Owner Pose
Shannon      It was the wee hours of the morning, but the computer lab was not empty. One lone desk towards the back of the room has a familiar occupant, a blonde-haired winged teen still in her pajamas. She's wearing a pair of red tartan sweatpants, baggy gray tank top, and her favorite Old English sheepdog slippers. The light from the computer screen flickers across her face, and there's soft clicking as she has to alternate between using the mouse, and typing something. What could she be up to?
J'onn J'onn needs to prepare the lesson for the day, and what better way to do it than to use the computer lab of the mansion itself? His mind is still full of the events concerning the league, now aday, plus some other personal things, yet he tries to live his life regularly trying not to be swept in irrelevant thoughts, and so it is that he walks through the door of the computer lab wearing the shape and clothes of John Green the science teacher.
"good morning, Shannon" he greets the woman, recognized even before entering to see her, and his steps soon lead him to a computer close to the girl's one. He pulls out a chair, sitting on it and pushing the button to start the computer
Shannon Shannon glances up from her research, a slip of paper on the desk next to her. On it is sketched a symbol that does not seem to be of this Earth. She leans back in her chair, rubbing her temples slightly. "Oh, hey there, Mr. Green. Didn't think anyone was going to be awake this early. How's it going?"
J'onn J'onn releases a soft chuckle, his fingertips moving quickly on the keyboard to imput a quite long password, and then login on his account "uh, well, who told you I sleep?" he asks, only half jokingly. His eyes move over the paper, examining it quickly and raising an eyebrow "what are you researching?" he asks, his eyes snapping back to the monitor as he opens what looks to be a command console. Then, he starts typing numbers and letters, symbols, algoritms... To write a quick program it seems!
Shannon Shannon laughs a little bit. "Ah, a night owl like I am?" She nudges the paper towards him, running her finger through her hair. "I was at the memorial a couple days ago. Just as Triage and I were leaving... I looked back at the grave. There was someone there in a hooded cloak, and they were wearing this symbol. It was kind of weird." She shakes her head. "Could've sworn I saw a little red light flash under the hood of that cloak... or maybe it was my eyes playing tricks on me." She glances back at the screen, then the paper. "I can't find anything on what this might mean. It's kind of creeping me out."
J'onn J'onn hmms, considering the symbol again, and his hands keep moving on the keyboard even if he's looking elsewhere. "you will probably not find anything about it on the regulars channels, Shannon... That is Kryptonian lore you're seeking" he explains serenely
Shannon Shannon goes dead silent for a moment, her jaw dropping open. She just stares at Mr. Green for a moment, then down at the paper, then back at hom. "Holy shit. But there aren't many Kryptonians left, are there? So what was someone wearing one of their symbols doing there? Who was it?" She frowns deeply, crossing her arms in front of her, thinking for a moment. How did she keep stumbling into these things?
J'onn J'onn stops his typing, turning his chair towards Shannon and looking calmly at her "more importantly, Shannon, are those truly questions you should be asking?" he asks, leaning a bit backwards on his chair "I mean, are you sure you want to pursue that knowledge? It is not for many, and, generally speaking, it is not for humans, mutated or otherwise"
Shannon      "Well, the questions have kind of been asked already. I asked you." She frowns a bit more, pursing her lips as she considers this. Just what had she stumbled onto. "Okay, so maybe I'm just a kid and maybe I'm just a mutant. But the fact of the matter is, someone was there by the grave wearing this. Don't know who or what they were, but it kind of worries me that whoever it is, took an interest in Superman's final resting place." She sighs deeply. "I can't exactly -not- pursue it, but this one is probably way out of my league. Shouldn't somebody know about it, so whoever /is/ able to pursue it, /can/ do so?"
J'onn J'onn sighs softly, then shakes his head "it makes sense, really. The symbol is related to a kryptonian religion, Shannon, so a person wearing that well, it makes sense for it to be near superman's final resting place..." he comments, closing his eyes for a few seconds
Shannon      "Except for the fact that there's not supposed to be that many left," the young mutant points out. "So the question is, who was it, and should we be concerned? Who should we even tell about this?"
J'onn J'onn nods tightly, considering quietly for a couple of seconds "there is more than one, though. not many left doesn't mean none left, Shannon. As for who should know about it, well, for once, I will bring the information to the watchtower as soon as I go back there, then we shall see if and what we should do about it.."
Shannon Shannon nods and nudges the paper towards him. "Maybe take that with you, see if it'd help any." She sighs a little, seeming to slump. "Maybe I never knew him like you did... but all the same, I hope nobody's messing with his resting place. Hopefully this turns out to be nothing."
J'onn J'onn extends his right hand, and there the paper floats up and folds for him to snatch it out of the air and pocket it "hopefully, yes. Even because, it is true that in the later months we havn't talked much, but I indeed still consider him a friend." he admits, for a moment perhaps forgetting his john green mask "and if someone tries to mess with it, they'll have to deal with me as well..." he mumbles, in a lower, yet still audible voice.
Shannon Shannon nods, and smiles a little bit. "I guess if you talk to anyone there... it's more of a 'should we be concerned', than anything major." Her eyebrows raise as the paper goes floating in the air, and something of a smile spreads across her face. For once, there is almost a child-like delight in something so simple as a bit of telekinesis. "Okay. That's just... neat." As the paper goes floating, she giggles softly, poking at it in the air as it folds itself right up. Something about his voice gave her pause, though, and she peers at him curiously. "You okay there? I didn't mean to upset you..."
