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Bruce Banner (Scenesys ID: 338)
"I don't want to fight with you. I'll just kick your ass, and everybody's going to laugh at you. Then you'll do something stupid like pull a knife, and that's really going to piss me off. You aren't going to like that. Not at all."
Full Name: Robert Bruce Banner
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Drifter
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Dropped
Groups: Avengers Defenders
Other Information
Apparent Age: 35 Actual Age: 35
Date of Birth 9 August 1990 Actor: Bill Bixby (1980)
Height: 175 cm Weight: 68 kg
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Until It Sleeps" - Metallica


Bruce Banner migrates frequently to keep one step ahead of those who hunt him, keeping only key members of the Avengers and the Defenders up to date on his movements so he can be contacted or retrieved when the Hulk's services are required. He'll spend several months working jobs in menial labor or low-end mechanicing to make ends meet before signing on with organizations like the Peace Corps or Doctors Without Borders, moving between industries the way he moves between places and identities to keep anyone looking for him guessing.



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Bruce Banner possesses beyond a genius-level intelligence, not just 'for a human' but compared to many species who might consider the smartest humans to be dumb as insects. Whether he was born with this, it was an effect of the mutations caused by his father's exposure to radiation, it is a result of him testing the super-soldier treatments on himself, or all of the above may never be known.


Bruce has learned self control to the point that, unless he's under the influence of some form of mind control or drugs, he can choose if or when to release a Hulk and whether it would be Fixit or Savage. He's reached a point with his fractured psyche where, because those personalities are so insistent, he actually will release them on the world just because they demand it. The trade-off is that they must communicate with him, consulting before engaging in battles and especially before taking actions that may result in collateral damage, so that Banner's conscience and reason can influence the actions taken by the Hulks.


Exposure to the unfinished super-soldier treatments left Bruce Banner's human form mildly enhanced. He's nowhere near Steve Rogers' potential but he has the strength to punch or kick through a 4x4 hardwood post or beat a concrete or brick wall to dust, given enough time to do so. He can reach a top running speed equal to an Olympic sprinter in just two or three steps and sustain that speed for several minutes. He can land on his feet without injury after falling up to 10 meters - if he can tuck and roll on impact he can fall up to 20.

His reflexes are fast enough to dodge bullets if he knows he's going to be shot at, and his senses are sharp enough to spot a finger tightening on a trigger from up to 30 yards or hear a gun cocking from up to 10 yards if there are no other sounds to mask it, and he has enough durability to take a lot more punishment in terms of being beaten on, shot, or stabbed than the average human - in fact his durability even in human form approaches a truly superhuman level. Bruce Banner has on at least one occasion had a hand grenade blow up in his face and, when he was able to transform into the Hulk, was regenerated.

The one thing the serum reproduced flawlessly in Bruce Banner is agelessness - he hasn't aged a day since he took his first full-dose injection.


The Hulk has been known to produce thunderclaps by slamming his palms together, ranging from powerful enough to stun and knock down people in an area around him up to near-nuclear force. Rivers have been emptied by fist-slams, raging fires consuming several city blocks have been snuffed out by the force of one powerful clap, and a single monkey-stomp has been known to cause earthquakes that devastated buildings and the landscape for miles around. The Hulk can knockout humans simply with the force of the air driven by a powerful fist-swing from yards away, and has knocked down whole forests and emptied a lake with a lungful of air.

It's rumored that one of the most powerful hurricanes in history was actually a Hulk thunderclap, that an earthquake that once struck Peoria IL was actually caused by a Hulk fist-slam in New York City, and that an earthquake that shook the entire length of the Rocky Mountains (famous for the Continental Divide and notorious for its lack of earthquakes) occurred when the Hulk battled a creature known as Sasquatch.


Once transformation has begun, it takes only seconds to complete and the abilities of the Hulk are active immediately. Once transformed into any Hulk:

* Invulnerability: Hulk forms are invulnerable to bullets and explosives, from small to large arms, tanks, aircraft, armor-piercing, lasers, plasma-beams, you name it. This doesn't seem to be a function of density or thick, tough hide, sheer muscle mass or some kind of magic, but a combination of all of the above. A Hulk can fall for several miles, suffering no ill effects. A Hulk has withstood attacks by adamantium blades, survived atomic pile detonation, re-entry from outer space, the Hulk has been known to survive cold as low as -250 degrees F although he was put in stasis until he thawed, even survived ground-zero at nuclear detonation. Pain can stun and slow the Hulk down, but once a sustained attack causing a Hulk pain ends there will be a severely pissed off Hulk to deal with.

