12365/Writing SHIELD AARs

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Date of Scene: 21 October 2020
Location: Skye's Brownstone, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Special Agents working on AARs
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It's late at night, and Clint is sitting on the couch, laptop open in front of him. The frown on his face an indication that's he's not enjoying himself.

"Bloody AARs," he mumbles under his breath.

Sighing, he looks over at Skye, who's also supposed to write a report after the action at the Russian mob warehouse.

"How you doin' over there?" he asks her.

Quake has posed:
"If you ask, you really aren't paying enough attention to me. I hate them with a passion. I had forgotten when I was on sabbatical how annoying they are. I like the ones I write to Fury himself. At least he and I have an agreement."

Skye makes a face.

"Think I could put 'IcedLotus' and be done with it? Pleeeeease?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint grins at that, yeah, the iced bitch. He leans back against the couch, visibly giving up on the AAR for now.

"Hey, I'm payin' attention," he replies, grinning, "Unless you got amnesia, and forgot about last night."

There! Chuckling, Clint stands, needing to stretch his legs. After a moment, he heads for the kitchen.

"Want something in here?"

Quake has posed:
"Yes you were. Good thing I'm not putting *that* in my AAR. But I bet he suspects that we're back together again."

"Do we have chips? Oh I picked up a whole bunch of sodas for us to taste. One of every kind." There were 12 of them. "Pick us two ?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"I don't care," Clint replies from the kitchen.

Sounds of pantry door, then Clint returns to the living room, chips and sodas in hands.

"And I wasn't talking about the warehouse, Keyboard," he corrects, up to her to remember the night /after/ the operation.

He then offers one of the sodas to Skye, and places a bowl of chips on the coffee table.

"So what did you see exactly, about the IcedBitch in there?" he asks.

Quake has posed:
"Neither was I," Skye grins.

She takes the bag of chips and one of the pops. "These are really bizarre flavours. I thought why not keep it traditional and try weird flavours." Hers was watermelon. "So, she was waiting for us - me in particular. If I didn't remember the codes, I would have gotten with her signature that signalled to destroying the whole network. That was new."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint chuckles at that, "Alright, I thought I was loosing it for a moment!"

He helps himself with some chips then opens a Diet soda. "They taste like shit," he comments.

More seriously, he listens to Skye. Yes, this is more important than chips.

"So, she's back? Damn. Can you find her around, I mean, over the net or something?" He pauses then adds, "Without her locating you."

Quake has posed:
"No. That's the thing, who you are as good as we are, we can't hide, really, from one another. I can delay it, but hide? Not really. But she was ready for you. She underestimated you, probably didn't expect Winter, but from now on, she will."

She laughs at Clint.

"Ooops. That wasn't supposed to be in there. What kind is it?" She passes the watermelon to try. "Try that. Kinda artificial flavour if you ask me."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint happily trades sodas with Skye, "Dunno. Poison," he warns.

He's quite serious now. Ready for him? Underestimate him? This doesn't sound right. Something went wrong, someone knew.

"Yeah, it was supposed to be a fairly easy ops, but I was glad to have Winty around. Sounded like overloaded with him to start with, but dang was I glad he was there. How could she have known, that's what's bothering me."

Quake has posed:
Skye begins to think, and then..

"She didn't know we were back together again. I bet. Which means odds are she got someone on the inside." Suddenly she was glad they didn't blab to everybody. "I bet she wanted me out of here - remember I'm set up for maximum security here." Even better than the Trisk. "I thought she underestimated you, but no, she didn't plan on you at all. You or Winter."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"So you think she was planning on you? Or was it just a coincidence?" Clint asks.

Drinking some of the soda - at least that one is half drinkable - he's lost in thoughts for a moment. This might turn serious.

"Enough people know we're back," he says. "Hrm... Peggy, Bobbi, hrm, Colin the new guy, who else? And the Trisk is not the most secret place, it's a spies nest. No matter what, we need to find out what she's up to."

Quake has posed:
"No. She was hoping to get me. We couldn't get anything by remote. No, she was counting on me. You are who she wasn't counting on." Skye is silent for a time.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint nods at that, relieved that he was there with Winty. He'd hate to see anything happen to Skye. Granted, she is the best with hacking and quacking, still, Clint can't get out of the protective mode.

"You'll have to be doubly cautious," he says. Actually, he's just want her to not go on any mission for the time being. But he knows her enough to not even suggest that.

"Can you think of a way to find her, locate? I'm sure SHIELD could help."

Quake has posed:
"Last time we had a positive lock on her, she was in China. But she could have jumped ship anywhere. My guess is Russia, working for Hydra. She doesn't have to be there, though. For all we know, she could come over to America. Our world is a different world, one of bytes and gigabytes. It really doesn't matter where I sit, I can be connected like that."

Skye snaps her fingers to make a point.

"You are in as much, or more danger than I am."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint shakes his head at that, visibly not worried about himself.

"I can take care of myself," he says. As long as no goats are involved...

"I dunno, what could she do to me anyway? Attack me with... gigabytes?"

Although he chuckles at that, he's actually not quite sure how she could harm... Dang! The only way she could really hurt him, is by hurting Skye.

"I swear, if she touches only one hair of your head, I'll..." The sentence is left unfinished.

Quake has posed:
Skye is very quiet. "Well, we *both* will be extra careful. I'm not at risk if I'm at home. We're all at risk depending who she's working with. Hydra has been very quiet these past few months." In fact, they've been very for over a year. It's time to remember why they are the number one villain for SHIELD!

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
With a shake of his head, Clint remains silent for a moment. He's not the kind of guy to /hide/, or hole up! But this is not just about him.

"We'll have to write that down in the AARs," he says.

He's lost in thoughts for a moment, then asks.

"Say, if we get off the grid, I mean totally, no phone, no puter, no nothing. She couldn't track us, right?

Quake has posed:
"Are you *nuts*?? No internet??" Skye gapes. "Uh.. no. Not going to go there."