J'onn J'onn looks at shannon quietly for a couple of seconds, then his lips turn upwards in a gentle smile "no, don't worry. It's just, this entire situation has me a bit on edge, that's all." he admits, sighing softly "don't worry." he adds, his left hand quickly typing a command on the computer, starting the compilation process of something
Shannon Shannon nods, and smiles some with understanding. "Don't suppose it's anything some oreos could help with?" Oh yes, she'd learned his weak spot all too well, and seemed determined to cheer him up however possible. "But... yeah. I think this whole thing has us all a little on edge. I'd kind of hoped to meet him one day, but now..." She shrugs a little bit. "I hope all his friends are going to be okay. This can't be easy on any of them."
J'onn J'onn releases a soft chuckle, then shakes his head slightly "oh, keep oreos away from me now or I'll eat all of them, in the entire region even!" he exclaims, then shrugs "his friends will be allright. Time, perhaps, will heal the wounds that need healing, or at least, we hope so..."
Shannon Shannon giggles, and pulls out a couple small packages from the pocket of her sweatpants. Could it be? Dare she to even show him? Yes! It's a couple little mini-packets of Oreos! She holds on tight to them, just to see what he'll do, having a little fun messing around with him.
J'onn J'onn stares at the oreos, raising both his eyebrows for a moment. Then bursts out laughing "really, shannon?" he asks, and smiles "oh come on, you can't do this, it is not fair!" he says, casting a quick glance at the computer who displays a progres bar actually at more than seventy percent
Shannon Shannon giggles softly, and tosses one of the packets up in the air, just to see what will happen next. The other, she opens and starts nibbling on one of the oreos herself. Oh, yes. It was good to get a friend to laugh, even for just a little while.
J'onn J'onn chuckles some more, snatching the package out of the air with his mind and bringing it to his hand. A flick of a finger is what is needed for the package to open, and then an oreo quickly floats from it into his mouth "you humans surely know how to make those..." he coughs, covering the slip with a second oreo
Shannon      Shannon's eyebrows shoot upwards. He might have tried to cover the slip, but not quite fast enough. Still, she can't help smiling as the package seems to open itself, and both oreos inside soon meet their demise. "'You humans', huh? As if you're not?" Oh, my.
J'onn J'onn shrugs, eating a third oreo "well don't I look and act like a human?" he asks, tilting his head slightly "a sure thing, I'm not a kryptonian and not a krull for sure..." he adds, the computer reminding him of its presence with a pinging sound and the progress bar reaching 100 percent. "oh wonderful, the lesson is ready for today!"
Shannon Shannon nods slowly. "Yeah you do. But you know as well as I do there's tech to cover things up, like I have to hide my wings sometimes." She holds out her one remaining oreo to him and smiles. "Doesn't matter if you are or aren't, though. Either way, you're still pretty awesome."
J'onn J'onn shakes his head briefly "no no, please eat it!" he says in regards to the oreo, then smiles brightly "and thanks! Nothing too awesome about me, anyways, I'm just a regular science teacher" he winks briefly, relaxing on his chair
Shannon Shannon giggles softly. "Right. Not as if you're a Martian or anything. Doesn't matter, though. You're still pretty cool." She smiles and chomps down on the oreo. "Dang... I'll have to head into town to get some more of these, instead of these stupid little mini packs. There's never enough of them!"
J'onn J'onn laughs, for several reasons included the closeness to truth of Shannon's words, then smiles brightly "well thanks again! And, I know, right? Oreos are never enough, no matter how many we buy they're never enough..."
Shannon Shannon laughs, and outright grins at him. "For sure! Okay, so a trip into town later on, it is! And I've got to get some studying in so I can go for my driver's test, too." She shakes her head and smiles. "Who would've thought I'd actually have a shot at that?"
J'onn J'onn raises an eyebrow slightly "why, you thought they wouldn't give you a driving license?" he asks, stretching his body a bit even managing to summon the effect of popping his neck "uh, I should probably head to class soon, now that I think about it..."
Shannon Shannon shakes her head. "Back home, no, I wouldn't have had a chance. Very mutant-unfriendly area. One whiff of the wings and nope, no license." She smiles some and gets up, turning off the computer she was working on. "Yeah, I should probably go take a shower and get dressed, maybe get a /real/ breakfast instead of a couple of cookies. And then there's my usual morning run before classes start."
J'onn J'onn slowly stands from the chair, turning the computer off and stretching again "well, I am sorry the world still don't see mutants, as, well, people sometimes. It is a quite, sad thing." he admits, lowering his head for a moment "but I am glad you get to take your license finally! I'm happy for you. And now, Shannon dear, have a good run and a good breakfast, and a good day, while I go make sure the kids don't burn themselves with a bunsen!"
Shannon Shannon snickers a little bit at the mention of a bunsen burner. "You know, that's just one letter away from a German curse word. Just don't say it around Kurt, you'll get a reminder to watch your language!" She gets up and sets her chair back to rights, heading for the door. She turns to wave, and smiles. "See you later on in class, then!"
J'onn J'onn chuckles amusedly and waves back "I'll be careful!" he speaks, before waiting for shannon to leave. Then a quick mental sweep of the room makes sure noone is around, and he turns intangible, floating upwards towards the ceiling, straight through the roof, and up at maximum speed towards the watchtower.