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Latest revision as of 19:00, 3 August 2018

Harlem Shake Down
Date of Scene: 14 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Twitch

Kid has posed:
Asgardians falling from the sky, Fungus invading building with their collective mind. It any wonder anyone dares to commite a crime dureing these trouble times. And yet some do.

It was late night, and nothing particular exciting was happened. This area was cleared for funguns now. And besides some lootings (of which some ended in death), it has been relatively quiet.
    In a nearby store, it was begining to empty of the days customers, with the shop preparing to close up for the night. Few people walked the sidewalks as many were taking the much safer bus option.

Twitch has posed:
There's something to be said for training at other gyms. Tyler just got finished with a workout at a fight gym in Spanish Harlem and is on his way back to the school he stays at so he can head to bed. Before he gets a chance to go there, though, he heads into one of the neighborhood's little stores to get himself some hydration. Parking his bike outside and leaving his full face helmet atop it he heads into the little shop, telling the person running it, "Just grabbing a Gatorade. I'll be out of your hair in a second."

Kid has posed:
The store clerks nice. A gruff looking fella, not the nicest upon first glance...but judging by the bags under his eyes...he didn't have much sleep to even be kind. "Alright, there should be in the back. Let me know if you need anything else" he growls. And with that returns to his closing duties.

Of course when Tyler begins to go for the drink, that is when things will start seeming a bit odd. There was a static buzz in the air, glitchy and machine like. And the asle would feel far too long for how small a store the place was.

Twitch has posed:
"Thanks, man," Tyler says to the clerk as he heads towards the back of the shop.

Then there's... Well... That's a weird sensation, the aisle being far too long all of the sudden. Tyler continues down it for a few more steps, looking around in an attempt to figure out what's wrong with the situation. When he reaches the coolers in back and grabs his drink he shakes his head and calls out, "Your store is a lot bigger than it looks from the outside." He hopes that's all that it is.

Kid has posed:
The lights above flicker...and the store seems eerily empty. And all of a sudden, the space snaps back to the actual size! The sensation enough to likely cause a headache as everything shifts back into normal size for the store.

The door was wide open...but now there were only a few people inside. Tyler, a few stray customers, the clerk...and a man with a glitch for a head. That right, a glitch. The face shifting and contorting looking like an 80's cyber effect gone horrible wrong. The sound of a dial up tone and static evident.

Everyone seems to freak out a bit, but considering the figure guarded the door...no one dared moved closer to it, as it silently stood there.

Twitch has posed:
"What the hell?" Tyler asks as the world collapses back on itself, reaching up with his free hand to touch the inside corners of his closed eyes with his thumb and forefinger for a few seconds. "Ugh, am I getting a migraine..." Then there's a guy with his head going insane. Tyler's mouth falls open in surprise, but it quickly changes then to concern, "Are you okay? Do you need help?"

Kid has posed:
The voice that emits is as glitched as the head. He says with deadly seriouness "Everyone done before I frag this place up" and with that he reaches into his trench coat and pulls out a ratherly oridinary gun. Several people get doen immediatly and the clerks hands up are up
"Hey man...I...don't want no trouble" he stammers out.
    The Glitches head turns 360 (yes all the way around) and looks to Tyler creepily "....welcome to hell"

Twitch has posed:
This is damn strange, but Tyler's not afraid of a guy with a gun. He doesn't hesitate, immediately chucking his drink at the guy's weapon as hard as he can and running towards the guy with the messed up head, aiming to kick the weapon out of his hands if the bottle doesn't do the trick. Tyler's not quite a blur as he moves, but he's fast as hell, "Wrong move, jerk!"

Kid has posed:
The bottle is knocked away by The Glitch super easily. And the oncomming kick? That is when things get EXTREAMLY wierd. For all intents and purposes Tyler attack SHOULD have hit. But instead he phases through The Glitches arm, as if glitching out. Despite this the Glitch still turns to the side as the kick comes forwards towards his chest from the apparent phasing. He steps back not yet attacking Tyler. "Me? A jerk? Oh come on now...just doing some shopping." he waves the gun around "...or mabey, some killing"...
    And with that he takes aim at one of the customers who makes a run for it. He shoots...and it looksmlike lightening comes out of the apparent gun. The hit man seems to glitch for several moments before fading frome existance. "Now unless anyone else want to Glitch Out, I suggest doing what I say."

Twitch has posed:
"What the hell is going on?" Tyler asks, turning his head slightly to the side as he examines the Glitch guy more closely, stepping back a little and raising his hands into the air after seeing the other guy disappear. "Alright, you win. Take the money and split, just don't hurt anyone else." His eyes flash from the Glitch's head, to his torso, to his weapon and the young mutant squints faintly, as if trying to figure out what exactly is going on.

