1598/Cancelled Plans

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Cancelled Plans
Date of Scene: 22 July 2017
Location: Bludhaven
Synopsis: Beth and Dick catch up after repeatedly cancelling plans on each other.
Cast of Characters: Elizabeth Greene, Nightwing

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    It has been a rough day. Night. All of the above. How long had she been awake now?
    She'd been called in Thursday evening to assist with a crime scene. Technically, there were no dead bodies so it wasn't normally a homicide case yet when the lieutenant called, she knew there was a reason. The black and white were already there, the suspects had been taken to the hospital or the jail, depending on the level of injuries. The evidence pointed to some sort of attempted hit that was interrupted, apparently by vigilantes. There was evidence found of high tech weapons although they had been destroyed and were useless as weapons any longer.
    The rest of her night consisted of helping to interrogate the various players involved. She played good cop with some and bad cop with others, doing their best to find out the story behind it all and where the weapons came from. There was little cooperation to be had. A few gave a lead or two but in the end, she has more questions than answers.
    The next day was spent following those leads, trying to track down anything that would help get those weapons off the streets. She was on a time limit and needed to do as much as she could before her weekend out of town. Then another body appeared and she was forced to switch to homicide investigation mode. By now, she was going on 36 hours with no sleep yet she did what needed to be done. When it turned out to be another of the warring Russian mobsters hit by a high tech weapon, her lieutenant let it be known she wasn't going anywhere. She tried to call Dick only to get voicemail. She left a message that she was going to have to cancel and that she hoped to meet with him later that evening to explain more fully.
    Well, as fully as she could with an open criminal investigation.
    She managed to get to the house and crash for a few hours. When she woke, she found she'd missed his call but he'd left a message of where to meet. She had enough time to get a shower, change clothes and drink a cup of coffee before heading out to meet him.

Nightwing has posed:
    It would be unfair of him to be unhappy about her unavailability. It would be unfair of him to be unhappy about having plans cancelled at the last minute. It would be unfair of him unhappy that she's so tied up with work as to not be able to talk. Because really, every person who has ever even partially been in a friendship, relationship, or romance with Dick Grayson has eventually decided he was a flake for all the times he's cancelled on them, all the times he's stood them up, and all the times he's just not been around.
    But now... the shoe's on the other foot. And he at least has some inkling now how all those folks fet. Man, he was a jerk. But he sighs a bit as he sits there at one of the small dog parks in Bludhaven, a small refuge of nature amongst the urban sprawl.
    He has a cup of coffee himself and to be fair... he hasn't slept for a bit too, but his schedule is pretty standard for what he does for a living. So he's aware, calm, and... missing her of all things. He shakes his head and grins to himself as he looks away. "So this is what it feels like,"

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    She took the unmarked. The chief liked them to use their department vehicles as much as possible. While that was more for the marked units, being a detective it made sense to use her cruiser. If something went down, she would have everything with her. The joys of being a detective on call. She pulls up at the dog park and backs into a parking space between two SUVs. Another habit from the job. Faster departures although she won't be getting any calls of that sort since she doesn't have a radio. Technically, she's off duty, not even on call.
    Walking to the gate leading in, she has to stop to pet a few of the pups near the entry with their owners. She's a sucker for a furball. If her work hours weren't so atrocious, she'd probably have at least three. She'd considered a cat but it just seemed wrong to have a pet that had more attitude than she did.
    With a coffee cup equivalent to the volume of an Olympic swimming pool in her left hand, she spots the familiar figure and heads toward Dick with a bright smile on her face. She's dressed casually, jeans, sneakers, a tshirt that's untucked and a little too big. Which is so her sidearm on her right hip isn't visible to the general populace. He likely will know it's there with his training.

Nightwing has posed:
    As for him he's just as casual, the ubiquitous blue jeans of western culture, the white sneakers, and a grey t-shirt is all he wears for the moment. It's a tightly fitting t-shirt that hugs the contours of his gymnast's frame, curling around his bicep and stretching each time he shifts his cuffee container from one hand to the other.
    His eyes are scanning the area, far enough away and on the other side of the park that the dogs don't bother him too much, though at times an old golden retriever had come by to get his head rubbed. But it's only after that old pup is heading off that Dick looks up and waves a hand to her, his smile growing across his features as she advances on him.
    Once she's there he scoots over a little, wiping off the seat beside him so she can settle down easily. But then he gets to his feet to kiss her cheek in greeting before sitting back down with her. "Hey, It's good to see you."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "It's good to be seen," she says as she flops onto the bench, sitting to his right side. She passes her coffee to her right hand then sets it down on the bench beside her, opposite him. "I wanted to see you, to explain things in person about this weekend." Then she can't hlep the grin as she nudges his right leg with her left one playfully. "Well, I wanted to see you period. Explanation or no. But I feel I at lest owe you one." She glances around at the park, watching the rambunctious canines bounding around together. Some people are playing with theirs but mostly the dogs are running around just enjoying themselves as they get some socialization. It's a rather nice setting and she wonders why she hasn't come here previously.
    Probably because she'd try to get a dog and that wouldn't be fair.
    Looking back to him, her smile is apologetic. "I really am sorry that I had to cancel. Some things are a little crazy at work."

