Owner Pose
Darcy Lewis Just another day at the office. Darcy, taking a break from paper clips and staplers, has moved into the break room to get some coffee.
Svetlana Svetlana is already in the break room, showing very strong signs of Darcy's influence. She's taken to wearing vintage concert t-shirts that she buys online (using Bucky's credit card, mostly). Today's choice is Queen, from the Bohemian Rhapsody video. Thumbing through songs on an iPad with her headphones on, the girl squints with concentration and looks remarkably like just another teenager.
Darcy Lewis Such is the transformation that Darcy, at first, doesn't recognize Lana. When she does, however, mischief dances i her eyes for a heartbeat before she stills her expression and moves forward with purpose.

"Excuse me. Do you have clearance to be here? Let me see your visitor's pass." Darcy's best sex-ed teacher voice.
Svetlana Svetlana looks up, blinking once or twice at the question. For a moment... and only a moment... she almost takes Darcy seriously. When she smiles it's the grin of a teenager, and she lowers the iPod. "THIS IS ONE OF THE FEW PLACES I HAVE CLEARANCE!" she yells.

Nope, still hasn't gotten the hang of headphones.

Taking them off, she speaks more softly. "It is nice to see you, Darcy."
Darcy Lewis The too loud voice has Darcy wincing slightly and the 'grumpy hall monitor' look fading into a grin. She speaks forward for a hug as the earphones are pulled out.

"Same. How's it going? Yo ulook comfortable."
Svetlana Svetlana looks up brightly, rocking her hips from side to side. "I have not decided whether I like thongs or not, but the rest is very comfortable." Thankfully she's not doing the headphone yelling now.

On the iPod screen is the image of a Taylor Swift album and she touches the pause button. "I am educating myself with your music suggestions. I like it. There is just SO MUCH about American culture that I did not know before."
Darcy Lewis "Oh, yeah. Totes. Thongs are more for show than anything else," Darcy replies, grinning. She turns to pull down the edge of her waistband to reveal the red thong she's rocking today. In the tight slackes, it prevent panylines.

"OOh.. Swift's latest? Niiiice," Darcy coos as she fixes her waistline and then moves to make herself some coffee.
Svetlana Svetlana tilts her head and grins crookedly at the red-strap flash. She's wearing jeans, and while they fit comfortably they aren't really skin-tight. "For show? You wear underwear that you intend for people to see." Brows knit and she looks momentarily confused.

But hey, this is Darcy.

"I am liking this Taylor Swift. And I am still amazed at this little music thing. How it holds so much. I have told you about records, da? Vinyl?"
Darcy Lewis "Sometimes. But these are so that they aren't seen. The seam at the crotch of these pants are not comfortable against my woohoo, but the pants are too tight for regular panties because I don't like the pantyline. So... thong."

Perfectly explained, entirely reasonable.

"Yes. I know what vinvyls are. I had a girl friend thta was so into the indy movement. Had a record player and everything. It was okay. I like my iPOD better. a million songs, fuck you all."
Svetlana Svetlana raises a brow at the use of 'woohoo', but the small smile shows that she gets the meaning. All in all, Lana is becoming less and less embarassed by Darcy. Most of the time. And she actually understands the reasoning.

"So why do you not just wear pants that are not so tight?" she asks.
Darcy Lewis "Because then my ass doesn't look as good, duh," is the sensible reply while Darcy pours a not-sensible amount of sugar into her coffee.
Svetlana Svetlana actually tilts her head and starts to lean around before she catches herself. Okay, THAT gets a blush. "So tight pants would may my ass look good as well, yes? This is to attract boys who you wish to have the booty-call with."
Darcy Lewis "Depends ont he ass and on the person looking as the ass. I think my ass looks amazing especially in tight pants," Darcy starts out, stirrnig the sugar in and now adding an unhealthy amount of creamer.

"And it's not just for boys. Girls can booty-call too, you know. There are a few I've met whom I wuold TOTALLY accept a booytcall from."
Svetlana Okay, so THAT gets a rare funny look from Lana. Not confusion, those looks have been free and abundant. But this one is something altogether different. "Wait. Girls can booty-call girls? How does this work?" Lana takes a quick look around the break room, then adds carefully. "In general terms, please."

And after another moment's consideration, she asks the age-old question. "These jeans, do they make my ass look good?"
Darcy Lewis How to girls booty call girls. As in, how to girls make out with girls? Darcy sips her coffee, using that and the act of openly staring at Lana's ass because she was asked if the jeans make her look fat, to consider her answer.

"No, your ass looks fabulous. And it depends on the girl, I guess. And it's something that's going to take some time to describe, but dont take what you see on YouPorn under 'lesbian' as what all girl on girl action is like."
Svetlana Svetlana looks pleased with the assessment of her ass, at least. As for the rest...? Yes, she'll be doing research on the word 'lesbian' later on. But probably using different sources. "Good. Da. We will talk more of this another time, then." Looking around at the lounge full of SHIELD soldiers, she adds. "And in another place, too, I think. You have given me much to consider."

And more to research, to be sure. Yes, these conversations with Darcy are always an educational experience.