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Latest revision as of 14:41, 2 August 2018

Next victim...errr recruit.
Date of Scene: 21 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Kaelyn Silverleaf

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he walks into the library, Wong has set the silver trays on next to the high velvet backed chairs as request. As he waves a hand, the air in the room cools to a comfortable 70 degrees. A soft hmmm escapes his lips as the Sorcerer Supreme looks down at his attired, and he snaps his fingers and his clothes begin to shift from his billowing red cloak, black and purple attire to a normal looking set of style hipster looking threads.

As he moves to sit down, he raises his hand in front of him. His two fingers coming up and together, while his free hand taps the Eye hanging around his neck. His eyes begin to glow as he looks in on Kaelyn, his next recruit.

A smirk escapes his face as his fingers begin to swirl and a ball of light pop under her feet, and begins to open a portal under her yet directly above the high backed chair across from Stephen as he attempts to drop the young woman in the chair across from him.

The portal snapping shut when she is through...

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
She's through! The woman giving a bit of a startled Whup as she falls... However she kind of ends up floating or standing with her posterior just above the chair, but out of the portal. She blinks owlishly a few times, a tiny and very very lifelike dragon construct, well actually, it is alive and all, just made through magical means, dragon is sitting on her shoulder, it blinking amethyst (litterally) eyes as the cat-sized creature looks around.

After looking around a bit, she finishes falling into the chair and taps the dragon on the nose, who's now making little growlie noises. "Hush, Fanhuil, You'll get more treats later." She says and then smiles at Dr Strange.. "Ya know, ya coulda like ya know opened that portal vertically and asked me over...." She says and smirks slightly. Least she can take things in stride.

After having been nose-bopped the little creature on her shoulder chirps and starts to get curious, Kae sighs "Just stay right there, till our host says you can wander Fan...." There's a bit of a sulky warble from the critter, who now crouches on Kae's shoulder and stares at Wong no less... He wasn't allowed to make growly noises at the bearded person in front of him, so he's now eyeing his assistant..

Kae then umms "Don't mind Fan, he gets grumpy when he doesn't get to mooch food off me..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he smirks softly, "And where is the fun in that my dear." As he looks at Fan, "Think of what you in the mood for little one and it will appear on the tray for you right next to you." As Stephen looks at his own tray a pot of earl grey forms out of the air, and he begins to pour himself some tea.

Wong rolls his eyes and says flatly, "I will leave you to it, Master." Wong exits as Stephen sits back in his chair and looks at Kaelyn and smiles, "And how are you doing, Kaelyn? How is the shop?" Stephen takes a sip of tea, as a plate of sliced lemons appear. He reaches over and takes on to put into his cup.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummms... She knows what Fan wants... Then well cookies appear on the plate, and Fan hops off Kae's shoulder and proceeds to eat dig into the things...

Kae stares at Fan a moment and smiles back to Stephen and shrugs "Shop is doing as well as ever same number of normal folks coming in, bit of an uptick in the magical community, word might be getting out... My apprentice and the journeymen mages helping me are all doing well... The two journeymen are talking about just settling in and working under me once they finish that phase of their training. Which, to be honest, would be quite good... I can allways use the help." She says and smiles a bit...

Kae motions to Fan... "He's come along way, the magic that animated him and linked him to a life force, though accidental has moved him from looking like he's driven by gears to being really a living thing... He got into something sharp the other day, he now bleeds... So I guess I can't wholly call em a construct any more." Kae says and grins a bit...

"Though to be honest, he can litterally eat almost anything and derive sustinance from it.. Don't know how that is.. but then again, I don't know how he and hooty became living creatures either... experimental magic can be an adventure in and of its self." Kae glances around, and wanting a good spiced chai over ice, blinks and well it show sup? She smiles a bit "I gotta do that the old fassioned way still..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he listens to the woman speak, the Eye glitters in the light of the room as he nods and hmmm hmmm to show that he is listening to him. However, Stephen's eyes darting to Fan now and again with a curious look in them. He takes a sip of his tea and then sets it down next to him and says, "That is good to hear. Your skills have been growing but...your strength is stronger than we last talked. And I am impressed at how well Fan has been coming along that it has caught my attention."

