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Latest revision as of 18:39, 3 August 2018

Stop shooting or I'll call the Cops!
Date of Scene: 10 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Spoiler, Batwoman

Spoiler has posed:
It hadn't been a good night. Not a good night at all.

Well. It hadn't started out as a bad night, not initially. But then Spoiler found that the night's luck was all coming up bad. She'd gotten to a purse nabbing scene too late, seeing a good samaritan return the purse to the woman. She watched as GCPD officers cuffed and booked a domestic abuser who had been two floors below her last perch without her having heard any of the disturbance. And now?

Well. it was a bad night.

Hiding behind the counter of a small borrough market as bullets shredded the thin wooden barrier and the items atop it, Spoiler could not help but wonder just where her luck went so far south tonight. It usually takes until almost morning for her luck to run out even half this bad.

Five would be robbers stand near the front entrance to the market. two outside and three inside. The three inside are unloading pistols and a shotgun at the counter - and the counter is clearly beginning to lose.

"yeah.. this is really not how it played out in my mind" the teen vigilante muttered to herself through gritted teeth. She'd have to make a move soon or the bullets would be finding her as well.

Batwoman has posed:
The Batwoman has had a different night. Late onto patrol from a function, she's finally dressed and ready to hit the streets - And gunfire gets her attention just as quickly as the voice in her ear. "Heading down now." The Caped Crusadess swiftly makes her way towards the market, descending through buildings as she moves.

Assessing the situation is done in a moment, the amount of force required considered. The collapsible rifle at her thigh is checked, but it's not going to be needed... Not yet, anyway. Down on the ground, she calms her breathing, quiets her mind, and begins to sprint.

There's almost no warning, before black and crimson leaps from the darkness, sculpted legs lifted in a double-kick that slams into the first of the criminals outside with a sickening crack, almost bouncing off in a neat backflip. She stands, fists clenched, in inky black armor, the sigil of the Family emblazoned upon her chest as she smiles with rich, red lips on exposed pale skin from her half-mask.

"Hello boys."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler readied a smoke bomb. Well it wasn't really. Just a couple of those ones they sell at the store for anyone to buy. Mostly they hiss and spit. but she sure hoped they'd make enough smoke to buy her the time to at least change positions without getting shot. That would be nice.

Flicking a lighter, she sets the fuses to three of them to burning. The green fuses sparking orange as she watches them begin to burn down. Just before the fuses burn into the bombs, she tossed them hastily over the counter - just as her unseen backup arrived to provide yet another distraction.

The smoke bombs begin to sputter and then finally the smoke fumes out in a mixture of dark purple, yellow and blue. The blue was there just because it was kinda like purple. And it made dark smoke. She had tested them and hoped they'd work better than some of the other colors.

Now she had to wait for it to make enough of a screen to hide behind.

The first robber goes down, head snapping around like a ragdoll as Batwoman attacks. His companion turning and raising his 9mm pistol to try and shoot at the red maned vigilante, "...the fu...." it is probably the last thing he'll get to say with all of his teeth intact.

The other three are still shooting and shouting now that the smoke begins to get thicker.

Batwoman has posed:
With the entire resources of her family, Batwoman is twenty first century tech at her finest. None of the bullets here can even begin to harm her, but she's not planning on getting shot. One hand comes up, grasping the barrel of the pistol as it's brought to bear and twisting it away from her as it fires, sending it into the ground - Her other hand in a fight fist that slams into his face and causes him to crumple almost immediately, relinquishing his gun in the process.

The redhead steps into the market proper, her visor filtering through the thin smoke and chaos - Aiming quickly and firing off two shots, kneecapping one of the armed men, before she hurls the pistol at one of the two remaining criminals. Despite the action, she seems unhurried, calm.

The disturbing visage of the fully grown Bats, as they slowly cut through the henchmen of evil. It's hard to tell if she's left the last one for the figure crouched behind the counter, or if she's just wanting to take her time with this quintet of malcontents.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler cannot help but notice that the number of shots fired has decreased in but a moment. As this registers, she is already in motion rolling along the space behind the counter, coming up some six feet away and then she drives off her plant foot to dive toward the criminals.

Spoiler recognized she would come up short - the gunmen were some twenty feet away - so she tucked into another roll, opening up as she stretched out on her back and slid across the grimy tile floor as she grabbed for her collapsible staff. Just as she slid under the last standing gunman she spun the staff to catch him behind the knees.

Twisting and rising up, she essentially traded places with the gunman, dropping him to the floor and coming to a stand herself.

She drove the end of the staff down into the back of his head to daze him then quickly flicked the shotgun away from his limp hands.

Sure, if it wasn't for the expert distraction of Batwoman taking out four of the five gunmen, this little moment could have never happened even if it was brought to everyone by the number: 2 and the dairy product: cheese. It still worked. And she was pleased with herself.

Spoiler glanced over to Batwoman, "Batm.... whoa. Batwoman.. Thanks." She offers a grateful nod. she might be plucky, but she still knows she's taking her life in her hands choosing to do this.

