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Latest revision as of 13:44, 2 August 2018

Fighting through the Pain
Date of Scene: 17 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Twitch

Kid has posed:
News Flash: Unknown helicopter was sighted in central park earlier today. Investigators and officials are unsure of why it was there. It did fire upon people in the city before circling back into the park. Eye witness account reported people dressed as hunters in the area chasing a man. Potentially a mutant. But at this time there is no more infomation to go on.

That was earlier today. The news has spread as an oddity. Most people were avoiding the parks due to the Mushroom alien problem that was occuring globably. But beyound this disruption people have attempted to go about their lives normally.

But...things are never normal for long sometimes. Near a wooded area that thankfuly didn't have any mushroom stalks, and unusual fog has settled down. People were at first worried that it was dangerous...and a few brave souls have even ventured in. Upon comming out though, they report that nothing unsual seems to be going on...it was just fog. Why it was there was anyones guess. But none the less people generaly felt safe entering and exiting the area.

Twitch has posed:
Taking a cruise on his motorcycle, Tyler has ventured forth from Xavier's school to explore the West Chester area. The sight of fog has his attention when he rides past it and the young man slows down to check things out. His expression is one of curiosity beneath his full face helmet. As people seem to be avoiding the fog, Tyler pulls his bike over and parks it, hopping off and removing his helmet to rest it on the Harley. He takes another look around before venturing towards the foggy area. A phone comes out his pocket and he shoots off a quick text as he strolls.

Kid has posed:
A beastial roar is heard from deep within the fog. Whatever was in there, it didn't sound human - but it didn't sound particularly threatning. It sounded pained. The echoing roar dies down.
    As Tyler walks closer - depending on how observant he is, he can begin to see there was a trail of blood. It wasn't exactly fresh, but considering there was enoughto leave a trail indicated someone or something must have been badly wounded. staggering even. Imprints of gorilla like feet can occasionly be found in soft dirt - they were off however. And the fog would make tracking a bit difficult, but none the less doable for a persistant person.

Twitch has posed:
"Oh crap," Tyler whispers when he hears the roar, looking down at his phone to shoot off another text. As he looks up from the screen he catches sight of blood and lets out a shocked gasp. One more text gets shot off when he notices that the blood is next to strange footprints. After looking around once again and putting away his phone Tyler starts to follow the trail.

Kid has posed:
As Tyler follows the trail, things continue increasing in oddity. The fog was changing in both color and density. At one moment so thick it would be hard to see your hand, the next so thin it may as well be gone. It changed from green to purple to pink and back to normal, in a disorienting array
    But soon enough, Tyler would come across a well dressed man. Around his trench coat, there seemed to be a long barbed whipped with large hooks - some which dissappeared into the coat where it can be seen blood was comming from. He was covered in large patches of yellowish goo that seemed to have all manner of debree stuck to it, sticks, rocks, dirt etc. He was soaked to the bone almost. His build and look though can have one easily pin him as a potential mutant, including large sharp canines. As he tries to remove a hook - he lets loose another beastial roar, before slamming his fist into a boulder enranged. He had an almost wild man look in his eyes.

Twitch has posed:
"What the hell is going on?" Tyler asks as he holds out his hands to make sure he doesn't run into anything like a tree or something. When he stumbles across the injured man he stops dead in his tracks to study him. Then he remembers to speak, "Holy crap, man! What happened to you?" His words come with a concerned look on his face as he notes the various wounds and the goo that the stranger sports. When the man slams his hand into the boulder Tyler visibly twitches his face towards the sound, his head moving almost instantaneously.

Kid has posed:
The man turns his head towards Tyler and looked like he was about to walk over and rip his head clean off. His whole aura was just plain aggression as he emits a warning growl. He studied Tyler a long moment looking tired as all hell. He weakly raises his hands and with obviouse pain begins Signing at him. As he does so, a watch on his wrist begins speaking "Hunters hunt. I ran. Run here. No hunt, no hunt. You hunt, you die" it was as much a threat as it was an explanation, his hands slowly down the voice from the watch slowing "Where here?" before his hands drop weakly. Being hunted is bound to put anyone on edge.

