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20 Questions With Snacks
Date of Scene: 16 July 2018
Location: Asgardian Ship on the Atlantic Ocean
Synopsis: Jessica Drew and The Flash eat waffles and discuss the power of speed on the Frigga's Mercy
Cast of Characters: Flash, Spider-Woman (Drew)

Flash has posed:
Since Thor is busy with the other king, the hospitality feast appears to be on hold. Which means some other food, until that time, is in order: for Flash, at least. The children, as well, were great to talk to: to ask about their homes, their families. The conditions on board. To learn of where the heroes can pitch in more, from an honest and direct source: the Asgardian children. But they are now steered away by their families, leaving Flash and Jessica to themselves for now. And although they did not find a toaster, they did get another heat source. With warmed waffles now.

"I don't know your name. Code name. Avenger, right? I like the costume, though," Flash offers to her, a bit more shy now that the children aren't there to buffer.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I'm known as the SpiderWoman," Jessica explains, "but I'm also Jessica. Because the Avengers don't so much use secret identities, I don't hide all that much, anymore. I am an ally and supporter of the Avengers. And you, you're the Flash, right? I've heard of you. But you're even faster than you're rumored to be."

Flash has posed:
"Spider-Woman. All right. Any relation to Spider-Man?" Flash asks. He's not hurrying, though the man is clearly hungry. He's relaxing slowly, the food is helping with that. And a vitamin water from the bag. He's famished but is not rushing. Still, he's gone through a chunk of his supplies already. "When you're a one trick pony, do your trick really well, I guess," Flash says with a rueful half-smile. He's not arrogant at all; there's more of just a low key acceptance.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Did you SEE you in there?" Jessica asks incredulously. "That was far from a one trick pony. You're not just fast on your feet. You're quick thinking. Smart. Diplomatic. All I could think of was wanting waffles," she admits sheepishly.

Flash has posed:
Flash laughs into that, shrugging a little bit. "Just think of 'what would Superman do', and it's easier," he suggests, his smile even and supportive. "He'd want to remove what's causing them to argue. Seemed like it was sitting over the Asgard ship, not the guy, so much. I just hoped I read that king right. Kind of suspicious: but if the U.S. is trying to hoard this to themselves, maybe that's the only way he could talk to Thor." He looks towards the food. "Nothing wrong with waffles either."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica smiles easily, and genuinely as he describes his method. "Well...I would have to ask myself what would Spider-Man do? Then in some cases, do the opposite." She laughs and shakes her head. "Nah...we aren't related, except in our basic....skillset, I guess you could say."

Flash has posed:
"Did you fall into a pit of were-spiders?" Flash asks conversationally, around his demolishing of a waffle. He's started to make new PB&J, since waffle supplies are running low. He's clearly later twenties, but is eating like a famished teen. "If it's personal, though, I retract the question," Flash continues, more carefully.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica shakes her head gently, raking back her hair, "No....no I was created, I'm afraid. and not in the friendly neighborhood way. But hey...sometimes I'm thankful for what I /did/ get. Like today.

Flash has posed:
"Yeah? Something that happened today, or having today as a whole?" Flash asks her, pausing only momentarily in his continuing avalanche of lunch foods. He doesn't use any powers directly in front of her, just is calmly making another sandwich while talking. A very mundane and normal thing to be doing while dressed up like he is in superhero gear.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Well," Jessica begins, "I have the webbing...I had been able to use it to gather bundles and lift them between decks of the ship." Jessica takes another small bite of waffle and chews it thoughtfully. "And I helped those kids catch a net full of fish," she adds with a smile.

Flash has posed:
"Well that's really useful. I'm not certain how I can best be of help," Flash says, though his tone is still optimistic, despite the content of what he said. "Coming up with ways of how kings can meet without a circle of metal suits unloading machine guns? I'll take it. Beats lifting boxes." He smiles, though. "I think it's more about us being here to show support and lift spirits than anything else. I can't stay TOO long. Secret identity things. I'll probably come back when I can though."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Nodding as he speaks, Jess can't help but smile. "Y'know, I think your bright spirit is just as important a power as your speed. In fact, today it was even better," she muses. "I have another skill, but I don't even necessarily know how to describe it besides...you know how if you rub a balloon on your hair and stick it to the wall, it stays? I sort of....create...that static, and I use it for climbing, too. Clinging to things. I can even harness it and shock things...if I have to."

