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Revision as of 19:48, 20 August 2018

Jack Russell (Scenesys ID: 1331)
Full Name: Jacob Russof (Jack Russell)
Gender: Male
Species: Lycanthrope
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Adventurer / Cab Driver
Citizenship: Romanian / American
Residence: Basement Apartment, The Narrows, Gotham City
Education: San Dimas High School, CA
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 36 Actual Age: 36
Date of Birth 29 October 1989 Actor:
Height: 178 cm (5'10") to 203 cm (6'8") Weight: 91 kg (200 lbs.) to 136 kg (300 lbs.)
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue / Red
Theme Song: "Werewolves of London" by Warren Zevon


Jack grew up in San Dimas after his family moved from Transylvania. Carrying the curse of the Werewolf, the man has tried to make the most of it over the years. He has fought monsters in dark forests and narrow alleyways across the world. Now, however, he finds himself struggling a bit with his control once again. He is no longer globetrotting, as his fortune has been spent searching for a cure and control...and he is currently a cab driver in Gotham City.



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This man looks rugged and run raw, and he looks like he is somewhere in his mid-thirties. He's handsome, but in a battered and dangerous sort of way. There is something intense about him. His skin is fair and he has a few days dark stubble on his chin and cheeks. His hair is similarly a dark brown, and falls almost to his shoulders in rather wild waves. His eyes are a vibrant and attractive blue. The man is 5'10", with wide and strong shoulders, and a firmly chiseled body. He has strong, calloused hands.

He tends towards simple clothes. Jeans, boots, t-shirts and jackets. Sunglasses are common.


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Jack was born Jacob, the son of a Transylvanian nobleman. His father, however, got his hands on the Darkhold and resurrected an ancient curse of the family, becoming a Werewolf. He sent his wife and children to America to live, to hopefully escape it all. They settled in San Dimas, where Jack's mother remarried. When Jack turned eighteen the curse manifested, as did it with his siblings.

Jack took off, spending much of his time seeking a cure, or trying to find a way to do good with his curse. Eventually he gained enough control over it to stop his forced transformations, and to shift at-will. he traveled the world and fought evil, teaming up with other monsters here and there. Eventually, though, tired and beaten, he settled in Gotham City. His inheritance spent, he drives a cab and ponders getting back in the game someday.


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Jack is rough around the edges, but he's a good guy. Calling him an antihero wouldn't be much of a stretch, really. He's done some terrible things over the years, either because his Beast made him, or he felt it was for the greater good. He feels guilt for these things, of course, and often has nightmares about them. He will stick his neck out for the little guy, and will go out of his way to protect a woman (A little misogynistic of him, perhaps), but he might bitch and growl about it while doing so. He tries not to kill if he can help it, and he is secretly terrified of losing control and really, really hurting people.


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Jack is no Wolverine, but damn can he heal fast. He heals wounds at about ten times that of a human being, and can even regenerate severed limbs and heavy scarring. He still feels all of the pain, of course, and it is NOT fun.

In human form his senses are slightly increased, including his smell, sight and hearing and touch. When he shifts, however, his senses shoot through the roof. He can track a person via their scent, even if they are very good at shaking smells. He can hear sounds from a good distance off, and he has infrared and ultraviolet vision.

Jack has three forms, really. He has his normal human form, which has all the physical traits and abilities of a very fit human male. He is no Olympian, but he is in excellent shape. At will, however, he can shape change.

Near-Man : A lightly furred, ear-tufted, canine-toothed man. In this form he can lift up to 1,500 pounds. He can take incredible amounts of damage, including small arms fire, superpowered punches and similar. Most of the damage still breaks his skin and tears at him, but he is able to work right through it, unphased.

Wolf Man : This is his almost seven foot tall, wolfman form. He is savage and dangerous, with claws that are able to tear through steel. He can take pretty much any form of conventional damage and keep coming. He cannot dodge bullets, but his agility is EXCELLENT. He can lift a car over his head and chuck it at someone, and can wield motorcycles as melee weapons. He can run at about the peak speed of a Cheetah, and leap a good twenty feet into the air.


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He's found that art helps him focus the Beast when he is feeling antsy. He paints and draws, but has also gotten into sculpting with clay recently. He's...actually getting -really- good.

When in human form Jack can throw a punch. He is good in a tussle, using mainly boxing moves. However, he is pretty good at straight-up close quarters dirty fighting, as well. He prefers boxing, but can gouge and bite and use a broken bottle with the worst of them. When in his other forms he is an expert with his claws and fangs.

Driving in Gotham is hard! People are crazy in this damn town. He's no Formula One driver, but he can navigate obstacles at high speeds, and lose a tail. He prefers a motorcycle, like the old Indian he has stashed in his storage space, but also is good with a car.

He is good with languages, and has also travelled a LOT. He can fluently speak and read: English, Latin, Romanian, German, French, Spanish. He can speak (Mostly conversationally, but can barely read): A few native American tribal languages, Afrikaans, Japanese and Mandarin.

He is no Sorcerer, but Jack knows a good bit about the occult. He knows all about Lycanthropy and Vampirism, mainly. However, if it has to do with 'monsters', he is much more versed then the layman.

This covers both his ability to sneak, as well as with larceny. He is not a master cat burglar, but Jack can pick locks or hot-wire vehicles. In addition, he is good at remaining unheard and unseen.

He knows his way in the wilderness. Even without his sense of smell, he is an expert tracker. He knows how to find food and shelter, and can tell the difference between various plants, where best to hunt, etc.


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Jack lives in a basement apartment in the Narrows, one of Gotham's worst neighborhoods. He has a special area of the apartment caged off, and that is hidden behind a door so visitors cannot see. It allows him to lock himself up (Or others) if the need arises.

It isn't much, but Jack is making payments on a fairly decent yellow taxi. He needs to park it back in the garage at the end of his shift, but he's taken it on trips a few times. His boss usually bitches him out, but Jack can handle that.

Over the years Jack has encountered and worked with some other 'monsters'. A few of them are still his friends, and he can drop a call if he really needs help from an invisible man, or manmade person, for instance.


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He's a werewolf. He has a lot of control over his changes, and unlike when he first manifested his abilities, he can now change at-will. At any time of day or night, Jack can transform. However, he is finding his control loosening. In moments of intense emotion or stress he finds himself keeping his Beast at bay. When he loses himself to this he becomes a bit of a rampaging monster. Thankfully this has not happened in years. Also, during the Full Moon he especially has a tough time.

He won't burst into flames, but he finds bright light and especially sunlight a bit uncomfortable. He tends to wear sunglasses a lot, and goes out mostly at night when he can help it. Bright bursts of lines can really give him a headache.


Yup. Silver. It burns like a bitch, and the wounds take much longer to heal. Limbs cut off with silver will not regenerate.


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The Aftermath of the Docks... August 31st, 2017 Summary needed
The Hand Scene 1 August 29th, 2017 A Hand attack on Logan is beaten back by a plethora of allies.


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