Kid has posed:
The Glitch laughs "hahah, alright, scouts honor" he gives a two finger salute! "Granted...I ain't interested in money. And since you seem like a loud mouth..." he tosses Tyler a backpack "...Fill that with mangos, carrots, some of that candy junk...a few lighter and yellow and green platanoes. And some gateraid." a pause "I think I will take you too. Fill it and lets go. else someone else dissappears"
    No one dare moves, not after seeing a guy fade away into nothing. What exactly IS going on is hard to say. There was litterly no trace of the man who tried to escape...and infact the doors seemed to have dissappeared completly.

Twitch has posed:
Snagging the backpack out of the air, Tyler glances into it and starts grabbing the stuff the robber points out, looking over the other people in the store to make sure that they look okay. He fill the backpack quietly, not risking saying anything that might further antagonize the strange being. Once it's full he heads back to the front of the store, "I've got your stuff."

Kid has posed:
"Good" he takes the backpack in his freehand. "Alright everyone, listen up, your going to count ta 100 hundred. After that...call the cops or whatever. Not my problem, not my issue. Now if you excuse me, me and my friend are going ta go...."
    When one of the customer is about to object, he points the gun and says "That was not a request." the customer backs down. And everyone begins counting. The doors reappear.
    "Alright Kid, stick wit me, no funny buisness or I shoot whoever I see next, Got it?" and with that he begins to head out, clearly expecting Tyler to follow suit.

Twitch has posed:
For Tyler's part he does exactly as the crook orders, following the man out of the store and into the street. "I'll do what you say, just don't disappear anybody else, man."

Kid has posed:
The Glitch nods as he leads the way out. Oddly no one seems to pay either of them any mind, as if they didn't exist. As they walk along, The Glitch puts his gun away and offers Tyler a gaterade. His voice suddenly changes, it sounds familiar somehow "So, how it going?" he asks as if he didn't just rob a bank or kidnapp him.

Twitch has posed:
"Thanks..." Tyler says as he's handed the drink, looking down at it, then at the Glitch guy, then at the way the people on the street seem to be ignoring them. "Things are okay, aside from you zapping some dude and making his disappear." This is likely the strangest situation Tyler has ever found himself in, but he's acting remarkably cool about things. Perhaps he's getting desensitized.

Kid has posed:
"Oh? That. No worries. He was not real, and neither was the gun." The Glitch says. And than it would happen, at least for Tyler anyways. Where once was The Glitch, now stood Kid. The back hung on it side as he munches a mango quite happily. "One of the funnest heist I done!" he signs, the watch speaking. There was something unsually...innocent about the way he does that. As if he didn't fully comprehend that what he did was wrong.

Twitch has posed:
"Ironwood?" Tyler exclaims as the illusion fades for him. He finds himself staring at his acquaintance in surprise. "So you put the idea of that guy getting zapped in our heads? I was freaking out, man, I had no idea what was going on." The young human pauses then and shakes his head, actually cracking a little bit of a smile, "Aside from you scaring the hell out of me, how have you been?" Opening the bottle of Gatorade Tyler has a gulp.

Kid has posed:
Kid nods "Yup. Yea see, I learned this. Scare a group real good and they listen real fast. You trying to stop me only added to the effect, so thanks for that!" he slaps Tyler on the back "You can be my wing man! And we be the baddest mob-bosses in the land!" he signs before laughing roughly. "What you think? And I been fine...I..." he rolls his shoulders "...met some of my own kind. Still in shock about that"

Twitch has posed:
When he's patted on the back by the large primate Tyler visibly rocks forward thanks to Kid's strength. "You're welcome, I guess," he says in response to the thanks. "I wouldn't mind hanging out with you, man. Not doing crimes, maybe, but we could certainly find something to do. I do think you can come up with ways to get food that don't scare people so much, though. You never know when the guy behind the register is going to have a gun or something." Then a grin appears on his face, "You met some other gorillas? That's great! How were they? Could they talk like you can?"

Kid has posed:
"Already got shot. Not stopped me yet." Kid signs "And Kid can eat things in the park, but that is way less fun. It only fun when they run" he gives a resounding laugh. "But sure" he signs again
    "Appreshive of me at first. I umm...dropped one when they grabbed me. It was a bit of a shock and misunderstanding. They could talk to, and where all telepathic. It was amazing! Grodd even gave me official citizenship to Gorilla city. Actually grodd was the first one I met" a topic that has recently come up on the news.

