9393/Sentinels: Executions

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Sentinels: Executions
Date of Scene: 01 October 2019
Location: Northern Florida, Junkyard
Synopsis: X-men and Avenger investigate the Sentinel executions in a northern florida junkyard.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Psylocke, Scarlet Witch, Jubilee, Beast, Quicksilver, Bastion
Tinyplot: Sentinels

Iron Man has posed:
A batch of 14 sentinels, presumably from the group scattered in Miramar, were lined up today in a scrapyard in northern Florida. An unknown powered adult male, suspected to be the one Captain Marvel of the Avengers was seen engaging last week in Miramar, destroyed all fourteen, in a strange execution, with many witnesses.

Now, as various additional people gather around the junkyard, the smoking remains of the fourteen sentinels lay in heaps: Sentinels are large, and few people have seen this number in one spot like this, let alone with blasts through their chests, giant smoking holes in them.

There is a level of fear and uncertainty, which has kept people clear of the junkyard's center, and emergency response and military have started to cordon off the whole zone around the massive junkyard area.

Psylocke has posed:
With the information about the fourteen Sentinels being executed, a few members of the X-Men reached out to the Avengers about investigating the goings on. With a bit of organization, the members from each side who would be responding met to prepare a visit to Florida.

It was a shame it wouldn't be to Disneyworld or something less dangerous than Sentinels and the man who could control them. Or destroy them.

Once they were organized, Betsy volunteered to handle the transportation. Flying in with the Blackbird or Quinjet would draw a lot of eyes. Instead, they would use something less conspicuous. With a flare of the red tattoo over her eye, Betsy took the small group through the Shadow realm only to reappear a moment later in the shadows of some of the junk in the yard. Out of the eyes of the press and people outside the fences. "The last time I met this Sebastion, things did not go well. He is not a fan of mutants. Or wasn't. I'm unsure what his game is but it's time we figure out what he really wants."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff arrived to represent the Avengers, teleporting to the gates of the school and then walking in, fully dressed in her normal costume. "After Carol's encounter with him, he may be even more dangerous towards us. He was avoiding harm to humans before. I'm not positive that will be the case anymore," Wanda said before they left.

"I have been trying to guess at his thinking in destroying them. Given his statement, about heroes fighting each other, and needing something better than this... those Sentinels. I'm afraid he has something specific in mind," Wanda said.

Once Psylocke has transported them to Florida, Wanda moves away so they will not all be together as targets. She eyes the area carefully before slowly walking forward, making a gradual circle around the area where the Sentinels were destroyed.

Jubilee has posed:
As she steps out of the portal, Jubilee gives a visible shiver, rubbing at her arms to ward away some goosebumps. She glances over her shoulder, then says, "Next time, let's just fly commercial. That is spooky." Sliding her shades over her eyes, she blows away a few strands of black hair away from her face. "If you ask me, this obviously smells like a trap. No way butt face is suddenly on our side and in such a given maner unless something epic changed." She pops a large pink bubble between her teeth, then sucks the gum back in between her lips to chomp upon it.

"But damn, that's a pretty sight." She says as she jerks her head over towards the fallen robots. "I should snag a pic of that for my Insta and hash tag something witty like. Maaaaybe .. hashtag Unlucky Go-Bots?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy has no problem coordinating the two groups to get some X-Men out here. Privately among the X-Men he'd express concern about being asked to back off. "We have to uphold our values. But we don't need to fight allies. IT's a difficult decision. Let's see for ourselves." And so he comes on out. "I know he crashed an event we took students to. Be on guard, but try not to make an enemy of him if we can help it." Jubilee gets a chuckle and a grin, just what he needed.

Iron Man has posed:
Overhead, the sky streaks with dots of more massive sentinels coming into the area. There seems to be about six, hovering above the junkyard. They have just arrived: the reactions of those on the streets around the junkyard prove it. Some are trusting and want to see a Sentinel get executed, so they are trying to get to some high ground to watch. Others seem to think this will rapidly go downhill, and are getting in their cars to leave.

The air is tense with the unknown of what is happening: are these Sentinels here for revenge? Are they also going to be destroyed? Two begin to land in the junkyard, slowly descending, and a few military officials rush to get out of the way. "Fall back to the south end of the yard," barks a military commander's voice on loudspeaker.

A young woman in military uniform happened to be near where the X-Men and Avengers arrive, and she looks at them with surprise and maybe fear. She seems to be the only person that has, of yet, witnessed the X-men and Avengers. Everyone else was looking UP. "I-- What are you doing here? They may shoot you, and we don't know how many are coming."

