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Latest revision as of 13:42, 2 August 2018

Hunting for a Gorilla Egg
Date of Scene: 16 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Egghead

Kid has posed:
The sky above is mostly blue with some clouds, with the air comfortably warm. With it being a satureday, people were normally out in the park in hordes. Picnics, biker riders, teenagers, you name it would be the norm. But with the space mold being the trouble maker it is....folks were annoying scarce.

Far in a quiet section of the park was Malcolm 'Kid' Ironwood. The brutish 'man' was scouting the area. He was growing hungry and he was annoyed the mold was driving off his 'food'. He could no longer leave people in the park, else they might die, and he couldn't catch anyone in the daylight because no one was comming. It was lose lose for him.
    With a deep sigh he begins walking along the pathways trying to figure out where he can go. There was a warehouse down 10th avenue that had homeless folks, and few lawns. That might make for a good substitute. Entrapped in his thoughts, he wasn't particualrly paying attention to his enviroment, save for avoiding the mushroom stalks that have become prominet.

Egghead has posed:
"Anything for my son, Edgar. Anything."

"Of course, Sheikh Seud. Your son will get to meet a talking gorilla, I promise you this. But I cannot promise you that the individual will be pleased to meet him."

"Oh ha ha ha, how little you know of little Bil. He is very good with animals, particularly his cat Peanut."

Egghead had been offered a five million dollar finder's fee for the capture of an intelligent gorilla, and his cursory search of the Tri-State area had found several candidates. Gorilla Grodd, Sam Simeon, and a curious entry, Kid Ironwood. All three demonstrated telepathy, but Egghead knew that Kid was the least experienced, by virtue of the fact that Egghead knew barely a thing about him. At least, he didn't know yet, but Egghead did a little research, and was certain that he would come to be quite familiar with the individual.

A distant bleating of metal blades carving through window was heard in the park, as a Blackhawk transport gunship came blazing in through Manhattan airspace. It swung around and set down at the edge of the park. A pilot, a co-pilot, and three men dressed in antique 18th century safari gear, complete with big handlebar mustaches, were inside, carrying a blunt-edged pike, a musket-like net launcher, and a long bullwhip with a hook at the tip.

Everyone wears telepathic-inhibitor helmets, plus sunglasses built into them to spot psionic energy.

The three hunters discharge from the Blackhawk, and it pulls up and around to wait on station elsewhere.

Kid has posed:
All things considered, Kid has been 'king' of the concrete jungle. He had no competition in his hunting grounds, and merely had to make sure to keep himself scarce when appropiate. This offerred him a certain sense of freedom as he was able to blend in with the crowd and mingle with humans

As he get closer to the parks edge, Kid notices the unsual dress of these people. He of course has little to no experince with being hunted and as such was more curiouse than anything. Without a second thought, he changed his telepathic illusion so his clothing matched those of the hunters, unaware they were unaffected by his abilities.

And with that he saunter closer, stopping a few meters from them. Surprisingly he doesn't talk, but he uses Signlanguage instead. A watch on his wrist speaks in his stead as he does his signs "Hello! Is there some special event going on today?" and yes the watch was very real and not an illusion.

Egghead has posed:
"Oy, he's a right spritely one, isn't he?" the hunter with the musket net launcher says to the hunter with the pike.

The hunter with the net launcher raises his gun and braces it against his shoulder, pulling the trigger. There's a *POOM* and a net launches out, spreading at close range thanks to the shape of the musket and extending up and outwards as it sails through the air at Kid, threatening to land atop him. Around the outer edges are thick lead weights.

Kid has posed:
Isn't just spritely, he is HUGE! Well as far as gorillas go anyways, he is definintly on the larger end. Kid eyes widen as the net launche is raised at him. No sign need be made for what he was thinking - 'Crap'

Kid begins running back - but wasn't quite fast enough as he the net manages to get around his lower body, knocking him down, but not trapping him. He let out a roar loud enough to make most sane folks thinks twice about getting near. But only half caught Kid was already pulling himself out from under the net as quickly as he can, his feet slowing down his progress as they get tangled inside some.

Egghead has posed:
The hunter with the barbed whip grins, his whip lashing out at Kid, as he attempts to twist it around Kid's arm and let the sharp hook dig deep into Kid's flesh.

The hunter with the blunt pike, meanwhile, jogs forward, holding his pike up at his chest to facilitate rapid movement.

Kid has posed:
The whip lands and the hooks go in DEEP! He let out a roar of pain as his arm begins to bleed from the hook. Now he was getting pissed real fast. Instead of trying to de-tangle, he enwraps his arm around the whip more despite the pain, his palm closing tightly on it. His breath comes quickly as he feels each prick

And than he a sharp and powerful thrash of his arm he tries to pull the whip hunter forward with tremendous strength, swinging him towards the man with the pike to knock him over before he gets to near!

Egghead has posed:
The hunter with the whip shouts in a Wilhelm scream as he's pulled off his feet and swung aside, hanging onto his whip out of defiance as he slams into the hunter with the pike.

The net gun hunter, meanwhile, is hurriedly loading up his net cannon with another net round, the musket butt-first on the ground as he pumps the round into the magazine with a slap, before he cranks the musket around to swivel it into place, looking down the barrel to make sure it's primed.

Kid has posed:
Kid narrows his eyes grolling. He did NOT escape to be imprisoned again. He finally is free of the first net and stands upright, blood dripping from his arm. The whip man was attached to his arm, the pyke man down at the moment. Which left the man with the rifle. He looks him dead in the eye, his hand gripped tightly around his arm...

