Owner Pose
Andrea Ow. Andrea doesn't feel amazing, but she's at least able to move and walk about. She has deep bruising along her body from the fight, but the wounds at least have been sealed and the bloodied bandages removed. She is dressed in a pair of workout shorts and a baggy t-shirt as she winces loudly, climbing out of the bed to land on her bare feet. ".. I want donuts." She grumbles to herself.
Samuel Guthrie Samuel Guthrie comes walking into the room, and while he does not have donuts, he has BLTs. A tray of them enough for all those here and a few extra. He steps in and says "Oh good your awake, hungry?"
Andrea "Yes, I'm starving." Andrea says with a loud rumble in her stomach. She wipes at her face with her hand as if to try and clear some eye-gunk away. "I look like an eggplant that got beat up, but at least my guts are all in one place." She says as she reaches for a sandwich, then takes a large bite out of it, chewing hungrily. "We figure out what that was last night?"
Samuel Guthrie Samuel Guthrie looks to her and says "Well seems they were someone from Laura's past. The beast was some type of prototype, so guessing if we encounter another one it's jaw will be reinforced. They know Laura and her weakness. Ah had to KO her, sorry left you alone up front.
Andrea "It's fine. I handled it. It's what I was trained to do, to be the tank. By taking the beast away from the encounter, you guys could focus down the main objective." Andrea says as she takes another large bite from the sandwich. "You set me up for the opening I needed to attack. Doesn't matter what type of monster they throw at us, I'll still take it down."
Samuel Guthrie Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah figured it would be the bigger threat, or at least the one that would take more experience. Sam Ah knew has fought normal folks before, but turns out she was not quite normal. Enhances at least to resist damage."
Andrea "They weren't really prepared to attack a school full of mutants. This is what they call poke damage." Andrea says as she finishes the sandwich, then reaches for a second. "Taking a poke at us to determine the threat level and then get out and recap what they found. I'm sure someone was recording the encounter from afar." She lets out a soft sigh. "Yesterday I had this speech about how we need to stop training to be soldiers and to just be kids, and then we get attacked a few hours later. Made me look stupid. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we just aren't kids anymore."
Samuel Guthrie Samuel Guthrie says, "Na, need to be both sadly, have time to be kids but be prepared too. Ah believe they had planned on us being occupied by Laura, trying not to kill her, while she was slicing us to ribbons. Am hoping now we might be able to help her more with that issue."
Andrea "But I didn't form the New Mutants for us to be junior X-Men, or to go out on missions and fight bad guys. I created us to be student ambassadors and to be a positive influence at the school. The training part is due to us learning how to defend ourselves, thus defend our friends." Andrea sighs softly and tucks some hair back behind her ear. "I just don't know... maybe I'm blindly naive. I'm a martyr, that much I know. I came out to the world, I put myself in harm's way, I run a charity for mutants. I do this so that others won't /have/ to."
Samuel Guthrie Samuel Guthrie will pull his chair up, and says "You know when the Prof formed the original class of New Mutants, we were not supposed to be training to be heroes either right? " He looks to her, and says "Ah have spotted a bit on how you can tell who is going to be out there fighting and doing all they can from those who just want to learn their powers and live more normal lives.
Andrea "I just don't want someone to get hurt, or killed, because they bit off more than they can chew and they think they have some huge destiny to be a superhero because we were blessed with a genetic quirk. I like Shannon, but she's squishy and gonna get killed. She's like the new Erika. You know what I mean? Good heart, lots of spirit, liability in the battlefield. Samuel is a wildcard who needs to learn how to be a kid and not a weapon. I don't know if this is healthy for him." Andrea says with a sigh. "It's how I felt about Laura too. She is my best friend and she's come a long way, but she needs to learn how to just be a person. I just don't want them to have the wrong expectation. I want them to enjoy their lives, be kids, eat ice cream, go to class and worry about a math test and not a sentinel." She takes another bite of her sandwich. "It stresses me out, thinking about them getting hurt."