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|Occupation=Frost Enterprises CEO, Headmistress, Wearer of many hats
|Occupation=Frost Enterprises CEO, Headmistress, Wearer of many hats
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|Groups=[[SHIELD]] [[Hench]] [[Hellfire Club]] [[Hellions]] [[Xavier's School]]

Revision as of 22:53, 9 November 2017

Emma Frost (Scenesys ID: 113)
Full Name: Emma Frost
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (DFC)
Occupation: Frost Enterprises CEO, Headmistress, Wearer of many hats
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Dropped
Groups: SHIELD Hench Hellfire Club Hellions Xavier's School
Other Information
Apparent Age: 34 Actual Age: 34
Date of Birth 02 September 1990 Actor:
Height: 179 cm Weight: 65 kg
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Emma is the headmistress of the Academy of Tomorrow, and the CEO of Frost International. She is a former member of the HFC and has since parted ways to do things her own way. She's in the discussion of the greatest telepaths of all time, and a self made woman, despite what some people say about her using her family influence.



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Emma Frost certainly isn't six feet tall. In bare feet, she must be at least a couple of inches short of that... and yet somehow, her presence, her sheer personality towers and looms. Her platinum blonde hair nearly glows, styled in luxurious and voluminous waves that hang down to her shoulders, occasionally brushing across her face to obscure an eye. Those eyes are bright, cobalt blue and glowing with intensity, icy cold and vaguely threatening, outlined with just a touch of dark eyeshadow. Those eyes frame a narrow, almost aristocratic nose, small and pert and adding to the model-like beauty of that lightly tanned face. Lips border on being full, but are oh so capable of pressing into a thin, disapproving line, high cheek bones aiding in Emma's ability to convey her displeasure with no more than a single icy look. And, in fitting with such an icy demeanor, those lips are painted a cool, matte blue.

Emma's narrow throat and long neck are encircled oh so briefly by a white choker just around her larynx, leading down to shoulders that are bared to the world, as are most of her upper arms, though from just above her elbow down she wears long, elegant white gloves. Her top wraps around her upper arms and torso, a halter top that draws the eye to her bust, ample and eye-catching, her very body seemingly weaponized for distraction, with her outfit as effective at enhancing this as a rampaging villain's armored suit would enhance a violent rampage. That top clings and squeezes, and yet it also conceals her back down to mid-thigh with a hanging half cape. It certainly doesn't cover as much up front, as it crops just beneath her bust, leaving her toned, sleek midriff on full display, more model than fighter, there's no stark muscle definition, and yet the closest thing to a flaw would be the small divot of her navel in the midst of her stomach. Her hips swell out into a pair of clinging white pants, after all, the White Queen is nothing if not on theme.

Those hips aren't sleek, indeed they act as a counterpoint to Emma's generosity further up, to give her a stunning hourglass shape. Those pants are ribbed with reinforced seams, made of a synthetic fabric with flexibility and durability in equal measure, after all, one mustn't allow the rabble to ruin one's wardrobe. Those sleek pants disappear after a lengthy trip down fit, full thighs to knees, disappearing into a pair of shining white boots, toes pointed, heels sharp, and giving her a little bit of extra height that might just explain that original sensation she's somehow elevated above everyone around her.


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Born to wealth and power, Emma Frost is the youngest of the four Frost children and the one who her father, Winston, considered the failure of the family. His constant reminders that she was unfit to bear the Frost name, naturally, weighed on Emma and was the leading cause for her constant low grades at Snow Valley Schools for Girls as well as her status as a social outcast. It was this pressure from peers and family as well as the natural stresses that comes with hitting puberty that threw Emma head first into her powers emerging which resulted in severe migraines that it turn caused worse grades and the cycle simply continued from there. That is, until her powers bloomed fully.

After her powers came into full being, Emma life improved greatly in all areas. In fact, she went from nothing to everything almost over night, it seemed. It was during this time in her life that Emma began a relationship with Ian Kendall, a teacher of hers. He's also the reason that she set herself on the path of become a teacher herself. Her father was having none of it, however, and when Emma and Ian were caught kissing outside the Frost home, her father blackmailed her into giving up her new found dream. This only widened the rift between father and daughter.

When Winston was ready to announce an heir to the Frost fortune, everyone was certain it would be Emma's elder sister Adrienne since she was the most qualified and the eldest aside from their brother Christian who had been disowned because of drug use and life choices. Winston surprised everyone by naming Emma as the heir and Emma further surprised people by refusing it and opting, instead, to forge her own path in life.

The next few years would not be kind to Emma. She would end up living out of a hotel and working minimum wage jobs to pay for it until the day when she got busted using her powers to pass off a news paper as money to pay for a meal. From there, things spiraled. She was forced into washing dishes to work off her tab and while she did meat Troy Killkelly during this time and their relationship budded and led to the two moving in together, the happiness was not to last. Troy owed a lot of money to a loan shark who insisted on more than he was owed. To pay for this, Troy hatched a plan with Emma to make it seem as if she had been kidnapped and force her father to pay a ransom which they would use to pay off Troy's debt. Unfortunately, Winston considered Emma dead to him and refused to pay.

