14025/This is like college all over again.

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This is like college all over again.
Date of Scene: 17 December 2021
Location: Natasha's Room, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Natasha shows Alexander around the Avengers mansion
Cast of Characters: Black Widow (Romanoff), Phobos

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
They'd not been to the mansion. Really ever. Probably because she never knew when Thor might be around. And if Alexander could control his evaluation of the 'renfester'. He'd done fine at parties, of course. But this would be a private setting with just a few people around. Honestly, she knew he could keep his mouth shut. It wasn't he had no control. It was more that he also might be feeling his oats and opt to do it on purpose to push buttons.

Thor was busy. In New Asgard. She knew this and thus, it was a good day to visit the mansion.

Natasha got him signed in as a visitor then led Alexander through the building, giving him the full tour. Eventually they ended up in the living areas and she actually took him into her room.

"And home away from home. My room when I have to stay here on duty." It wasn't much. Lacking in pretty much anything personal. Just a place to sleep in.

Phobos has posed:
    To be fair, after that brief distant encounter, Alexander had not disparaged the Entire Asgardian Race anymore by calling them renfesters. He more kept his critique neutral. Though sometimes volumes could be conveyed when she'd mention something he had done and Alex would just /look/ at her. Usually over the lip of his glass, or a drink, or a book, or just around the corner. Just a /look/ that conveyed, 'uh huh, I was right.' so very well.
    But then Natasha recently suggested a trip to the mansion he managed not to convey /too/ much of a fanboy manner. Since really... that was a thing he wanted to do. Just never seemed to be the right time to ask or ponder or consider.
    So he had been shown around a little, wandering about the mansion. He had smiled and nodded as he walked along, hands in the pockets of his jeans. His pea coat had been left at the door hanging on the coat hook. He didn't ask too many questions, knowing Natasha liked these things to go quickly and efficiently. Until...
    They got in her room and he said, "Ah, I see you use the same decorator I do." Even as he nudges her gently with his elbow as he walks past. Then he half-smiles, "This feels like... college. When a girl invites you into their room and it's all cute and mildly awkward."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"So that's what you were doing in college," Natasha says as she laughs slightly, shaking her head as she gave him the side-eye. "Good to know." She glanced around at the stark decor, realizing he really was right. She just didn't see a reason to get it all fancy. Or even personal. It was just a room she used. It wasn't home.

Though, in honesty, her condo hadn't been that fancy either. But it had far more than this barren landscape. The only place that had more personality was the one she shared with Alexander.

"Cute and awkward? Not sure why it would be. We've been together for a while now so I think we are beyond that stage."

Phobos has posed:
    "Oh come on," Alexander walks around the room and starts to poke and prod and explore. He nudges the television with a hand, then rests a hand on one of the wooden posts of the bed. He grins and he points at the rug, "I think you spent the most time choosing that and you were like, 'ok that's it, screw it.' and went off to. I dunno, do avenger things."
    He then drops onto the edge of the bed with a fwumpf, the springs squeaking a little as he quirks an eyebrow at her. "I know you didn't do the same thing in college, but c'mon. Did you ever have a moment where someone invited you in, and you liked them, but didn't know if they liked you, and then realized, 'duh, they like me, they invited me in?'"
    Of course the answer to that is likely, 'no.' But his smile is so forthright and warm, he's clearly curious. "And we might not be awkward right now, but it's not hard to imagine if we did meet in college. Right?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"My college experience was undercover at Oxford when I was assigned to kidnap a reknowned professor."

Which may answer that she does not fully understand his references. Yet Natasha follows up with something more fitting. Yet not. "Got invited to a guy's room a few times. Declined because I wanted to 'focus on my schoolwork'."

She moved to sit next to him on the bed, glancing around the room. Then back over to him. "I guess we had that little awkward feeling a few times at the start. When we opted to start seeing one another officially."

Phobos has posed:
    "Yeah," He smiles a little, hands resting either side of his legs, his eyes looking around. "A few times we had no idea what the other was thinking I imagine." He nibbles at his lower lip in thought, gaze distancing in memory before he looks over at her and rests his shoulder against hers.
    "The snowstorm." A pause as he looks thoughtful, "The mission. That eval." Shaking his head he lifts a hand and pushes it through his hair and takes a deep breath.
    "I was thinking of letting my hair grow longer. Maybe a beard. What do you think?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"True. The snowstorm was before we actually started. When we learned there was potential there. Though we could've thought it was because of the ale. However, it obviously turns out it wasn't the alcohol."

Natasha glanced up at the hand touching his hair then remained on his hair after he lowered the hand. "You'd look good no matter what. Let's be honest there. But I'm supportive of whatever you would like to do. If you want to grow it out. Have a beard. Shave your head. Whatever you like."

But that wasn't true. And she needed to be honest here. "Except a soul patch. You get one of those, I dump you and take up Apollo on his offer."

