ID State Owner Title Description
11287 Finished Johnny Storm Audition Interviews Cordelia prefers to come to a casting call rather than talk to the director!
10563 Finished Johnny Storm Bruce Banner meet Rooftop. Bruce Banner comes to the Freedom Bulding seeking Reed Richards so that he can have one of those cool suits that changes with your body. He gets the suit but he has to go through Johnny.
7298 Finished Johnny Storm Sentinels: It comes with more options Johnny learns about the stolen gun.
6892 Finished Johnny Storm Equal Exchange? Jessica Drew and Johnny Storm meet about Sentinels and a present for the Avengers.
6820 Finished Johnny Storm Sentinels: Cluttered Sky Spider Woman and Human Torch examine some sentinels flying over the city.
5817 Finished Johnny Storm What happens -outside- of Starbucks Summary needed
4878 Finished Johnny Storm Suspiscion Summary needed
4697 Finished Johnny Storm Falafal Time! Summary needed
4507 Finished Johnny Storm Just Rent the Whole Place... Jah'Storm negotiates to rent a Cafe for a New Girl to impress
3106 Finished Johnny Storm Cindy Moves In Cindy decides not to stay with the Fantastic Four and go at it alone for a bit.
1450 Finished Johnny Storm The Air-Quotes Graduate Summary needed