Psylocke has posed:
"We are going to find out what he wants. This is a joint operation and we have the highest level of authorization. Follow your orders and fall back. Leave this to us for now." Psylocke's voice is confident and strong. She adds a tiny mental nudge to what she says, to help the woman believe her. And to fall back as she was told to do.

For her part, Psylocke has opted to be more obvious. Others can be less so, keeping out of the line of fire. Having spoken to the man in question in the past, she figures she might as well let him know she is there.

She takes a deep breath, looks up at the Sentinels in the air, then walks into an open area of the junkyard. "Sebastian? Are you here?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff is opting for more cautious approach. Wanda moves off into some of the junkyard's stacks of metal that will provide some cover as she begins to look about the area. That search is short-lived though as she spots the group of incoming Sentinels.

Wanda back away, moving to take shelter inside the rusted out hulk of an VW van, apparently planning to wait and see what happens before she makes a move. But as she hears Betsy call out, Wanda prepares herself to move to Betsy's aid if needed. She does her best to keep an eye on the other woman while staying out of sight of the approaching Sentinels, moving if needed to be able to back up Psylocke.

Jubilee has posed:
"You tell 'er, Bets." Jubilee says with an upbeat tone in her voice as she follows after her team leader of the day. She has confidence in the telepathic-ninja who plays with swords to keep things under control.

When the Sentinels appear, she slows down her step a bit, taking her hands out of the pockets of her jacket and inches in a bit closer to the large blue cookie monster. He's big and strong and can probably absorb a few blasts compared to her. "Aw, nuts." She mumbles under her breath, wiggling her fingers a bit to loosen them up. "Razzle dazzle on standby, Betsy." She says in a low voice to her teammate.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy lets the other speak. He stands in back, wearing his professorial suit. This is hopefuly to be a diplomatic mission, not a combat mission. And well, if it's a combat mission, a big lug can only do so much against armored Sentinels. So, suit and tie it is. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that." he says quietly.

Iron Man has posed:
The military woman looks at Betsy and backs off, but does talk into her radio. "I have some heroes, maybe Avenger affiliated, over here," she says as she gets a distance away from them. She's just doing her job. "Fall back," instructs a response on her radio, the same military commander tone from earlier.

Two sentinels land, crushing the sprawling legs of another sentinel as they do. They do not appear to be very active: they aren't scanning, they are just landing, as if they were casually going to be repaired, or some similar functionality.

From the south end, three people in military garb approach, but even a glance will pick out the one in the front. It's Sebastion, though he's clearly within the military group, dressed for it.

And with him, comes a crawling, uncomfortable wave of nullification zone, when he gets within a dozen yards. It's clamping, and strong, dampening any active powers, clearly based on proximity. "If you aggressively attack, I will not stand down, this time," Sebastion warns, stopping, on about the edge of where that nullification aura starts to get near Betsy. Sebastion is a big male, platinum blonde, with a solid body, and angular, boxy jaw. He isn't smiling, but he doesn't immediately read as robot, either.

Psylocke has posed:
Psylocke doesn't budge. She holds her spot there in the open, the target. As the Sentinels land, she looks to them. "Stand down for now. No aggression unless they start it."

Then she turns to the approaching trio, seeing the familiar face of Sebastion. As he stops, Betsy is not aware of the nullification zone he has kept from touching her. "Sebastion. We are her to talk. Like the last time I saw you," she says gently, a reminder of their first meeting. She's certain he remembers, though she wasn't in costume at that time. "The news is giving information but not enough for people to understand. I would hear from you, if you are willing to talk a bit."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro was totally with the group the whole time, he just wasn't nearly as talkative as everybody else. In fact, he was being very uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal. He was quiet, and when he sees Sentinels....Pietro is not exactly super durable, so he immediately zooms behind cover.

The uncomfortable feeling of a nullification zone touches him and he feels it. His speed is gone, atl east until he gets out of range of these Sentinels. That...makes this a bit of a problem.

He takes a deep breath, and he listens. Clearly he wants someone else to do the talking, especially when he says. "I vote for me not to do any of the talking." Yes, this is not a fight that Pietro is comfortable with, specifically because Nullification. Then, when it seems that Psylocke gives the order to stand down, Pietro moves out of cover to join his fellows.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda pulls out her phone - it's probably more like an Avenger's communication device than a phone at this point - and shoots some video, making sure she gets the other two individuals who are with Sebastion. "Tony," she says very quietly into her comms once the connection is made to JARVIS to share the video. "Are you getting this? A pair of people with Sebastion. Given his statements earlier, that... is worrisome," she says quietly.

