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|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''COMBAT PROWESS'''</span><br>A career as a superheroine will train you enough, but Power Girl has received a good deal more than that. Techniquewise she may not be a top martial artist, but she is surprisingly skilled at hand to hand combat, as if she'd learned from some incredibly proficient masters.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''GENIUS-LEVEL INTELLECT'''</span><br>Though nowhere near the smartest being in the world, Power Girl can and has mastered every subject she's needed to. From medical knowledge to business acumen, physical sciences and beyond, there is no subject she cannot broach, and discuss.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SCIENTIST'''</span><br>Karen's Kryptonian IQ combined with her upbringing in a laboratory predispose her toward physical sciences, particularly chemistry. She's particularly interested in theoretical applications. Her lack of experience prevents her from being a leading authority in the field, though.
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''COMBAT PROWESS'''</span><br>A career as a superheroine will train you enough, but Power Girl has received a good deal more than that. Techniquewise she may not be a top martial artist, but she is surprisingly skilled at hand to hand combat, as if she'd learned from some incredibly proficient masters.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''GENIUS-LEVEL INTELLECT'''</span><br>Though nowhere near the smartest being in the world, Power Girl can and has mastered every subject she's needed to. From medical knowledge to business acumen, physical sciences and beyond, there is no subject she cannot broach, and discuss.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SCIENTIST'''</span><br>Karen's Kryptonian IQ combined with her upbringing in a laboratory predispose her toward physical sciences, particularly chemistry. She's particularly interested in theoretical applications. Her lack of experience prevents her from being a leading authority in the field, though.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''S.T.A.R. LABS'''</span><br>As CEO of STAR Labs, Karen Starr controls an incredible amount of wealth and scientific resources. She is unlikely to want for money, and their experiments allow her to adapt in ways that others cannot.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''S.T.A.R. LABS'''</span><br>As CEO of STAR Labs, Karen Starr controls an incredible amount of wealth and scientific resources. She is unlikely to want for money, and their experiments allow her to adapt in ways that others cannot.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''KRYPTONITE'''</span><br>All Kryptonians have something to fear from the remains of their dead planet, and that includes Power Girl. Though the effects vary by color of rock, the most common is the poisonous, if not deadly, Green. In its presence, Power Girl's powers start to wane, and if left unchecked, its radiation can kill.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''MAGIC'''</span><br>Simply put, Kryptonian physiology reacts to magic like humans do. Magical blasts are more effective than their mortal counterparts, and magical weapons are incredibly capable at bruising and piercing her flesh.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SECRET IDENTITY'''</span><br>Power Girl cultivates relationships just like any other person. There are a number of people around her- an entire corporation's worth, in fact- that she cares deeply about and doesn't want to see harmed. Therefore, the protection of her identity is paramount.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''KRYPTONITE'''</span><br>All Kryptonians have something to fear from the remains of their dead planet, and that includes Power Girl. Though the effects vary by color of rock, the most common is the poisonous, if not deadly, Green. In its presence, Power Girl's powers start to wane, and if left unchecked, its radiation can kill.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''MAGIC'''</span><br>Simply put, Kryptonian physiology reacts to magic like humans do. Magical blasts are more effective than their mortal counterparts, and magical weapons are incredibly capable at bruising and piercing her flesh.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SECRET IDENTITY'''</span><br>Power Girl cultivates relationships just like any other person. There are a number of people around her- an entire corporation's worth, in fact- that she cares deeply about and doesn't want to see harmed. Therefore, the protection of her identity is paramount.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SOLAR RADIATION'''</span><br>Without the light of a yellow or blue star, Power Girl will eventually run out of the juice that fuels her powers, thus rendering her completely normal until she can absorb more. In addition the light of a red star will completely nullify her powers while she's in its gaze, and until she leaves it, she'd be basically human.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''SOLAR RADIATION'''</span><br><br>Without the light of a yellow or blue star, Power Girl will eventually run out of the juice that fuels her powers, thus rendering her completely normal until she can absorb more. In addition the light of a red star will completely nullify her powers while she's in its gaze, and until she leaves it, she'd be basically human.
[[Category:Justice League]][[Category:Superman Family]]
[[Category:Justice League]][[Category:Superman Family]]

Revision as of 17:43, 27 November 2017

Karen Starr (Scenesys ID: 32)
"Hey! My eyes are up here!"
Full Name: Karen Starr
Gender: Female
Species: Kryptonian
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: C.E.O.
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: College (MBA)
Status: Active
Groups: Justice League Superman Family
Other Information
Apparent Age: 29 Actual Age: 29
Date of Birth 1 April 1996 Actor: Carrie Keagan
Height: 6'3" Weight: 200 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Born and raised in a parallel universe, the whole of which was later eradicated, Kara Zor-L is its last survivor. Thrust into a new and different world, the values and time of which is entirely different from her home, the woman who goes by Power Girl seeks to do right, and make a new home in an almost-alien, yet so very familiar, environment.



