ID State Owner Title Description
13568 Finished Kinsey MacKenna Welcome to the neighborhood, so to speak. Kinsey shows Nicholas around the MacKenzie King science station ; Kibou broke some news to her; Nicholas is intrigued.
12473 Finished Kinsey MacKenna So this is where you work? Supergirl brought a problem to Kinsey, who has promised to look into it.
9067 Finished Kinsey MacKenna It's Thanksgiving Somewhere? Kinsey shares a 'Thanksgiving' meal with Walker in celebration of their friendship, and changing life directions. Traditions are talked about, and Kinsey reveals more about her past.
8757 Finished Kinsey MacKenna For Reference's Sake Kinsey asks Colonel Danvers to the Station for coffee, cookies, and to discuss some matters, not the least of which is asking for a reference letter to renew her contract on the statiion. Turns out no letter is needed: the job is hers.
8719 Finished Kinsey MacKenna Catching Up by Lantern Light Kinsey is able to speak with the representatives of both the Blue and Green Lanterns most able to help orchestrate the removal of the Cybertronians from earth. Oh, yeah, there are Cybertronians on earth.
8651 Finished Kinsey MacKenna Swinging on a Star Summary needed
8621 Finished Kinsey MacKenna The New Kid in Town Kinsey comes to the Watchtower to deliver news - the odd, the interesting, and the troubling - and a plate of cookies! Macadamia nut, of course, for Batman. Information is exchanged.
8544 Finished Kinsey MacKenna You're Fast; I'm Furious Kinsey hunts down Blurr to have words about fitting in on earth and finds out he's not the only one of his kind on the planet. After talking down an officer of the law, she leaves Blurr to inform his friends she'd like to help, and hopefully not get into any more trouble.
8448 Finished Kinsey MacKenna Welcome Wagon Just another day on the station is broken up by a surprise visit by Green Lantern Hal Jordan, who introduces Kinsey to Nuala... a fellow Blue.
8391 Finished Kinsey MacKenna These are the People in Your Neighbourhood.. Kinsey returns to the Watchtower to continue the promised tour, and is escorted by Batman! They make a deal: A tour in exchange for freshly baked cookies. Mmmm, chocolate chip cookies.
8302 Finished Kinsey MacKenna To Kree, or Not to Kree, That is the Question Kinsey finally begins the process of confronting her past, and her heritage, and it starts with Carol Danvers.
8185 Finished Kinsey MacKenna Visiting the Neighbours Kinsey comes visiting bearing cookies by way of good old Midwestern hospitality, and introduces herself like a good neighbour should.
7413 Finished Kinsey MacKenna Okham's Razer Green Lantern Hal drops in on Kinsey to touch base.. She learns that Sayd and Ganthet have been incommunicado, and that darkness is coming.
7281 Finished Kinsey MacKenna Reclamation, and Goodbye? Kinsey returns to MacKenzie King Station, realizing that this may not be her life anymore - a thought that is highlighted by the arrival of Red Lantern Razer demanding information about the prisoner she denied him.
6911 Finished Kinsey MacKenna Code Blue: Man Down A seemingly small mishap on the station blows up into what could be an Interstellar incident. Oh, and Kinsey meets not one, not two, but THREE Lanterns. This can not bode well.