Twitch has posed:
"Well, you do you, man. Just if there's a next time you give me a head's up so I don't try to fight you again," Tyler says with a shrug of his shoulders. "If you wanted to you could always make the guys at the register think that you paid for whatever you took, if you didn't feel like playing around or getting the cops called. Not that they'll be able to find you, I bet."

"Really? That's one hell of a first impression. I'm glad that you got it sorted out, though," Tyler grins at his large friend. "I heard about that on the news. Gorilla City and Ape City. You thinking about going over there or are you going to stick around here?" Then he upnods, "And telepathic, too? That's pretty cool. I bet it makes it easy to talk to them."

Kid has posed:
"Whats the fun in that?" he says. "Was considering breaking your arm, but that might have been a bit much." he says quite casually. "And...no. I can not do that" he admits "I can influence folks sure, but that is about it." he explains. he finishes up his mango and offer Tyler one
    "Yea, they almost jumped me, before Grodd spoke up for me...due to...unusual circumstances. I might visit Gorilla City...but unsurprisingly NO one is keen on getting thier minds chomped." he says "But they took me in anyways. And yea, it is pretty neat. Talking telepathicly fairly common...though for most it doesn't come out till there like, adults." he says.

Twitch has posed:
"Glad you didn't break my arm, man. That would have sucked, I gotta ride a motorcycle everywhere, remember?" Tyler says after a moment of considering Kid. "Okay. I wasn't sure how your powers work. Still, they're pretty damn cool." He nods his head at the offer of a mango and reaches out to grab one, "Thanks. I'm almost always hungry, not going to say 'no' to something to eat."

"Oh yeah, that's right. I almost forgot about the brain power eating thing," the young man says. "You think that'd be easier to remember." He shrugs.

Kid has posed:
"Well, psychologly speaking, the more unique something is, the harder it is to remember" he says. "Mostly because it harder to connect it to something. Telepathy is a common enough ability that knowing someone has telepathy is likely easier to remember for most folks in general. As opposed to specific nuances like 'eat minds'." evidenrly he was also extreamly intelligent.

"Well, I could mabey learn. Regardless you should let me check out your ride.." he stops "...mabey we should turn around and GET your ride" he says with a laugh.

Twitch has posed:
"That makes sense," Tyler says after thinking the idea over for a bit. "The whole eating minds is a really strange thing to do."

The gorilla's laugh is joined by Tyler's own, "Yeah, it's a nineteen ninety one Harley Fatboy. It was my grandfather's before he died, bought it because it was in his favorite movie." There's another little chuckle, "If you promise to apply your weight gradually to make sure it doesn't get hurt I don't mind you sitting on it. And if it supports you we can always try to find a place to let you take it for a spin. Riding a motorcycle isn't too difficult."

Kid has posed:
"Please, it would not be the first time I have hijacked a motorcycle" he claims. But than gives pause. "...what is a grandfather...or even a father like?" he asks Tyler and turns to look at him with an unsual amount of...pure wonder, or perhaps it was a desperate desire for an answer.

Twitch has posed:
"Really?" Tyler asks when Kid says he's taken a motorcycle before. "If they support you then you're welcome to take a spin around the block." Then things get more serious and Tyler has to think for a moment before he can reply, "It's hard to describe. I didn't get to spend a lot of time with my grandfather, but he was a kind old guy. Whenever my brother and I were with him he would always buy us stuff and play games with us. He taught us checkers and chess." He knows that's not really what Kid was asking so he takes a second, "My father is a good guy. He works hard to provide for my family, my mom does too, but it seems like a bigger part of my dad's life. Almost like he lets his work define him. He's always trying to improve his situation but it's hard because he doesn't have a college degree. He loves my mom, my brother Sam and I but he doesn't tell us often. When we would get in trouble he'd usually leave it to my mom to punish us unless it was something really bad or he wasn't around."

Kid has posed:
Kid nods slowly as he tries to imagine it. ".....That....sounds nice." he smiles "It kind of reminds me of Senior Jaun" he says as he leads the way back to where they came from to they can get Tyler bike "He is probably the only reason I do not hate humans. I sometimes wonder if i was just a job to him, or if he saw me as a son himself. He would make saure i got out of my cage, made me toys, tried his best to make sure I wasn't treated too badly. You know?"

Twitch has posed:
"I'm glad that you had someone like that in your life. You seem like a good guy to me so he must have made an impression," Tyler says to Kid with a smile before chomping away at his mango, biting into it and spitting out the rind into the street. "If he did all that stuff for you then you were important to him. I can't say for sure that he thought of you as his son, but it's definitely possible." A thought strikes him and he voices it, "If he was making you toys then I'll tell you almost for sure you were more than just work for him. If you were just work he'd wouldn't have worried about you having fun, that's something that people who care worry about."