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Wow, she's tall.

Her skin is perfectly smooth and soft, with a light tan, and though her eyes aren't where you're staring, we'll start in that area. This woman is -gorgeous,- with shimmering blonde hair framing high cheekbones and beautiful blue eyes. That hair is cut short, just to the upper edges of her neck. Her face is angular, and her lips are pleasantly pink and voluminous. Her chin is narrow, and her nose this small and perfect button, not too pronounced. Her jaw leads into a trim neck, seeming almost sculpted in how it trails down into the rest of her body.

Her shoulders are broad, but not excessively so. They lead into her arms, which are thickly muscular, and quite toned. Contrary to that, however, her hand's slender fingers seem to lack callouses, and are rather dainty, and feminine. Between her shoulders, though, is where your eyes -really-start. Large, perky, and pendulous, this woman's curves -start- with the swell her prodigious bosom. Their size is quite marvelous, perhaps even exaggeratedly so, but all the same they seem to do nothing to hinder her, or even slow her down.

Below her chest, her waist is narrow, and a very firm six-pack is present, her abdominal muscles showing quite well. This slender midriff leads into the wide curve of her plentiful hips. Their width and her bodytype in general combine to form a backside to rival her chest. It leads, though, into a pair of heavily toned, hard-muscled thighs and calves. The feet that end those legs, like her hands, are almost dainty in comparison- rather cute, indeed.

As Power Girl, she dresses somewhat immodestly. Her outfit consists of a white leotard made of a thick, segmented material. It clings to her form like a second skin, running the gamut of her form, from the upper portion of her neck right down to her ankles. It lacks sleeves, however, leaving her muscular arms bare. Her hands and feet are clad in blue gloves and boots respectively, the latter of which are flat combat boots, and the former full fingered, with a rolled cuff. Around her hips is a loose set of gold platers, arranged in a belt, and a similar gold plate- with a chain- setup keeps on a waist-length red half cape, that covers her left arm and back. One thing of note, however, is the most eye-catching part of her outfit. It literally rips attention from anywhere else one might be staring, and plants it directly on her chest: In an oval, directly at the front of her chest. As it clings to her bosom, the oval is drawn tight, and as it is a hole, it reveals the whole of her rather expansive cleavage.


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In a parallel universe several years older than this one, Kara Zor-L was born on Krypton, to Zor-L and Allura In-Z. The brother of Jor-L, Zor-L was one of the only people on Krypton to listen to Jor-L's pleas. With input from his brother, he developed a similar plan. The pod he developed was more advanced than the one that carried Kal-L, in fact, though it was knocked somewhat off course. The result? Kara Zor-L arrived on Earth as a twenty year old girl, instead of as a child. This was jarring as, over the course fo the trip, Kara's mind resided in a virtual reality environment designed to teach her and help her cope with what had happened. Her parents had intended for her to land with Kal-L, and for the two to watch over one another and support each other as the only survivors of Krypton.

When she arrived, she found a welcoming Kal-L, now fully grown and wearing the moniker of Superman, as well as the new name of Clark Kent. Over time, Kara learned what she needed of that new world. She went to college, and followed in the footsteps of her cousin. With a genius level intellect and a more forward, perhaps even aggressive attitude, she was a boon to the world. Taking a similar moniker to her cousin, Kara fought as Supergirl, until the unthinkable happened. Orphaned not only from her home planet, but following a catastrophic crisis of epic proportions from her own universe, Kara found herself here, with only barely applicable knowledge of the world. Shellshocked but not helpless, Kara applied her intellect in order to create an identity for herself. It helped that she had a little bit of foreknowledge of events transpiring.