Phobos has posed:
    "I dunno, I just feel like..." He leans back on her bed and looks at it, then back to her, his pale hazel eyes bright with amusement. Playfulness perhaps. "Now that I'm not stuck with things like... a dress code, or regulation hair cuts, I should take advantage of it."
    There's a tilt of his head given as he looks to her and then murmurs quietly, "So being here. It raises all sorts of questions." For a moment he looks past her toward the door as his eyes hood slooowly. His head tilts to the side curiously as he gives the room another once over. So very few things within that speak to the woman who would pass some of her time here.
    "Did you ever... I mean, in here?" He starts to ask, then he crinkles his nose and murmurs, "Actually, I probably don't want to know."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Did I ever?"

Then as soon as she repeated those words, Natasha realized what he meant. She burst into laughter. Couldn't help herself. The very idea seemed a bit ludicrous to her.

"No, I have not ever in here. At all. This is a base filled with people with super powers or high tech gadgets. For all I know, Tony has cameras and mics in this room." She waved her hand in general to the area. "I've checked and didn't find any but he's got tech I might not even realize is tech. It could blend in perfectly. So...no."

Phobos has posed:
    Of course as soon as she /answers/ the question she can see the wild half-smile just blossom on Alexander's features as he turns his head subtly to the side. Those eyebrows raise as he asks a silent question now that she answered his, and it likely won't take her too long to imagine what it is.
    Which is, of course, when he leans to the side out of arm's reach in case she is feeling particularly violent. And he can't help but laugh, but it's a good natured laugh. "Well. I don't know if I'd be able to resist the temptation. Cameras and whatever be damned."
    Which might just be the Greek side of him manifesting as he teases with the scandalous. "But seriously, not even once?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Seriously. Not even once. And I am not giving Tony any sort of footage of me in any intimate situations. Who knows what he would do with it?!"

Natasha gives him a look. The look actually. The one that said 'hell no'. That one that in no uncertain terms expressed he would not be getting what he wanted. At least, not here. "Now, if you would like to go home and continue this discussion..."

She ended the sentence in that way which gave him the opportunity to fill in the blank.

Phobos has posed:
    She can tell she has him with the way his sile broadens at that /look/ she gives him. It causes a laugh to bubble up from him and then escape his control as he shakes his head, acceding that point and sitting up a little more. "Fine fine, it's ok."
    He looks around and ponders the surroundings once again, "You know that even the chance to see the mansion fades in comparison to go home and make love with the person most dear to me."
    Which might be the right answer in the relationship olympic challenge she just gave him with those words. But he smiles sidelong at her, hen leans in to touch a small affectionate kiss to her cheek. "I'm just thinking about... all of what you must have experienced, wishing that I had a window into those times."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha isn't the least bit bothered by what he's saying. They will be able to spend time together later. She isn't bothered by that. Though she does take a look around the mansion.

"I guess I don't think of it the way others do. People see Avengers. Heroes. Celebrities. I see teammates and friends."

She considers a moment then looks over at him again. "You have your own abilities. You could fit in here, you know. Could become a member of the team if you wanted to pursue that as a possibility. Well, if you promise not to fanboy everytime Steve enters a room."

Phobos has posed:
    "I..." Alexander's smile softens as he lowers his eyes, then back up toward her. "Cannot make that promise. But also I don't know if... I have that in me. Heroism." He leans over and slips a hand under her knee to pull her legs into his lap so he can then let her lean against him some if she wishes.
    "You guys came together as a sort of... last minute, need to protect the world thing. You guys are the Avengers. Anyone else after that?" He shakes his head, "Not so much, you had that trial by fire that brought you together. Me? I'd just be some guy trying to fill in the gaps."
    Then he pauses a beat before he adds, "And Thor and I would totally get into a fight."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She doesn't resist the change in position. Once settled, Natasha leans her head against his shoulder. "I wasn't always a hero. You know that better than most. I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of. But I took that step to try to help. That's all it is. Yes, the Avengers exploded on the scene in a big way thanks to saving the city and all, but it doesn't mean we aren't just people."

She lifted her head to look at him, brushing a lock of hair behind his ear. "I know you. I know you have it in you. But only if you wanted to do it."

Then she smiled impishly. "And you fighting Thor would be something that we'd likely place bets on the winner. Low key cause we can't let people know that on the outside."

Phobos has posed:
    When her fingertip touches his hair, the curve of his ear, he turns his head to sort of lean into it, smiling a little and taking a deep breath, just enjoying that touch. He curls a little closer and murmurs, "I can tell you love me, because you're actually trying to spare my feelings by pretending I'd have a chance."
    As he says that he gives her a look, holding her gaze with his as he nods, oh yes he knows what she's doing. But then he nuzzles her cheek very gently, exhaling a slow breath that brushes along the supple curve of her neck before he kisses her cheek again so gently.
    "Now if you want me to join so you can brag about how your boyfriend is an Avenger, then ok we'll talk about it." His lip twists up a little.