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Latest revision as of 12:43, 2 August 2018

After the goods
Date of Scene: 10 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Egghead, Captain America

Egghead has posed:
Egghead lives in a quaint little mansion in the wealthy suburbs, between city propers. There's a white stone wall around his property, with rolling hills and a cluster of peach trees beside the parking lot before his home, past the radio-operated gate and up the small winding drive. Corinthian columns sit atop a facade that features a freize atop of various birds. There are several armed butlers about the manor, its egg-white walls and white marble combined with glazed glass windows that filter light inside into odd shapes matching Egghead's eccentric madness.

Egghead sits inside his parlor, atop a lounge sofa. He sips from a yellow porcelein mug of cappucino, working at a highly secure computer to organize and categorize his stolen heist manifests. His lovely female assistant sits on the lounge sofa beside him, watching him work, wearing a yellow lyrca bodysuit with white fuzzy trim along her boots, wrists, and cleavage. She has a hand on him as she leans up against him, legs extended out along the long surface of the upholstered yellow chair. An accountant stands nearby, working with a computer emerging from a book case and in standing position, with a secure phone linked into a digital uplink hidden demurely inside a ceramic buttress.

Captain America has posed:
Captain America has been asked by local law enforcement to see what he can find here. He leaps from the nearby rooftop, coming in on zip line from above. He isn't Batman, but SHIELD does have some useful gadgets. He considers crashing in through the window, it would be a powerful entrance but simply opens it instead. Then steps inside bypassing most of the armed staff. "We have to talk." He has his shield at the ready.

Egghead has posed:
Egghead looks up, horrifying, Captain America suddenly in his home! He sets his coffee mug down, putting his hands up, as his assistant clings fast to him.

"Egg-scuse me if I have offended you, Captain America. I pay all my taxes, I assure you, I want little Johnny to go to school and become a Senator, just as much as you!" Egghead says, smiling and raising his hands. Egghead suavely pulls his woman's hand off his arm and slides to his feet around his computer table, stepping around it and strolling before Captain America in his golden cape and his flamboyent suit.

"Tell me, Captain. What sort of egg-scursion brings you to my humble abode?" Egghead reaches to a nearby cabinet, extending his fingers in a spider-dainty fashion, smirking beneath his mustache as if he's about to unleash a trap, before he turns it about and reveals a heated cheese fondue vat and a plate of extra large nachos.

"Nachos were invented in the United States, you know. For the Air Force."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America had forgotten the....for lack of a better word....themeyness of Gotham's inhabitants but it came rushing back to him. He wasn't Tony with the quips, so he kept it straight. "We need you to give up those invoices. I understand they give you a considerable tactical advantage, but Gotham PD has had someone closing in on the Kingpin for months. Your little excursion cost them a ton of work. And in the long run, that would help you out anyway."

Egghead has posed:
"I'm a legitimate business man, Captain America. I just happen to deal with nefarious characters." He turns about, his cape hanging off his arm, as he reaches his hands out for the fondue spoon in his left hand, nachos in his right, spooning the dip over the long corn tortillas.

"I am no Devil, but do not all demons look somewhat...Strange?" He smiles with a sheen of sweat on his bald contenance, not looking the least bit nervous, merely thinking with a sort of hot-footed rage at Captain America's imposition.

He spoons the melting cheese over his nachos, then eats one, chewing in the left side of his mouth with slow, long, oblong rolls of his jaw.

After he swallows, he says, "I understand that the united police jurisdictions may be after my dear competitor, who takes a much harsher stance on competition than I. I did not mean to inadvertantly toy with the ministrations of law and order." He places the tip of the next nacho between his fore teeth, looking at Captain America, his assistant behind him with her arm draped around his shoulders as if a signal has been given, both of them looking at him. "I know the flaw in your entire case. You need a cop for the arrest, not a superhero, since Wilson Fisk has so much political power. And a superhero can't commit a felony, can they?"

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "I've fought both devils and demons and they do all look pretty warped. There are only two I ever met who weren't jerks but demons in human form take many flavors. Super heroes commit felonies all the time. SHIELD doesn't and I don't. I do agree that anyone I would call a hero only breaks the law when needed but others blur that line a lot more than I will." He keeps an eye out, not wanting this to break into a fight but aware and ready to do just that if need be."

Egghead has posed:
Egghead giggles, positively giggles, chewing his nacho with little chews. He bites it, bit by bit, deliberately toying with Captain America, while having no intention of anything other than talking. "You are a soldier in a law enforcement organization. I understand this." He looks to his accountant, nodding, before he looks back.

"My life is games, Captain. I am an alien, not a demon, and I am of human flesh. Games help me understand the world, and sharpen my intuition for my own personal safety. I have amassed quite a fortune this way. I will play within your rules, completely and fairly."

