14352/Swiper No Swiping

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Swiper No Swiping
Date of Scene: 01 May 2022
Location: Gotham Rooftops
Synopsis: Done.
Cast of Characters: Superman, Catwoman

Superman has posed:
Darkness seeps through the streets of Gotham like blood from a wound, blanketing twisting alleys and abandoned lots in a smothering black quiet. This is the hour where good people know to avoid certain neighborhoods, know to keep to the well-lit areas, and know to get home soon.

Of course, some people go to work this late. Gotham's various crime bosses love the cover of darkness, and the thugs, henchmen, and goons that populate its districts thrive in the shadows like bloodthirsty mushrooms. Once again, Gotham's night will be full of police sirens and emergency vehicles.

Such is the way of things, though, for most superheroes avoid Gotham. Oh, if absolutely necessary, they'd be there -- but the Batman has always been firm that Gotham is his territory, and his brand of criminal is best suited for him, not the more.. idealistic capes.

Capes such as Superman, who even now is flying above the city, making his way toward Metropolis from the west coast. At least, until he touches down on a tall, gargoyle-lined rooftop, overlooking a balcony across an alleyway leading into the apartment of a well-connected mob hitman. Not that Superman knows any of that. All he knows is the roof has a black-clad woman perched atop it, staring at the building.

"Is darkly brooding on rooftops just a thing people in Gotham do?"
Catwoman has posed:
     The catwoman was situated in a good place to see the mark. Had she been inside that marks house, its very possible. Though she has a think about slipping out undetected.
     The balcony's were full, there was people on them enjoying the night, she had to find another way. The goggles on her head are pushed further down, and she enhances a better option for entry. Seeing a side window, possible a childes window that was open... Selina swings from the rooftop and lands on the window with almost a silent sound, just not to wake the children.
     A cat like smile curves her lips as she looks into the window at the children, and as silent as possible she slips herself throw the smallest opening of the window.
     Children were to blame, there were a weakness for her, but she was here for another reason.... Someone needed to be taught a lesson.
     All cat like, she crawls through the child's room to get into the hallway.
Superman has posed:
Superman remains where he is atop the roof, though by now his gaze has shifted to pierce the brick and mortar of the apartment building nearby. His attention follows Catwoman as she prowls through the murderer's domicile; he watches her sinuous body twist and slide through the small window, he listens to the whisper of her feet and the breath of the sleeping children as she moves. The room is shared by two brothers, roughly seven and eleven years old, their floor littered with toys, a big television with the latest consoles hooked up on one wall, and hampers full of not-yet-put-away laundry by their door.
The older boy mumbles in his sleep and rolls over, face buried in his pillow. The younger is fast asleep and high on cough medicine, given he spent the day with a fever and a cold. The grape-flavored medication is open on a desk by the bed.

Elsewhere in the home, Selina's target surely lurks, if he's not busy with work. The boy's mother is probably in the living room.

And Superman? He has his lips pursed and his arms folded. This is clearly a robbery. He doesn't want to make a fuss and alert the sleeping children, though..

.. but when Selina eventually makes her way *out* of the building, and escapes to safety, she'll find the Man of Steel right there waiting for her.