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  The Green Arrow has amassed a considerable group of criminal enemies, costumed and non-costumed alike, since initially taking up the persona. The vast majority would stop at nothing to see him--if not also his loved ones--tortured or killed, and so Queen must take considerable care on a daily basis to make sure that he is not inadvertently risking their lives or his own (to a degree beyond what he's willing to accept for the latter, at least).
  The Green Arrow has amassed a considerable group of criminal enemies, costumed and non-costumed alike, since initially taking up the persona. The vast majority would stop at nothing to see him--if not also his loved ones--tortured or killed, and so Queen must take considerable care on a daily basis to make sure that he is not inadvertently risking their lives or his own (to a degree beyond what he's willing to accept for the latter, at least).
[[Category:Justice League]][[Category:Arrow Family]][[Category:Alpha Flight]]

Revision as of 16:37, 12 October 2017

Green Arrow (Scenesys ID: 181)
"You remember what we did yesterday? We saved the world - again. You don't think that has any value, well, think again, pal. The Justice League goes on, with or without you. Look, nobody can question your service or commitment to making things better. If you're quitting because you think you've already done your fair share, we'll throw you a parade. But if you're quitting because it's easier then continuing the fight, then you're not the heroes we all thought you were. The world needs the Justice League... and the Justice League needs you."
Full Name: Oliver Queen
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: DC (DFC)
Occupation: C.E.O. of Queens Consolidated
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Dropped
Groups: Alpha Flight Justice League Arrow Family
Other Information
Apparent Age: 34 Actual Age: 34
Date of Birth 9 Cecember 1990 Actor: Stephen Amell
Height: 188 cm Weight: 88 kg
Hair Color: Blond Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}





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A skill initially developed alongside his hunting and survival skills, Olivier Queen is an agile acrobat, capable of performing a number of difficult and complex physical feats that might injure or otherwise compromise another individual's body. He continues to abuse his body daily in order to keep his skills at their peak.


Oliver Queen is all but renowned as a master in the art of archery. His abilities have been honed across a number of years, and he continues to practice religiously. Queen is an expert with a variety of bows, can make complicated trick shots, and even shoot any number of special arrows with incredible skill. He has trained to shoot for a quick kill, his styles experimented with and perfected, honed in part by the close study of kyudo.


Since being shipwrecked, Oliver Queen has honed his body to nearly its limits. Compared to most other non-powered humans, Queen has exceptional stamina, strength, and speed, as well as an ability to deal with pain and fatigue beyond normal capacity.


Since his return to Starling City, Oliver has spent the last several years honing his business and administrative skills, learning to run and delegate duties for Queens Consolidated efficiently and effectively. He's not quite a born prodigy for it, but Oliver has taken to approaching his work as a businessman with the same zeal and focus as he does his vigilante efforts.


Some might not call this a 'skill,' but Queen is proud of his ability to cook--especially dishes that are particularly spicy. (Some might also say he's just leaning on the spiciness to mask his culinary shortcomings.) Whether it's good or not, his knowledge of cooking is rather vast, and Queen can whip up a dish on the spot from most ingredients put before him.


Queen is an expert martial artist, in terms of both unarmed and armed close quarters combat. He's studied such approaches as judo, aikido, kung fu, SAS combat, and krav maga, trying to meld together the fighting styles in order to be as effective as can be. While he may not be the top combatant in any individual form (or with any particular melee weapon), Queen can hold his own against the vast majority of opponents.


Thanks to his time shipwrecked on a desert island, Queen has become a superb hunter and tracker. His abilities to trace the path of an animal or person are well matched with his steady hand and collected calm in facing them down. He can be thrown off track, of course, as can any hunter. On a related note, Queen is skilled at moving and acting stealthily, given the need to prevent alerting prey to his presence.


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While he may often feel like he's fighting a good fight alone, the Green Arrow is accompanied--if not surrounded--by a circle of allies (sometimes referred to as "Team Arrow") that he can faithfully rely on for aid when needed, especially when their areas of expertise fill gaps in his own. They, in turn, trust that he'll be equally loyal to them when they need his help.


The Green Arrow's most frequently-used equipment includes a set of various bows of differing weights and substance (longbows, shortbows, break-down compound bows) for various purposes, generally capable of surviving improvisational use in close-quarters fighting and short-term support of Queen's weight when zip-lining.

The bows are complemented by an arsenal of arrows, conventional and special alike. Most of the Green Arrow's projectiles are lightweight, razor-sharp arrows. However, many others are highly specialized and serve unique purposes. These range from arrows equipped with audio recording technology, explosive-tipped arrows, arrows that provide zip-line anchoring, electro-shock arrows, and even the occasional boxing glove arrow.

