Captain Marvel Jr.

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Freddy Freeman (Scenesys ID: 1347)
"I try NEVER to give up on people."
Full Name: Fredrick Christopher Freeman
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: New York City
Education: Binder High School
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 15 Actual Age: 15
Date of Birth 18 November 2011 Actor: Jack Dylan Grazer
Height: 175 cm Weight: 75 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "It Happens Like That" by Granger Smith


Once a star athlete at the Binder High School, Freddy Freeman was injured in a superhero battle and left without a legal guardian. He befriended Billy Batson and his resolve in facing the grueling physical therapy was observed by the watching Wizard. When the Wizard needed someone to serve as a living restraint upon Zonuz, he chose Freddy, sending him into a dream quest to test him. Freddy's success endowed him with mighty powers.

Current Player Approved: February 14, 2019



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Tall for his age, with dark hair and blue eyes. Freddy walks with the help of a crutch, a combination of spinal and bone damage having left him with a right leg that is nearly useless.


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Freddy's parents were not the most honest of folks, which lead to them getting killed when he was 10, leaving him to his Grandfather to take care of. His Grandfather set him strait and taught him to appreciate things that have a real value, like friendship.

Freddy soon became an honor student and a star athlete, as well as quite popular in his school. Unfortunately it did not last.

Freddy's grandfather was killed and Freddy crippled when a supervillain was knocked out of the sky in a fight and landed nearby. The pair tried to help the fallen figure, but he turned on them and left them badly hurt so the hero would rescue them and give him a chance to get away.

Freddy spent most of the time since in physical therapy and studying to keep his grades up, but still took the time to befriend fellow orphan Billy Batson. When Billy became Captain Marvel/Shazam, Freddy came to the attention of the Wizard, though nothing came of it at the time.

Far distant events can have a local impact, somewhere, on the very edge of the universe, stands the Source Wall, a barrier between the Universe and what lies beyond. Something weakened the wall and a great evil power Zonuz the Yuga Kahn sensed the weakness and strove to use it to break free. The Wizard went to try to restrain this monstrous New God, but knew he could not hold him forever. For that, he needed something to bind an restrain Zonuz...and he knew only one spell powerful enough to bind the powers of a god, the spell he used to endow Billy as the champion of magic.

The Wizard could not use Billy to contain Zonuz, his power channels were already bound. He also could not use the same sources as Billy used, lest he weaken the champion. He chose Freddy as the vessel and sent him on a quest in a dream that seemed real to test his worth and to draw a bond between him and the powers he would need.

Freddy was guided by a dream wizard, who lead him to the avatars of the power sources. He spent a day helping an old woman while she talked with him about his life, only to discover that woman was Apanel the goddess of reincarnation, who granted him the gift of Compassion. He had to track down a monster that fed on hate before it could become unstoppable, and to boldly allow it to swallow him in order t. destroy it from inside, thus earning the power of Boldness from Ate, goddess of Impulse. He had to face someone of equal strength in battle to earn the Strength of S'ivaa the Dancer of Destruction. He had to face the specter of failure, as the next god he sought was apparently killed by his rival before he could even find out his task, making him have to locate another power who could serve, thus adding H'ronmeer the fire god of Mars to his sources. Then his rival apparently won the race for the next power, leaving them as equals in power again. The final test showed Freddy's willingness to sacrifice himself to save others, once that was shown the dream ended and he found himself gifted by the wizard, revealed as Mamaragan, Aboriginal spirit of Lightning, with his transformative and binding power of Lightning. With the powers at his disposal, Freddy had to face Zonuz and won, binding the Source Manipulation of Zonuz to Freddy, keeping it out of the hands of the evil god so long as Freddy lives.


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Freddy has lost family he cared for, and lost his promising future as an athlete, but not become bitter or hateful. He has a strength of will and character that have been tempered into a strength that can handle holding godlike power, but still remain human and caring.


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Ate is the goddess opf impulse, a minor Greek goddess of mischief who was sentenced for playing a trick on Zeus to never touch the ground or reach the sky, but to be forced to tread upon the heads of men spreading mischief with every step.

The Third Eye Chakra is the chakra of command and of intuition, perception, and self assurance. It has no associated element. The power of Ate channeled into this Chakra grants Freddy Boldness, the ability to act with the speed of thought, to perform skills based on reflex easily and with great innate talent.

The spell of the champion was created long ago to open the Chakra of the chosen champion to divine powers. It was decided, when the spell was crafted, to tie the powers to the acronym SHAZAM. The Spell resides in the Seventh Chakra (Spirit). The other six chakra are: Root (Strength - Earth) S'ivaa, Sacral (Self Control - water) Apanel, Navel (Optimization - Fire) H'ronmeer, Heart (Mobility - Air) Zonuz, Throat (Purity - Ether) Mamaragan, and Third Eye (Command - Intuition) Ate.

H'ronmeer is the Martian god of Fire, Artistry, and Death. Though the Martians are nearly extinct, he continues to exist in all his blinding power.

The Navel Chakra is the Cakra of fire, it's function is to optimize power and allow one to digest food and experience and proceed with vigor. H'ronmeer, channeled through this Chakra, provides the gift of fire, which Freddy can produce from his hands or breathe out from his mouth like a dragon. Presumably he will also be capable of learning quickly, though that ability has yet to be shown.

Anapel is the goddess of Reincarnation, her function is to inform the families of newborn children which ancestor has been reincarnated in the child. As such, her gift allows her to perceive the spirit of others.

The Sacral Chakra is the chakra of water and is associated with Creativity, Adaptability, and Self Control. Anapel's gift of Compassion is a vital ability for Freddy, allowing him to more easily control powers that come from beings associated with Death, Destruction, and Evil. It also helps him to understand his foes.