Employed at STAR Labs under the name Karen Starr, she rose to the top in something of a miraculous, magazine-cover worthy movement. Despite her statuesque beauty and imposing figure, a lesson learned long ago allows her to keep her identity a secret. The normal people of the world cannot see beyond the mortality of a person who works during the day.

This allows her to continue her heroic activities... But it required a lot of adaptation and... Even more shellshock. This universe had its own Superman- though this one is Kal-El, last son of Krypton. Though he still goes by Clark Kent and is the same sort of man as her lost cousin, it is sometimes difficult for her to feel like he is some other person, similar, but alien to her. Worse still, this world has its own Supergirl. As a result, she felt like it was important that she forge for herself a new identity, and took the name Power Girl.


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Brash and aggressive but possessing a keen intellect and sharp perception of the world, Power Girl takes life in stride. Generally happy, but with streaks of serious, she knows she's powerful, she knows she's beautiful, and she is comfortable in these facts. While she was devastated at the loss of her home, that has not hindered her here, and the climate of this world has even freed her to be more herself than ever before.


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Power Girl is capable of supersonic, and near-if-not superlight speeds with flight. She can traverse the planet in minutes, and outside of an atmosphere, can traverse solar systems and galaxies in dizzyingly fast times.

Power Girl can shoot really, really intense lasers, right from her eyes. She is capable of honing them down to a razor point for pinpoint accuracy, or widening the beams to cover entire streets, or more, if she wishes. She can make them hot enough to instantly cut insanely tough materials, or mild enough to make a cold room warm for a while. By altering the beams, she can make them out of visible light or invisible light, thus allowing her some measure of secrecy and... Well, coolness factor.

Almost impossible to harm, Power Girl can tank through just about everything. Extreme temperatures, high and low pressures, bullets, sharp sticks, it doesn't necessarily matter: When you consider a relaxing trip to the center of a burning star to be a typical spa day, it takes a hell of a lot more pierce your flesh.

Under the light of a yellow star, Power Girl's aging is extremely slow. While not literally ageless, Power Girl will be in her prime for a very, very, very long time.

As with all Kryptonians, Power Girl takes in solar radiation to fuel herself and her powers. She is fueled by the yellow light of our sun and others like it, and while fueled, is capable of all of her incredible feats. In addition, she doesn't necessarily need to subsist the same way humans do, and the more solar radiation she absorbs, the more powerful she gets, and the greater her possible feats.

Similar to her ability to fly, though Power Girl is far from the fastest woman alive, she is still every bit as fast running as she is in flight, though she has to take much more care when doing so as the environment around her is threatened by her doing so.

Power Girl is, not to mince words, good with her mouth. Or, rather, her lungs. An extension of her super strength, she can draw in air and expel it with hurricane force, or use it to freeze opponents with impunity.

She can see everything. Or, almost. From the microscopic world, to seeing through most walls, to hearing things on the other side of the planet or farther, PG has impossibly acute senses. She can see the DNA in your cells, can taste your steak better than you can, and can identify the ingredients in your perfume by smell alone. There is one limitation, however. Specifically, on her sight: She is incapable of seeing through the material Lead, or other sufficiently dense material.

Like all Kryptonians, Power Girl is insanely strong. Almost able to move planets, she can lift and throw battleships, use vehicles as deadweights, and carry entire buildings over her head if need be.


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A career as a superheroine will train you enough, but Power Girl has received a good deal more than that. Techniquewise she may not be a top martial artist, but she is surprisingly skilled at hand to hand combat, as if she'd learned from some incredibly proficient masters.

Though nowhere near the smartest being in the world, Power Girl can and has mastered every subject she's needed to. From medical knowledge to business acumen, physical sciences and beyond, there is no subject she cannot broach, and discuss.

Karen's Kryptonian IQ combined with her upbringing in a laboratory predispose her toward physical sciences, particularly chemistry. She's particularly interested in theoretical applications. Her lack of experience prevents her from being a leading authority in the field, though.


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As CEO of STAR Labs, Karen Starr controls an incredible amount of wealth and scientific resources. She is unlikely to want for money, and their experiments allow her to adapt in ways that others cannot.


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All Kryptonians have something to fear from the remains of their dead planet, and that includes Power Girl. Though the effects vary by color of rock, the most common is the poisonous, if not deadly, Green. In its presence, Power Girl's powers start to wane, and if left unchecked, its radiation can kill.