He leans back in his chair and places his elbows on either arm, lacing his fingers and says, "I have sensed a change in the conduits of magic. Something is coming....I can not get a handle on it...yet but I have decided it is time to assemble a team and start training them to be better prepared for it. I think even though your stronger...you are not a Master yet...and I would like to extend the opportunity to become a part of...this project I am starting to prepare those in the magical community."

He pauses as he turns to pick up his cup once more giving her a side glance, "You would of course be one of my advanced students...but a student just the same. With numerous opportunities...and some benefits." He sips his tea and smirks, "One of them having full access to the Sanctumn's resources...and putting Wong's knickers in a twist."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smirks slightly, bit of a mischievious glitter to her eye.. "OOh I wont' really have to do that too much.." She says and motions with a finger to Fan, who's trying to follow along after where he thinks Wong went... Of course, if he finds them, someone's soo getting climbed on or played with, think hyperactive scaly cat on a sugar rush...

Kae then says "Well I'd be kind of a fool to give up a chance to study under you... I just need a little time now and then to check in on my store, and the girls... I imagine Wendy's gonna want to visit, so may as well as this here and now. They can be a help in mixing things, and doing potions work as well as enchanting... That is if you want them to come every now and then and help. They're also good at doing choores and probably great at twisting Wong's Knickers..." She adds with a slight smirk... "Anyhool, just asking you now before the girls get up in an uproar so I can give them a definitive answer when I see them..." She says and takes a pull on her tea...

"On another note, you making this stuff out of the aethar, or ya have an enchantment in place to quickly make it and have it served?" She asks, motioning to the tea she's drinking... Yup, she's very much so a curious academican...

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he nods slowly, "The tray is enchanted...and the person within five feet can pull the matter and shape it into what they want to eat or drink." As he sets the cup back down, "I want you to think about it in depth. Something is coming and when I try to look in the 7 different dimensions I get for a lack of a better word...static. So the more in the mystical communities prepared for whatever it might be...the better. It could be in a week. It could be in a month. It could be in years. I do not know but forming the Sentinels of Magic....that is what I am calling this little group I think will be the turning point to help us prepare."

As he looks at Kaelyn, "The girls will not be allow in the Sanctumn. You will be. I will have a "key" made that you will have to have on you or you will be evicted. The wards here have kept Demon Lords and various Gods out. I plan to keep the things here protected." Stephen stands and moves to the window, "If you agree to come on. I will be pushing you out of your comfort zone. There will be other instructors...there will be danger...but there will be all kinds of classes. I suspect John will want to do a field trip to hell for a hands on class in basic demonlogy class. So this is not going to be an easy mentorship. So...I encourage you to think about it."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods and smiles slightly "Thanks for the answer to that. Figured as much, but I needed to ask before they start begging.." she says and grins a bit... "I will definately think on it, but anything I can do to help out with something coming in, I'll do. I generally try to help folks wherever I am anyway..."

"Soo a 'field trip' to hell? Which level anyway?" She asks curiously... "THough Demonology isn't my strength, studied it... but definately not a strength... I generally lend my summons to other planes.. But then again, I try to do things that are wholly beneficial..." She adds and shrugs "That and being in Sunnyvale I don't need to accidently set some malevolent entity loose should they break out of my circles and wards and all.." She then peers around "Uhh, didja see where Fan ran off to exactly? Or has he taken the knicker twisting queue and dicided to go do such to your helper?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he shakes his head, "Sunnydale is a walk in the park I suspect where John might take you. But he is not allowed to take anyone there without me. It is one of my rules. I am sorry I can not allow anyone but the Sentinels in the Sanctum. There are things that if you come onto the team. That I must protect...and keep others save from." As he smirks waiting for Wong to yell or the crash to begin. He hmmms, "Speaking of Sunnydale. There is a witch that I plan to investigate. Her skills have pinged on my search of possible talent. Perhaps you know of her...her name is Willow."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae rubs the back of her neck "Not met her yet, really, maybe one of the girls have... I've been out sourcing reagents for various things... Folks keep on wanting potions and the like that require reagents from sentient or partially sentient critters.. I keep on having to find alternatives..." She says and shrugs... "Anyhow, I've heard of Willow, not met her, or at the very least havn't become completely aquainted with her. It's quite possible we've met while I've been working the store, or making the occasional trinket for sale."

