ID State Owner Title Description
12263 Finished Claire Temple A Challenging Night Matt and Claire have a long talk.
12208 Finished Claire Temple Downside of Sharing a Building Historial: Matt and Claire finally decide to try and restart their friendship (or more?) over sancocho. They aren't complete idiots about it.
12180 Finished Claire Temple Patching Up Bodies, Not Hearts (Historical) The Daredevil finds his way to Claire's apartment after a month of avoiding her. It's bad enough an ambulance is called.
12179 Finished Claire Temple 4 Pints Deep Claire and 'Lester' meet at Luke's once again, after Claire has had a horrible day at the hospital. He talks her out of at least one bad decision and confirms for himself her true identity.
12167 Finished Claire Temple Safe Houses and Dangerous Games Claire and the Punisher meet by saving each other's life. Some honest words are exchanged.
12152 Finished Claire Temple The Early Days The first meeting of Night Nurse and Devil doesn't go quite as bloodily as you expect. There's still some blood.
12151 Finished Claire Temple Watering Hole Wednesdays Claire heads to Luke's on her night off and meets another, seemingly halfway decent, boy from the Bronx. Bullseye. Aka "Lester."
5771 Finished Claire Temple Beer, Pretzels, and Questions... Claire Temple, Jessica Jones, and Kate Bishop meet in a bar. Girl talk is had, and Kate gets some... advice.
5522 Finished Claire Temple Tournament/Black Sky: A Yelling, Island Edition Claire and Matt have a therapeutic discussion about Matt's place in Elektra's plans.
4102 Finished Claire Temple A yelling Matt's earned this one.
3956 Finished Claire Temple Saline and gauze Claire drops off some medical supplies at St. Margaret's, and Vanya and Juggernaut get a chance to catch up on mutual hobbies.
3801 Finished Claire Temple Superb Owl Danny finds Claire while she's walking home from work on Super Bowl Sunday. Thor drops in (literally -- no, there's a crater).
3588 Finished Claire Temple Catching Up Claire and Matt catch up after things have been quiet on Claire's end for a while.
2702 Finished Claire Temple Blood Ties Summary needed