In addition to his most iconic equipment, Queen also has access to a number of other conventional resources, from vehicles (e.g., motorcycles and Queens Consolidated jets) to voice-modulation devices to flexible body armor and computer technology.


Thanks to his majority shares of Queens Consolidated (inherited from his father), Oliver can exert considerable control over the direction of the company. It's not always accepted without question, and he can't quite divert tons of cash into private R&D like other tycoons might, but Queen can reasonably assume he'll have support for legal activities he wants the company to engage in, so long as it doesn't seem like market suicide. This also means that he has a personal fortune from the profits that he (and his family before him) accumulated as a result of Queens Consolidated's activity.


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Unlike many heroes, the Green Arrow--and Oliver Queen--espouses an explicit political agenda, and he works to support that agenda. Sometimes, this means that he loses potential allies that want to keep out of the political limelight. Other times, it means that certain groups target him specifically because he's known to oppose their causes.


Not unlike Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen has to constantly keep up a public facade of his identity, coming across as a vapid playboy, in order to throw off suspicion that he might be the Green Arrow. This is not always successful, and it forces Queen to act in many ways antithetical to his actual beliefs, but it remains a necessity to keep his identiy secret.


While his experience on the island transformed Oliver Queen from a brat into (what would become) a hero, he has never entirely healed, psychologically speaking, from the five-year isolation he lived through. He lost his family, he lost all sense of self-importance, he lost his innocence--and, occasionally, Oliver gets overwhelmed by intense flashes of memory where he relives parts of that time all over again and, depending on how unexpected they may be, is left unsure of how to handle it.


The Green Arrow has amassed a considerable group of criminal enemies, costumed and non-costumed alike, since initially taking up the persona. The vast majority would stop at nothing to see him--if not also his loved ones--tortured or killed, and so Queen must take considerable care on a daily basis to make sure that he is not inadvertently risking their lives or his own (to a degree beyond what he's willing to accept for the latter, at least).