As if on queue, there's an autible warbling noise followed by a yell and several crashes... "I think Fan found Wong..." There's another chirp and of course the responding irate yelling in Mandarin... Kae tilts her head curiously and peers back at Stephen.. "Soo didnt' think you could string that many of those kinds of words together in Mandarin... sounds like they're having fun..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
"I am sure their fine for a moment. Fan will be back before you leave..." As he moves back to his chair, he sits back down and cross his legs. He reaches over with his left hand to pick up the cup and asks, "Do you have any questions or concerns about this project. I can't reveal what the benefits or lessons will be but being that you are a bit more advanced than some of the children we will be bringing in. Your course work will be different...your lessons will be..." He smirks, "Beneficial."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods now and laughs "Oh I'm sure, either one of us will bring him back or Wong will..." She says. "Still, being able to learn new things is allways good. I'm constantly striving to make new artifice, or new spells.. It's a driving force of mine..." She says and grins a bit. "Oh something for consideration... " She says and tugs out what looks to be a smart phone... It's sides and back appear to be metal, and theres almost micro-fine runic inscriptions down the sides and the case.. "Artificed phone... It can litterally help store magic, or give you a quick access tome any time you need it..." She says.. "Also much smaller than a book.. It also serves as a regular smart phone and via the translation spells and such can interface with a normal network.." She says and slides it over toward Strange...

Kae grins "I might be able to offer some things.. Considering the age of folks you are talking about bringing in and all, these might be a bit beneficial... IT's also not something I've made widely available yet, since you offered to bring me in on a projecct, I thought maybe I'd see what you thought..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he looks over at the phone and smirks, "Call me old fashion. I perfer the feel of a book in my hands. The power of the words in the ink...I can appericate the ingenuity. I sadly do not have the time to look over it...and before Wong has a embolism." As he snaps his fingers, there is a wink of light and Fan is sitting back on Kaelyn's shoulder.

As he motions to the tray next to Fan, "Have one for the road little one. You and your mother have some work to do." Stephen looks back at Kaelyn, "I will come and visit you at the shop in a few days after you have had some time to discuss it and consider my offer. Does that sound ok?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods "Sure!" She says, glancing to Fan, who is trying to disentangle him self from a lomein noodle... Kae peers and as the little creature slurps up the noodle, hands him a cookie... THis makes the little dragon chirrup happily and of course he gets plenty of crumbs all over Kae's shoulder as he eats...

Kae glances back to Stephen with a smirk and in a flat voice "Well I know now what he got into..." She says simply.

"But yes, I'll give it a day or two if you want. THough honestly, I am more than willing to aid you in any endeavor. If it means me learning more, all the better..." She says with a slight smile...

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he nods, "I think your aid would be welcomed but...as good as your artifacts are...I want to make sure you can defend yourself. I do not know who, whom or what is coming yet but the ripples it has caused will affect everyone I suspect. So you would not be a teacher. You would be here as a student. There will be 3 teachers, and 1 Warrior to handle the handle the combat." As he smirks softly, "That is if she says yes. I have not had a chance to charm her into the position yet." As he brings his hands up, his two fingers coming together, Stephen swirls his hands and the portal opens vertically this time for Kaelyn to walk through, "But...I do like the idea of the younger students learning about the importance of relics and artifacts. I would be open to the idea of them gaining your insight on it."

"Just be aware the Sanctumn's relics will only be open to the three Masters. But if you come on as a Sentinel, you could request any of them...does not mean you will be granted but it will be open for discussion."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods slowly and smiles "I like to make em...They can be useful in a pinch, or when one is very tired..." She adds and shrugs, leaving out that they can also bolster existing ablities, that usually goes without saying... "Get me some word b'fore ya come by the shop, I'll have some..." She sniffs the air. "Earl Grey? waiting for you..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
As he smiles, the Sorcerer does not eat much and usually only has his special mix. "Thank you. I will keep that in mind." As Kaelyn steps through the portal, he stands and bows at the waist, "Until next we meet, keep an eye out in the mystical community. Any children who you think could benefit from this project let me know when we speak on your own choice."

And with a flick of his wrist, the portal is closed as the soft muttering of Wong swearing can be heard from down the hallway.