Nightwing has posed:
    "It's okay," Dick looks to her and he gets a small smile at the corner of his mouth as he leans to the side and against her, reaching down to rather presumptuously pull one of her legs up so she can rest it in his lap if she wants. "It kind of reminded me I needed to talk to you about stuff, but makes me think we really kinda are made for each other."
    "But I figure a police officer like yourself can get wrapped up in things, so I don't blame you. I mean sure, I'm disappointed. But it turned out to be for the best since I had family stuff come up and I would have had to cancel if you didn't."
    He looks a little sheepish as he rests his arm behind her, a hand on her shoulder as he meets her gaze with those bright blue eyes of his. "We've been so caught up in things... and things have been so great. I sorta wanted to avoid possibly messing it up by telling you about me being kinda... a flake."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    At the urging, she shifts slightly as she rests her leg across him, then scooting in a little closer under his shoulder. She listens to his explanation but at the last, her eyebrows flutter up higher on her forehead. "A flake? I can think of a few terms for you, Dick, but that's never been one of them." She slips her hand behind the small of his back, not trying to wrap it all the way around him or she might have to give up her leg rest. She likes it too much to give it up. Her fingers caress gently, just lazy strokes of her fingers that she isn't really even aware she's doing. "Why do you say that?"

Nightwing has posed:
    "Just," Dick sort of looks away, then looks back at her with a small smile, rubbing the back of his neck thoughtfully. "The people I've been involved with, if you asked them, they'd all say that I was unreliable, that I'd cancel dates a lot, that I'd sometimes not show up. And I mean... I always tried my best, which is a big cop out I'm sure, but always something would come up."
    He spreads his hands a bit, "Though, of course, that was when things were really hectic with school and home and for a time things were rough between me and Bruce." He looks sidelong at her, "So I don't think they'll be quite as bad as they once were. But like this weekend... I should have known something would go wrong."
    He squeezes her hand in his gently, "But I really do try to not lie, and I'll tell you if we make plans, I will do everything I can to keep them. Alright?"

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    A few little glimpses into his life shared. While one side of her wants to ask a dozen questions, she knows that would just be prying and not because she needs to know. Everything with them is new. They will continue sharing bits and pieces as time passes. No need to ask for every answer up front. That's a surefire way to drive someone away.
    "You've never dated a cop, have you? Well not a beat cop. They don't have the same problem. Usually for them, it's just a few hours overtime when they should be going home. As a detective, I can usually be called at any hour. We rotate being on call overnights but honestly, sometimes big things came up. Like last night. Which led to me needing to be in town to work on two new cases. Oh, and if that isn't bad enough for always ruining plans on short notice? I'm a member of the SWAT team too. I don't think I'd mentioned that."
    She twines her fingers with his, giving a little squeeze of her own. "If you can deal with it from my side, I'll do my best to do the same. Although between the two of us, we'll be lucky to ever see each other," she teases.

Nightwing has posed:
    "I know, we should probably already start divvying up the china and the silverware for the inevitable divorce." His lip twitches into a small smile as he squeezes her hand again and then gestures with a nod of his head towards the bike path, "You want to take a walk for a bit?" As he says this if she makes a sign in the affirmative he'll start to gain his feet and help her up with one arm.
    "I was looking forward to the time alone, though." He looks around, "Always sort of feels like we have the weight of the world weighing heavy on us and we just steal these moments together, like borrowed time." He squeezes her hand again, "Though they have been pretty great."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    As she gets to her feet, her hand on his arm, she grabs her cup of coffee with her free hand. She needs her nectar of the gods.
    "They have been and we've managed a lot more time together than I thought would work out. So I'm thankful for that to whatever powers may be." Their pace is leisurely as they start down the bike trail, nature closing in around them in this little haven in the city. The sounds of the canines are muffled as they move further down the trail.
    Something occurs to her that has her smirking. "Actually, we would never get divorced," she points out, laughter in her tone. "We wouldn't be around each other enough to get annoying. Unless you don't put the cap back on the toothpaste or leave an empty milk jug in the fridge. Either of those, we're breaking up right now."

Nightwing has posed:
    "Well," He walks with her, taking a sip from his own coffee and squeezing her hand at times, their arms entwined. "I don't think I'm guilty of those things. But I have been known to leave my laundry lying around." He looks up as he walks, as if searching for bad habits. "I sometimes take really long showers and use up all the hot water."
    As they walk he steps to the side as a bike-rider calls out, 'On your left.' and rings his bell as he rolls on by quickly. But he keeps an even pace with her even as he murmurs, "I've been told I pack the dishwasher wrong, not sure how I can do that. But still."
    A small smile touches his lips as he looks at her, "And a few other things."

Elizabeth Greene has posed:
    "I don't care how you stack the dishwasher as long as you do. I hate dishes. So that'll be your job," Beth decides before considering her own habits. "The house is apparently going to be a mess because my clothes end up everywhere. As does other stuff like handcuffs and paperwork." She always knows where her service weapon is and it is kept secure at least. "And I like long showers too so we are going to need two hot water heaters."
    She glances over at him, a flash of something in her eyes as she leans against his arm. "Or we'll just have to shower together. Got to say, I kind of like that idea."

Nightwing has posed:
    A small laugh touches his lips as he shakes his head while they walk on, "You're incorrigible."