers, others running out the doors as a gang of Madri charge poor Kaydin from every angle.