Wanda zooms in on the pair of them, before widening it enough to show all three as they approach Betsy. She frowns, but stays where she is as backup, just listening and giving Psylocke time to talk.

Jubilee has posed:
"No problem, Bets, but you let me know if you want me to pew pew him between the eyes. I'll go high, Cookie will go low." Jubilee says as she bounces on her ankles with a bit too much energy coursing through her. Adrenaline and fireworks. She stares daggers across the way towards Sebastion, folding her arms over her chest. Her eyes continue to stray towards the sentinels now and again to keep them in her line of sight. For now, she will stay quiet to let Betsy handle the conversation, while keeping her eyes on a swivel just in case 'it's a trap'.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy remains quiet. The last thing he wants to do is offend anyone, in a situation like this.

Bastion has posed:
"I have consistently been willing. Overly trusting, perhaps, with the Avengers, who attempted to kill me when I surrendered, seeking 'peaceful resolution'. You have /villains/ among your number, 'hero,' to shoot someone in the back during negotiations," Sebastion says. The older, military looking official at Sebastion's right looks at Sebastion with a mix of surprise and a scowl. The scowl fans out towards the heroes that have arrived at the junkyard. He doesn't want a fight here, clearly. The other younger man at Sebastion's left looks entirely without emotion.

Wanda's communication device gets an interesting response: "The images you're trying to send are corrupted; I've got nothing other than your speech. I would assume he can see everything you're sending to me," Tony answers Wanda and Pietro on the Avenger communicator. "Aaaand he's talking to me a little. It's not a love note. Stand-by..."

"Be brief, I have work to do," Sebastion says, tone chilly.

Two more sentinels land. These seem more active, they look at the mutants.

Psylocke has posed:
"Not all of us are like that," Psylocke points out, having no real clue other than the footage on tv as to what actually happened. "We have talked before, I didn't try to attack you then. I won't now."

She remembers his nullification field. She remembers being inside of it when they spoke, when he ended up blasting a wall.

She takes three steps forward, closing that distance toward him. Purposefully. Staring directly at Sebastion's eyes as she does. Immediately, her psionic powers are gone. The red tattoo over her eye becomes visible as she isn't able to mask it without a telepathic illusion. "I want to understand. What happened with that attack? You have made statements that have us all concerned. What is your intention here?" She waves a non-powered hand toward the downed Sentinels...and the active ones.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro hears Stark's words and he immediately looks to Wanda. Well, this was pretty bad. Can they get any kind of advantage over him if this goes south? Either way, Pietro looks at the two extra Sentinels and he looks like he's about ready to run. No telling how this is going to go down now.

He looks over at Hank, then over to Jubilee.

Either way, he's not going to talk. Pietro's more likely to piss the guy off than engage in peace discussions successfully.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff gazes out at the cyborg that she's never seen before except on recordings. Having intentionally stayed away, not wanting her mutant genetics to interfere with whatever rapport the other members of the Avengers had managed.

The reply from Tony makes Wanda grimace. Electronics were never really her forte, but she had thought the Avenger's encryption might suffice. She turns the phone off and rises, stepping out of the VW microbus but just leaning back against the rusted hulk, her arms crossed as she listens.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy looks to Pietro, and Jubilee himself, then steps forward. "Sebastion. May I call you that?" he starts. Adjusting his tie. "I know you are hurt by what's happened. I know you feel attacked. I acknowledge that, and respect that. But we feel hurt as well. We need to talk. We need to find a way to stop the killing, on ALL sides. We're all suffering losses. I watched a young man killed in cold blood while volunteering at a peaceful march. That shook me. i'm sure you've been shaken. But we don't have to escalate."

Bastion has posed:
"These Sentinels are falling into the wrong hands. They are harming, even killing, innocent people, as these zealots are using them poorly. Obviously you have noticed," The last part was to Beast, and his plea. Sebastion's aware. "I am ending the problem by destroying the Sentinels," Sebastion answers Betsy, still cold. "I have always given the truth, as I see it. You claim you are not the same, but my trust is gone. If this is a trick on your part to stop me, like your Captain Marvel, I /will kill all of you/, because I am going to do this. It will be all of them. This is the start."

"If you have come for scrap, you are also not getting your way. I will destroy everything here by the end of the day," explains Sebastion. One of the military people at his flank abruptly, quietly, starts to try to bargain the last point with Sebastion. Could he consider not destroying the scrap, they want to study it.....?