Batwoman has posed:
Batwoman watches the strange vigilante dispatch the last gunman, her arms folded over her chest as she watches the way the staff moves, rich lips quirked into a half-smile as the pale woman enjoys vigilante justice as it's best. "Welcome. Next time try to avoid cover that can get you boxed in, hmn? If you can't escape from cover, it's almost as bad as having none at all."

The former soldier is full of tactical advise, of course. Walking closer to Spoiler, slowly, there's a momentary violent movement of her stepped foot, one of the stirring criminals receives a snap-kick to the face to ensure he remains as unconscious as he shoulder. "I'm afraid I don't know who you are yet."

Spoiler has posed:
The blue eyed vigilante's face is covered up to her cheekbones with a mask. A hood covers her head other than a bit of blonde from her bangs that peeks out rebelliously. Her outfit is largely purple (aubrigine if one MUST be particular) but with some black and gold pieces to accent. Stylish, really. But from the rips and tears in the legs and arms? Not too bulletproof.

Spoiler bounces from foot to foot with nervous energy and no little adrenaline rushing through her body. "...yeah. I kinda figured that out the hard way. It wasn't supposed to end quite like this the way I played it out in my head" she admits sheepishly.

"I'm not really surprised. It isn't like I'm part of 'His' group or anything." She motions with both index fingers up aside her temples as bat ears. "But I'm Spoiler. And sometimes I can wield a mean staff." A little koff, "...and some really smelly smoke bombs?"

Batwoman has posed:
"Next time use potassium nitrate and disaccharides, if you make your own they will be more potent than..." Batwoman gestures to the mild haze that's currently around them, "That." The woman keeps her eye on the new vigilante, but only somewhat cautious. They met over a common enemy after all. "Well, you've already figured out who I am. What draws you to Gotham's mean streets than, Spoiler?" Using her name already, her voice rich - Typical of the Batfamily, just slightly altered in costume.

Zipties are removed from her utility belt, and she begins to move amoungst the disabled men, tightly securing hands and feet, musing. "Not to say you should not be trying to make the city a better place, of course." She's not a hypocrite, either.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler listens and nods. "... potassium nitrate... got it." The tone suggests she wishes she had a notebook to write this stuff in -

(Dear Diary, Tonight I almost got shot to death and then Batwoman told me how to blow myself up. If you don't hear from me again? Well...)

Spoiler then steps aside, pulling out her own zip ties to cuff the guy she knocked out. It's like posing with a prize 12 point buck or something. really.

"Well. There was a small time criminal I was aware of and he kept slipping under the radar. So I decided I had to step up and take action. And... I just kinda kept doing it afterward."

Batwoman has posed:
"If you're not sure that this is what you want to do, you don't need to." Batwoman murmurs, ensuring all the guns are tossed into a neat pile, and then making sure the rest of the criminals as trussed up with the efficiency brought from multiple collars. "Heroes don't have a great life expectancy, there's no health insurance, and if it doesn't kill your social life it'll definitely end your sex life." She mutters.

"There's no judgement if you decide this isn't what you are." The redhead rises slowly, running her gloved hands through her hair and sighing heavily. "And likewise, there's no shame in realising that you're biting off a little more than you can chew, pulling back and getting help." Although she rather noticably works alone. Except for Oracle.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler does not know of Oracle. Or working other than solo. It can't really be helped given her past.

"I'm not quitting" the teen says firmly, steel in those eyes. "I may not be close to your skills. Or Batman's. But I can make a difference and I'm going to."

A muffled laugh or snort fills the air, "Stepping back and getting help... you say that like I can just walk down to the local Gotham Savings and Trust and open up a line of "Vigilante Credit" with direct access to bulletproof armor, techno-widgets and all the cool cars a girl could dream of. Just 'cause I'm a stand-up kinda citizen trying to do something good for Gotham.." She laughs again. "Listen. Thank you. Really. I didn't think it'd turn into a stand off like this. I'll be more careful. Promise."

Then she turns and starts to run for the back exit. Because from around the corner a few blocks away come the echoes of GCPD sirens.

Batwoman has posed:
"Please do. Our city needs everyone it can get. It doesn't need more dead heroes." Batwoman replies simply, a shrug follows. "I can respect that you feel the need to make a difference. But mistakes like this can cost you your life if you aren't fully prepared. Do not get shot at, do not get shot, do not let getting shot kill you." She presses a finger to the side of her visor, "Oracle. Flag five, make sure that GCPD are enroute to my location."

A smile is offered for Spoiler though, and it's strangely genuine. "Do better next time - I think you've got great promise, I'd hate to see that cut short because of some decisions." The heroine departs, and Batwoman pauses a little after she's gone. "Oracle, saved and record. I'll review this when I get back." Noted, before she lifts an arm, and fires off a zipline to a nearby rooftop. A moment later she's yanked upwards and out of sight.