Kid has posed:
Kid nods. He looked....sick. Sure he was green...but now he was GREEN. "Aye....he was the best thing I had. What...exactly happened to your grandfather?" he asks "Did he go recently or something? By the looks of it, you been riding the cycle for awhile."

Twitch has posed:
Tyler looks at Kid closely as his color starts to deepen, an expression of concern appearing on his face. The young man nods, "My grandfather died of a heart attack. It happened about six months ago now." When they arrive at the bike Tyler pats the seat and says, "I'm just really good at driving. My whole reflexes thing and the never missing thing means I can handle a motorcycle like a professional." There are some scuffs on the paint and chrome. Tyler leans down to rub them a little bit, but they're not going anywhere, "I laid this thing down breaking up a bank robbery a little while ago. I can't really afford to get it repaired, unfortunately."

Kid has posed:
And...he pukes in the nearest trashcan. Straight up empties his guts. He comes back up "...great...going to need to get more mangos" he growls. He nods still not looking the best.
    And he was more than happy to see the motorcycle "You aought to do stunts! You could probably pull off the impossible, rake in the food" he says with a laugh, glad to change subjects, even if he didn't look better. "Eh, you can buff it out and give it a paint job. It just the shell, not the heart. Long as the hearts good, the cycles good" he says and looks it over. "Hmmm, actually, some spray paint will do. They got chrome and some vanish ones. But if there physical damage to more than the shell, I could give you hand."

Twitch has posed:
"You sure you want to keep eating mangoes right now?" Tyler asks, worried about his buddy. And the mango in his hand. He gives the fruit a little sniff to make sure it's not off.

"I bet I could do some wicked stunts on a bike! That's a good idea. Maybe not a cruiser like this one, but if I got a street bike I could do some pretty sick moves." He grins at the idea that spray might be able to repair the damage to the bike, "Really? I was afraid I'd need to spend a lot of money getting it repaired. I'll have to go pick some up when I get more money." There's a little bit of surprise on Tyler's face, "You a mechanic, too? You're a real good guy to know, my friend."

Kid has posed:
"Trust me, the mangos are fine" he signs. "And yes, a rilla gotta eat around 40 or so ounds of food to stay happy" he pats his belly "Bit more for me, cause I be big!" he gives another rough laugh.
    "And yea. Jaun taught me at first, and than I kept learning on my own. Cars, boats, bikes, alien guns, you name it, I fix it....though some things do take me a few more days" he admits.

Twitch has posed:
"Forty pounds? I thought I ate a lot. Wow," Tyler is clearly impressed by that number. "No wonder you gotta rob stores to keep yourself fed. I don't know how you'd manage it otherwise."

"You must be damn good at what you do. I can't do more than change my oil, let alone work on something like an alien gun. Hell, I never even held a gun in my life until the other day, and I took that one from a bad guy."

Kid has posed:
"Don't need too really. There plenty of dumpsters, let alone the park...at least if it wasn't for the fungus, the park would be fine." he says. "But heist are fun anyways. best heist was stealing an icecream stand and giving out the icecream" he laughs "Now that was a day"
    He rubs the back of his head before signing "Well, it part being taught, part snacking and part interest. I just kept studying and than I learned"

Twitch has posed:
"Nice!" Tyler says when Kid talks about the ice cream stand. It clearly provides the young human with quite a bit of amusement. "I'll bet that was a lot of fun."

"You make it sound easy. There's just not enough time in the day for me between school, fighting, exercise and trying to have fun. Maybe I could learn if I had more time for stuff, though."

Kid has posed:
"If your" he signs before using air qoutes "trying" end qoute "To have fun, your doing fun wrong. And it was pretty easy. Granted there was alot of pressure too. Bit of a story, but when your an escaped experiment, you learn fast"

Twitch has posed:
"That's probably true, I guess I gotta get better at fun, too," Tyler says with a chuckle. He nods his head at his large friend and says, "Listen, man, I gotta hit the road. I need to get back to the school so I can get some sleep, I'm beat from fighting tonight, but we should hang out again some time."

Kid has posed:
Kid grins "Sure, no problem. I'll see about getting somethings that go BANG!" he considers "...or not...." an idea was brewing in his mind. He makes like he putting on a hat and takes on his human guide "Seeyea Grant. And be careful, if you get eaten by a fungus...i ressurect yea and eat your mind myself" he warns, before heading off