Simply put, Kryptonian physiology reacts to magic like humans do. Magical blasts are more effective than their mortal counterparts, and magical weapons are incredibly capable at bruising and piercing her flesh.

Power Girl cultivates relationships just like any other person. There are a number of people around her- an entire corporation's worth, in fact- that she cares deeply about and doesn't want to see harmed. Therefore, the protection of her identity is paramount.

Without the light of a yellow or blue star, Power Girl will eventually run out of the juice that fuels her powers, thus rendering her completely normal until she can absorb more. In addition the light of a red star will completely nullify her powers while she's in its gaze, and until she leaves it, she'd be basically human.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Cousins Catching Up April 1st, 2024 Two cousins get some much needed catching done.
A Powerful addition to the GIRL roster! March 8th, 2024 Summary needed
Entirely Necessary Roughing February 8th, 2024 The Mammoths game is interrupted by a dimensional rift spilling out beastmen. Oddly, none of them appeared to be Mammoth-related. America and Karen treat them to the traditional Philadelphia sports experience. But in Metropolis. ...They punch them. They punch them a lot.
Dinner and a Movie February 7th, 2024 Lois invites Karen over for a meal! They share good conversation, good food, good desserts, and a horrible movie together.
Super Family Gathering February 2nd, 2024 Over good drinks and food, a family is drawn closer. And not so much as a peep about asteroids, invaders from Apokolips, or whatever crazy stuff Luthor is up to can stop it.
A juncture of Jills at a Jacuzzi October 23rd, 2023 A rather remarkable assortment of individuals find their way to a seculed Spa to put their feet up and feel the bubbles. It's also notable in the fact that nothing nefarious seems to have occurred or ruined their relaxation. Some tips, facts and opinions are floated.
At the Hall October 5th, 2023 Karen runs into Angelica for the first time since the redhead became part of the Justice League.
Ocean flyby June 23rd, 2023 Angelica went out for a flight and crossed paths with Power Girl.
It was the Best Intentions... June 1st, 2023 Power Girl stops a rogue Mega Mouser which was hunting Rock Soldiers.
Return from Space May 23rd, 2023 Superman and Power Girl have another catch up. Superman tells her of some of his latest adventures and an old friend she should seek out.
Tea and cookies May 16th, 2023 Nice chat was had.. current events spoken about!
Their Past, Our Future April 25th, 2023 Superman and Power Girl talk about a particular group from the Future. Well, a future. Time gets compmlicated.
Adaptation Part 2 April 22nd, 2023 Summary needed
Tony in the city April 20th, 2023 The suit is de-faced, but it all ends with a push of a button thanks to Stark Tech!
Clone Problem April 11th, 2023 Summary Needed
Rumble in the Mesa March 26th, 2023 Juggernaut and Power Girl In: How to Take A Punch
Cancelled! March 17th, 2023 Livewire blasts up Times Square. People are generally mad about it.
Super Girl comes home! March 15th, 2023 girl go for a sun bath and hotdogs!
High Noods March 14th, 2023 Power Girl comes across X23 eating lunch on top of a skyscraper. The two have a chat and discover they've got something relatively unique in common! Noods: Chicken Cup Noodle
Pg and Lois meeting! March 13th, 2023 Off to the land of animals on the Next eps!
Yet Another Rule of Fight Club March 8th, 2023 A boring night at a gambling hall and fight club turns out to be more then was initially bargained for.
An (Un)Lucky Day In Mutant Town March 6th, 2023 A failed search for donuts leads to Juggernaut being put on the spot and challenged to..be nice.
Power Girl needs magic! March 4th, 2023 Demon box taken care of and Zee not a popcicle
Care for a Comment, Cousin March 2nd, 2023 A brief meeting between cousins with a hint of what could be in their future.
Power Girl and Cap .. Beach Day! February 11th, 2023 Seteve and Karen go out drinking in PArt 2
Power girl Catches a Bad Cat January 28th, 2023 Summary needed
At work but off the clock. January 10th, 2023 Summary needed
Powerful Times December 20th, 2022 Dick and Karen meet at a club and bold statements are made.
Unstoppable: Declaration of War December 7th, 2022 Summary needed
Thanksgiving Leftovers November 24th, 2022 Skye and Power Girl go to class to find out what the hell is going on with Nick.
Twas The Day Of Thanksgiving November 24th, 2022 Thanksgiving dinner at New Hope Shelter ends with a bang and a peeved off Kryptonian
Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving November 23rd, 2022 Freezer troubles puts the New Hope Shelter Thanksgiving Dinner at risk. Power Girl swoops in for the rescue and catches vague hints to some background drama between the volunteers
Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving November 23rd, 2022 Freezer troubles puts the New Hope Shelter Thanksgiving Dinner at risk. Power Girl swoops in for the rescue and catches vague hints to some background drama between the volunteers
Double undercover action! November 22nd, 2022 Double team to meet later and sppill info!
Spooky Scary Cultists October 17th, 2022 Power Girl investigates with her fists instead of her brains. The start of spooky happenings!
Fred's gone fancy?! September 22nd, 2022 A slightly unreal experience at Fred's diner as an Aardwolf and a Kryptonian walk into a diner staffed by an undercover Bucky.