* Strength: In a functionally calm state, a Hulk is said to be able to bench-press up to 70 tons. In a fully enraged state, a Hulk's strength is incalculable - able to bench press over 100 tons. While these indexes might be interesting scholastically, say to S.H.I.E.L.D. researchers, the reality is that even a not-totally-enraged Hulk can and has ripped entire islands off the ocean floor and swum with them on his back, shattered adamantium alloy armor with a single punch, double-fist punched through a bunker designed to withstand explosions several thousand megatons in force, etc.

* Speed: A Hulk can travel at over 200mph running, and well over the speed of sound leaping. Hulk forms have been known to overtake lightning fast trains, fighter jets and ICBMs, when the jets and ICBMs had a head start. A Hulk has leapt nearly into orbit and on at least one occasion was mistaken for a missile by ground radar.

* Stamina: A Hulk can go weeks without food, water, or rest, even at peak exertion.

* Healing: A Hulk's healing factor is nearly instantaneous and can bring the creature back from edge of death or even what should have been deadly injuries. A Hulk has been known to regenerate lost limbs, a critically severed brainstem, even come back from disembowelment. In some cases Bruce Banner has been injured to near or what looked like past death, but transformation into a Hulk form has successfully healed him. A Hulk is immune to disease and viruses, though some powerful toxins have been known to weaken him.

* Willpower: A Hulk is either immune to mind control or simply doesn't have a mind to be controlled (cue laugh track). A number of villains and even heroes with mind-affecting powers ranging from the psychic to powerful illusions have found that even though they can completely subjugate Bruce Banner, if or when he transforms into the Hulk they are instantly and completely powerless against the creature.

* Magic: A Hulk can sense the presence of Magic and track its emanations, perceives Astral forms, and has been noted to possess a 'near-supernatural' sense of direction especially when tracking a target, even while tunneling underground.

* Environment Adaptation: A Hulk seems to have the ability to breathe underwater and even *speak* in a vacuum.

* Energy Affective: A Hulk can reflect/deflect gamma radiation, and has been known to lift and throw beings composed of pure energy.

* Anger Empowerment: The angrier he gets, the more amplified all of the Hulk's powers become.


Even before Banner studied martial arts, the Hulk forms had an instinctive comfort with their own bodies and an innate talent for unarmed combat. They punch, kick, block, leap, and dodge as naturally as any wild animal. Their speed and reflexes, on top of their strength, make Hulk forms even more dangerous foes.


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The first step in any kind of engineering project is modelling, and in the modern day that means 3D modelling and CAD. Banner had to learn those programs, which are intended for architects instead of scientific researchers, and how to extend their features (and bypass their built-in safeguards against that kind of unintended extensibility) early in his career.


You can't design and build a gamma ray bomb, or any other piece of modern technology, without knowing how to power it. Banner had to learn eletrical and electronics engineering as part of his basic prerequisites in college.


Bruce Banner took up martial arts as part of his psychotherapy sessions, learning to discipline his mind and body. It helps him control and direct his thoughts which controls his emotional states which in turn helps him control his adrenaline levels, which helps keep the Savage Hulk at bay. He's studied and practiced a wide variety from karate to kung fu, ninjitsu to capoiera, even tai chi. The poor guy's even tried feng shui, but that's another story altogether.


Bruce learned mechanicing while working on lab equipment for the Department of Defense, a skillset all the lab workers needed in order to keep costs down since they desperately needed their budget for materials and further study rather than parts and new equipment. He furthered his abilities once he went on the run, keeping an old pickup truck running until it finally conked out for good, then got better when he had to take work in the field to make ends meet.


Banner studied biology, medicine, and biochemistry as well as physics and sciences in his bachelor's and master's programs, not really sure he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. That decision wasn't actually made until a Defense recruiter read his master's thesis and convinced him to pursue the career track he ended up on, as a means of serving his country.


Bruce studied physics to a doctorate degree, and applied what he learned throughout a short but distinguished career working research projects for the U.S. Department of Defense.