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Title Date Scene Summary
The Maui Acquisition, Day One July 14th, 2023 Summary needed
The Secret Volcano Lair June 25th, 2023 Felicity updates Oliver about the encrypted drive they recovered, and he updates her on... Maui.
A Talk With Diggle March 9th, 2020 Diggle dishes on Oliver's chili to Vanessa
Safety Of The Waldorf February 22nd, 2020 Oliver and Vanessa discuss her situation and the threats made against her.
State's Witness Comes With It's Own Problems February 13th, 2020 Oliver's legal help gets Vanessa a deal to turn state's witness. But Yu Phun's men pressure her to not testify.
Lawyering it up February 7th, 2020 Oliver and one of his lawyers, Horton, met with Jennifer about representing Vanessa Carlysle. They found an understanding in more ways than one.
Penthouse Raid January 30th, 2020 Green Arrow gets info from an NYC drug dealer who supplies Starling. Vanessa Carlysle gets caught up in the ensuing police arrest.
Some Small Diner In Some Big City January 24th, 2020 In NYC investigating a drug source impacting Starling, Oliver Queen stops at a diner and meets Vanessa Carlysle. Try the blueberry pie.
Christmas Queen January 1st, 2020 The Christmas party ends with an unexpected revelation for Oliver and Felicity.
China White, Starling Green December 25th, 2019 Green Arrow and John Diggle stop China White's crew from taking out their competition, while Felicity dodges stray bullets
Having some Phun December 19th, 2019 Summary needed
Just One More Mr. Queen December 19th, 2019 Peter Parker gets a scoop and some pictures of Oliver Queen visiting a company he may invest in
It's Sifu time! December 14th, 2019 Carrie and Oliver meet through Sifu Yin's dojo, they mend past mistakes.
A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words December 14th, 2019 Oliver looks at Felicity's photography despite his assistant's interference. Ollie's girlfriend walks in on the meeting.
Age of Darkness: Riddle Me This December 6th, 2019 The Justice League and her allies have a strategy/planning session to determine what to do next and go over intel brought forth but multiple people and groups. Can it be? Can Superman be alive? We'll have to see.
Who Treats Their Computer This Way December 5th, 2019 Felicity retrieves information for Oliver on China White's planned attack on rival drug dealing gangs.
Lunch And A View Of Orchid Bay December 3rd, 2019 Oliver and Dinah meet for lunch, and bump into Felicity.
They Should Be Open 24 Hours December 2nd, 2019 Oliver takes Felicity for a burger after hours, and she starts to realize he isn't the shallow playboy she thought.
Have You Tried Rebooting It November 29th, 2019 Oliver stops in IT and meets a tongue-tied Felicity. He gives her a computer to recover the hard drive from.
Hunting a Boar: Lady of the Dragonfly July 17th, 2019 Summary needed
Incognito in New York July 1st, 2019 Oliver goes out for a date in New York incognito... and meets Remy, bribing him to silence with a drink.
JL and Age of Despair: Epilogue June 8th, 2019 The ending of the Age of Despair TP, with the heroes of the Justice League, banding together to bring Superman back from the abyss!
The Turn Card: Queen of Diamonds May 6th, 2019 Summary needed
Age of Despair Part IV: Assassination May 1st, 2019 AN assault on the JL Watchtower was thwarted by the combined might of the Justice League and her allies, at the cost of losing Superman to the minions of Darkseid. Next target - Apokolips!
Ding Dong: The Arrival April 16th, 2019 Princess Ellisandra's grand arrival to meet King Thor. Instead, she meets Captain Marvel as much confusion ensues.
Dealing with Arms Dealers: Tracking a Link April 8th, 2019 Summary needed
Dealing with Arms Dealers: Adaptation March 30th, 2019 A new player (Turtle) is brought into Starling to try and throw off Green Arrows investigation of the smuggling ring in his city. With Kids help, he grabs his first solid lead in months.
Justice League on The Tonight Show March 9th, 2019 The Justice League go on the Tonight show!
Mission Monitor Changeover March 8th, 2019 Green Arrow does his first shift on Mission Monitor Duty, with Superman showing him the ropes.
Dealing with Arms Dealers: Financial Troubles February 26th, 2019 A Bank Robbery aided by Domino is dealt with by Green Arrow and Black Canary... until the Joker comes along and takes advantage of the chaos.
Haunted Watchtower February 13th, 2019 The Enchantress attacks the Justice League in the Watchtower in an attempt to make them slaves. Although defeated, Superman is now missing!
Alpha Flight: Interrogating Alien Visitor - Dark Elf Edition February 11th, 2019 Carol interrogates the Dark Elf prisoner Alpha Flight got a hold on, determining she must speak to Thor before making a ruling.
The Abominator arrives in Midgard. February 10th, 2019 Arella Despana's ship crash lands on Earth
Black Sky: We Walk Through the Fire January 24th, 2019 Daredevil and friends interupt Madame Gao's ritual to dispose of them all. Elektra is forced to make a decision: Black Sky is no more.
Outreach January 18th, 2019 Green Arrow reaches out to the Justice League for membership, and is accepted
Failure to Communicate January 2nd, 2019 After a protracted fight between Green Arrow and Remy, both ultimately came to a draw with Green Arrow managing to recover some of the vials and Remy recovering two. Most of the mercinaries were prosecuted but were able to get on technicalities from the well funded law firms that had already hired them and the thugs, who had no such lawyers, were all books and sent to Stone Gate.
Black Sky: Allies from Afar December 9th, 2018 Green Arrow and Yin come to NYC to join the fight against the Hand and meet with Daredevil, Hawkeye (Bishop) and Richard Dragon. Not everything goes as planned.
A New Arsenal December 5th, 2018 Arsenal returns to the Bunker and reunites with Oliver and Dinah. Catchup is had, and an archery competition.