Status: Finished

Log 14524 August 26th, 2022 Summary needed
The Birth of Champions July 30th, 2022 Summary needed
Back to Harry's August 25th, 2021 Harry and Karen meet again to chat
That's A Surprise July 15th, 2021 Thor and Karen sharing time.
The end of the Artisan's time. June 30th, 2021 The month in Asgard is coming to an end. Karen and Thor have dinner which leads a draw in arm wrestling followed by a kiss.
Orbital Aftermath June 12th, 2021 Thor and Power Girl talk after the space battle.
I Need a Drink May 23rd, 2021 Karen gets some sound advice from a stranger.
Tech Brainstorm! May 6th, 2021 The Artisans of Asgard offer to share some of their knowledge.
Cheesecake in the Park May 5th, 2021 Power Girl catches up with Thor after the Avengers dealt with trolls in Central Park. She heads home with cheesecake.
Chatting with Royalty April 16th, 2021 Power Girl and Thor's visit after the misunderstanding ends. It was a lovely meeting.
But I Thought You Said March 31st, 2021 Power Girl learns it wasn't Thor who asked her out to dinner. This may be the start of a friendship though!
It came from the Deep February 22nd, 2021 Power Girl and Captain Marvel save a supertanker from becoming an environmental catastrophe, then go get coffee.
Friendly Skies February 4th, 2021 Thor and Power Girl meet, where the former asks the latter out on a date. Surprisingly, things go positively.
Protesting the Cure January 28th, 2021 Summary needed. Incomplete Scene.
Starlight: Grand Opening! December 10th, 2020 The grand opening of Starlight's Free Health Clinic. It almost went smoothly!
It's a Beautiful Morning for Flying November 19th, 2020 Zinda and Power Girl hang out.
The Conqueror Cometh: He Defends August 21st, 2020 Central Park is attacked by hundreds of evil monsters! Lex Luthor, Mercy Graves, Power Girl and Conan save the day!
Drops of Jupiter July 28th, 2020 A broad range of superheroes try to stop strange fungal ooze from taking over Metropolis!
Star Power July 16th, 2020 Koriand'r and Power Girl get to know each other and go out for pizza
Escape to Earth April 27th, 2020 A new arrival comes crashing to Earth.
Kryptonians buying Bao! April 12th, 2020 Meals and meetings!
A meeting with the Woman of Steel March 22nd, 2020 Lois meets with Power Girl and seeks her aid in finding Superman
Space Green in the Space Garden March 16th, 2020 Summary needed
Capes and doughnuts! February 27th, 2020 Summary needed
Sharing A Drink Called Loneliness February 11th, 2020 If you drink a drink called loneliness, don't drink it alone.
Surviving Infinity: Rescue January 30th, 2020 Avengers and Friends (and Guardians, sort of) rescue the missing Tony and Steve from Knowhere's bounty hunters.
Bifrosting to the Khandian empire... January 24th, 2020 Thor, Diana, and Karen investigate the missing Cap and Tony. They fight many of the natives, win, and get the info to find the right planet. But by the time they get there, Steve and Tony have already left that planet, apparently.
Thor trains against Power Girl! January 4th, 2020 Thor and Power Girl have a spar. She wins, then they discuss battle tactics.
Love, Hate, And Burgers December 17th, 2019 Another DITL at Halo Burger! A lady is VERY ANGRY about the service. Milkshakes are on the menu.
In the Space Garden December 7th, 2019 Jessica Cruz returns to the Watchtower, only to hear the awful news of Superman from Power Girl.
Fresh and Interesting November 27th, 2019 As Drake kind of fiddles with mahjong and works on costuming ideas, Karen Starr happens by and is full of intrigue. Over the mahjong.
Being a Hero is for Romantics November 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Heroes For Good! October 28th, 2019 Summary needed
Wednesday Morning, 2am October 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
Hers. October 18th, 2019 Summary needed
Weapons From Heaven October 16th, 2019 Summary needed
A Royal Coronation Birthday October 14th, 2019 Lorna's birthday party and coronation ends with Magneto's nightmares coming to life and wrecking everything.
Superheroes Have Dinner, right October 13th, 2019 Pietro and Karen enjoy a lovely date.
Out at the club October 3rd, 2019 Sam And Karen chat and dance, will they meet again?
Dinner and a Show September 25th, 2019 Summary needed
Slow Date September 16th, 2019 Pietro and Karen go out on a date. Surprisingly, they are already planning a second!