The accountant hands over a disk. "The suspicious transactions have already been marked, as have all the items that are high value. The latter was just a frivolty of curiousity, let's say. I was dealing with an unscrupulous client, that I believe my cooperation will protect from selective prosecution." He turns about with a swish of his cape, eating the rest of the nachos in his hand.

"Wilson Fisk isn't operating out of the plaza with anything illicit, which you must already know, he's just using it as a place to dump his funds in a rotary scheme. He assures community outreach by selling at net null, no profit or loss, in order to hide money he's won via ill-gotten gains. Just keep an eye on it, he'll show his hand next time he loses his funding elsewhere. Guaranteed removal of profit pliability. In anything else but finance, that's circumstantial."

He picks his mug up again and sips his coffee, smiling.

"I do believe that SHIELD has a report of marked bills from overseas Wilson Fisk's possession, at the end of next financial quarter, by one week, that will result in a temporary seizure of physical funds in order to determine the fraud. I am a master at deduction, you know, and I am very good at financial futures."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "Games, yes I have played those a few times." He cocks his head suspecting he gets where this is going. "I would have to ask but I think that is likely yes. I was briefed about the situation so I know that they need the reports, not all of the tactical details. So this is simply a way to gain a short term gain and keep from being bored?" He considers rubbing his chin, "If so.....good?""

Egghead has posed:
"Just wait until you get the report, that's all," Egghead elaborates, waving his free hand with magnificent grace, but with fake splendor. "I believe I can be of assistance, Captain. I do have an egg-celent ear for these things. I will tell SHIELD, at first opportunity, when I feel the bills are in his custody. I believe these things are often mixups, of course, one criminal trying to frame another criminal to influence a police investigation, but if Wilson Fisk is operating a business front, well, I believe that's a fraud charge, isn't it?"

Egghead places his left hand on his stomach, mug in the right hand posing, as he offers a humble bow of fealty. "Anything to be of service to SHIELD."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America shrugs. It isn't his preferred way of doing things, but then again, neither is hitting people who aren't his physical match much less a woman. If it works, it works and he strongly doubts the DA has even a speck on Egg Head himself. "Well, I'll hold you to that sir. If you do that, I will appreciate it. SHIELD needs all of the help it can get. Fisk is a slippery one but even a temporary setback is a good one.

Egghead has posed:
"Men like Fisk, you can't put behind bars forever, you know."

Egghead smiles sadly. "I know why the caged bird sings."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "Well you could, but you couldnt have any kind of true rule of law if you did. I would rather have a free society than the kind of thing HYDRA would impose on us. It's a matter of choice. I don't approve of your methods in general but your help on this will do a lot of good"

Egghead has posed:
Egghead sighs and sets his mug down, before moving to a window and holding his arms behind his back, his gaunt, strange posture stiff as he looks outside.

"You're a soldier, Captain America. You don't like me because someone like me was sending you on every bit of madness you never understood during those wars, and you were fighting madmen like I on the other side. But you're a good soldier, because you're willing to listen. Not every battle is fought with force, you know." He looks about, an odd pivot, like the God-King Akhenton would move his body were he alive today.

"Are you familiar with anarchism? It's the belief, first, that society shouldn't use force to enforce its will. That includes Fisk."

He looks back out the window. "The second belief that enables the first, is that every service should benefit the customer at the expense of the civil servant or employee or employer. In that world, Captain America, you would be a waiter."

He laughs.

"And a fine one at that, quite well-paid. I would be proud to be your bus boy, Captain America."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "I've seen anarcism in action. It isn't pretty. And the syrum increased my intelligence as well as my muscles Egghead. If I didn't need to go around throwing America's Frisby at people I could relax and run a restaurant, but I've waited tables, when I was a boy, and there is no shame in good honest hard work."

Egghead has posed:
"Always a soldier, Captain America. If you ever do retire?"

"Move to France. They pay the waiters there a salary, not a wage, except for tips. The gratuity is included in the bill. The French make sure that their waiters and waitresses make enough to make a handsome living. As for America?"

He pops a hard-boiled egg into his mouth, withdrawn from steamer of the things, after removing the egg-shaped cover. "I never trust my food, beyond eggs. You can always tell when one's spoiled." He raises his eyebrow at Captain America.

"And you, Captain America, aren't quite past your due date yet. But a chicken that never leaves its coop makes dinner either way." Egghead moves about with a swish of his cape, stepping out of the room. "Enzo, please escort Captain America from the grounds. And close that window, I fear I'll have a case of the vapors."

Captain America has posed:
Captain America arches a brow. For someone who had been so reasonable here he was asking for a fist to the face. Captain is a nice guy but says, "I'll be waiting for that information for SHIELD. If it doesn't come I'll be back. Have a lovely day." He leaves through the front door this time.