Emma's life crashed around her when, Troy was killed during all of this. She pulled herself up, however, proving her strength as she pulled all the knowledge of business and deals from the loan sharks mind and then used the money that Adrienne forced her father to pay by taking the tape of Emma's ransom demand to the news, and moved to New York to start over. It was some time after her arrival that the youngest Frost found herself in Essex Clinic. A mental Institution. There, she was drugged and kidnapped by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants so Magneto could take her to Cerebro in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and use her to kill all humans and bring all mutants together.

The beings called Evolutionaries thwarted this, however, and while two were the lost, the one remaining wiped all memories of their existence from the Brotherhood and X-Men then returned Emma to the clinic but with a clear head and a system free of drugs. Needless to say, she didn't stick around long.

Deciding it as time for another change after the incident at the clinic, Emma dyed her hair blonde and started college, attending Empire State. It wouldn't be a pleasant experience though. Yes, she was reunited with Ian and even met her first fellow telepath, a young woman named Astrid Bloom, her life would once more take a chaotic turn. While Astrid was teaching Emma to use her powers to their full extent, Emma had confessed to her roommate, Christine McDermott, that she was in love with their teach, Ian Kendall. Betaying Emma's trust, Christine threatened to expose Ian if


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Emma is cold, calculating, and a marionette mistress, more comfortable pulling strings than being out front and in the line of fire. She relies on her charisma, charms and womanly ways to get what she wants. However she is very protective of her friends and those she might consider family. The students she cares for are exactly that, while her super team, The Hellions, are the cream of the crop and her favorite project.


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The ability to project her astral form from her body onto astral planes or the physical planes. In the physical plane she can travel in astral form over vast distances. In the astral plane, she can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of her environment. She can communicate with others astrally through her own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others.

Emma Frost also has the ability to shift her entire body to a form of organic diamond. While it gives her a boost in physical strength, and a considerable boost in durability and endurance, it completely blocks her telepathic abilities out. And while she can take a harder punch, she still requires food, water, and most importantly air to survive.

The manipulation of psychic energy for the purposes of attack, defense, and other miscellanous applications.

Psionic Blasts: The ability to project psionic force like a projectile, causing causing pain, unconsciousness, or death while leaving no physical symptoms.

Psionic Shield: The ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and others.

Cloak Mind: The ability to rearrange mental engrams to hide thought patterns from Cerebro=types devices and other telepaths.

Telepathic Camouflage: The ability to alter the apparent physical appearance of oneself and others by altering the perceptions of those around them. This can go so far as to make other people believe that the camouflaged people are not there (i.e. invisible).

Telepathic Illusions: The ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.

Mental Detection: The passive ability to sense the presence of another superhuman mutant within a small radius.

Telepathic Tracking: The ability to detect and track other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations over longer distances.

Mind Link: The ability to develop a mental link with any person, which remains as a connection to that individual long after the link itself is broken.

Mind Transferal: The ability to transfer both the mind and powers of the user into other host bodies should their own physical body somehow be killed.

Emma's personal speciality, which is the utilization of pin-pointed psionic energy to exert absolute control over individual brain functions so the physical form can be manipulated (i.e., injuries healed, disabilities repaired, the nervous system, etc).

Mental Paralysis: The ability to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.

Mental Amnesia: The ability to erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia.

Mental Sedating: The ability to telepathically "sedate" another so that, if already rendered unconscious, they remain so for as long as a telepath continues to "sedate" them.

Personality Alteration: The ability to alter the minds of others by sheer force of will, permanently changing their personality either partially or entirely.

Heal/Cause Trauma: The ability to heal or cause mental trauma through psychic surgery, by stimulating or deadening the pain and pleasure centers in a person's brain.

Dilate/Inhibit Powers: The ability to remove or place "psychic inhibitors" to allow or block access to the mutant powers someone has.

Mind Control: The ability to control the thoughts and actions of others.

Possession: The ability to possess the mind of another, and use that being's body, and any powers it may possess, as one's own.

Classified as "Omega Class", Emma is one of the strongest known telepaths in the world. While clearly a step below in terms of raw power compared to Charlies Xavier or Jean Grey, the White Queen compensates by having lesser qualms about the use of her powers. Her ready experience and practice on unknowing minds also makes her the best in terms of knowing the human brain and how to manipulate it. Beyond the basics of broadcasting and receiving thoughts, the specific applications of her telepathy are many and are listed below. These can be broken up into three major categories: Psychic Surgery, Psionics, and Astral Projection.


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Emma has taken multiple lessons in a variety of martial arts. Certainly not enough to stand toe to toe against a world class fighter, but enough that she can hold her own. And certainly more than one would expect from a glamorous woman who risks chipping such finely manicured nails.

