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Brooke (Scenesys ID: 1594)
Full Name: Brooke Harris
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: Canadian
Residence: Starling
Education: Homeschooled High School Student
Status: Shelved
Other Information
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 20 January 2007 Actor: Madison Pettis
Height: 162.5 cm (5'4") Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs.)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


A black teenage middle class, mostly ordinary t-girl, who just happens to also be a taijiquan master.



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A dark skinned, soft, slender, teenage girl of median height. She does not look particularly strong or athletic, but she normally moves with a very distinctive measure of grace and balance. Her build is on the curvy side, more in the hips and silhouette than the chest. She has dark natural hair with a frizzy tail.


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Brooke was originally born Noah Harris. Her mother was a yoga teacher, and her father a nurse. Early in her childhood, she had issues with precocious puberty and was treated for it, but the incident horrified her and she reacted badly to the medication. She responded by diving deeply into biofeedback training, yoga, taijiquan, and meditative exercises, studying with a community of masters who had come to Canada to escape from political problems in China. With extensive practice, she eventually figured out how to use her mind to control many parts of her body not normally possible to access consciously, as well as becoming an expert in Taijiquan and related internal arts.


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Taiji is soft, yielding, flowing, flexible. In general, so is she. She's no killer, balancing a live and let live attitude with a strong protective instinct and duty, and is more of a defensive agent of karma than a proactive first striker. Her tendency to step in front of those in danger makes the difference somewhat academic to those who would do harm to innocent people in her presence.


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Brooke has trained herself in psychometabolic techniques, mind over body.

Interroception: Brooke always has full knowledge of everything happening to her body. She knows how drugs and alcohol and other effects are affecting her, and why. She is in tune with what nutrition, etc. she might need for optimal health. She can diagnose herself medically at a thought. Mystical and psychic alteration registers as 'something off'; she doesn't have a magical sense, but she can tell that something it there that normally isn't.

Damage Control: With focus, she can mostly ignore the effects of an injury she just received. When she releases her focus, she only suffers about half of the effect of the injury, as she can do more effective damage control by stopping bleeding mentally, etc.

Metabolize Toxins: Things that alter how her body works can be duplicated or blocked, poisons can be metabolized faster or slower. Fast acting and powerful effects require more focus to deal with; she might be able to survive drinking bleach without too much damage, but will probably not be able to do much other than sit quietly in meditation for awhile while doing it.

Control metabolism: Brooke can slow her metabolism into a death trance with almost imperceptible life signs, keep herself warm in freezing conditions by raising her body temperature, and other similar things.

Accelerate Healing: She heals much faster from injuries than most people do.. Not like Wolverine or anything like, but injuries that should leave her in recovery for months, she can recover from in a week.

To a certain extent, Brooke can help manipulate the life energy of people she is touching and focusing on with her chi senses. Someday, all sorts of interesting stunts might open up from this, but for now, she uses it to temporarily impart some of her benefits from biofeedback.

She can help stabilize injuries, temporarily accelerate healing, or make temporary tweaks to their body functioning, such as pain relief, dealing with insomnia, helping to purge toxins, tweaking endocrine settings for awhile, or the like. She can attempt to help someone shake off a mystical or psychic alteration, temporarily supercharging their inherent resistances hopefully to a point where they can reject the effect, but she doesn't have the senses or knowledge to finesse it properly, so it resembles 'picking a lock with a small sledgehammer' and doesn't always work.

These effects require extended physical contact, generally a massage, acupuncture, or similar. The person she is working on has to be either willing or unconscious, and the process is intensive enough to rouse people from normal sleep too soon.


From extensive training with her bioenergy, Brooke has developed a sort of sense of life around her. She can generally sense the presence of people from about ten meters or so away all around her, and can pick up a few more details about strength, health, etc if she concentrates on it a bit. She can recognize the distinctive feel of people she knows well, and can recognize those with extensive training.


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Brooke is in as good of shape as a professional athlete. Her muscle tone is like cotton wrapped steel, a very relaxed strength that does not show much, and her very careful attention to body mechanics means that she substitutes form for raw strength. She is particularly good at endurance and flexibility.

