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Latest revision as of 12:34, 2 August 2018

Flying Into Danger
Date of Scene: 07 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: 1940something. Zinda's flight wing is shot down. She escapes. The precious cargo is lost on an uncharted volcanic island in the South Pacific. Part 1 of 2.
Cast of Characters: Blackout, Lady Blackhawk

Blackout has posed:

The War in the Pacific has hit an all time high. Victory over Europe has been celebrated but everyone knew that the Japanese wouldn't stop even when the German war machine was crushed.

She's over a small island chain near Midway. Zinda is in the middle of an transport escort mission where she and three other fighter pilots were assigned to escort a Douglas C-47 Skytrain to Midway from Hawaii. The package was top secret. No one was supposed to even know there was a transport. Except that there was a leak. Perhaps a mole back at HQ that shared the secret with the enemy. They came out of nowhere.


Two of her companion escort have been shot down. Her plane has a few holes in it, the right wing has taken some serious damage. Her wingman is in worse shape. The transport (C-47) has taken some heavy damage but is fighting back. The enemy of the Rising Sun is 6 planes strong. They started out with 10. They press their advantage. They fly in three formations of two planes each and they're coming in for another run at the transport plane. Guns fire - rat-a-tat-tat! rat-a-tat-tat!

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
Lady Blackhawk has faced worse odds, truth be told, but that's not what bothers her. There's no WAY that a flight of Zekes should be this far out, especially this late in the war. The enemy has made a couple of attack passes, but it's difficult to properly dogfight at night.

Zinda checks the flaps on her Mustang, and frowns at the response from the right wing. Yeah, she can feel the sluggishness, and doesn't like it one bit. And somewhere out there the Zeroes are banking around for another pass. Seeing the flash of gunfire off to the right, she gets an idea.

"Mama Bear, this is Blackhawk 3. I've got an idea. Put 'er into a dive and go as low as you can."

And without waiting for a response, she banks her P-51 to turn -into- the gunfire. Zinda can play 'chicken' with the best of 'em. And besides, she's got gun flashes to sight in on. Closer... closer... she hits a short burst and the 6 .50 caliber Brownings cut loose before she banks hard to the left.

Blackout has posed:
The C-47, respods, "Roger that." and then dives, dives, dives toward the deck. The small island chain is uncharted as far as most maps go. The two zeros that chase the plane fire their guns. Holes are put in the top of the C-47. Bullets shatter, shrapnel flies through the body of the plane hitting the navigator and copilot.

The other 4 zeros have given pursuit to Zinda and her wingman. Bullets fly as the lead two cross rounds with Zinda and her wingman. Holes are punched in planes. One of the Zeros gets hit hard and the engine catches fire. He's going down. The other zero punches holes in Zinda's wingman but he also takes some heavy hits. He's still aloft though.

The other two are coming down from above and the flank. Guns fire toward Z and her wingman. blam blam blam!

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
Zinda immediately reverses her turn once the collision has been averted, pushing the nose down to keep her speed up as well. Even as she turns, she's looking up. Watching for the tell-tale flashes. Smoke obscures stars, and she can make out shadows in the darkness.

More flashes as the other Zeroes dive in from above. "Bandits, two o'clock high! Break! Break! Break!" she calls on the mic.

Night fighting is tricky, because nobody can see very well. Throttle forward, Zinda pulls the Mustang vertical to climb out of the way and then loop around behind the attacking Zekes. She fires almost immediately when she spots the red circles on light gray.

Blackout has posed:
Zinda's wingman is hit hard as he banks. He's bleeding from his shoulder and torso. The plane is not going to make it. He calls over the radio, "I'm hit! I've got to bail!" His plane bursts into flame. There's no bailing for him.

The C-47 is hit again and again, the right engine explodes and the plane dips right, hard. Falling from the air, with not far to fall, the plane hits the side of a volcano and plane pieces are scattered in 140 different directions.

With her reversal, Zinda is able to get above the Zeros and takes down the last of the previous duo that was on her. She also gets far enough to have an advantage over the other two that just took out her wingman. However, the other two planes that took down the cargo plane will be engaging soon.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
"Blast it..." she mutters, as her wingman's words are cut off by the fireball.

Zinda was always a good shot, even before she learned to fly. And Zeroes are pretty much wrapped in rice paper. With her altitude advantage, she slides the Mustang in behind the pair that just took her wingman. Could they line up any better? One burst, then a flip of her rudder to the right for a second.

The second Zero is smoking badly when she starts looking around for the last two bogies. Starting in the direction of the downed cargo plane.

Blackout has posed:
Bullets zip through the tail of Zinda's plane. Wires are cut. Significant control is lost. But something happens that turns out to be a major blessing. One of the Zeros collides with the other. He lost control of his severely damaged plane. The two Zeros will get tangled up with one another and go down. The remaing Zeros are confused and think there's another unseen combatant, so they try to find and engage it. Giving Zinda the opportunity to leave if she so chooses. But fuel.... there's always the problem with fuel levels.

Blackout has posed:
Bullets zip through the tail of Zinda's plane. Wires are cut. Significant control is lost. But something happens that turns out to be a major blessing. One of the Zeros collides with the other. He lost control of his severely damaged plane. The two Zeros will get tangled up with one another and go down. The remaing Zeros are confused and think there's another unseen combatant, so they try to find and engage it. Giving Zinda the opportunity to leave if she so chooses. But fuel.... there's always the problem with fuel levels.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
Zinda Blake feels the plane shudder and the controls go all mushy. Well crap. All the same, she's not injured. As she's sorting out what to do next, the two colliding Zeroes light up the sky. Check the gauges; looks like a few of them still work. Gently she eases the Mustang down closer to the water. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, after all. The silvery wings reflect the starlight, much like the water below. Throttle back to conserve fuel, she resumes course for Midway.