He eyes the netter, trying to get a read on his mind, to figure out his next move. But there was nothing. Most gorillas would charge..but he wasn't most gorillas. Kid in an attempt to predict the hunter move, rolls forward diagonally to get to the left of the rifle. If he is successful at predicting where the net -wasn't- going to go, than he will be swigning his whipped arm left and than right violently, to hurl the defiant whip-wielder towards the rifle hunter.

Egghead has posed:
There's another scream, as the man with the whip is pulled off the ground, still holding onto his whip desperately out of basic hunter's training, and sent hurtling upwards, before coming down on the man with the net launcher in a thump of bone and meat. The three groan, successfully neutralized, as the Blackhawk soars overhead, back on station, this time facing Kid.

Kid has posed:
Kid stares up at the Blackhawk for a moment. There was a time to run, and a time to fight. Three humans - painful sure, beatable yes. A giant flying machine....run...straight up run
    And there might be a thrid screen, if that hunter doesn't let go! Kid priority is not to get those hooks out of him, it to get away as quick as he can! If that means dragging the hunter with him, so be it, his strength would more than made up for the dead weight!

Egghead has posed:
The hunter, indeed, doesn't let go, getting dragged along behind kid, desperate for his payout as he does his best to slow the gorilla down with his mass dragging from behind on Kid's arm via the whip. He holds on with both hands, covered in park dirt.

The Blackhawk swoops in behind, the grass rustling as the leafs are blown from swaying branches of nearby trees.

There's a sudden blast, as the Blackhawk deploys a portable stun phalanx mounted on either side, a blast of electric energy shooting past Kid above him and towards the street, in an effort to corral him in the opposite direction and circle him around back into the park.

Kid has posed:
Kid skids to a stop barely as the blast is made in the street in front, giving local drivers and people quite a scare. He frooze a moment to consider his option ,giving that impressively persistant hunter a breath...and than they are moving
    Kid ignored the hooks getting ever deeper into his arm and indeed ran back into the park. Not exactly opposite, but he needed to go somewhere safe. Open space was NOT safe. And on they go the hunter being dragged past branches, rocks and what have you. In the near distance he can see what he was trying to reach - the forest! Yes!

Mabey if he can get there, he can loose that flying machine! It was worth a shot, as there were only so many places he can go

Egghead has posed:
The Blackhawk cuts away as Kid changes course, moving in the opposite direction as the one he turned in with a diverge tip of its props, before wheeling back around in a wide circle, swooping about the street as it makes a long motion to follow the more agile adversary on the ground.

The hunter with the whip lets go now, as Kid goes back into the woods, gasping and tired. He turns onto his back, face up, exhausted and covered in filth.

The Blackhawk, meanwhile, swoops above Kid while he's in tree cover, hunting him with psionic sensors mounted on the chopper.

Kid has posed:
Feeling safe in the cover of the woods, Kid finally slows down and takes a moment to rest. He touches the barbed whip with a angry pained growl. But he knew he couldn't rest long, he had no idea how far away the hunters or that machine was.

Kid does his best to put up an illusion to make himself visually invisible, unaware of the psionic tracker being used. He lays agaist a tree resting and trying to figure out what to do, to formulate a plan.

Egghead has posed:
The Blackhawk buzzes around above the trees, in front of Kid's position, the side facing him through the tree cover. The co-pilot moves out of the seat and to the side of the chopper, moving around to a door-mounted chemical cannon.

Gritting his teeth, he ratchets back a crank and points it to Kid's position, his HUD goggles identifying Kid's position before his eyes, before he pulls down on a large, stiff trigger handle.

A spray of adhesive spews out of the cannon, the tank mounted beneath the launcher, as the Blackhawk crew tries to douse the gorilla in sticky gack.

Kid has posed:
Kid not expecting the gack let out a startled road as the chemicals are sprayed. It gets all over his fur and body and sends him tumbling down to the ground.

Leaves, rocks, dirt, you name it, stick to Kid. Even his arm get stick to the tree a moment. He pulls desperately, furiosuly. He needed to get away, he had to get away. His anger was boiling over as he struggled.

He looks up to the skies panicked, trying to see where the Blackhawk is"

Egghead has posed:
There's quiet rustling in the forest around Kid, as the three hunters approach him through the trees in a loose triad. Each of them is holding a stun-baton, extended and ready to capture him. They slowly emerge from the trees around Kid, with the helicopter overhead.

Kid has posed:
Kid closes his eyes as he taken back to where he is came from in his memory. He lets out a warning growl. He can't be caught again...he won't be caught again.
    He thrashes about and yanks his stuck arm with such force, that part of the trees bark comes off - but it also rips off patches of his fur, making his skin bleed. Breathing deepely he actually chest thumps warning - he already tossed this guys before! He WILL do it again...or would he?
    No, no he won't. Weather or not the feat of strength and display of aggression scares the hunters or not, he has made his choice. Kid runs once more, on all fours. More dirt, mud and leaves got stuck to him, and he occasionly got stuck from the adhesive- letting more patchesw of fur get ripped out.
    And he spots it, a river, a canel, one of the few that run through central park. He just keeps running and running And than with one last burst of strength he JUMPS trying to make it into the river itself!

Egghead has posed:
Edgar Heed says, "You remind me of a friend of mine from elementary school."

Egghead has posed:
Edgar Heed says, "He's out in Hollywood, California, living his life's dream of being a cartoonist."