Mamaragan is the Australian Aboriginal spirit of Lightning, who sits in the clouds and throws down lightning upon the pools of water below. It is revealed that the Wizard himself is Mamaragan.

The Throat Chakra is the Chakra of Ether, of truth, and of purity, it is the place of the binding forces. The power of the Wizard summoned by speaking the word Shazam manifest as a bolt of lightning that Transforms Freddy, binding the powers of the Pantheon to his service. He can also use lightning as a weapon.

Zonuz was the most powerful and evil of the New Gods, father of Darkseid and the Highfather until betrayed and bound. His powers were vast, allowing him to drain energy from others to use as he saw fit. His greatest flaw was that he had relatively little personal energy, he had to steal it from others.

The Heart Chakra is the Chakra of air, it represents mobility and active defense. Bound to the Heart Chakra, the power of Zonuz allows Freddy to teleport by redirecting his other energies to pass through the Source Barrier, though generally he is limited to places he has been or places he can currently see...theoretically, as he moves outside of space and time, it can reach anywhere (nothing is promised about safe arrival though). Additionally, Freddy can (at least in theory) intercept and redirect energy attacks. Unlike the other power sources, however, Zonuz does not grant his gifts willingly, so each thing this power has to be learned by experimentation trial and error) and takes effort of Freddy's part to use.

S'ivaa is a Shadow Elemental, a creature of near inconceivable power left over from the time between the end of the third world and the start of the fourth. Awakened by Darkseid tampering with the Source, S'ivaa sought to perform it's function of destroying the universe to make way for a new creation. It was opposed by Superman and Orion of the New Gods, but was only defeated when they found a way to turn its own power against it.

The power of S'ivaa is channeled through the Root Chakra, at the base of the spine. The Charkra of Earth, Strength, and Stability, this gives Freddy the gift of Strength that seems boundless. Additionally he is imparted with extreme levels of durability and near imperviousness to powers that draw upon the Source.


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Freddy is bright, despite a bit of a late start in formal education he is often on the honor roll. Still, he is only in high school, there is a lot he does not know.

Freddy was a bit of a scrapper before his injuries, though was not exactly trained in combat. It is a bit hard to hold your own when forced to walk with a crutch, but within his limits he is not bad.

Freddy's parents were criminals, before their death they taught him skills like running a con, picking pockets, and picking locks. Freddy rarely uses these skills now and he may be a bit rusty. Still, he does know how to assess a target, which can occasionally be useful


Freddy may no longer be able to run and jump well, but he can still throw and catch and knows the rules of most sports played in school.


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Freddy is a member of the Marvel Family, like Billy Batson or Mary Bromfield or the Wizard. He can generally rely on the other members of the family for assistance.


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Because Freddy's powers are magical, they are only as good as he believes they are. If something shakes his self confidence, it can weaken his powers. Self doubt at the wrong time can prove quite dangerous.

Although he does not know it, Freddy has a half brother with magical powers of his own...and a Foster Brother with powers as well. Unfortunately his Foster Brother is an evil menace and his half brother is a pawn of outside magical forces. If either one shows up, Freddy may have trouble fighting them.

That is physically lame, his spine and right leg were damaged and he will likely never get full strength or mobility back. He walks with a crutch most of the time and movement without it is slow and painful. As Freddy Freeman he has only the abilities of a normal human male of his age and condition, other than his ability to transform.

Freddy's powers come from magic, and while he is quite resistant he can have his powers disrupted by magic. Notably other sources of Magical Lightning can cause him to transform. Spells used to constrain magical beings might also work on Freddy's empowered form.


The beings that grant Freddy powers are able to talk inside his head. They can give him advice and encouragement, or berate and belittle their whim. The voices are clearer when in his empowered form, but never entirely gone.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Waiting on the thunder May 21st, 2019 Freddy seeks help from an equal
Age of Despair Finale: Armaggeddon Pt 1 May 15th, 2019 The JL Strike Team heads to Apokolips and prevents the resurrection of Zonuz by defeating Darkseid's minions. Oh, and saves Superman from a fate worse than death!
Lightning in black and Blue May 13th, 2019 A pair of young champions meet
Age of Despair Part IV: Assassination May 1st, 2019 AN assault on the JL Watchtower was thwarted by the combined might of the Justice League and her allies, at the cost of losing Superman to the minions of Darkseid. Next target - Apokolips!
Catch Me If You Can March 28th, 2019 Freddy takes a friend home
Age of Despair Pt 3: Apokolips March 26th, 2019 Through tremendous sacrifice, blood, sweat and tears, the Justice League was succesful in rescuing Superman from Apokolips! Although he is near death, there is hope he will recover.
The Darkness March 19th, 2019 Age of Despair Pt 2: The Darkness. Tune in next week to see if our heroes, having pierced the veil will remember their vows of righteousness! Can they save their beloved friend without becoming what they fear? Will there be casualities? Who will survive: Apokalypse!
Twin Lightning Bolts March 18th, 2019 Macic lightning transforms, and attracts magical attention.
Just hangin' March 10th, 2019 Some bullies get more than they bargain for.
War of Words March 5th, 2019 Summary needed
Disturbance In Progress March 3rd, 2019 There's a disturbance that comes out over the radio. But what happens is by far more disturbing.
Pantheon the Social Worker March 3rd, 2019 Summary needed
Factory Follies February 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Haunted Watchtower February 13th, 2019 The Enchantress attacks the Justice League in the Watchtower in an attempt to make them slaves. Although defeated, Superman is now missing!


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