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BlackSky: Whispers of the Hand
Date of Scene: 02 July 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Shiva and Elaktra meet to discuss the whispers happening in the Hand.
Cast of Characters: Lady Shiva, Elektra
Tinyplot: BlackSky

Lady Shiva has posed:
    There have been whispers in Hand. There are those who are not happy with the new Fist that leads them. There are others who think she is doing great work, bringing the Hand into a new era. And there are those in that world who hear all these whispers and more, keeping a finger on the pulse at all times. Those who have been part of them all, when it suited them.
    Shiva finds herself wandering to New York City. She tends to travel a lot, following her whims. She is a legend herself, a myth to some. The wandering woman who has mastered every art there is. The woman he will challenge other masters, to test their skills. The woman who will choose if those masters live or die by her hand with a mercurial mood swing. Some do not believe she truly exists. Others tell tale of the Lady of Destruction and Death.
    Word is sent through the Hand. A message for their Fist. Lady Shiva would meet her, to discuss rumors she has heard. Many wonder if the woman will challenge their leader. It is unlikely though. She has never shown an interest in leadership and to take out Elektra would put her in that role. Perhaps it is just to talk.
    At the appointed time, Shiva is resting atop a roof in Hell's Kitchen. After all, she has no fear of the devil who protects this place. She is kneeling, eyes closed, focusing on her chi and meditating as she waits.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra, as it happens, knows every rooftop in Hell's kitchen almost as well as their resident Devil does. She's spent a fair amount of tmie skulking there. Occasionally venting her anger there as well.

It's not surprising that Elektra shows. Or that she shows neither early or late to the appointed time. What might be surprising is that she's arrived in a legitimate manner, using the stairwell that leads up to that very rooftop, letting the firedoor close behind her, knowing full well it will lock and not caring. She's scaled walls with less purchase than these. Elektra has no fears.

At least none that have to do with walls. Or dying.

The woman kneeling is regarded calmly. There's no doubt in Elektra's mind that her arrival has been noted. And she feels no need to announce herself. Whoever this person is - provided she isn't who she says she is - will acknowledge her in due time.

Patience was a virtue not only for those who aspired to godliness, but those who plied the trade of assassination. Elektra was content to bide her time, and use that time to survey the woman knelt over in her chi practice.

Lady Shiva has posed:
    The woman remains where she is for a few moments more. She is dressed in a pair of black slacks with simple slippers on her feet. Her top is an Asian style in red with gold designs. Over this is a black leather trenchcoat which is fanned out on the ground behind her due to her position.
    She opens her eyes and rises gracefully to her feet, turning to face Elektra. Obviously Asian although a bit taller than average. There is an aura about her, a Zen like quality that seems to emanate from her. At peace with the world and her place in it.

One such as Elektra can see the calluses on her hands, the hardened flesh along the edge. She can tell this is a martial artist who has practiced the skill many years. As she stands, her stance is one of balance and would allow her to easily move to a defensive--or offensive--posture in an instant. Perhaps she is what she claiemd to be just from this evidence.
    "The Hand is no longer cohesive. Some strive to remove you from power in the hopes they may take your place. Your choices for them have caused...conflict." She smiles when she says that word, almost sounding approving.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra is calm under the gaze she receives. She's not sure if she's yet convinced this woman before her is a god, but she can respect what those callouses mean. She's a few of her own, and made match against many who bore similar. They don't come from being one whose mouth says things the body can't back.

There's an inclination of head to the woman. "So it would seem. Though I'm curious how you know of this."

A shrug.

"No real matter. No. They're not all happy. I miscalculated. It happens from time to time. A few pointed messages have been sent. I've no doubt more can be made if necessary."

It's not quite bravado from the woman, but the god before her might note what few others (if any) would - that Elektra isn't certain if that will be enough. The messages she'd already sent should have been enough, and weren't. And the war she thought she'd ended had carried on without her, only now she was within the eye of the storm of it and unable to see all the machinations of it about her by virtue of being part of the storm, and any moves to see it from the outside on her own would betray her. And if there was one thing that Elektra was coming to realize, it was that her position - if not her life - was in danger.

Matt might say leave them, but it was as she'd told Luke: she either /was/ the Fist that Ruled the Hand, or she was dead. This wasn't something you walked away from with an apology for it not working out the way you thought, even if Matt's naivety wanted it to be otherwise.

"Changes were necessary. They were holding to old patterns. The feeble attempts to bring them into this century were being resisted." Plus the small matters of the crimes she wouldn't allow. And the fact that every regime made a point of taking stands. It's how you made that regime your own.