Possessing a keen intelligence, Emma is well-known for her acerbic wit and poise. Coupled with her telepathy and luscious figure, the White Queen is a skilled negotiator and manipulator. Not many men or women can resist her when she is determined to have her way.

Emma is highly skilled in electronic theory and electronics; a number of patents at Frost International are ones in her name. In particular, she has built devices that amplify psionic energy and utilize psionic energy for various effects.


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Frost International is the business she built from the ground up in spite of her own family leaving the business to her sibling. So now she's in charge of her own multinational business that has many branches in many countries. Even a few schools that rival Charles Xavier's school for gifted children. She has helicopters, board meetings, shareholders and many things she has to worry about but the challenge and rewards are vast.

Emma has the resources of the Hellfire Club at her beck and call. She can also call upon her family and their fortune, as even though she walked out on them, she is still a daughter of the Frost name. She also possesses considerable personal wealth, accumulated through her working her way back to the top, and maintains numerous contacts of very influential and potentially useful people.


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Emma's telepathy is a constant friend, a powerful tool... and the unfortunate side effect is it's also a constant source of -everyone else's- thoughts. She picks up on surface thoughts on reflex, from everyone around her except those trained or otherwise enhanced to hide their thoughts. Walking down the street, she doesn't just hear catcalls, but the thoughts of those who cannot bring themselves to vocalize their internal monologue. This frays on her mood, her self-control, and perhaps it's why she is so acerbic, so quick to belittle those she comes in contact with. Or maybe it's simply why she tends to travel via private towncar.

She needs to feel that she has some modicum of control in any situation, or else she is made uncomfortable. She strongly dislikes being in a situation where she at the very least is not in command of what she is doing. Even if she does have that for herself, she then tends to want to control other elements of the situation, which can include other people.

Emma does not have the most charming personality in the world. Some people will be put off by her, and when they are, they're typically strongly put off. She doesn't play nice unless she has to, and that is very rare indeed. Those who typically come up against her will know it and never forget it.

Emma is not afraid to speak her mind about any number of things. She has no high esteem for law or society. She certainly doesn't respect people whom she feels haven't earned it. She balances herself on a fine line, and any number of things can push her to one side or the other.