On the comms, comes Tony again. "I want the team safe, for at least another three minutes," Tony says, in a way that loudly also says in subtext, 'he can hear me, so this is what I'm saying; something will happen in three minutes'.

Psylocke has posed:
"I have no problem with the destruction of the Sentinels and what they represent. Work with us. Help us find where they are based out of and then let us destroy them at the source. The Friends of Humanity have no love for anyone but themselves. They would see all that is different destroyed. Mutant, alien, technological lifeforms." She doesn't say artificial intelligence. For some reason, that sounds insulting to her.

"But what then? As a bastion for hope, what will you do once the Sentinels are gone? And by Sentinels, you do mean all of them? Even the ones that don't look like giant robots, yes?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Beast for a moment as he tries to talk to Bastion, but that sems to be null and void. "Kill us, and you become a murderer no different than the Sentinels you try and stop. Seems a little counter-productive, if you ask me."


Pietro hears the comm from Tony and that means Pietro REALLY shouldn't talk. But hey, if he can get Bastion on a self-righteous rant for a little bit, that might buy Tony all the time that he needs. Pietro does noticeably move a little closer to Wanda. Juuust in case.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda doesn't give any signs that anything has changed, and despite being somewhat slouched against the rusted out vehicle, it is difficult for someone to be more alert than she is right now. She's watching the Sentinels and Sebastion all, and her hands are itching as she wants to gather in chaos energy and prepare.

But she won't tip Tony's hand.

So she watches, and waits, silently counting down in her head.

Bastion has posed:
"Ones that don't look like the others? Are you asking if I'm going to commit suicide when I'm done?" Sebastion asks Betsy, clearly insulted. "I suppose you will have to wait and see. I don't trust any of you right now. You let me clean up the Sentinels and 'Friends of Humanity' stolen hardware, and then we'll talk trust."

Pietro's helping, clearly; Sebastion looks his way. It's similar to the dead stare of a Sentinel, but not quite. Sebastion's far evolved out of those base models. "Yes, I would become a murderer in the eyes of some, by acting in self-defense. And I would not lose sleep. Don't try to manipulate me about defending myself."

Tony answers on the comms, after about two minutes: "I'll tell you what I've prepped over dinner, later," he says, weirdly flirtatious, on the communications. Which is a message in and of itself. But the message is there. "Just be safe." He won't fire whatever it is while they're standing at ground zero, possibly. At the three minute mark, Tony changes his tone. "Okay, got us on a secure comm. For now. I've tagged him with tracking, he talked to me personally, and I've got him; we'll hit him when we're ready. He won't duck us again. As much as I'd like to melt his face off, he's bringing in a lot of Sentinels, this could level the state. Be nice for now and then pull out. I'm going to let his powerful hacking highness take this channel away from me again. See you at the mansion."

Psylocke has posed:
Psylocke gives a negative shake of the head. "Actually, no. I wouldn't expect you to do something like that. I was referring to the people sized versions that are running around now. I've heard about them." She glances to the unemotional man standing near Bastion. "But never seen one personally. They apparently look like people. More like you than like those." A nod to the tall Sentinels not that far away. "I want to know if those are going away too. Or does your new vision for how to keep us safe involve them being around, but under your control?"

The fact he doesn't trust her isn't keeping her from trying to understand. "If we work together, people may be more trusting of you. You know this."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Sebastion with a clearly skeptical look on his face. "Oh yes, kill us for trying to detain you at worst. Though its not really self-defense if you intend on firing the first shot." Pietro crosses his arms then, not buying Sebastian's. "Well, if it helps, feeling's kinda mutual. You DID just call in a BUNCH of Sentinels. You know...known mutant killers."

Pietro is pointing out the contradictions and he has a serious look on his face. But then Betsy is being all diplomatic and an actual leader, so Pietro kinda stops talking for a little bit. But he feels so helpful! (Cough).

Then Tony is apparently taking on wierdly flirtatious undertones with people and Pietro audibly 'ughs'.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff's expression doesn't change as she hears Tony. Her eyes go to Betsy, seeming to trust in her to continue talking to the cyborg while keeping it nice.

Her brother on the other hand?

Wanda moves over towards Pietro, joining him and resting a hand gently on his shoulder. "There are innocent people around. Let's not let this turn into something," she says to him gently, providing her brother with a reason he can avoid further animosity without the change seeming to come from the blue.

Wanda glances over to Beast and Jubilee, giving them steady looks but not giving anything else away as she looks back to Psylocke and her conversation.

Bastion has posed:
"You've had my goodwill for months. I didn't like my near death experience. This is the fallout of it," Sebastion says to Betsy.