Brooke has a profound understanding of biology from her training plus access to medical books and the like. She knows how to treat injuries, what drugs do what and how, and could probably pull off a minor routine surgical procedure in a pinch, especially if she can pull up instructions.

Brooke has a profound understanding of the human body and a keen sense of biomechanics, combined with incredible observational skills in this regard. She can recognize injury, lying, emotional state and more in ways that rival Daredevil. Physical skills are apparent. She can recognize different people easier than most.

She can watch an expert at a kinesthetic skill (like rock climbing, martial arts forms, etc) doing their thing, pick out the most important parts of how it works, and duplicate the skill at a somewhat competent level. She is no Taskmaster, lacking the specific adaptations from practice and the knowledge and instincts gained from experience, but it gives her a large head start on learning.

Brooke has a highly trained regimen of control over her own mind and body that is the envy of some sorcerers and mystics.

She is difficult to control psychically, as she interacts with telepaths who might wander into her head as another telepath who lacks an ability to get out of her own head. A strong and/or experienced telepath can still defeat her there, but it's an extra hassle that they might not want to take the time to do. She can tell when she is being directly affected by psychic/mystical effects, even though she lacks the special senses to interact with those effects, because she is in tune with herself enough to recognize that something is just "off". As a result, she is much better at shaking off or resisting such effects than most people.

She can tolerate pain, vertigo, and other sensory effects that would incapacitate most people. She needs less sleep than most people, can use lucid dreaming techniques to train or do mental work in her sleep, and can meditate to improve her memory.

Given a few hours in meditation, she can attempt to break a mystical effect on herself; however, since she is not a mage, this is clumsy, slow, and unreliable as it uses indirect methods. She has no way to really properly sense or understand the spell effect(s), and just sort of tries to purge the alien.. whatever it is.. from her bioenergy field with a supercharged sense of self.

Being from New Brunswick, Brooke is conversational in Quebecois French as well as English. She is also conversational in Mandarin Chinese, though she is sure she sounds like an idiot in it, and can stumble through a conversation in a couple of other dialects. (My player cannot do any of that. Please be gentle.) Writing in Chinese is a pain, but she can manage to read martial art texts. She is conversational in ASL, because it is a physical skill that she was able to quickly pick up.

She didn't set out to learn this, but she learns physical skills very easily, there were people practicing near a favorite area to train, they seemed friendly, and it seemed like a useful skill.

Brooke has coordination, grace, and ability to copy the mannerisms of people. This allows her to move around very quietly without drawing attention. By copying mannerisms, she can look like somebody else who has an actual reason to be there at a glance. Her coordination and balance allows her to walk silently without visibly drawing attention by 'creeping around'. As such, most people don't notice her if she doesn't want them to, and if they do, they usually assume she is someone who has a reason to be there.


Brooke is a master of Taijiquan of various lineages, as well as having cross trained and picked up a few things from other internal arts such as Aikido. As such, she is a very good counterfighter. Parries lead into throws and counters. When she attacks, it is with gentle seeming pushes that have far more power than would seem possible, sometimes striking in ways that leave less prepared opponents nauseated from the deceptive body blows. She is almost impossible to move if she doesn't want to by grounding herself with good structure and balance and deflecting incoming force. Her skill level is roughly on par with Robin (Tim Drake).


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Brooke lives with her family; a nurse at the local hospital and a yoga instructor. They have a middle class existence, a house, private space to practice and the like.

Because Brooke knows that her "secret" identity is nowhere near as secret as she would like, she keeps a mutual protection pact with the local street gang, which is relatively inoffensive as gangs go. They do not mess with her, they react to threats to her home as turf invasions, and in return she doesn't interfere with their relatively harmless criminal activities. If they stop being inoffensive, the gloves are off. If another gang starts messing with that one, she starts getting messages and evidence about the other gang.

Sometimes, Brooke charges wealthy New Age types for "Qigong healing" sessions at her mom's yoga studio for extra money for things like airfare, eating out, taxis and the like.