She can push herself very hard; too hard, in fact, and she can demand so much of herself that she gets in well over her head, just to prove that she can do something. This can work decidedly against her, and it can be something to use against her by others who are aware of her demanding standards.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Swansong for the Undead May 18th, 2024 The xmen rescue hostages held by a mysterious entity and a woman resembling Polaris
Never Underestimate A Broken Heart May 16th, 2024 Rogue spends a little more time in Hellfire Club hanging out with Emma.
Just out for a ride. May 13th, 2024 Jacen went out to ride horseback only to end up on a medical rescue with Emma Frost.
Saturday Night's Alright...for Drinking! May 12th, 2024 Emma pays Lux a visit, Lucifer dares Sinister into a dress and then comes up with a new charity idea.
A southern bell comes to see the ice May 10th, 2024 Never underestimate the power of a makeover
Coffee, Bagle and Boots April 7th, 2024 New Boots for Emma - molded right on the feet!
Antiques sword show March 30th, 2024 Gabby is debating buying her big sister a present. Emma Frost drops in to show off how rich she is. Turns out people who work in antique stores like rich people more than teenagers! Who'd have guessed.
Casing the Joint March 24th, 2024 Dean and Sam rob the Hellfire of a curated membership list, but not before Emma lets him know she let him...and Lorna watches on with her with amusement.
Standing Inside the (Hell)Fire March 23rd, 2024 Summary needed
Why do they even bother trying March 22nd, 2024 Professional courtesy between vamps. Emma gives Satana a quality fashion tip. Robbers learn the hard way not to piss off the Ice Queen and a Hell Lord. Satana has an early lunch.
Mutants and Masterminds January 3rd, 2024 Something Clever Here.
The Gift of Compassion November 17th, 2023 Summary needed
Log 15753 October 30th, 2023 Kitty and Emma.
Blond Power! October 13th, 2023 They went for candy (drugs)
Up in Flames, not Down and Out. September 30th, 2023 Tabitha comes inside after helping a kid with flame powers had a stress moment. She and Emma discuss the perils of being a teacher, a telepath, and a mutant teacher. At the expense of Tabitha's clothes. Unstable Molecules are expensive.
To All The Awful Exes September 28th, 2023 Emma runs into Harley. They talk. They drink. They may plot in the future.
When a Rock Meets a Hard Place July 16th, 2023 Summary needed
Interview at 6 July 12th, 2023 Adrianna met with Warren and Emma after her news interview about the dangers of human trafficking.
Inner Sanctum Solace July 8th, 2023 Tessa and Emma discuss business
Psychogenesis: Sewing the seeds July 4th, 2023 the White Queen and the Wolverine stopped by the penthouse at Lux, post charity event to get down to some nitty gritty. There might even be cooperation afoot, may the heavens preserve us.
Adopt-a-Fundraiser June 24th, 2023 Lux hosts some truly unique events. An adoption evennt for dogs, cats and a few exotics was a wild success, drawing billionaires and plebian unwashed masses both. What went on between the lines of philanthropy though, was a different story.
A Long Overdue Meeting June 14th, 2023 Emma proposes a job offer, for which she is turned down.
Familiar halls revisited June 11th, 2023 To be continued, perhaps
Old Stomping grounds: Hellfire Club 2023 June 3rd, 2023 Meeting up in an old stomping ground with a couple of old aquaintences. Conversation and plans ensued.
Enchanting Inferno May 25th, 2023 Magneto holds a Hellfire Gala which is a success
Almost Summer May 9th, 2023 Emma and one of her fellow teachers, Tabitha, cross paths by the pool.
A Sinister Situation April 24th, 2023 Jean and Emma probe into the mind of the imprisoned evil aspect of Sinister for answers.
For Your Own Safety April 17th, 2023 A social outing quickly turns to chaos as robodogs attack punk mutants. And who keeps attacking Jean's mind?
The Meeting April 10th, 2023 Angelica and Emma met up for the first time in a long time. It was...a little intense.
Girl. Friday. March 31st, 2023 Emma retains Alice as her personal assistant.
It Comes From..Below March 14th, 2023 The Xmen, Magneto and Juggernaut run into each other on snowy mountain peaks and are forced to work together.
Xavier's Golfball March 12th, 2023 Cerebro used, a trip to the astral planes and the dimensions beyond normal astral travel were achieved, to retrieve memories and end a threat. There was also lots of angry people.
Misfits at Xavier's March 8th, 2023 Sinister and Lucifer go meet the X-Men and contract a favor.
Waiting is never easy March 4th, 2023 Jean and Emma catch up
A Mutant Sighting! June 23rd, 2021 Megan checks in with Emma on bringing in a new student.
Lux-ury accomodation June 13th, 2021 A pleasant evening with Emma and Lucifer. It seems not everyone is calibrated the same way.
Frosty Costumes June 13th, 2021 Emma Frost re-offers Alice a job as her personal seamstress.
Breakfast of Champions April 8th, 2021 Rogue makes breakfast and talks to Emma about not-so-secret camp plans. They're joined by an Alice and Jeremy for a spell.
A Quiet Nightcap April 8th, 2021 Emma treats herself to a nightcap, and discusses the finer points of education and reading materials while catching up with Rift.
Painting the Town Red (and White) April 7th, 2021 Emma and Jean venture out for an evening on the town to work on making their peace over food and alcohol, as adults often do.
The internet's full of -WHAT- April 6th, 2021 Emma stops in to discuss Gray with Jeremy, and learns a little about herself. And gets a very handy stock tip. Networking! It's the best.
Wade Wilson, To The Principal's Office April 3rd, 2021 A wild Deadpool appears at the mansion after years of being off the grid. It seems whatever happened left him more scrambled than normal.
