3011/The Problem of Caroline

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The Problem of Caroline
Date of Scene: 29 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Zatanna Zatara

Batman has posed:
    Heavy are the shoulders of the man who bears the weight of the world. A thought that has been drifting through the mind of the Dark Knight the last few days, causing a slight smirk to settle on his features as he recalls who said those words to him. And tonight is no different as he stands in the library of the Hall of Justice. Just a dark silhouette who is thumbing through volumes, his back to the door as he peruses a few old texts he has drawn from their shelf.
    The library for the Justice League has a good breadth of knowledge to it. Donated, old volumes of the world's secret history, arcane events, supernatural creatures. Oh not as elaborate as some of the places the magical practicioners may have frequented, but enough to serve as a base line resource. And a resource that right now Batman considers.
    He closes the current volume he is reading, a treatise on the after-life and belief systems that focus upon such. No answer for him, however. Nothing on what might be possibly afflicting the woman known as Caroline Ramsey.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A gentle breeze tugs at the Dark Knight's cape. It is brief and then a quick rush of air tugs at the cape as a silver-blue portal spirals open and through it steps Zatanna Zatara. The portal collapses and disappears as she smiles, "Batman." Walking over, Zatanna moves to take a seat. "I'd offer a hug.. but..." He's not much of a hugger. "You had something you wanted me to take a look at?"

Batman has posed:
    Turning to face her, the Dark Knight tilts his head to the side slightly, then gets a mildly wry half-smile. The book in his hands closes with a faint thump and he sets it aside on a small cart which has other similar tomes settled upon its uppermost surface. "Zatanna,"
    His voice is still rough and a hint of a growl, but nothing severe for her. Instead he steps towards her and then takes a seat opposite her in one of the small conversation nooks in that library. "I've met a woman in Gotham. Her story is convoluted. A police detective that disappeared some time ago. She's reappeared in the city and been seeking revenge against those she feels deserves it."
    He folds his hands together in front of him, watching her thoughtfully. "I need someone with a talent for the supernatural to examine her, speak with her, and then share their findings with me. I think she may be a revenant." A pause to see if she needs a definition, but then he offers one, "A person who has returned from beyond the grave to seek revenge. But if she is not, then I need to know what she is."
    There's a pause, then he tilts his head slightly to the side. "Can you do this for me?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara may not be proverbial besties with Batman but even she doesn't take his tone personally. She listens as she settles into the chair opposite the vigilant, legs crossing right over left. "Convoluted. That sums up just about every supernatural situation if you ask me." She smiles faintly but nods seriously. "Revenants can be tricky" she nods in agreement and understanding with his statement. "I can talk to her. And I may know someone else who could help too. If he's not too busy with his own problems. But yes. I can speak with this woman and see what can be learned from her." She pauses, asking curiosly, "Is she still in Gotham? Or?"

Batman has posed:
    "No," He says at first, perhaps for a moment considering leaving it at that. But then he adds, "She has quarters in the Hall of Justice, the guest facilities we reserve for visiting dignitaries." He folds his arms over his chest and settles back in the chair, irisless white eyelets watching her levelly. "Call in anyone you think might be of assistance. If needs be I will handle the cost of transport."
    He leans forwards slightly and murmurs, "I believe she gave her life in service to the people of Gotham. One way or the other." But then he holds up a hand, "In any case, that's why I asked you here. If there is anything you need, let me know."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara seems surprised. "So - you think she could be a revenant. She's already been killing anyone she believes deserves it in the name of revenge. And ... you've let her stay in the guest wing of the Tower? Isn't that just a little too trusting she won't go postal on whomever is here at the time?" She shrugs her right shoulder though and affirms, "I'll talk with her. I need to reach out to see if someone else can join me and I'll go speak with her after that. Together or on my own. Does that work?"

Batman has posed:
    For a time he just stares at her. Those white eyelets unmoving as he looks to her as he gives her time to stop and think about what she just said. To ponder the possible myriad ways she could be mistaken. To consider the so many more likely scenarios that might be afoot rather than what limited perception she has from a handful of words.
    In short Batman stares at her.
    Then he says simply. "She hasn't killed anyone yet, Zatanna." He stands up and then says levelly, "And if you are not comfortable with the read on the situation you're welcome to steer clear of it." That said he turns and starts to walk towards the door, waving a hand to the side, "Engage who you need. Or don't. It will get done one way or another."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara just watches him leave. It isn't like he's going to stay and talk and have tea. She nods. "Then I'll make a call and whether or not Constantine can free up I'll go speak with her." She moves to stand as well as he steps out the door and just shakes her head.