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The name Robert Bruce Banner isn't on his accounts. That would be suicidally stupid. Bruce Banner's bank and credit accounts are under the name of David Ferrigno, a fake identity he spent some time putting together during his time as a fugutive from the law. Unfortunately David died at birth shortly after his mother was in a car accident, and she died shortly after filling out the birth certificate.

That doesn't change the fact that he's about the age Banner looks so David has a social security number and by all accounts is doing pretty well for himself as a private contractor. All the paperwork is in order showing that David Ferrigno was homeschooled, earned an online college degree, and pays his taxes.


Banner's odd jobs bring in a modest income, and light contracting and consulting he does for Stark Industries brings in a bit more.


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Neither Bruce Banner or any of his Hulk psyches would ever hurt Betty, except maybe the Devil Hulk, and that's one reason why the Devil is never let out to play.


No matter how angry he gets, no matter how blinded by rage or surrounded by enemies, no Hulk form could ever bring itself to harm a child. Not even the Devil. While undoubtedly one of the most effective weapons to use against Hulk if you want to stop him from doing something this instant, or force him to do your bidding, using a child in this fashion is probably the surest way imaginable to make an enemy out of Banner and all of his psyches for life.


"Hulk love puppies. No smash."

There has been a documented case where the Savage Hulk, lost to blind rage, was brought to a sudden standstill and subsequent capture in the middle of a psychotic and destructive rage by a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent armed with a box of puppies.


