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Latest revision as of 02:44, 24 July 2018

Date of Scene: 22 July 2018
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Erika gives Scott and Andrea her report on vampires.
Cast of Characters: Souvenir, Rage, Cyclops

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir slept all day, except for sneaking down to the kitchen to cook some food. Got up this morning and went for a run, and took longer than expected. Now she's on her way back in.

"There's still some questions about her... Incident the other day. Yeah, you also are going to need to ask Twitch, but Twitch didn't get first combat and first kill. Erika? Did. And of course you have other stuff to cover, but that's definitely an item for discussion.

She is in sweats, leather gloves, and doesn't have her usual eyeliner on when she peeks into the door, looking a bit haunted and alarmed. "Uh. You called..?"

Rage has posed:
Having already tucked herself into the class room to study her calc notes, Andrea glances upwards at the sound of Erika's voice as she enters the classroom. She lifts a hand upwards, then brushes her hair to the side and tucks it back behind her ear. "Hey, what's up?" She calls over to her with a lazy smile, followed by propping her chin up in the palm of her hand.

Cyclops has posed:
The classroom in question is lit but empty for the most part. The exceptions being Andrea who had wandered in here to study her calculus work and Scott Summers. He sits at a desk in the front of the room in the corner opposite of the room's entrance. His head is buried in a stack of papers, more or less like it always is. He had requested Erika's presence to give him some details on some oft he recent events and Andrea had come in to study.

The sound of Erika's voice draws his attention away from the paperwork and he glances up towards the door. A smile crosses his face and he nods, "Good afternoon, Erika. Come in." As she enters the room, he continues, "I was hoping you could give me a brief report on some of the things we discussed a few days ago, with everything going on lately."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir uhms, and looks awkwardly at Andrea's greeting. "I went home to pack stuff up and see my family, we got jumped, and I killed a vampire. I'm having a bad day, and I'm probably in trouble." Or maybe not, she's not sure what to expect. She just knows that she was summoned shortly after some violent hijinks that she hasn't talked to anyone about yet.

She hmms, "Okay. What are you wanting to know about? I'm sort of not remembering everything we talked about at the moment. It's been a really crazy week."

Rage has posed:
Blinking her eyes, Andrea straightens up some. "Woah, you killed a vampire? Are you okay?" She closes the math book and her notes. "And I thought I was the one going on crazy adventures. How did you get out of that one?"

Cyclops has posed:
Initially Scott had wanted to find out some more information about what Erika had found out regarding Andrea's injuries and the circumstances surrounding them. But the admission of the new attack seems unexpected. His lips purse together as he studies Erika for a moment while Andrea interjects. He hadn't inteded to ask for more information about the vampire attack in quite that way, but he and Andrea were more or less after the same information. He leans forward, his forearms resting against the desk surface as he sits silently to wait for Erika's reply.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir fishes in her bag for a note pad and a pencil, and starts flipping through it a bit. "Okay. We talked about souvenirs. That came up when I was, you know, getting jumped by vampires, a bit. Some of my friends know how to fight, so I had a sock. I have to go chase people down so I get them to put the mojo back in them today sometime. Then Kid told Tyler to give me the crowbar he was using to smash mushrooms with, so I had that to work with too. Nothing about vampires or how to fix motorcycles or anything like that though. And honestly, when I popped the sock, I totally expected that I was going to end up with both hands busted in a bunch of places, like happened last time."

She bites her lip and stands at attention, then flips the notepad forward. "Tyler came with me to see my family and help pack up some of my things to bring here. It got late. I should have set an alarm for an hour before sundown.
"We were driving back and we hit a patch of screws in the road and got a flat. As soon as we had to stop, I called the school for help. Tyler had some suggestions that would have been totally reasonable in, you know. Anywhere that wasn't Sunnydale. Kid showed up; Tyler knew him. That was okay. After a few minutes, another car pulled up. Four people inside. They were acting predatory. They got out and circled us, talking about how we were 'food' and how they wanted to 'drink' us." She steps up and puts the note pad down with the scribbled out tactical map.

"Tyler gave me his crowbar, and he was in a fight earlier with it. By the time I linked it, we were in a fight. I hit her twice with attacks that should have slowed down a normal person, but it didn't do anything, so I thought maybe vampire? It fit. I had a wooden pencil.

"A stake in the heart turns them into a pile of ashes."

"Then Colossus showed up in a truck because somebody forwarded the call, and gave us a ride home."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott remains silent as he hears Erika's report. Each time she flips a page in her notebook, his eyes follow along despite not being able to see what's written on them. That is, until she paces the tactical sketch down on his desk. Leaning forward, he reaches out and takes the notebook, rotating it so he can get a better look. He glances back up at her at the mention of them turning into a pile of ash. "Interesting."

Furrowing his brows as he glances back down at the notebook, he takes in all of the details she scribbled down. "Was anyone else injured during the attack?" He looks back up towards Erika supposing no one else was hurt. He likely would've heard about it before now if anyone were. He makes a mental note to check with Piotr at a later date.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir thinks. "Kid might have had minor injuries, but he didn't say anything to me about it, and he got out of the truck before we got back. Colossus ran the other three off. Tyler's hand was achy because he had to punch the one he was fighting."