Brooke is known among the internal martial arts community, has met and trained under a number of masters, and can ask and be asked favors.


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Brooke's close attunement to her body means that she has a weird diet. She gets mild cravings for things, which are sometimes weird, and has what seems like a restrictive diet. She doesn't plan this, she just eats what she feels she needs, even if it seems odd. Most of the foods people around her eat actually make her feel a bit queasy. This makes her stand out and can cause some friction with people who like smoking and unhealthy stuff near her.

Because Brooke is a terrifying-to-street-criminals super with a family that she can't just whisk away into witness protection, whose 'secret identity' is a bit cracked, she had to make some deals with the local underworld to keep her life quiet. That couldn't *possibly* come back to bite her or embarrass her when she's dealing with heroes with much cleaner and simpler lives, right? Right?

Brooke might like to have a secret identity, but she simply left too much of a trail of distinctive features and contacts and such in her wake growing up. Most people don't know who she is, but only because she tries to stay out of the news and not stir up too much trouble. She has all the things that people with secret IDs are trying to protect.

Many martial artists and masters of chi can call on hidden reserves of strength when things get hard, pushing themselves harder, faster, stronger at a cost. Unfortunately, with soft styles and the way she achieves what she does, extra effort actually degrades her performance more than it improves it, so if her standard best effort isn't good enough, there is nothing she can do to make it better.

Brooke was male assigned at birth. At this point this is mostly irrelevant, but it is noticeable in her records and is a distinctive feature that is awkward in locker rooms.


People might be wary of the muscular guy with lots of lean muscle or the wiry Asian girl... The soft looking black girl? Not so much.