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Title Date Scene Summary
No Hard Feelings May 12th, 2023 Hard feelings are expressed, things don't end well.
Smash Metropolis April 26th, 2023 Summary needed
Steer Clear April 17th, 2023 Scott and Bruce sit down at a diner to talk about Jean.
Mulling Over Coffee April 15th, 2023 Jean bumps into Bruce again at the coffee shop.
A raging bird in the hand is worth ... a ... not-raging April 14th, 2023 Summary needed
Welcome to the Manor April 13th, 2023 Summary needed
Center of Magical Activity! April 8th, 2023 Summary needed
A random walk in the park.. March 31st, 2023 Jean meets up again with Bruce. A lovely stroll and superhero icecream is enjoyed.
Chaos and Rage March 23rd, 2023 Summary needed
Troublemakers in Mutant Town! March 21st, 2023 Rouge straighnes out a few College students, and Bruce finds a fan!
Thinking outside the box...for a wizard March 19th, 2023 After a brief pass through by Faith, Harry and Bruce talk about the random missing memory of various people.
Its a Sleeper.. March 17th, 2023 Mysterious revelations are realized after tending to one of the rescued kids from the mountains.
School Blues March 15th, 2023 Jean is reunited with an old friend who offers to take up teaching at the school once more.
Smashfest! March 12th, 2023 It should have been an easy heist for The Juggernaut but when The Incredible Hulk gets involved, nothing is ever 'easy' resulting in Alice getting a front row seat to her very own kaiju battle.
Fixin' Hulk June 14th, 2021 Bruce orders a French BDU at a costume shop to go cosplaying... or something.
Paranoid Goliath June 14th, 2021 Summary needed
Welcome to the rest of your life May 27th, 2021 Jeremy and Tony hammer out the details of an internship, and are visited by a Hulk!
Brawl in the Midwest April 30th, 2021 Summary needed
Bird on a Wire April 6th, 2021 Black Canary raids a gang hideout, and the amazing Dinah Lance runs into a friendly stranger named Bruce and arranges to go for lunch.
Green Meets Blue March 19th, 2021 Summary needed
Blue mixed with Green makes... March 3rd, 2021 A misdirected search for a bounty takes Gigas to Earth, into traffic, and a very savage welcome from a certain Jade Giant.
Green Trouble in Little Gotham February 12th, 2021 Summary needed
Whatever you do. Don't mess with the hat. January 23rd, 2021 Thugs crash, Remy and Riana Bo Staff, Nick dodges, and Hulk Smash
Prelude to Thunder January 2nd, 2021 Sam Wilson and Bruce Banner welcome Thor back to the mansion.
Experiment Interruptus December 12th, 2020 Summary needed
What happens in the Fulham Hotel... November 22nd, 2020 Priss and the Hulk fend off not too smart thugs, and the Hulk goes leaping out the city. Priss has groceries too.
Gamma Testing for Dummies November 3rd, 2020 Bruce and Shannon catch up after some events.
The Cure: No Place Like Home October 7th, 2020 Metaforce ruins a construction site. Avengers send them packing.
It is best to not make the customer angry. September 30th, 2020 And Joe works on Bruce Baxter's RV
Homeward Bounds 3: All Dogs Go To Heven September 13th, 2020 Our Heroes follow Lockjaw to Heven. It's strange there. They don't like it. They come back.
Homeward Bounds 2: The Incredible Journey September 12th, 2020 After a quick pit stop, Lockjaw takes Our Heroes to an active battlefield... IN SPACE!
Homeward Bounds September 9th, 2020 Avengers and Co. get swept up in a dazzling story of romance, intrigue, and... actually they just get teleported by Lockjaw to a supervillain bar.
Pizza Delivery, Nightingale Style September 7th, 2020 Dr. Banner and Shannon catch up over some pizza
Pop meets Niche August 24th, 2020 Elle encounters Andrea, a successful pop singer, and then Banner brings a most unwelcome presence to the vicinity of her club, which makes Hela intervene personally.
The Conqueror Cometh: He Arrives August 9th, 2020 Conan and the evil Sorcerer Supreme travel from the Hyborean Age. When a giant monster is brought forth heroes from this time team up with Conan to destroy it and save Manhattan!
Drops of Jupiter July 28th, 2020 A broad range of superheroes try to stop strange fungal ooze from taking over Metropolis!
Crashing a Party July 11th, 2020 The Hulk comes out in a routine incident, and runs into Rift and Shannon, who get him out of the city before anyone else can piss him off
Catching up, Banner Style June 29th, 2020 Bruce and Shannon catch up in the park
Clearing the Air, Banner Style. May 27th, 2020 Bruce talks to Scott and Jean about setting up a long distance class for Xavier's, with Logan being Logan in the background.
Long Distance Learning: Banner Style. May 2nd, 2020 Bruce visits Shannon at the school to discuss their mentorship... and ends up revealing far more about his circumstances than he thought he would
Sailors Fighting In The Bar Hall, Oh, Look At Those Cavemen Go April 23rd, 2020 Kitty goes to scout potential mutant friends, her and Alice run itnto FoH and deal with them in Alice's unique ways
Spring Festivities March 18th, 2020 A Spring Festival turns into a goblin attack on a fairy. Heroes show up and goblin soup is served. Huzzah!