After the Danger Room April 3rd, 2021 Emma comes in to see the tail end of a Danger Room training. The two catch up for a while.
Danger Room Session: Aftermath (Or, The Cheese Stands Alone) April 2nd, 2021 Mac 'n cheese brings company out of the woodwork. A wild Wade appears!
In The Gloaming.... March 30th, 2021 A cookout by the lake to give Old Man Winter the one-fingered salute is held. Recent events discussed, fitness challenges issued, and common ground is found at long last. A good time is had by all.
After the Show March 30th, 2021 Emma catches one of Zatanna's shows. Makes an offer she can't refuse.
Danger Room Session March 27th, 2021 Scott gives the team and students a Danger Room session of hide and seek with Logan and a mystery bad guy from the hairy Canadian's past.
Trust Goes Both Ways October 22nd, 2020 Emma's definitely not sure that some people aren't lying to themselves.
Two Telepaths and a School October 21st, 2020 Jean gets home and she and Emma come to some terms.
Shipping It V: Garth likes them Big October 19th, 2020 Garth continues to try and woo Emma and emma meets part of garth's extended family- a wise whale by the name of K'yree'a.
Atlantis Meeting October 9th, 2020 Concerns for the Atlantis field trip are raised and addressed. Xiomara bows out. Fears are raised and confronted.
Backyard dinner October 9th, 2020 Emma and James reinforce their bonds as family.
Shipping It (IV) The Iceberg October 2nd, 2020 The iceberg does not melt, but it does thaw a little and Emma finally gets her feet beneath her once she and Garth have an actual discussion about things.
Atlantis Approved September 21st, 2020 A good time is had at the embassy until Garth reveals Atlantis' environmental agenda's first phase and promptly gets shot by suicide assassins.
Theory of Combat September 21st, 2020 Shannon and Emma help Alice work out for combat situations.
Scott is having a case of the Mondays September 21st, 2020 Emma stops by to give Scott a peptalk of sorts, and pick out his clothes for him. There is definitely a thick feeling of stress in the air in regards to what is going on with Jean.
White Queen, Steel Knight September 21st, 2020 Piotr and Emma talk about her promotion. Piotr throws shade, then offers some advice.
I Need A Favor September 17th, 2020 With her control crumbling, Jean makes one last check in regarding the ongoing coverup and makes a request that she hoped to never have to make to a woman that no one saw coming.
A Different Facet of Diamonds September 1st, 2020 Shannon discovers unexpected facets of the White Queen, and realizes she misjudged her. Feelings over recent events are aired, dealt with, and perhaps the teen might have actually pulled one over on Miss Frost!
Shipping It III September 1st, 2020 Emma and Garth discuss his tour of the mansion and have a 'discussion' about what is going on between them.
Upon Reflection I August 25th, 2020 A discussion in the library about Child Soldiers involves Shannon, Pixie, emma, and Piotr
Shipping It II August 21st, 2020 Emma introduces Garth to School Leadership for inspection. Scott baits her.
Hair cut and shrink...ish August 6th, 2020 Emma came by to cut Jimmy's hair. They had some enlightening conversation along the way.
Emma Frost-- Sea Cow August 6th, 2020 Garth of Shayeris calls Emma Frost a manatee and lives
How Do You Handle Nice People August 5th, 2020 Fire and Ice -- created the world and have the potential to destroy it too.
More Equal Footing August 4th, 2020 It's not student and teacher anymore. James was always the eldest of her 'kids.'
Student Evaluation: Jeremy Statton August 3rd, 2020 Emma meets Jeremy. It went exactly as expected.
Shipping It I July 31st, 2020 Emma Frost & Garth of Shayeris discuss Atlantean politics and the shipping business. Garth accidentally gets a date.
The Fine Art Of The Foggy Line July 30th, 2020 Emma finds herself with an invitation she can't refuse, but several reasons why she should run. But where's the fun in that?
Genoshan Holidays December 14th, 2019 Magneto and Emma reveal their relationship to Lorna. Megan teleports into an awkward situation.
Leftover Turkey December 3rd, 2019 Things get Frosty as Emma and Lorna spar verbally, with Megan, Vi and Blink listening on.
Frost's Dilemma Deliberation December 1st, 2019 Emma gives Rogue booze and powers
Hellfire Hiring November 29th, 2019 Summary needed
Drinking Your Worries Away November 17th, 2019 When drinking your troubles away, you sometime meet people with more trouble, but then there's usually a friend that surfaces sooner or later. It's that kind of night for Jessica Jones.
Another What Now November 15th, 2019 Emma tries to help some girls live it up, until she fights Rogue. Ends badly for Emma but better for everyone else cause we're seein' double.
Reaching out to Emma for help. November 14th, 2019 Andrea pleads for help.
The End of Nightmares November 10th, 2019 Magneto's Acolytes bring before the King who was responsible for the nightmarish construct... NPC mutant rp'ed by Lorna
Hellfire Pickup November 5th, 2019 Emma Returns to the little costume shop - not to retrieve her order but to recruit Alice as a personal seamstress.
Lorna needs a psychic and a safety net November 4th, 2019 Lorna makes Emma uncover memories with Kitty in tow and the white queen does her part.
Hellfire Costume November 4th, 2019 Emma Frost visits a little costume store to order a custom piece from Alice... and scout her?
This is a Triumph. Huge Success. I'm running out of white and Lorna's green dress. October 22nd, 2019 Lorna's Mad, Rogue's a Cop, and Emma judges all
Membership Requirements are Strict October 4th, 2019 Namorita negotiates an invitation to interview with Emma Frost for the Hellfire Club.
Seriously Shannon, We May Need To Move Your Stuff In Here October 4th, 2019 Shannon is visited by Kitty and Emma in Med Bay, while Megan and Andrea stop in for treatment.