Twitch has posed:
When the man starts looking aggressive Tyler turns his body slightly to the side and raises his hands into fists, but when the guy calms down and starts signing Tyler relaxes and his face shows worry again. "People are chasing you?" the youth asks after hearing the watch explain things to him. "Don't worry, I don't want to hurt you, man." Then he says, "You're out in West Chester. I think we're in Breakstone." Wearing a big frown now, Tyler says, "You need help. What can I do?"

Kid has posed:
Considering Signing required his hand, he looked at Tylr and than at the arm with the hooked whipped. But it was more than just this. As he raises his hands, blood drips but he signs no less, fighting through the pain as the watch emits "Medical supplies. Food. Water. No police. Trust....trust. Want trust." he looked at Tyler, right into his eyes as he signs "Can trust you? If so go. get what asked for." and with that he settles back, sweating, to pained to keep on signing.

Twitch has posed:
"Yeah, I'll go get you that stuff," Tyler tells the big guy, pressing his lips together tightly. "You wait here. I'll go hit the drug store. You can trust me." The kid takes off then, hustling through the woods along the path that he followed to get to the injured man in the first place. Even without his hands out in front of him when trees pop out of the mist he manages to dodge around them.

Kid has posed:
The man closes his eyes, the fog flickering in and out. Of note tyler may notice that he leaves the fog alot sooner than expected. Considering everything that has happened - it may not be a stretch to think whoever this was, was making the fog.
    Regardless Kid would be waiting there untill Tyler get back, or he feels better. Keeping his mind open for surface thoughts, in case the police or other law enforcements are brought in.

Twitch has posed:
Tyler doesn't go to the cops. He books it on his bike right to the drug store and grabs a bunch of stuff, blowing through most of his money in his effort to get the right medical supplies, granola bars, and bottles of water. Once he's got everything he shoves it into his saddlebags and heads back to the spot in the woods where he first entered the fog. Seeing as how it's decreasing even further he frowns as he carries the plastic bags from the store into the woods. When he arrives back at the spot the injured man rests at he shows off what he's got, "I got bandages and peroxide and stuff. I hope I got the right things."

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "...so do I" and with that he finally drops his illusion, revealing himself to infact be an extrodinaryly large gorilla. He grabs one of the bags with his prehensil feet and begins digging through it. Upon fidning the gorilla bars, he tear off the wrappers with his mouth shoving several in hungrily. Though he was at least nice enough to offer Tyler one. Despite the change in appearance - the wounds he had were very much real. He signs a moment slowly "Think you can get these hooks out?"

Twitch has posed:
"Oh my god," Tyler is stunned to see the great ape in front of him suddenly. Once he's dealt with the realization that he's dealing with a gorilla, though, he snaps back to the business at hand. "Okay. I got this." As he's offered a granola bar Tyler shakes his head, "No thanks." He moves in close to get a better look at the hooks and frowns, "Yeah. Let me see what I can do for you. It'll hurt like a son of a bitch, though." Once he's ascertained what he needs to do the youth returns to the bags and grabs a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. "What I'm going to do is pull the hook out and then disinfect it. Once I've got them all out we'll wrap you up with bandages."

Kid has posed:
Kid grunts "What wrong? never seen a gorilla before?" he signs before grimicing. He signs "And if it is all the same to you, can I talk to your mind...this REALLY hurts signing" he munches the bar and takes liberal drink of water. He offers Tyler his arm that looked fiarly turn up by the hooks. The way he flexes his oversized finger suggesting he was getting ready for the pain.

Twitch has posed:
"First time I've ever been close to one, actually. Usually I only see you guys in documentaries and stuff," Tyler replies with a little chuckle. That amusement fades when he's asked about speaking into his mind. It takes a second for Tyler to think about it before he nods, "Sure. Try not to move too much while I'm working on you." After unscrewing the lid on the hydrogen peroxide the young man grabs a pair of non-latex gloves from the bag and puts them on. Then it's time to deal with the hooks, "Whoever went after you really did messed you up, man. You know who they were?" Tyler gets to work, wincing in sympathy.