Black Sky: The Hand Comes to Starling November 24th, 2018 The Hand makes moves in Starling, Green Arrow and Yin stop their plans, for now.
Canary Songs November 22nd, 2018 Queen Consolidated hosts a charity event at the Blue Lady in Manhatten, several personalities mingle.
Pet shop club November 9th, 2018 A meeting at Pops, about wolf sightings.
Tournament: There Can Only Be One October 20th, 2018 The Tournament culminates in one of the oddest battles yet. Robin, in a self-sacrificing move... WINS? How does that even work? (Because: Deadpool)
A Vancouver robbery October 17th, 2018 Summary needed
Tournament: Red Ranger VS Green Arrow! -FIGHT!- October 4th, 2018 The Cristmas Clash ends, with a surprising victory..
Tourney: Welcome to Kairos September 30th, 2018 The combatants and guests of Elektra's Martial Arts Tourney are welcomed to Kairos Island.
Dealing with Arms Dealers: A Gotham Connection September 17th, 2018 Summary needed
Dealing with Arms Dealers: A second Cut Off September 16th, 2018 Summary needed
A Practice Run August 29th, 2018 Green Arrow, Carrie, and the Red Ranger deal with a celebrating gang. Green Arrow takes prisoners. Crowley amuses himself watching the show.
Evening Checkin August 15th, 2018 Green Arrow, Black Canary, Yin, and Carrie, who still needs a costume and a name, meet up at Yin's kwoon to check in.
Dealing with Arms Dealers: Fungal Aftermath August 8th, 2018 Green Arrow resumes tracking down the Arms Dealer ring escalating gang violence in Starling City in the aftermath of the Fungus war. Numerous parties show up and help with the ambush.
Germination: South of the Rip July 30th, 2018 South group fighting the mushrooms also finds a way to close the rip in the sky!
Germination: North of the Rift July 29th, 2018 The group in the north battle the onslaught of the fungus!
Astral Flux: South of the Rip July 29th, 2018 South group fighting the mushrooms also finds a way to close the rip in the sky!
Midterm slump July 15th, 2018 Yin takes Carrie Kelley around Gotham by rooftop. Batman is not pleased. Green Arrow is not pleased with Batman's displeasure.
Fire July 12th, 2018 Wiccan, Speed, Twitch, Rage, Storm and Green Arrow thwart a billion dollar R&D theft and save many lives. Kano wreaks havoc. Pierce weeps into his expensive brandy.
Germination: Just use Tinactin June 29th, 2018 A mix of heroes (and others?) engage a mushroom alien stalk at the Gotham zoo.
Germination: Of Mushrooms and Men June 20th, 2018 Tyler, Tommy and Josh save a boy from a space mushroom with help from the Green Arrow. Iron Man drops in to clean up. Jean busts the boys.
A Test June 6th, 2018 Green Arrow gives Yin a trial, and is given provisional status on Team Arrow.
Dealing with Arms Dealers: The NY connection May 29th, 2018 Summary needed
Sparring in the Quiver May 22nd, 2018 Oliver and Dinah spar, and discuss possibilities.
Dealing with arms dealers May 14th, 2018 Green Arrow and company foil and arms deal, leaving it for police to handle after.
Return to the Quiver May 9th, 2018 Oliver and Dinah return to HQ after months of Oliver being overseas, powering up the Quiver once again.
Yes, officer, the evidence is in the cow May 5th, 2018 The police show up to take a statement about certain mystical hijinks.
OMG give me money! January 29th, 2018 Bruce Wayne throws a fund-raiser.
Flip a coin January 15th, 2018 Shiva shows mercy, and Arrow probably is going to have to do something nice to thank her.
G&T late nights November 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Does he make you feel horny, baby October 27th, 2017 Summary needed
That's the Dangerous End September 14th, 2017 Shiva shows up at Oliver Queen's Super Secret Place and learns a bit about archery
Housewarming. August 31st, 2017 Summary needed
Arrows vs Quarrels: The Great Debate August 29th, 2017 Summary needed
The Fierce Fangs of Star City August 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Oh, It's You. August 27th, 2017 Green Arrow is investigating two warring families, only to find out the true culprit is Lady Shiva.
Grace Choi & The Billionaire August 26th, 2017 Oliver Queen runs into Grace at Chaney's.
Who Do Ya Wanna Be When You Grow Up August 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Shades of Green August 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Starro Light, Starro Bright August 10th, 2017 Starro alien race plans an invasion of Earth, Alpha Flight and other Heroes are out to stop them.
An Arrow to the Heart of the Matter August 8th, 2017 Summary needed
Late Night in the Garden July 7th, 2017 Batgirl meets Green Arrow for the first time and mistakes him for a potential threat.
Emptied Quiver June 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Leviathan: Counterattack June 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Cat's in the Cradle June 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Wrong Place, Wrong Time June 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Starling Sapphire June 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Have It Your Way June 7th, 2017 Summary needed
The 'Hopeless' in 'Hopeless Romantic' June 7th, 2017 Summary needed
A Veritable Treasure Trove June 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Terror in the Tunnels June 1st, 2017 Summary needed
The 11:25 Train to MAYHEM May 31st, 2017 A train robbery (stolen train!) is thwarted by the Justice League! (Guest starring Snapper Carr)
When Should Crime Not Pay May 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Celebrate Good Times May 30th, 2017 Tigra follows up on a lead that brings her face to face with Ares.
Nocked and Loaded May 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Started from the Bottom May 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Green Arrow and Canary May 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Hello Again May 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Flowers and Stars April 23rd, 2017 Summary needed.


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