HFC: Royals October 2nd, 2019 Lorna takes her first steps into the HFC with her father and Emma Frost
Stop playing with the Danger Room Controls, Kurt October 1st, 2019 Kobayashi Maru MOTHA-
X-MEN: Dino Crisis September 18th, 2019 The X-Men arrive at a Science Outpost in the Savage Land to find out why the outpost went dark. Turns out they were being kidnapped by a mysterious band of mercenaries in the jungle who were riding dinosaurs. After being rescued from a convoy of heavily armored trucks, the scientists said they had no idea who these people were or why they were snatched!
Frosty Ambush September 10th, 2019 Emma, Doug and Kitora become involved with corporations, capitalism and cured ham in the kitchen.
High Tea at the Hellfire Club September 9th, 2019 Lorna is invited to tea with Emma Frost.
Eating More Crow August 12th, 2019 Emma Frost has a visit from Elixir, who asks for her help. Elixir is surprised to find he and Emma Frost think a lot alike. Emma Frost has some advice for Elixir.
Some Kind of Teacher August 3rd, 2019 Emma and Rift talk school and career plans and the limits of science. And when Rift worries about whether she has a future with the X-Men, Emma is all too happy to point out that she may have other opportunities in life. She's such a helpful sort, really!
So Now She Can Drink July 25th, 2019 Shannon and Kitty have the same birthday, and their friends at the school, old and new both, help turn it into a special day
Bedside Manner July 22nd, 2019 Beast, Emma, Josh, Jubilee, Megan and Kitty gather in the Med Bay around an injured Doug. It is discovered he has a version of the Transmode virus.
Happy Butterfly Day July 21st, 2019 Betsy celebrates a happy birthday at the Hellfire Club, completely disregarding liquor licensing laws!
Xavier's: Friends Like No Others June 24th, 2019 A cookout at Breakstone Lake has surprise guests: therapy dogs brought by a mutant family.
X-MEN: They Hide Below June 22nd, 2019 Frank Castle and his Unpunishable X-Men take on a strange new type of maybe... Sentinel...? Nobody's really sure, even when its all said and done, they saved lives and fought some weird robotic spider things. But they got basically no questions answered!
Down to Business June 20th, 2019 Summary needed
The Maximoffs Come Calling June 11th, 2019 Wanda and Pietro visit Xavier's School to offer a magic protection spell to Lorna, Illyana and Emma. Rogue has a waterfight,
A tale of two vintages June 10th, 2019 Emma Frost visits Ororo's attic and the two women share a surprising moment.
Talking Shop June 9th, 2019 Emma Frost discusses a potentiall game-changing idea with Scott Summers, and voices a personal concern.
Clean up on Aisle: X-man June 9th, 2019 Emma, Rogue, Ororo, and Kitty chatting informally about the expectations of the individual versus the team.
Tan Lines or No June 6th, 2019 Summary needed
Dog Catching June 5th, 2019 Blinkdog is located and offered a chance to come to Xavier's
That New Guitar May 31st, 2019 Rogue and Kitty go shopping for guitars for the school, and run into Emma Frost
X-men Natural Disaster May 29th, 2019 The X-men, Scott, Doug, Emma, Kurt, Nate, Storm, Rogue, Sam, Sunspot, and Kitty, respond to a suspension bridge collapsing after an earthquake. Blinkdog arrives to help survivors
White Queen and Stabby McGee May 27th, 2019 Summary needed
Memorial Weekend At The Beach May 26th, 2019 A dozen people from Xavier's School plus some guests gather for a beach party on Memorial Day weekend.
Shopping Spree, X-Lady style May 25th, 2019 Emma takes Ororo, Lorna, and Laura shopping in Italy for the weekend.
Inappropriate Behavior May 23rd, 2019 Emma visits a business partner who had hired Vanessa Carlysle and treated her poorly
Sentinels: Emma's Mission May 23rd, 2019 Emma attempts to reach Trask ... and it is slightly dangerous.
Sentinels and Cold Chicken May 21st, 2019 Lorna, Emma and Quentin talk about how to save the world from Sentinels. Blink has cold fried chicken.
Magnets and Diamonds May 19th, 2019 Summary needed
Close to My Soul, and Yet So Far Away May 15th, 2019 Doug, Samuel, Kitty, Lorna and Emma go to Genosha and are hosted by Magneto as he and Doug discuss Doug's death.
The First Swim of the Year. May 11th, 2019 Doug, Emma Frost, Kitty, Samuel and Ellie discuss a range of topics around and in the pool. Professor Xavier makes a return
An X Foe comes to justice May 10th, 2019 Red Hood, Rogue, and Shadowcat track down the Xavier's students kidnapped by Norya. Kally gets wind of the situation and assists in freeing them.
Highway Wobbery May 9th, 2019 The Crimson Dynamo, Thor and the X-Men arrive to help in a morally gray situation of mutants versus Sentinels.
It's a White - Mother's Day May 8th, 2019 Summary needed
A Pair of Frosts April 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Good Riddance to Emma Frost March 13th, 2019 Emma Frost finishes cleaning out her office. She is interrupted by the Cuckoos, seeking information. James Proudstar shows up and explains that his vacation has been anything but.
Masquerade Ball March 9th, 2019 Selina Kyle holds a charity event for a big cat sanctuary. Lots and lots of people attend. Lots of money is raised.
Someone Of Your Skill Set February 8th, 2019 Emma goes on a recruiting drive for new Staff.
Parting is Such Sweet S--Oh Who Am I Kidding February 3rd, 2019 Emma turns in her resignation from Xavier's school. She also meets Rachel, her Goddaughter from a future timeline. Who knew? Sam is entrusted to care for the New Mutants. And Logan is just plain mean.
Snacking in the Kitchen January 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
Reflections for The New Year January 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Hermits. December 31st, 2018 Summary needed
Tough Choices December 30th, 2018 Betsy and Emma have a heart-to-heart that ends on a sour note.