Hammertime September 15th, 2019 Power Girl goes Incognito at Club Mjolnir, meeting Ivory.
Hammerhead meets a Krytonian September 12th, 2019 Summary needed
A day at the museum. September 6th, 2019 9094/ Power Girl and Nadia Pym chat about dinosaurs and cloning.
Some snacks are harder than others! August 28th, 2019 Vomit, Dust and Dead Vampires. PG wants a shower, Tim exploded a guy and Spike needs a lay down.
Sex (Vampires), (Vampire) Drugs, and Rock and Roll...and Kryptonians... August 26th, 2019 Summary needed
Training makes perfect August 18th, 2019 J'onn and Powergirl discuss a bit of phylosophy while training.
A Human and some Gods Walk Into a Coffee Shop August 12th, 2019 A casual coffee shop hangout gets awkward when some old baggage is stirred up.
Getty Square gets a visitor... August 7th, 2019 And so they went their separate ways.
Chinese Food Rocks August 5th, 2019 Summary needed
A Grand Party August 2nd, 2019 Grail, Damain, and Power-Girl visit a party hosted by one of Hammerhead's top lieutenants.
The Dangers of the Business July 29th, 2019 A number of people come to the rescue of the Guardians as a small bounty hunter fleet hunts them across Nova Empire space
don't wake the sleeping seamonsters, please. July 25th, 2019 Summary needed
Mouse Trappings July 20th, 2019 Summary needed
Spiders in strife! July 20th, 2019 Summary needed
Just a day at the office July 18th, 2019 Summary needed
Meetings on Patrol July 16th, 2019 Two Kryptonians meet in mid-air.
Trouble in Midtown July 15th, 2019 Power Girl, Quicksilver, and Beast take on the Juggernaut. Pietro exceeds his speed, Beast annoys Juggernaut, and Power Girl gets her hits in.
mmonitoring is easier with oreos at your side. July 14th, 2019 Summary needed
Come Here Often July 13th, 2019 Summary needed
Log 8248 July 10th, 2019 Summary needed
All Is Not Lost July 9th, 2019 Summary needed
Barbecue in the Park May 28th, 2019 Summary needed
Omnes First Day Out (After a Night) May 13th, 2019 Summary needed
Age of Despair Part IV: Assassination May 1st, 2019 AN assault on the JL Watchtower was thwarted by the combined might of the Justice League and her allies, at the cost of losing Superman to the minions of Darkseid. Next target - Apokolips!
Checking on the Big Blue. April 28th, 2019 Summary needed
Subway in a subway April 14th, 2019 Summary needed
Age of Despair Pt 3: Apokolips March 26th, 2019 Through tremendous sacrifice, blood, sweat and tears, the Justice League was succesful in rescuing Superman from Apokolips! Although he is near death, there is hope he will recover.
The Darkness March 19th, 2019 Age of Despair Pt 2: The Darkness. Tune in next week to see if our heroes, having pierced the veil will remember their vows of righteousness! Can they save their beloved friend without becoming what they fear? Will there be casualities? Who will survive: Apokalypse!
New Job new Life! March 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Factory Follies February 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Haunted Watchtower February 13th, 2019 The Enchantress attacks the Justice League in the Watchtower in an attempt to make them slaves. Although defeated, Superman is now missing!
Trying not to Fan Girl! February 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Surprise Meeting at the Fortress January 30th, 2019 Power Girl gets Superman up-to-date on everything happening lately, including her run in with the
Family Fortress January 27th, 2019 So cousins or what? Kara and Karen catch up and try to figure out what they should be officially as relatives.
Up in the sky, it's a... Bird. January 11th, 2019 Summary needed
Family Reunions December 30th, 2018 Kal-El comes back after recovering from Kryptonite poisoning. Kara and Karen are waiting for him.
Another Monitor Duty done! December 20th, 2018 Kara does her first mission monitor duty, taking over from Hal. PG drops by and stays behind to have a chat with Kara!
Not Everyday You Meet A King December 7th, 2018 Summary needed
Astral Flux: Slippery November 27th, 2018 Tony briefs various heroes on the Mexico situation.
Defying Gravity November 24th, 2018 Summary needed
Godly Coffee November 20th, 2018 Summary needed
A Starr in a bar with a God November 18th, 2018 Summary needed