Lady Shiva has posed:
    The earns a faint nod of the head from Shiva. "There are several organizations such as yours. Using the shadows, trying to control the world. Each has their own piece but none control all. Hand. Foot. League. Each has a name and a leader. Each thinks they are going to succeed, only to fail. I have worked with each. With all. When it suits me," she adds with another enigmatic smile. "I do not take sides and I do not care about the petty squabbles. All I seek is knowledge. To learn more, to grow in my skills until I have learned all there is to learn."
    She looks over Elektra a long moment, as though assessing. There is no change though but she seems to come to some conclusion when she continues speaking. "Having been a part of these worlds, I hear things others do not. Whispers in the cirlces of the true artists with their hands and feet. No silly parlor tricks or stunts, just the purity of movement." She shrugs, a tiny movement of her shoulders. Never does she use her hands when she is speaking, keeping them hanging at her sides. She is not one to waste motions so that shrug was a huge movement in her mind.
    "You have eliminated areas of the Hand that I found distasteful. This pleases me. Thus my offer of information on those who move against you."

Elektra has posed:
Now it's Elektra's turn to take a moment to appraise and appreciate. She, too, does not waste motions. Not much of what she does is without purpose. There is always a reason for the things others see as normal gestures, or aspects of fitting in socially. For Elektra they've always been, almost without exception, matters of forethought and planning. Things meant to achieve an end. And when the end did not require them, she doesn't employ them.

"I see. Well, that is interesting. I've run into the Foot. But the League seems to be keeping their distance. I don't find them a current threat. Though you seem to be saying that they're a valid one. I'll take that under advisement."

It's really the other, though, that has her attention. That earned that appraisal. "There are a number of those who disagree with my moves there. Who believe our future lies in taking advantage of those vulnerable ones. I don't see the point. We have a vast array of places we can make firmer stands with greater reward. And the petty squables over the territory those other trifles require of us aren't worth the returns." A nod of head to the woman before her. "The information could be valuable, though. I have few eyes outside the Hand, and the eyes I have within are either suspect, or would raise alarms I can't afford to raise. It's been.. problematic."

Lady Shiva has posed:
"The League makes the Hand and Foot look like amateurs," Shiva admits. "They are more focused, more secretive. They are not as likely to be running a drug cartel as say the other two." She continues to stand there, only the faint breeze making a few wisps of hair shift and the flutter of her trench coat. She may as well be a statue when she isn't actually speaking.
    "Other groups are of less import. I will be your eyes on the outside of your organization, simply because it pleases me. For now." The deal would change at any moment. The wind might shift and her interest flit to another project. For now, this suits her purposes and Elektra can benefit from it.
    "If you wish to escalate to helping eliminate your problems, that will involve future negotiations." Shiva is known as being for hire for such things. She's also not cheap. She can demand six digits or more for her kills. But they will never be traced, never followed back to the source. It can be merciless and painful or shown to be an accident.
    She reaches carefully into her pocket, drawing out a burner cell phone. It is tossed in Elektra's direction. "There is one number programmed into it. You can reach me this way."

Elektra has posed:
The motion made to catch the tossed phone is sparse. Nothing extra in the execution of it, just one fluid extension of hand, fingesr clasping around the small thing, and then Elektra's hand is back at her side as though she hadn't just caught an item thrown at her.

"Understood." She smiles, or makes a nod towards such a thing. "I expected anything more would come at a negotiated cost. One hears things. And as it happens, one has the means to pay many prices. Should I need the help, we'll talk."

Elektra makes to make her excuses to leave, pausing in consideration. "Actually. I've a small little.. let us call it an event.. coming up that you might be interested in. A little display of prowess shall we call it? I was thinking it's always good to know what your opponents are capable of, and to scope the field for up and coming likelies. I happen to have access to a small island where I plan on holding an invitation only tournament. For bragging rights only." Which was still big stakes in their community. "I'd be pleased if you came to lend some credibility to the matter. And it might amuse you."

Lady Shiva has posed:
    That does pique her attention. Shiva gives a nod, chin dipping a tiny amount. "It would amuse me to see the masters, and those who call themselves thus falsely, challenging one another. I would attend, as a guest."
    It will allow her to assess others, decide if they are worth challenging to learn from. The best part, just watching the competition, she will learn anything she did not already know. It is a win-win situation.
    "I thank you for the invitation." With that, she turns to walk to the edge of the rooftop, stepping easily on the short wall that is designed to help keep people safe. She glances back over her shoulder at Elektra, a flash of a small smile. "Until we meet again, Elektra Natchios." Then she simply steps off the ledge, disappearing without another sound as she falls out of sight.