Flash has posed:
"Oh yeah? I do lightning bolts," Flash smiles, snapping his fingers, as if to accentuate the declaration. He doesn't have his gloves on, they are next to him. He wasn't going to get sandwich on them. He acts like he doesn't get to sit and talk powers very often. Truth be told, that's very much the case. "So I exactly understand that. Friction creating static. To an extreme. Can you harness electricity otherwise, or your own static only?" Flash asks, with a thoughtful, more penetrating look. He's cheerful but there's some serious wheels turning behind his bright blue eyes.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Well, no, it isn't exactly just my own. I can draw in the charge from things I'm touching. Particularly if I'm using it to cling, I can draw it from whatever I'm clinging /to/ and use that in my attack. But y'know I had to go with the theme. I call it a venom blast, but it's really just a hugely glorified shuffling feet on the carpet to shock somebody on the ear." She grins, finding it easier to settle in and open up. "I imagine with your speed you can gather a /lot/ of it, huh?"

Flash has posed:
"If needed. I'm something of a battery. Takes a lot of food though," Flash laments. "Which isn't really a problem. I like to eat." His lamentation was mostly even-keeled; the temprament of the man is really genuinely ... pleasant. "I just create speed. Still not so fun if I'm zapped. So you have a leg up on me there, Spider-Woman," Flash says, attention moving to his jelly application for the moment. "I mostly just have to not get caught in the first place. The mystical power of keep-away."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Laughing, Jessica nods. "A girl has to get up pretty early in the morning to catch the likes of you, hmm? And I'll bet the bad guys have to get up even earlier." She takes another bite of waffle, watching his jelly - spreading method. "Have you tried having high-performance foods on hand? Power bars and the like I mean? Or do you just prefer to carry a pantry in a knapsack?"

Flash has posed:
"I get so /tired/ of them," Flash winces, of the energy bars. "I do eat them. But I knew I might rather share a picnic here. And nobody wants to sit around and chew granola," Flash says. He flips the knife over neatly, finishing the jelly application, closes the sandwich and eats it. "And it isn't like... other options aren't under a minute away. We aren't very far out." To his astronomically high level of speed, that is.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Looking a little perplexed, Jess looks to the east, even inside the room where she can't see anything there. "How would you..." She trails off for a moment. "Can you skim the water at that speed, then?"

Flash has posed:
This is a little awkward. He's embarassed. It shows. He doesn't brag, and this feels like that. He slowly puts away his ingrediants, cleaning up his space. He had the answer ready, but sometimes rushing things isn't the way to go about it, particularly with social things. But he can overthink like nobody else! "Something like that, yes. Kind of understatement? But yes. No webs though." A smile.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"H-how...fast...How fast can you run?" Jessica is literally boggling at the implications. "I mean, that's just incredible." And yet here he sits, slowly putting things away like anyone else. "Do you have to focus to do things slowly? Do you naturally do .../everything/ fast?" It's like playing twenty questions now.

Flash has posed:
"Well, think of it like this. You /can/ run across a parking lot. /Do/ you always do that?" Flash asks her, his smile relaxed, not bothered by the questions. "Olympic sprinters probably don't, even though they're quick. Anyway, a lot of it, too, is knowing the route. Can take a lot longer than it should if you get turned around or lost." He finally answers, "I can go... as fast as I need to? Usually more than fast enough."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Well, I guess that makes sense," she replies with a nod. "I was just thinking that if everything came naturally to you as a fast movement, then your mind might move more quickly than others. Well, it would HAVE to, because nobody can focus on moving that quickly and processing the navigation at that speed....But I mean if it all came that naturally, it might drive you crazy to have to slow down for others, so not to startle them or something."

Flash has posed:
"It's more that I pay attention to all the input when I choose to. If I'm not paying attention something can still get me. High alert mode. Just hard to look at the world like that when others aren't engaging at that speed. But it doesn't drive me crazy. Not yet anyway," Flash says, with a extension of hand to 'knock on wood' on the table in a neat rap. He's put his things away now: though just efficient, maybe only a small tinge of super speed.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"This stuff's fascinating," Jessica says with a grin. "I could study you for weeks and not get bored. But no, I probably couldn't get you to sit still for that long, hmm?" She laughs. "I guess we better keep you well-fed. I don't want anyone nabbin' ya before I figure ya out."

Flash has posed:
"I'm all for staying well fed. ....I do have to go though. It was nice meeting, and talking to you, though, Spider--Jessica," Flash says, adapting names in the middle, unsure exactly which he is meant to use. He doesn't stress it, though, just smiles in his way, and gets up. "Might come back after I get some laundry started," he teases briefly. "Real life waits for no Flashes."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Just Jess," she replies. "And thank you For the waffle, and the chat. I'll look for you. Be safe, Flash."

Flash has posed:
Flash pulls on his gloves in a motion that is barely a motion, it's like a tiny tick in a video, and they're on. And his knapsack is back over his shoulder. Part of a frame of footage missing, if that. "Sure thing. Keep your eyes peeled, Jess, " Flash says. And then he's just gone. Hyper senses will pick up that he probably used the door to the left.