Answering Raethon's Call October 25th, 2018 Sindr suffers a personal defeat, but the war goes on
How not to make friends and influence people. October 3rd, 2018 June and Power Girl meet each other again in Babs apartment, Babs and Shadow try to keep things civil.
Surfer, GL and the Crew - Knowhere September 10th, 2018 The Surfer starts on his quest to find his home and comes to Knowhere seeking someone to help...maybe Green Lantern?
Space Treasure Discovered September 2nd, 2018 Summary needed
High society networking August 26th, 2018 The Saint Genesius Society of Gotham Society Gala is its usual success, with hefty donations collected from all concerned...
Keep Smilin' Until Then.... August 11th, 2018 A deadly street performer hands out deadly party favours, with deadly results. Lots of street fighting, a hot dog, and a guy named Steve.
A Day in the Life July 13th, 2018 Summary needed
Germination: Ignited July 4th, 2018 The JLA and Avengers team up on a fungal monster in Central park.
The Bounty June 30th, 2018 Summary needed
The Return of Dru-Zod June 18th, 2018 Zod meets Powergirl, Crusade, Green and Blue Lanterns as a cybertronian ship almost destroys him, tensions are high as misunderstandings, and miscommunications galore arise..
Germination:A council of heroes is Called June 15th, 2018 Summary needed
Germination: Sprawl June 12th, 2018 The space-mushrooms show a new trick, and heroes respond!
Checking another off the box. June 12th, 2018 Power Girl drops by to see Andrea per earlier invitation. Andrea and Mason have the most emotional talk that was 2 years in the making.
Rooftop Meetup June 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Coming out, stepping up! June 2nd, 2018 Andrea puts on a charity concert for suicide prevention awareness and gets attacked by the Friends of Humanity. Several heroes step up to protect the park.
Can a footsoldier become reformed May 29th, 2018 Drake tries to reform a footsoldier. Power Girl drops the serious business. It doesn't end well.
High Rise Heist May 22nd, 2018 The Light pull a heist to steal a rare compound chemical. Things get really messy.
Drake and Power Girl talk about confidence. May 10th, 2018 Power Girl and Drake run into each other again. Drake as usual sucks at being confident and gets some tough love from Power Girl. Also Valk, his teammate, has a crush.
Test flight, Cranston One May 10th, 2018 Thanks to a timely intervention by Power Girl, the first test flight of the prototype aircraft goes off without any more than a minor hitch.
Log 4400 May 6th, 2018 Summary needed
Log 4368 April 30th, 2018 Summary needed
The Other World Pt 1 April 29th, 2018 Summary needed
Fright Night April 25th, 2018 A fright fest movie festival is interrupted by Fright! Power Girl intervenes. Red Hood is helpful in a Red Hood way.
The Laboratories April 22nd, 2018 A laboratory full of hostages is assaulted by Avengers (and friends!)
Training in the Watchtower April 19th, 2018 Summary needed
Sometimes a Hug can Save the Day April 16th, 2018 Summary needed
Salmon Fishing in the Celestial's Head April 8th, 2018 It's all about the Green Ball, just like in Heavy Metal, except less violence and nudity
Log 4228 April 8th, 2018 Summary needed
Subway Robbery April 7th, 2018 Summary needed
Rooftop Talks April 4th, 2018 Summary needed
Conflict at the Plaza March 29th, 2018 The Metropolis Plaza (not to be confused with Metropolis Sqare (@tel #22, ala SHMUX) was attacked by Chemo and Equinox. Heroes helped stop the threat. But many were radiated and injured by the collateral damage. Damage was done to the environment, but Damage Control fixed it.
Log 4162 March 28th, 2018 Summary needed
The Big Wakeup March 26th, 2018 The Death of Victor Stone, and the rise of Cyborg!
Flowers for Cyborg March 18th, 2018 Breath brings flowers to the fallen. Things are dire. So very dire.
The Rainbow Inebriation March 18th, 2018 A blond, an Olympian, a redhead, and an Asgardian share a drink in the park. Prince Balder returns to New York to handle matters, meeting Power Girl, Caitlyn Fairchild, and Ares along the way.
A Meteor Shower Like No Other. March 16th, 2018 Summary needed
Team Static comes to Metropolis. March 13th, 2018 Drake and Powr Girl bump into each other and have hotdogs.
Pizza Time March 2nd, 2018 Summary needed
Log 3949 February 23rd, 2018 Summary needed
Doom, Gloom, Glum February 21st, 2018 Summary needed