Kid has posed:
Kid voice echos in Tyler head...and sounded unsurprisingly aggressive, but it didn't feel like he was trying to get any memories or anything "Oh? You seen more than.....grrrrr" he moves his head away in pain as Tyler begins pulling out hooks. They were inbedded deep, and with the intent of not being easily removed. But he stays still no less "More...than me. I do not know who they were, I do not care. I do not like them and their skull should be on a pike...pyke...pipe? Whatever the right word s" he says gestures with a half shrug "...are...the gorilla you seen in documenteries like me? Where do they come from? Where do you come from? What is your name?" aggression suddenly turned to curiosity.

Twitch has posed:
"Oh man. If I find out who did this to you I'm going to bust their heads," Tyler says after he hears that 'grr' noise in his head. "Pike is the right word, you got it." Then he shakes his head at the questions, "I've never seen a gorilla like you. The ones in the documentaries don't talk and they're not telepaths. Well, there's Koko who can sign, but she doesn't have a watch like yours and she doesn't talk in peoples' heads. Regular gorillas come from Africa." When it gets to him as the subject Tyler says, "I'm from Clinton, in Manhattan. My name is Tyler Grant, I'm a student." Lifting his chin at Kid he asks, "What's your name?" The whole time he speaks he keeps working on those nasty hooks, trying to get them out of his new acquaintance.

Kid has posed:
"Africa?" he seems contemplative a moment, before one particular bad hook sting him good. He lets out a roar moving his arm defensively from Tyler "WATCH IT!" he growls. At the end of the day, he was still a wild animal. It takes a few moments for him to calm but he slowly let his arm back down. The rage his 'telepathic' might have even been scary, as he gave off the distinct sense that he should have twisted tyler arm for that pain.
    But he doesn't, he merely regards Tyler with some...trepidation for now "....I wasn't allowed to have a name. A real one. So I was called Kid. Though i like mobsters...so I like Malcolm 'Kid' IronWood. Sound tough, don't it?" he seems rather proud of the name

Twitch has posed:
When the gorilla snatches back his arm and growl Tyler literally leaps backward, his superhuman reflexes responding before he can make a conscious decision. The human breathes heavily, watching closely to make sure his arms are going to stay in one piece. As things seem to settle down he approaches slowly, ready to start again, "Sorry about that, man. I'll try to warn you if there's another hook that's buried that deep." At the confession that he wasn't allowed a name, Tyler shakes his head, but at the introduction he smiles, "Yeah. Bad ass name, man. IronWood makes you sound hard as hell."

Kid has posed:
Kid grins showing his large canines and let out a chuckling almost monkey like hoot. "Tyler grant pretty good choice of name! And...your pretty fast. I have chased down alot of humans...never met any move like you do" a pause "That reminds me, with everything that has happened, I need to find new hunting grounds. My usual haunt at this point is more a liability. Do you know how hard it is to hunt humans? Like serisouly you guys are SKITTISH!"

Twitch has posed:
"Thanks, dude. I'm a trained fighter, so I know how to move," Tyler grins at the compliments until he realizes he's currently tending the wounds of a being that just admitted to hunting humans and his eyes widen as his face starts to turn white. "You hunt humans?" There's a gulp deep in his throat before he begins to breathe more heavily, then he looks at Kid's face to see his reaction. "I guess anybody being hunted would be skittish."

Kid has posed:
Kid looks at Tyler and it was serious as all hell. In matter of fact, he was kind of looking at Tyler like he was a steak. He let it hang there, for the longest moment. Finally he speaks "Yes. But I do not kill them. Long story short, I was a science experiment. They did some junk, and now I need to feed off psychic energy. Most I do is put them to sleep" he raises a hand solemnly "i promise, killing is not on my todo list. Fight for life, always. You know?" he even slaps Tyler on the back in a friendly manner

Twitch has posed:
"Oh." Tyler says rather lamely, though it's followed quickly by a look of relief. "So you just put people to sleep when you're feeding off of them? That doesn't sound so bad." When the gorilla raises his hand seriously Tyler nods, "As long as you don't hurt anybody I can't really knock you for doing it." And then comes the slap on the back. Tyler sees it coming in time to not avoid it, though it rocks him pretty well. "You gotta do what it takes to survive."