Pizza For Thought March 11th, 2020 Fame stinks.
House Call February 20th, 2020 Doctor Banner makes a house call. Pleasant talk and coffee is shared, and a mentor is found.
Surviving Infinity: Rescue January 30th, 2020 Avengers and Friends (and Guardians, sort of) rescue the missing Tony and Steve from Knowhere's bounty hunters.
A Second Opinion January 29th, 2020 Samson reaches out to Bruce Banner for help with a patient seeking to Hulkify himself.
Dealing with Stragglers January 15th, 2020 Hulk comes back from Limbo chased by a swarm of demons, and with some help, deals with them.
Battling Fafnir December 29th, 2019 The great dragon Fafnir attacked Midgard. While he was defeated and sent, not back to his own realm, but Limbo...both the Sorceress Illyana and the Hulk also entered Limbo with him.
Bruce Banner meet Rooftop. December 28th, 2019 Bruce Banner comes to the Freedom Bulding seeking Reed Richards so that he can have one of those cool suits that changes with your body. He gets the suit but he has to go through Johnny.
Paws, Claws and Wicked Jaws December 11th, 2019 Summary needed
Hulkamania Running Mild November 25th, 2019 Summary needed
Hulk vs. Thor sparring match October 25th, 2019 Thor and Hulk have a sparring match, and practice avoiding collateral damage.
Retrieval Interruptus October 9th, 2019 Hulk saves Samuel from being kidnapped, has a chat with him in the mountains, then takes him back to Xavier's, where he meets Shannon and Beast for the first time.
Sentinels: FINALE October 7th, 2019 The Avengers take on the last of the Sentinels, led by Bastion.
Drifting 101 September 24th, 2019 Bruce and Betty discuss the past and the future.
A Teammate In Need September 7th, 2019 Wanda's soul is stolen from her body, and Carol, Strange, Hulk, Betty Ross, Janet, and Rhodey help free her.
Westside Beatdown September 1st, 2019 A fight with the Tornadoes leads to Spawn meeting Hulk for the first time. They don't like each other.
Fleeting Opportunities August 19th, 2019 Betty goes to the Avenger Mansion in a rare moment of Bruce actually staying there in between trips. Betty and Bruce reconnect.
Oops August 14th, 2019 Mon-El goes to intercept a 'ballistic missile' that was heading right for the Legion cruiser... only to end up in a brawl with the Hulk all the way up into space and faking out of the fight. We also learn Lar isn't a fan.
Sentinels: Regaining a Vision July 30th, 2019 Tony leads the team to revive a fallen Vision.
Undercurrents: One of Yours July 17th, 2019 Bruce Banner meets with Aquaman and Mera to ask about a mystery ship. They confirm it is an Atlantean attack sub acting without orders. Aquaman and Mera are faced with a problem.
Grocery Grabbing July 17th, 2019 Mercy goes shopping late at night. Bruce Banner drops by under an alias for some help
Green Needle in a Haystack July 11th, 2019 Johnny Blaze tracks down Banner as he drifts around in Detriot, and let's him leave. To Be Continued?
Undercurrents: Hammer Down June 29th, 2019 Hulk, Kid and She-Hulk respond to a distress call from a container ship. The crew is mostly rescued and the ship sinks. Hulk sees a mysterious sub.
A Buckeye Intervention June 24th, 2019 Spider-Man goes out to Ohio to talk to the Hulk, and manages to convince him that the Sentinels are /not/ hunting him.
Sentinels: Strange Gathering June 20th, 2019 Hulk, Stardust, Danger and Nyx stop an entire flight of Sentinels from joining the fight at the NYPD building vigil.
Sentinels: Sentinels June 13th, 2019 Hulk and Spider-Man brawl with some Sentinels, in the defense of an Avenger facility.
Sentinels: Reconstruction May 23rd, 2019 Dr. Banner and Jessica Drew check in on their Sentinel, and learn more of what he's trying to do.
Greenwich Magical Shenanigans May 7th, 2019 Summary needed
Innocent robots and Dickbushes April 12th, 2019 Jessica tests a gun, and Deadpool carves up a bush. Steve and Bruce evade the situation.
When A Cousin Comes Calling March 31st, 2019 Cousin Jennifer gets back into New York and stops to see Bruce and catch up.
Stranger Tides: Unidentified Sunken Object March 7th, 2019 In the plot finale, Bruce Banner and Aspen enter the underwater alien ship. Trusting one of the dying aliens to close the interdimensional rift, Aspen unknowingly triggers the self-destruct.
Love, Spandex Style February 13th, 2019 Summary needed
But Not The Jello February 5th, 2019 A very brief foray into dessert, Avengers style
Sentinels: Storytime with Deadpool February 1st, 2019 Some mission stuff, and Steve GAVE ME A HUG ON PURPOSE
Stranger Tides: The Gathering Pt1 January 21st, 2019 Staff are hired for a marine research project
Sentinels: Getting a Head January 7th, 2019 Summary needed
Astral Flux: The Mansion's 'Vacation' November 13th, 2018 The Avengers restore their lost mansion.
Riverside Rage November 2nd, 2018 Summary needed
Astral Flux: Party with Strange October 18th, 2018 Plans are made to go clean up the missing mansion of monsters and explosions.