The total of sentinels has climbed to eight in the immediate area. Perhaps he's doing them in sets of around a dozen? Hard to know.

Sebastion does look at the other man (that Betsy seems to think is a robot) at his side, who startles slightly in a fear reaction: he didn't expect the spooky Sebastion to stare at him right then. He's human, probably, after all. Even humans can look robotic. "I haven't decided about those. There are only a few remaining. They're not all mindless; that would be murder. I would say I am destroying all of the Sentinels that do not have their own intelligence, yes. Now, leave. I think I've answered enough. Or watch the destruction, if you feel the need, but do it from out of the way, I'd recommend." Sebastion crosses his arms, with an expectant stare.

Pietro does get an answer: "You would prefer I allow them to attack you? Please make up your minds; I'm getting dizzy. Are we really going to have an argument about who gets to destroy them? Is that what this is?"

Angry, Sebastion orients on the Sentinels. The 8 sentinels turn on each other, and begin to open fire--- on each other. "There. I've solved it," scowls Sebastion, irritated, clearly growing agitated or frustrated. The behavior isn't very robotic in display.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shakes his head and winces. "Sebastion. You don't have to do this. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. You have nothing to prove. If that.." He gestures to what Sebastion just ordered. "... is what you feel ie necessary, then so be it. But there's always a peaceful way, if all sides are willing."

Psylocke has posed:
"Very well. Just, please, keep lines of communication open with us. I know you have the ability to do so," Psylocke says even as she raises her hands, showing she is not going to continue agitating him now.

The Sentinels destroying each other has her visually wincing then shaking her head.

"Until we meet again." She turns around, allowing him a shot at her back in the process if he wanted to take it. All showing her giving him trust, though he will not return it.

As she walks out of the nullification zone, the red tattoo disappears again behind her psionic illusion. "I believe it may be best if we depart for now," she says to those who came with her.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Wanda who comes over to put a hand on his shoulder. "There are always innocent people around." Pietro tells Wanda in a somewhat irritated way, but he sighs and rolls with it. "Yeah, okay, you're right." He says to Wanda then he looks at Sebastian as he starts tearing Sentinels to pieces.

Well, thats one way to handle that problem.

Can't wait for this guy to go all SkyNet on everybody.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda nods in agreement with Psylocke's statement about leaving. She looks to Hank and then her brother and says, "I think it is for the best," she says with another small nod. She moves over towards where Psylocke is heading so the woman can provide the means for their departure that brought them there in the first place.

Her eyes go to the giant killing machines, their smoking metal corpses destined to soon collapse with the others as they blast away at one another. Wanda nods to her companions and follows Psylocke's lead.

Bastion has posed:
Sebastion stares at Betsy's back, but doesn't take any shots. He ignores them from that point, in probably a snubbing way. One sentinel remains standing from the weird 'brawl', and Sebastion lifts a hand to fire a very, very sentinel-looking bolt from it to hit the last Sentinel, right through the power core. It slowly collapses to knees across another one, as if in slow motion. "HALLLLLLT muuuu-ttttint," it said as it fell.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy sighs and looks at Sebastion a moment longer. He inhales deeply through his nose, gathering himself. "If this brings you pain, I want to find another way. I mean that." He'll then offer a handshake, but if it's not taken, he won't take offense, but will just leave with the others.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro starts walking away with the rest of the grouop, but then he looks behind him at the 'halt mutant' that seems to be the death cry of the mechanical beast. Pietro is satisfied that the Sentinels got taken out, but perhaps the method was a bit savage.

Either way, Pietro sticks to the group, clearly ready for this to be over and done.

Psylocke has posed:
Once all of the group is gathered again in the shadows of a pile of junk, Psylocke turns to look at Bastion once more. A flare of red as the tattoo appears with the drawing on that power, then the shadows seem to simply engulf the group.

A quick moment in the Shadow Realm itself then they are back at their starting point, far away from the heat and humidity of Florida. "That went better than I expected at least."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shakes his head. "I'm breaking out the Blue Label. Who's with me?" he rumbles as he loosens his tie, and removes his jacket, hanging it off of his shoulder.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
After the group is away, Wanda nods. "Yes. And during it, Tony Stark was able to plant the equivalent of a tracer on Sebastion. So we should be able to trace him later. Please keep the information quiet, obviously, with no mention over electronics at all for risk he could somehow intercept it. But have the X-men ready. I imagine if you are willing, we'll want a joint operation when it is time." Wanda smiles. "You did very well with him."