She just doesn't look like a martial artist to the untrained eye, and her style looks and sounds unimpressive, so people just do not seem to think of her as a threat or very effective. Sometimes this is useful, other times it's a pain.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Demons and rats and homework March 30th, 2019 Sabrina and Yin meet up at Pops to discuss demon summoning logistics and the looming were menace
Breakfast in riverdale! March 28th, 2019 Summary needed
Starheart and the Witch March 27th, 2019 Summary needed
Warriors and Weapons March 2nd, 2019 Summary needed
Painting By Numbers February 23rd, 2019 Yin and Kestrel save a delivery van from an ambush by Painted Men.
Lunch break of champions February 22nd, 2019 Yin and Nightwing meet in civvies to visit and bemoan their side duties.
Prisoner Transfer February 15th, 2019 Just when Alpha Flight was about to grant Arella Despana a refugee status, Lex Luthor waltz in after pulling all sorts of political miracles, and getting himself permission to walk away with Arella, as something of a guardian overseeing her integration with Earth society.
Punching bags in spaaaace January 18th, 2019 A brief trading of notes on Mackenzie King's gym.
Park Shenannigans January 17th, 2019 Summary needed
Black Sky: Allies from Afar December 9th, 2018 Green Arrow and Yin come to NYC to join the fight against the Hand and meet with Daredevil, Hawkeye (Bishop) and Richard Dragon. Not everything goes as planned.
A Night Out in Riverdale December 1st, 2018 Summary needed
The Chef: Order to go November 30th, 2018 Yin and Nightwing track The Chef's minions back to their food drop point, and compare notes.
Micro Intrusion November 24th, 2018 Contacts are made. Muahahahaha.
Black Sky: The Hand Comes to Starling November 24th, 2018 The Hand makes moves in Starling, Green Arrow and Yin stop their plans, for now.
Coffee and flying mammals November 18th, 2018 Brooke and Carrie meet up to touch base.
Diet craze! November 15th, 2018 Yin and Nightwing investigate strange goings on at the local fitness studio.
Pet shop club November 9th, 2018 A meeting at Pops, about wolf sightings.
Tea with a Dragon November 8th, 2018 Richard Dragon checks in with with Brooke over tea.
Evening Checkin August 15th, 2018 Green Arrow, Black Canary, Yin, and Carrie, who still needs a costume and a name, meet up at Yin's kwoon to check in.
Ominous Tea Party August 14th, 2018 Dinah and Brooke get together for a chat. The gossip is on the fearsome side.
A fearsome cup of tea August 5th, 2018 Lady Shiva pays a visit to Yin's kwoon to learn more about her.
Waiting for a bus July 30th, 2018 A brief random conversation.
Midterm slump July 15th, 2018 Yin takes Carrie Kelley around Gotham by rooftop. Batman is not pleased. Green Arrow is not pleased with Batman's displeasure.
Coney Island People Watching July 7th, 2018 Brooke takes Carrie Kelley to Coney Island to give her practice studying how people move. They encounter Kate Bishop and the team of pickpockets hunting her.
Making up for lost time June 30th, 2018 Yin puts Carrie Kelley through some torturous training to make up for being in space, and they meet Zhao Lin during a break.
Ragnarok pt 4: Alpha Flight pitches in! June 22nd, 2018 Alpha Flight lends their expertise to helping the Asgardians.
Another day, another dojo June 19th, 2018 Summary needed
An admissions letter June 17th, 2018 Carrie Kelley learns more about what makes Yin tick... and decides she wants to be a part of it.
Just say no to ninja June 14th, 2018 Luke and Brooke stop at a kung fu studio. The Hand shows up and embarrass their teacher.
Scene: Ominous Distractions June 13th, 2018 Summary needed
A house call June 6th, 2018 Heather drops in on Brooke's studio to interview her for Gamma Flight.
A Test June 6th, 2018 Green Arrow gives Yin a trial, and is given provisional status on Team Arrow.
When robots attack June 3rd, 2018 Somebody sics a robot on Vincent. Yin helps slap it around. Viral footage is had all around.
Ninjas 101 June 2nd, 2018 Roof running for fun and exercise has some risks - like stumbling across a dojo-busting.
Dealing with Arms Dealers: The NY connection May 29th, 2018 Summary needed
Dealing with arms dealers May 14th, 2018 Green Arrow and company foil and arms deal, leaving it for police to handle after.
Coffee. Kung fu. May 12th, 2018 Meeting over coffee: student and sifu.
'Sup, Cuz May 12th, 2018 Clark comes to visit Kara in Starling. Brooke and Kevin meet her cuz!
Return to the Quiver May 9th, 2018 Oliver and Dinah return to HQ after months of Oliver being overseas, powering up the Quiver once again.
Little Trouble in Little China May 6th, 2018 Carrie tries out a new martial arts studio, and gets a few pointers from a guest at the class.
When a Strike Has Nothing to do with Baseball May 4th, 2018 A bit of support for the teachers.
Follow the sound April 29th, 2018 Dinah stops by a small martial arts studio to refresh her commitment to Justice.
What evil lurks in a 200 foot radius April 22nd, 2018 The Shadow comes to clean up a drug ring. Oh, and Yin just happens to be standing right there, bleeding.
Biofeedback says phone a friend April 22nd, 2018 Yin calls for help to deal with those gaping bloody itches you just can't scratch.
Stress testing with dime store ninjas April 22nd, 2018 Somebody ordered ninjas? The bargain basement kind? In the huge jumbo size order?
Midnight Movers April 11th, 2018 Moving is hard. Moving elderly disabled people while under attack by mystical hit squads is harder.
A moment in the park April 8th, 2018 A meeting of idle athletes in a Riverdale park.
Ill met by rooftop April 8th, 2018 Yin meets a dark vigilante up to angry good.
Hard Times in Small Town April 5th, 2018 Two heroes meet in Riverdale. Not much more to say, honest. What kind of evil is going to hit THERE? ...I just jinxed us all, didn't I?
Don't you know not to interrupt me when I'm doin' my Kung Fu March 27th, 2018 Batman fights some Hand ninjas, and meets Yin on the rooftop.
A case of tense muscles.. March 22nd, 2018 Natasha Cranston stops in to get a back massage with a highly regarded masseuse in Starling. The skill level raises a red flag or two.
A case of the (milk) shakes December 28th, 2017 An ordinary day at a restaurant in Riverdale turns into another mess that Kae has to clean up.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Scene: Ominous Distractions June 13th, 2018 Summary needed


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