13193/Back from the tropical boonies

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Back from the tropical boonies
Date of Scene: 04 May 2021
Location: Skye's Brownstone, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Hawkeye returns from a far away mission, shares a pizza with Skye, and a bit more.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It's mid-afternoon when a loud knock can be heard at Skye's appartment door. If she is home, and uses her security equipment to check who's at the door, she won't see anyone. Only a package on the doorstep. The package looks like a pizza box with something quite colorful on top, like a bouquet of flowers.

Quake has posed:
Skye was padding around the brownstone. She had had her coffee, fed the cats, spent some time with them (for which, Grant was happy for a change!). Eventually they took off, likely to sleep on the bed, and Skye had just poured herself a second cup, and settled down to see what there was in the net.

*ring* ring*

Weird. Nobody usually knocked, or rang. At least none of their friends did. She put down her laptop, set aside her coffee, and looked through the peephole.. Nobody there, except something was on the welcome mat.

Being very careful, she opened the door.

A pizza box, and flowers

Now it must be said, Skye isn't used to surprises. She frowns.. "Huh?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Huh?" Clint's voice echoes, as he suddenly appears from who knows where- master spies know how to hide in plain sight - circling his strong arms around her slim waist.

"Huh?" he repeats, a fake sulky pout on his face, which is quickly replaced by a large smile. "That's all you have to say to me, not even a lil' /Oh god, I missed ya?/, or /It better be all-dressed, else you go get another one/?"

Without giving Skye time to reply, he proceeds to kiss her fully, before stepping back to grab the pizza box and the flowers, which he hands to her.

"I missed ya," he laughs, "And yes, it's all-dressed!" referring to the pizza.

Quake has posed:
God, she loved him. Forget about the pizza, or flowers.. This man was all she needed.. ok, an all dressed pizza *was* pretty cool.

As she realized who was home, and was hugging her, she threw her arms around him and kissed him back. A loooong kiss.

"When did you get home?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"As soon as the pizza was ready," Clint replies, laughing. "Told 'em I'd send in my AAR tomorrow, not that they /really/ expect it tomorrow. Cuz this will be a long night, ma'am!"

Laughing, he kisses Skye once more and motions for her to get in, before the neighbours call the morality police.

Walking in, Clint places the pizza box on the kitchen table before heading for the refrigerator to grab a couple pops.

"I'm so hungry! And not only for pizza, lemme tell ya," he adds, winking at Skye, "Serious, no pizzeria in the jungle, and there's so much fresh fruits my stomach can handle!"

Quake has posed:
"Oooo a long night?" Skye is whisked inside, before the morality police are called. "The question is, are you going to be up because of me, or you AAR, hrm?"

She helps bring out two plates, as he gets pop. Really they probably won't need them, but she's trying seeing as he is back in her life. "I got some help with the teapot. It seems, as long as we have tea everyday, it will soon be back to its old self. Apparently May was right." As if May would have lied to them.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Tilting his head, Clint considers Skye for a moment. "Are you serious?" he laughs, "Me, wasting one minute on an AAR tonight?" Not that Skye really needed an answer to her question!

Pops are placed on the table. Opening the pizza box, Clint grabs a slice and - as expected - doesn't need a plate.

"Tea? No thanks, only coffee for me," Clint says between bites. Concentrating on the food for a moment, he then inquires on what is going on - or not - with Skye or at the Trisk.

"So, what's up? Working on something? New recruits? Departures?"

Quake has posed:
Skye laughs. "I should wait until you write up those AAR. I mean, I would hate to be part of the reason you were late!" Like she actually cared. Sometimes you just had to be bad! Besides, Clint was an adult. But she can always make fun of him!

She grabbed a slice and dug in. Again, she doesn't use the plate either.

"Not much from my end. There are a few people who I have invited over." In her usual way: Our door is open to our friend. In here, everyone is family. Nobody is judged.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Ah! Don't worry 'bout it," Clint replies, grinning, "I'll tell them I had my hands full." Which will be the truth. He then helps himself with another slice of pizza. Very good pizza, Gino's, of course.

Upon hearing about people being invited over, the archer raises an eyebrow. Of course, there is the habit of inviting friends over. "Who's dropping by?" he asks, matter of factly. Clint trusts Skye to invite only people they can trust, still, he's curious.

Quake has posed:
"Well, there's Alex Aaron. Well, I haven't asked him yet." But she will. For reasons. "And the gentlemen from the next door suite in the Trisk. I think the younger one needs friends." Again, she can tell him the entire tale. Hopefully she won't have to, he will. "And the doctor who is, strangely , happy to share a suite with him. Besides he's on my .."

Which reminded her..

"We.. well, I, had a little incident that apparently is normal for me. I started a non beating heart. You know, like a pacemaker, or a defibrillator. I went back for my checkup. Nothing wrong with me. So there is that."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint stops eating for a moment, thinking. "Nope, nope and nope," he says, "Dunno any of them. You mentionned some recruits, and a doctor who thinks he can have me pass a medical." He laughs at that. Yeah, right.

"Yes, you said something about a guy in the gym the other day, you saved him. He is alright now? He's the one who needs friends?" He smiles at the news that nothing is wrong with her health. "That's good news, any pain in your arms?

Quake has posed:
"Yeah, that one of them. He really needs friends. He's living with Dr. Song, who is the other guy. By the way, he's avian..esque.." Skye looks like she's frowning - probably thinking deep thoughts. "Anyway.. what's happening to you?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Avianesque?" Clint wonders, "As in... avian, like Birdman, or somethin'? Whoa." Indeed, that's something different. He makes a mental note to make sure to meet him.

With a shrug, the archer answers Skye's question, as much as he can, about the latest mission in Amazonia. "You know the drill. Go there, do this and that, check a couple boxes on the list, and come back." He grins at that, "Just glad I didn't come back with any new scar. But gee, you should've seen the snakes, large as my arm, no shyte."

Quake has posed:
Skye quirks up a brow. "You're kidding me. No new scars?" For someone like Clint, it is a miracle! "Not even a scraped knee?"

She finished the first piece, and immediately dove into the second. "Yeah. He has bird features, but his record is really good" Okay, so she checked. Sue her. "He's from Australia. And the other is from Beijing." Another reason Skye felt she had to try to make friends with him.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
It takes some time for the details to sink in. "Bird. Features... Check. Autralia. And the other one from Beijing." Clint frowns slightly, really, he doesn't feel he has much in common with any of them. But hey, he's not one to judge a book by its cover - else, he's be in another line of business.

"And what about this other one, Alex Aaron? Something special about this one?" As he speaks, Clint sits down, now that he is done eating pizza, and grabs one of the pops.

Quake has posed:
She smiles as he parses it.

~Thanks Hotshot~ Skye made the signs for it.

"Alex.. is.. special. I can't explain it." She shakes her head. "Just trust me." It wasn't her secret to tell.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
If it wasn't for him being so happy to be back, he could be frustrated by so many secrets around him. But for now, he just nods. Once again. His eyes saying /fine/.

"Alright," he says, standing, "I need a shower. Badly. I'll let you finish your pizza... unless you want to join me?" And thus the long night is about to start.

Quake has posed:
"Forget the pizza!" And Skye takes Clint by the hand and leads him off to the shower..