Astral Flux: Strange Events October 5th, 2018 Dr. Strange meets with lots of Avengers about the missing mansion and the telepathic monster.
Astral Flux: Bruce Alone September 26th, 2018 Summary needed
Astral Flux: The Standing Army September 20th, 2018 The Avengers mansion is attacked by an elusive enemy!
A disturbance of the Mind September 8th, 2018 Bruce Banner comes by the X-Mansion to consult on his Hulk problem.
The Jade Giants Judgement August 27th, 2018 Bruce is forcibly transformed into the Hulk when the Ghost Rider considers him a target. New York harbor hosts a brawl of the Hulk versus a few combatants, before the Hulk heads out west to get away from pursuit. It'll take a few weeks to fix it all. Poor Bruce.
Calm Before A Storm August 25th, 2018 Summary needed
Nerdery in the grass August 11th, 2018 A chance meeting in Central Park.
Germination: Back, From Outer Space July 31st, 2018 A meeting is held to determine how to use their new 'weapon' against the fungus, if at all.
Germination: Float Down Here July 31st, 2018 Fungus DEFEATED, WORLD SAVED!
2nd Fungus Strike! July 26th, 2018 Summary needed
Germination: Mutant Town cleanup July 17th, 2018 The mushroom threat in Mutant Town is dealt with in spectacular, heroic fashion. Hulk... makes new friends?
Mushroom PIcking July 5th, 2018 Summary needed
Germination: Ignited July 4th, 2018 The JLA and Avengers team up on a fungal monster in Central park.
Sensory Overload June 27th, 2018 Summary needed
Germination: Let there be Light, pt 2 June 27th, 2018 Heroes deal with the giant space fungus 'ship'.
Clash of Cultures June 25th, 2018 Dru-Zod has learned english, and met some of earths meta-humans, cultural shock indeed, but things have ended peacefully..
Ragnarok pt 1: Contact with Earth June 20th, 2018 Thor contacts the Avengers, plans are made to help the Asgardian ship.
Germination: Field Tests June 18th, 2018 Dr. Strange, Hulk, Luke Cage, and Tony get samples from mushroom monsters. Mostly.
Germination - Underneath June 4th, 2018 Hellboy comes to the Avengers mansion seeking help with his moldy lungs.
Coming out, stepping up! June 2nd, 2018 Andrea puts on a charity concert for suicide prevention awareness and gets attacked by the Friends of Humanity. Several heroes step up to protect the park.
A status check May 21st, 2018 Bruce gives Drake a checkup. Drake becomes a bit too inquisitive for Bruce. As usual, Drake sucks at making friends.
Stop me if you've heard this one, but a butler, a P.A., and a student walk into a bar.... May 10th, 2018 Our heroes went to a mugging and an autograph session broke out.
A night in Gotham April 25th, 2018 Summary needed
The Laboratories April 22nd, 2018 A laboratory full of hostages is assaulted by Avengers (and friends!)
Mutant Kidnappings: Research and Theories April 17th, 2018 Dr. Banner, Rhodey and Tony talk over recent clues.
Mutant Kidnappings: Beast SMASH April 17th, 2018 Beast has a small meltdown over some new evidence in the case.
Sudden Rooftop Gatherings April 11th, 2018 Summary needed
A Central Park encounter April 4th, 2018 Hulk and Crusader have a chat... before Starr shows up and provokes the Hulk into a chase across the city.
Mutant Kidnappings: Crowd Control April 3rd, 2018 Another kidnapped mutant attack, this time at a rally at NYC city hall.
Mutant Kidnappings: Is it Vomit March 30th, 2018 Tony and Bruce discuss lab results for mutant goop.
Gamma Consultation March 21st, 2018 Doctor Banner meets with Caim... and agrees to think about helping him.
Breathtaking Blazing Brilliant Bifrost Bringing Battle for Balder March 19th, 2018 Forces from across space and the Nine Realms come seeking Balder where he arrived on Earth, but having missed him, they contend with each other, an Olympian, a Firey Haired Giantess, winds, a diminutive Mutant, the Earth itself, and the remnants of a four pound fusion cuisine food truck burrito. War and Peace, combat and communication, good triumphing over cultural differences? What a mess.
Parked Creations March 19th, 2018 Summary needed
There will be no Vendettas! March 15th, 2018 Angry people talk and do not do angry things.Power Boy talks to Dr. Bruce Banner about the fight with the Hulk, shaken by his loss of control.
Drink Your Ovaltine March 7th, 2018 Cap meets with Tony and Banner to catch up.
Comin' round, on the mountain February 27th, 2018 Tony talks Hulk down, and Thor arrives with good ideas.
Control February 26th, 2018 Summary needed
Smash of the Titans February 26th, 2018 Well that could have gone better
A Sane Researcher November 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Doctor Banner I presume May 27th, 2017 Summary needed
For Hearts Long Lost and Full of Fright May 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 602 May 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Spider In The Corner May 24th, 2017 Bruce and Emma discuss work with a spider in the corner
Terrorists Strike Metropolis May 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Let's Rumble (and get Paid!) May 23rd, 2017 Summary needed


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