Kid has posed:
Kid nods "Aye. Granted, generally speaking, not many people are going to be like. Oh sure, you can drain me of psychic energy. No problem." he snorts "Would make my life easier. But oh well" he flexes his arms, he flinches some, but with most of the hooks out, he seemed relieved as he didn't feel the pricks. "Finally. Got anything to get this gunk off?" the yellowish gunk stuck to his fur all over.

Twitch has posed:
"Yeah, folks probably aren't keen on getting their mental energy fed on, but maybe if people knew it was for a gorilla they might be cool with it," Tyler says hopefully. "But I guess you can't just go on TV and tell the world you're a talking, telepathic gorilla who needs to feed on psychic energy. Especially with people hunting you." Looking at the gunk the human kid picks up the hydrogen peroxide and says, "This stuff gets blood out of stuff, so I hope it works on that goo. Let me see what I can do for you."

Kid has posed:
Kid makes himself as small as possible so Tyler won't have a hard time reaching the gunk. He quiet a moment seeming complative "...so...no other Gorillas who can talk and stuff?" his telepathic voice carried...saddness. He lets out a sigh "Guess some things are too much to hope for. Alright, dump it on. I got the rest"

Twitch has posed:
"None that I've ever heard of," Tyler says as he pours the liquid over the gorilla. "Do you remember anything from before you were experimented on, IronWood? If we knew who experimented on you we might be able to figure out if there are other people like you out there." Once the peroxide is allowed to do it's work Tyler finds an uninjured spot on the gorilla and gives him a pat there, "Alright, man. Hopefully that gets that crap off of you. It should have disinfected your wounds, too."

Kid has posed:
Kid shivers in pain, but none the less rubs the stuff in. The hydrogen peroxide bubbling as it eats away the gunk and disinfects his wounds. "Not really. Senior jaun...he was kind of my adopted Pa...tried his best to make sure I was treated right. he was as much a prisoner as me. Anyways...well" he is quiet a moment "Basicly, I was caught as a baby, and spent my entire life with those people. Untill...last year when Darksied attacked earth" he says.
    He picks up the bandages and begins wrapping up his arms, nice and tight. "still, thanks for your help. Was in real bad shape" he puts up his mobster illusion again "If your ever need a hand, count on Kid ta set you straight."

Twitch has posed:
"I'm sorry you got grabbed by those people, but I'm glad you had someone you could count on," says Tyler seriously as he watches Kid dress his wounds. "You're welcome, man. I'm glad I got a chance to meet you, you're pretty cool." He stands up straight and peels off the protective gloves he'd been wearing, tossing them in an empty plastic bag. "I'll hit you up if I need to, Kid. You don't hesitate to call on me, especially if people are after you again. I don't usually tell people this, but I'm a mutant and I can fight really, really well."

Kid has posed:
"Well your secret safe with me. Most take me for a mutant anyways" he winks in his illusion, having taken to signing and using his watch again. The badnages weren't even seen as they were covered by his illusion.
    "I hang around around cities enough. Just go to where the forgotten live and ask around, they could probably tell you where I am at. But it about time I find some new hunting grounds - unless you offering" he flashes that wicked grin. How much can you trust a psychic vampire?

Twitch has posed:
"Thanks, man," Tyler says with a grin. "I'll keep an ear to the ground for you." Then he holds up a hand and shakes his head, "I'm good. I don't need to take a nap right now." Chuckling at his remark he adds, "I'd offer you a ride, but I've only got a motorcycle and I don't think we'd fit together on it."

Kid has posed:
Kid whistles "Motorcycle eh? Not bad for a small punk" he says. "Well no worries. Feel good enough to take the train back home....well to A home. Hells if I am going back to where I am from till things quiet down! See you kid" he gives a wave having mellowed out pretty significantly without those hooks in him. He walks off and seems to fade away, another illusion no doubt.

Kid has posed:
Kid crosses his arms "It would have ben fine" sees cookies. Procedes to eat

Kid has posed:
Kid is fine with that. Is also no stranger to pausing scenes. Longest scene lasted 4 or 5 days XD But that because me and the player were interbusy with various rl things