Rising Tide: Mutant Town Under Siege February 19th, 2018 Mutant Town falls under siege from a weirdly coordinated attack by anti-mutant groups. And they got their hand on a power dampener to boot! But don't worry, not everyone is helpless without their powers.
Attack on Knowhere February 17th, 2018 Vicky is attacked by an army of drones on Knowhere. Fortunately, friends new and old come to her defense.
Coney Island Car Show February 7th, 2018 Just some young people at a car show
Beer and Pretzels February 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Threat from the Stars January 13th, 2018 Alpha Flight and some of Earth's space heroes (and one anti-hero) play live-action Asteroids! New high score!
Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice January 11th, 2018 Superboy, Power Girl, and Mon-El socialize and discuss some of Mon-El's current problems...
Early Morning Pizzas January 1st, 2018 A random meeting in a pizza shop
Log 3518 December 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Do this stuff for me! December 30th, 2017 Summary needed
This is what I'm doing, OK! December 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Gooning The Goons December 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Beyond Basic December 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Who Watches the Watchtower December 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Power Girl Would Have Appreciated The Compliment If She Got The Reference December 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Log 3442 December 20th, 2017 Summary needed
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas December 16th, 2017 Hate the wrapping part? Bring someone with superspeed to the party!
A Wild X Encounter December 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Proper Introductions December 8th, 2017 Summary needed
Holiday Dreaming December 8th, 2017 Sometimes words are the best gift to give.
A Bad Day At Work December 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Go home you angry jerks! December 1st, 2017 There is a riot in Gotham. The Bat crew and Power Girl are on scene to deal with it.
Doctor Yaga November 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Bullies Gonna Bully November 28th, 2017 Summary needed
The Rabble is Rousing November 28th, 2017 Rock-throwing mutant haters? Meet Power Girl. Oh, and a police commissioner's redheaded daughter. But mostly Power Girl.
Suicide Slum Slam November 27th, 2017 Summary needed
How can I help you, Ms. Starr October 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Darkseid's Last Stand September 30th, 2017 The battle continues ... and the heroes rally against the monstrous threat that is Darkseid.
Heroes are recognized! September 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Little Park of Horrors September 13th, 2017 Chaos erupts during the blooming of a 'century sunflower' in a community garden in Queensland Park. Fortunately, several superheroes are on the scene to mitigate damage and injury.
Kindred Bar Spirits August 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Heavy Metallo July 30th, 2017 Power Girl & Grace Choi meet over a fight with Metallo.
A Volcanic Uproar July 24th, 2017 Summary needed
World's Finest Date July 15th, 2017 Summary needed
World's Finest Team July 8th, 2017 Summary needed
Portal Aftermath July 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Meeting at the Watch Tower June 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Titans Together June 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Terrorists Strike Metropolis May 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Interviewing Subject: John Henry Irons May 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Exclusive Interview: Superwoman May 15th, 2017 Summary needed
My Closest Friend--My Greatest Foe! May 8th, 2017 Summary needed
Karen and Kate April 29th, 2017 Summary needed
A New Star of Justice April 15th, 2017 Star Sapphire meets Superman and Power Girl
Above The City of Tomorrow April 14th, 2017 A meeting of Kryptonians
Scientific Method April 12th, 2017 A bit of testing to be sure all is well featuring several members of the Titans.
Meeting over New Troy March 28th, 2017 Power Girl and Star Sapphire meet


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