Vacation Blues December 29th, 2018 A casual meeting in the Rec Room during the Christmas break drives home some truths to Emma, and opens up lines of conversation in unexpected places.
Since It's Christmas... December 23rd, 2018 Emma "doesn't" set up a decorating party for the students at the school. (Although she totally does, the big marshmallow!) Things get more serious when Andrea arrives.
Knave of spades meets Queen of Frost.. December 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
Look Who Came to Dinner December 21st, 2018 Magik discovers Emma in Xavier's mansion and assumptions are made - by both parties.
Not Martha Stewart December 20th, 2018 Emma is caught in the kitchen baking cookies for the students who don't go home over the holidays. She makes confessions to Jean, and later ropes Hank into her plans with a bribe of cookies.
The once and future Queen December 13th, 2018 Summary needed
Outdoor Greetings December 13th, 2018 Summary needed
Astral Flux: A Woman Scorned December 4th, 2018 Emma visits the Astral Plane to undo the wrongs she helped perpetrate.
White Queen to White Prince. Check. December 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Astral Flux: Hasta Manana November 6th, 2018 Kent Nelson drops in on Emma Frost's vacation, and manages to hold her attention long enough to point out something was very wrong with her. Oddly, she doesn't send him packing.
Astral Flux: The Rabbit Hole November 4th, 2018 Emma seeks out the Shadow King.
Spite at the Museum October 30th, 2018 Summary needed
Astral Flux: Making a House Call October 18th, 2018 Emma goes calling on a possible link to the Shadow King, only to run into some unexpected obstacles. She makes another plan.
Astral Flux: The Cuts that Unbind the Ties October 5th, 2018 Betsy finds Emma enjoying herself in the teacher's lounge and decides to take action on her suspicions that Emma is compromised. She's right, and it works.
Astral Flux: A Fistful of Dollars September 15th, 2018 Emma hosts a card game at the Hellfire Club to determine the winner of her bet with John. Everyone but Zatanna cheats. Emma wins.. because Illyana lets her?
Astral Flux: Concerning Emma September 7th, 2018 Summary needed
Astral Flux: Wine, Woman, and No Song. September 7th, 2018 Emma and John play poker to see who wins their bet; John loses. He'll have to dance at the club. Pity that.
Astral Flux: The Throne September 5th, 2018 Emma seeks out the entity controlling the Astral Plane.
Dinner Date September 5th, 2018 John takes Emma Frost on date meant for someone else at the fanciest spot in town and an understanding is reached.
Astral Flux: Palace of the Mind August 20th, 2018 Emma and Jean investigate the Astral Plane.
Astral Flux: A Mutual Wake Up Call August 11th, 2018 Summary needed
Germination: To the Brink July 31st, 2018 Multiple heroes face off against a fungal-using telepath, and find something far more sinister.
Germination: Float Down Here July 31st, 2018 Fungus DEFEATED, WORLD SAVED!
Germination: Astral Hunt July 27th, 2018 Emma Frost examines the Astral flux... and finds something very sinister at the end of the bread crumb trail.
Summer Relaxation July 27th, 2018 Emma and Ororo spent their Friday at Westchester Country Club. Ororo sends Emma on an intelligence gathering mission.
Eating Crow July 15th, 2018 Emma checks in on Josh and delivers an unexpected apology. Their conversation is much more civil this go around.
We're Not All Tanks July 7th, 2018 Emma speaks to Josh about his mutant powers, and ends up failing to impress upon him how unprepared he is for what he can do and will become. It goes as well as expected.
The Interview July 6th, 2018 Mason talks with Emma about joining the school. A conversation that says a lot, and asks more.
Same Time as Last Week July 3rd, 2018 Emma and Erik meet up for drinks and a chat. It's becoming a regular occurrence.
Met Amongst Hellfire July 1st, 2018 Emma Frost and John Constantine meet at the Hellfire Club, it doesn't go how either of the expect.
The New Mutants: A Personal Identity. June 29th, 2018 The kids get a lesson on what it means to be a team, and band together defending themselves to a very pleased Emma.
Uncomfortable Confessions June 22nd, 2018 Tyler makes a confession to Ms Frost. Things go surprisingly well for him as he doesn't get kicked out of school.
Morning Frost! June 14th, 2018 Emma Frost has a chat with Josh about his future, then makes him an offer he can't refuse. And she almost smiles. Almost.
The Murray Street Bridge June 10th, 2018 Some students from Xavier's School get a field assignment. They pass and the school gets a new student.
The New Mutants: Beginnings. (and Pizza) June 9th, 2018 Emma gathers some select students at Xavier's to a pizza party, and challenges them to become a team. Surprise! They're making the pizzas.
An Evening Ramble June 6th, 2018 Emma goes for a walk and gets off on the wrong foot (literally) with one Drake Riley. Things turn out about as well as you might expect.
Managing the Downtime June 5th, 2018 Summary needed
Long Live the White King and Queen June 1st, 2018 Summary needed
An important appointment. May 29th, 2018 Andrea got to meet the faculty and a fellow student. Hank and Emma also gets along (They don't.)
4 Cokes, 1 Receipt. May 24th, 2018 Emma and the boys share a coke by the lake, and she's only vaguely threatening with promises of talks later.
Weighed and Measured May 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Catching up with the White Queen April 26th, 2018 Emma visits Julian, and a teenager becomes a little more humble.
School Yard Days April 6th, 2018 Summary needed
Changes: Turn And Face The Strange March 29th, 2018 Summary needed
Gambling with a Telepath March 23rd, 2018 Emma Frost gambles with members of the London HFC with high stakes on the table. Sebastian Shaw watches on as the fate of the Academy of Tomorrow is decided by pure chance.