She reaches up and flips the page once to some notes. "They were breathing, but they had no pulse. Augmented strength, but I tried not to get into any position where I would get a clear idea of how much. One of them was trying to bite Kid's neck." She frowns some.

"And, um... In other news? I've been creeped out ever since. And, uh.. It would be nice if I had more skills that would be useful in situations like this."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott remains silent still as he listens to Erika until she finishes and throws in her personal opinion of her power set. He laces his fingers through one another and glances down at his desk at nothing in particular where he remains for a few moments. Finally he lifts his gaze towards her once more and nods, "Thank you for your report, Erika." He inhales and exhales again slowly, his mind busy. "I'm happy to hear there wer no serious injuries and everyone made it home safe."

He is curious to know more about the attackers but this isn't the time for that. He can consult with Colossus to get some more details. He'd prefer that than dredging up more details from a student. He doesn't want her to be overwhelmed.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmmms. She flips it back to the map. "Tyler grappled his and ended up punching him out. Kid had two of them attacking him, and I had my back to him a lot. Do you have any thoughts on how I could have dealt with the encounter better? Or how I can be a bit more prepared if anything else like this comes up? Or, you know. Anything."

She sits and looks at the notepad a bit. "I just, you know. I grew up in Sunnydale. People dissapear all the time. I don't want to be one of the ones doing the disappearing."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott had returned to the paperwork on his desk and had taken up his pen to begin writing when Erika continued. He pauses, his gaze still on the stack of papers on his desk. Collecting himself after a moment, he looks back up at her. "Right now the best thing for you to do is sign up for our self defense course, if you haven't already." He says this already knowing her thoughts of learning things like this in the traditional sense. Due to this, he immediately carries on, "I know that's not what you want to hear, but you have to learn fundamentals before you can move on to more complicated matters."

Rage has posed:
As she listens, Andrea taps her pen against her books a few times. "I'm doing it, also, Erika. So we can be fighting buddies. I don't know how to fight either. I just sorta let the wolf do her thing when I'm in a panic and she knows what to do. Which is to .. um.. maim and gut people open. So, I'm sorta hoping to not have to rely on that anymore."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs, "I've been working with Tyler a bunch, yeah. And I would be all good with working with you too. I'm still trying to focus on making sure I don't break myself when I get something that knows how to hit things. I.."

She sighs. "You don't... get it." She sighs. "This isn't like the wolf at all. I mean.. Laura was keeping me calm. She's also kind of less than optimal? But that's what I HAVE. I'm LEARNING stuff, but a few days of self defense wouldn't have helped with a VAMPIRE."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott purses his lips again as he glances up at Erika and nods. He gets it. She has an unusual power set and is struggling to use it to its fullest potential. He can understand how frustrating that would be. He imagines it will continue to be frustrating for a while. "Remain patient," he says, his face softening a bit as his mouth curves into a gentle smile. "I know how frustrating it is to feel helpless." He pauses and lowers his head again. "But if you work hard you will make your own luck and you will find yourself prepared for whatever life throws at you." His eyes lift towards her again, "You will not be a victim. Everything else will come in time, I assure you."

He glances over at Andrea and nods in her direction. He appreciates the girl's willingness to help her classmate. "And believe me, Andrea will be able to more than prepare you for a lot of potential situations."

Rage has posed:
Andrea nods her head with a smile, giving a thumbs up before she slides her books and notes into her LV backpack. After tying it off, she plops it on the desk next to her. "Yup. It's all new for me too. I'm just glad to learn whatever the school can throw at me so I can come out of it a better person."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs. "Look, I will take ALL the classes you want me to. I'm HAPPY to take all those classes. I'm running! I'm punching trees! I'm working with Tyler on breakfalls and stuff! I'm hitting the books! It helps, it really does. But I feel like you just want to keep me locked up with a pile of books until I am fifty, and I want to be able to do something TWO DAYS AGO, when I had a walking corpse trying to jump on me and rip my throat out, not when I am, like, having hot flashes and wrinkles."

"Anyways, did you have any other questions you wanted to ask me about while I am here? How about Andrea? You're supposed to be learning about this kind of thing, right? What do YOU want to know? Or should I be asking you anything? I'm not sure how this works."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott listens intently and nods, offering Erika a patient smile. He gets it. He may not necessarily be letting on that gets it, but he does. His job isn't to sympathize, though. It's to lead. To teach. To set expectations. For now he lets it go and lets her vent her frustration.

Finally, he pushes himself back from the desk and rises to his feet and assumes a formal posture, nodding to Erika once more, "That will be all for now, Erika, thank you." He bows his head slightly, "If I have any more questions I will certainly let you know." Lifting his head once again, he smiles at her once again.

Rage has posed:
Shouldering her bag, Andrea gives a smile to the pair of them. "I'm gonna track down Mason and make him take me out to dinner tonight." She says with a giggle. "I'm in the mood for Italian and it's cheat night for carbs, so I want a lasagne." She lifts her hand and waves to them as she slips out of the classroom, humming along with a song that is stuck in her head. Probably one of Mason's from the sound of it.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs. Quietly hopes she doesn't get jumped by cyborgs or mushrooms or something before she can hunt down something useful. "Okay. Whatever." She sighs and retrieves her notepad, then turns and leaves, fuming a bit.