4686/Adding Darkness to the Light

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Adding Darkness to the Light
Date of Scene: 18 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Dracula, Gorilla Grodd

Dracula has posed:
Dracula waits.. clawed feet easily grasping the ceiling above. His current form would terrify the vast majority of the world. A cross between man and bat, a monstrosity that wrought terror upon the Romanians of the medieval era. Now that vision is dismissed as a dream, his existence a mere legend to explain mankind's fear of the bloated dead. But Dracula is very much alive. Black wings surround him as he waits for the gorilla to arrive. He will meet his potential ally as a beast for Grodd is himself a beast. Dracula will show himself as he truly is. Enhanced hearing will detect Grodd's approach long before he arrives....

Dracula has posed:
Dracula waits.. clawed feet easily grasping the ceiling above. His current form would terrify the vast majority of the world. A cross between man and bat, a monstrosity that wrought terror upon the Romanians of the medieval era. Now that vision is dismissed as a dream, his existence a mere legend to explain mankind's fear of the bloated dead. But Dracula is very much alive. Black wings surround him as he waits for the gorilla to arrive. He will meet his potential ally as a beast for Grodd is himself a beast. Dracula will show himself as he truly is. Enhanced hearing will detect Grodd's approach long before he arrives....

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd has left his captors behind, telepathic memory with a hologram taking a small chance of discovery for the rare chance of a new recruit. He walks to the front door at the designated coordinates, and lets the guardians at the gate know who he is. "Grodd....to see your master," he grins ferally. He is fascinated to meet a real being who is such a literary figure as well.

Dracula has posed:
The doors open for Grodd. The sound of laughter can be heard in the distance, female voices specifically. But they silence as a rush of wind collides with the ground in front of Grodd. Dracula stand before him, remaining in his man-bat form. His raspy voice welcomes the Gorilla, "There is no need to hide what I truly am from you. I recieved your invitation and I am open to joining your illustrous organization. The face I show to the mortal masses is but a facade. I am a beast as you are and I hide nothing."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd is a bit intimidated by the man bat aspect of Dracula. He didn't know he could do that, and respects animals. He had been expecting to talk to a dead human. "Of course not, and glad you choose to reveal it." He relaxs a bit and nods, "Well, it is also good to have a sense of perspective. The Light is still...very hidden, but I am curious what you have already learned of it?

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "well, Blood is something we can definitely help you get. The light is about extending influence and networks. Frankly, we need to help each other against those who are falsely idealistic and altrustic. That much is clear. The form of the dragon?" He listens intruiged. "Havent heard of it. But your thinking is right along the lines of what we are looking for. Your powers, experience and reputation would be a considerable asset to the Light."

Dracula has posed:
Dracula admits, "I have heard little. My focus has been on the acquisition of blood and the future acquisition of blood. These tasks alone keep me busy constantly. I do know that your organization is far reaching and powerful. I have resources that I can add to yours. I can aid you as you can aid me. I seek something that no other vampire will ever achieve, the form of the dragon. With it I believe that none of the world's so called "heroes" will be able to stand against me, at least not with ease. That is another reason I seek to petition membership, for we cannot stand alone as individuals. I have fought against self proclaimed heroes for centuries and I know full well that they will band together when the truly powerful seek agendas which clash with theirs. It stands to reason that we should also band together in order to counter their anathemic front against the natural order."

Dracula has posed:
Dracula grins, "I am a god among my kind. I am not so naive to believe that I am the most powerful being on this planet, much less the universe, however there is no other vampire other than I who can achieve this form. In me you would have an ally who can command at will the vampires of this world. The eldest are resistant, possibly immune to my call, however there is a legion of undead who cannot fight against my will. I could rally them to spend themselves upon any foe you wish. I can order them to inflitrate governments or even assassinate rivals. My reach is long, however I have not had much cause to stretch myself into the mortal world to any.. significant extent in some time.. not since.. well.. you know the story. It has been written in novel form after all with some historical liberties.. I once sought to control London, which was at the time the center of the world, the capital of the British Empire. I found a mortal woman who resembled the love of my mortal life. It ended in tragedy and I failed. Since then I have recoiled and allowed myself to become a mere myth. I have the power to reach into the mortal world and direct their political machines to conform to the Light's will. Vampirism is a gift many mortals would give so much for.. but once they have it, they are truly mine to bend to my will."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd nods, "Perspective is a good one. Pound for pound with preparation I am a match for nearly anyone but I know running away serves my city well. The extent of your resources had escaped me but I think you are a perfect fit. We can give you tech, magic, money or influence in areas your own network does not reach. But the shadows sound like they are indeed your domain, and that is where we operate....but the light...the light will change things. If you are willing to understand that we are a fellowship, rather than a hierarchy, I think we can get along just fine. Avoiding working at cross purposes helps us all ahcieve....more.

Dracula has posed:
Dracula nods, "Yes I have worked alone for so long. I am not the only aberration who walks this world, there are many who stand apart from the humans, and who seek unapposing goals. I do not seek the destruction of mankind, no I seek to harvest their blood. That does require anyone to die contrary to popular myth. Law and order is vital to my survival in fact, for if not for myth and skepticism, I would have a horde at my castle walls with torches, and weapons in hand. I will remain a legend in darkness even as I empower the Light. When I obtain my final form of the dragon I will have completed my ascension, but I will still remain a member of the Light. Aiding me is all I ask in return for my support."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Then we will be in contact shortly." He smiles and extends his hand. "I think that this is the beginning of something glorious to all our causes." Grodd's grin is wide and feral but not at all towards Dracula. More so anyone that stands in their way."

Dracula has posed:
Dracula also grins, retracting his claws before clasping Grodd's extended hand, "Yes.. my mortal cult alone spans the world. I can embed them anywhere you need me to and the vampires of this world are at the Light's disposal. All of them an army of thralls who will never question their orders. It will be my pleasure to give them a much greater purpose."