(OOC Note: This was an agreed upon plot device to allow Emma Frost to move on from the Academy of Tomorrow, at her request. Should a future player wish to change this, it can be returned in the same manner.)
Professor Beast in the Computer Lab with a (Metaphorical) Knife.. March 15th, 2018 Summary needed
Power Ranger Lock Down November 6th, 2017 Summary needed
An Autumn Chill in the Air November 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 3060 November 5th, 2017 Summary needed
G&T late nights November 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Invasion of the Whisperers, Chapter IX November 2nd, 2017 Zhao Lin and Caroline Ramsey meet in Luke's Bar, bigotry ensues. Title unrelated.
Investment Negotiations October 29th, 2017 Jean Grey meets with Emma Frost in regards to investment opportunities at Xavier's School. Emma brings her photographer, Donna Troy, along to chronicle the location.
Family Reunions, X-Style October 29th, 2017 A strange psionic signature on the grounds causes several people to investigate. Jean Grey and Scott Summers are in for the shock of their lives.
Unscheduled Visit! October 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Xavier's has a Jacuzzi October 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Another Visit to Hogwar... wait, wrong school October 23rd, 2017 Hermione comes by the school to let her friends know she has chosen to train with Tony Stark instead of attending Xavier's.
Dis Ain't Hogwarts October 21st, 2017 Summary needed
On Tonight's Episode of Logan's Rum October 20th, 2017 Summary needed
I Don't Mean Rhinestones October 19th, 2017 Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, but when someone is actually a diamond, things aren't THAT glamorous, as Vorpal finds out when he runs into a very sparkly guest.
Log 2893 October 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2870 October 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2855 October 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Devil went up to New York. October 14th, 2017 Emma Frost's has been compromised after an attack by Gorilla Grodd! A handful of Xavier-ites and James Proudstar go to help.
Monkey Business at the DMV October 11th, 2017 Summary needed
The one where Diana orders a kid around. October 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Emma makes an Offer October 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Pregame before the meeting October 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2724 October 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Voluntary Overtime October 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Hello Emma September 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Checking In September 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Hellfire Paper Club August 29th, 2017 Summary needed
A Dangerous Game: The Game Begins August 10th, 2017 A group of Mystique's associates have been brought together for one purpose: to exterminate mutant slavers.
A Dangerous Game: Recruiting the Prodigy August 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Emma Frost's Impossible Mission August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
School's out for... Robot Attack Cleanup! July 27th, 2017 Summary needed
A Letter of Introduction July 11th, 2017 Summary needed
The Best of Broadway July 5th, 2017 An after party gets raided by thieves. Heroes help thwart the villainy
Subway Spiders June 24th, 2017 Summary needed
EMMA June 20th, 2017 Summary needed
A Little Friendly Trespassing June 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Put it on, Emma! June 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Rescuing Kidnapped Emma June 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Cold War Continued June 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Ice Cream Social June 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Cold War June 4th, 2017 Summary needed
The Tumor City June 2nd, 2017 Strange things abound in an unfortunate city, heroes respond, and a certain ghosbuster manages to save the day with a little help from her friends.
Outside the School May 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Spider In The Corner May 24th, 2017 Bruce and Emma discuss work with a spider in the corner
Loan Application May 19th, 2017 Summary needed
PR Stunt May 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Interview with a Queen May 17th, 2017 Summary needed
A Cat's Habit May 16th, 2017 Summary needed
A Chat May 16th, 2017 Summary needed
The Chromatic Theory of Learning May 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Look What I Can Do! May 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Sunday Banking May 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Westchester Boat Race May 13th, 2017 A diplomatic event in the form of a boat race between American and Genoshan kids goes awry, heroes respond.
Wednesdays are the Worst May 10th, 2017 Summary needed
=Ice Cream Social May 6th, 2017 Ice Cream Party
Settling In May 5th, 2017 Summary needed
New Student May 3rd, 2017 Summary needed.
Academy of Tomorrow Today May 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Log 196 April 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Birth of the Cyberdragon April 25th, 2017 Summary needed.
Academy of Tomorrow April 25th, 2017 Summary needed
The Long Game April 21st, 2017 Summary needed.
Recruiting A New Student April 21st, 2017 Summary needed.
Log 80 April 19th, 2017 Summary needed
A Day in the Park April 18th, 2017 Summary needed.
Lower East Side April 16th, 2017 Summary needed.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Return to the Academy February 22nd, 2019 Emma Frost returns as Headmistress
A Dangerous Game: The General's August 12th, 2017 Summary needed


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