11239/Burgers and Plans

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Burgers and Plans
Date of Scene: 24 March 2020
Location: Clint and Skye's, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Summary Needed
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Quake, Mockingbird

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
This was becoming tradition, mission planning over food at Clint and Skye's. It started out of necessity, planning deep cover ops when Zola was burried like a tick in the systems at SHIELD, trying to stay away from anything that might let him hear. After that? It was mostly just the lure of comfort, food and a relatively secure place to meet.

Tonight's menu is burgers, despite the March chill, he's out back working the grill, while fixings and buns are being laid out inside. A tablet sits on the kitchen island as well, SHIELD issue, with a secure link to the servers at the Triskelion for the relevant data.

Quake has posed:
Skye is tying to not bury herself in the tablet, instead is slicing and dicing the condiments.

"You met Bobbi, yes?" She kisses his cheek, and presents the frou-frou beer.

Mockingbird has posed:
It's a Bobbi. She's outside, and knocking on the door. It's odd seeing a Bobbi in casual wear. Mostly since her in casual wear means she's got her hair down, and she's ready to, well, she was promised burgers. So burgers it is?

She's brought things to put on burgers, too. And being good in the kitchen, she's whipped up side dishes, fries, some home made cookies for dessert, and some home made fruit salads. With a knock, she waits.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Yeah, of course," Clint says of having met Bobbi with a bit of a smile and returning the kiss on the cheek. "Should be a fun time." he says meaning this little get together, not so much the mission it was meant to plan.

The knock at the door has Clint turning back to look. "That's probably her, want to get that?" he asks.

Quake has posed:
"Sure! She bringing the desserts." Skye open the door and invites Bobbi to come on in. So Bobbi brought so much extra! Yay! Lets face it, Skye isn't good accept when she ramen. Anything else?

"Come in, this way." Skys leads the way to the kitchen. "We have frou-frou but everyone else prefers the other stuff. Up to you."

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi totaly is bringing desserts. Following Skye, she grins (yet more proof she's off the clock)

So, thanks for inviting me. I made cookies, fruit salad and a few other things for dessert. Where would you like them put, in a fridge or out the way?" Bobbi asks with a wave to Clintt. "Hey, you invited me. So what's the plan?" she asks and stretches, looking amused then around at the house. it's better than her own one, really!

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint waves back as Bobbi joins them. The burgers are almost done and smell divine. "Hey, want cheese on yours? I can set you up."

As for the house, he smiles, "Renting it from Agent Croft," he explains of the fancy digs. You don't want to know how little she charges them for it. "And well, as for the plan, plan," he looks to Skye to take the lead there.

Quake has posed:
"Meanie," Skye laughs. "But I can take the plans. Or something like." Skye lets Bobbi finish up supper, and she goes on the tablet. "We have a position the we *think* my mother as hiding. I want to meet her. The rest of you are... well are to keep me safe. "

"See? I didnt run off, I'm learning." Skye grins.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi nods with a knowing grin. "Yes please. I'l take cheese on mine" she says putting the desserts down with a laugh. Looking to Skye, Bobbi looks from Clint to Skye. "So, it's finding your mother?" she asks

Okay, color Bobbi on the back foot. Morse didn't expect that one. "So we're helping you find your mother? I'm in" Bobbi adds with a look, mouth watering at the burgers as she smiles more.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grins and sticks his tongue out at Skye, soooo mature, before nodding to Bobbi, "Got it," he says. "Skye, cheese too?" he starts putting the cheese on his and Bobbi's to start with.

"Yeah, it's a remote island, not sure who or what will be there, but we felt we needed someone we could trust for back up," he explains after Skye's spoken to their plans. "Someone who can be subtle when they need to, and kick some ass when not."

Quake has posed:
"Duh, yes" Skye is sooo mature.

"I cant decide to piss off and deal with her myself, or. Our my brain goes oh, you need backup. Or think I need backup. Even if you keep your distance." Right.. and they'll stay on the jet waiting. Right.

Mockingbird has posed:
Bobbi looks amused at the subtle remark. Sure. She can be subtle but, but, when shit meets fan, subtle goes out the window. Instead, Bobbi nods. "That I can help with" Bobbi nods looking serious for jost a moment. Then she's distracted by cheese and burgers, inspectingg how it's put together. Which is a good thing really, since she was going to mouth off. Instead...

"So we're what, coming with you to say hey to your mom? I'll bring my staves to beat her if it's needed, or just sit back and talk with her" Bobbi offers with a grin. "Just point me where I'm needed, tell me what to do, and it'll get done"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint adds the cheese and a few minutes later is brings in the patties to be enjoyed. Everyone can assemble their own.

"Little bit more complicated than just a visit home. Skye's mom has left us these clues we had to follow to find her, though we're not sure if everyone at this island is on board with the visit. So, it could get complicated."

Quake has posed:
"Staves might to it? My mother - well maybe I just get explain."

She puts a glass is Bobbi's and demonstrate. First the glass begins to shake. Then shudders all over edges. "See? I can do much more, but you didnt need more." She shrugs, and Bobbi gets papertowels.