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Latest revision as of 22:05, 21 August 2018

That gorilla in Mutant Town
Date of Scene: 20 August 2018
Location: NYC - Mutant Town
Synopsis: Mason and Kid bump into each other on the streets of Mutant Town.
Cast of Characters: Kid, Mason Steele

Kid has posed:
It was a hot afternoon. Not the oppressive Kind - but the comfortable kind. Hot enough to go swimming if one wished, but cold enough that one can walk around and not feel like they were dieing!
    Since summer was comming to a close, and school was back soon, many where off shopping to get supplies. It left some neighborhoods empty, and in other cases those left were gathering in community events here and there.
    In the case of Mutant town there were several small community gatherings going on, barbeques and what not. Kid smells the air and signs to his partner Orion "Smells good. Can't wait to get my grub on!" his lips curl in a smile reveling his over sized canines. Kid was just himself - a freakin massive gorilla
    Orion, a police officer of some sort by the looks of it, was with him. He replies "Yea, but remember, your also here to socialize and learn how to behave. darn shame you weren't properly taught" he tsks. Besides his uniform, Orion was in his late 30's early 40's, with a fuzzy catapillar mustache. The unusual pair were simply walking down the sidwalk.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason is just comming out of a community center with Andrea, talks about a community enrichment project having just taken place. Mason as the token 'normal human' to support humans and mutants working together. Something he doesn't commonly do, but the attack on the Hugo building seems to have jarred a little something inside him, and he's thought about such things a little more lately.
    He exits, holding the door for Andrea behind him. "Well, that went well," he comments, stepping out just a few feet from Kid and his officer.

Kid has posed:
Kid stops Orion short "What is it?" he asks before turning to see what it was Kid was stopping for. He stops as he sees Mason and Andrea and gives a low whistle "Well, what you know, it those two youngsters the Kids are all raving about these days." he tips his hat "Greetings?"
    Kid pounds his fist togeather excitedly and let out a beastial laugh. His hands move quick as he signs "Heard Mason song, they are great! And andrea's tune are fantastic too!" the watch speaking in a synthetic voice for him. As a note - Kid looks just like a gorilla. No illusion or anything.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason turns at the sound of the voice, jumping back a little. "Oh, shit," he says with surprise. After the initial shock, though, a grin crosses his face. "Hi," he says, returning the greeting, and looking between the cop and the gorilla. "He can talk?" he asks the cop. He looks back at the green skin of Kid. "Wait, wait you are that gorilla from the news, Jade? No, Sage! Sage, right?" he asks.

Kid has posed:
    Kid eyes gets a dead pan look. He let out a growl of annoyance - which considering he towered over most people and weighed a good deal more than any human, may be an intimidating sight.
    Orion glances at Kid "Remember, we do not growl, we use our words" he says calmly.
    Kid sighs before he signs "Yes, I can talk. Why the hell you asking him for? I am right here" with a look of annoyance "And my name is not Sage...that just what the news calls me. You can call me Kid...or Jua"

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason recoils a little at the growl. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I didn't mean to be rude. It's a little different, I mean, I haven't talked to a lot of gorillas." He tentatively reaches out a hand to shake. "I'm really a jerk, sorry about that," he offers in apology.

Kid has posed:
Kid looks to the hand and that at Orion. Orion makes a hand shaking gesture and gesture for him to go forward. Kid looks back he signs "...in fairness...neither have I" he takes the hand and Oh My Gawd he is strong. The grip was vice like crushing almost as he shakes Mason hand. But judging by his face, Kid wasn't trying to hurt Mason as the shake doesn't last very long as he pulls Mason forward and begins sniffing him. Orion face palms before Kid lets go. He signs "I like your songs. Still remember the one you played at the concernt"

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason resists wincing from the strong grip, squeezing tightly back with all of the strength of your average teenager. Oddly, his scent smells remarkably like dirt and minerals. "You've been to one of my concerts?" Mason asks. "Which one?" He seems genuinely flattered. "I'm glad you liked it, which song was it?" he asks, a lopsided grin crossing his face.

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "The one you did in Gotham! With the carnival and the shooting screaming and panic. It was awesome. The song I loved was...ummm not have name, but it went like this"

There was an odd sensation...a mental one. And mason would hear his own voice...no his own song, one of the ones that wouldn't be released by his words

"In this broken place where I was born
It seems there is no peace
And the very soil we walk upon
Is filled with tears that never cease
And you can trace the scars of hopelessness
Like sweat upon the backs

For those who lack the voice to speak all of those left stuttering
May this not prevail
Dear Lord your love will never fail

And these frail hands, they tremble as they pen perhaps their last.
And these weak words can never say what cannot be surpassedRI need your love,
and most of all I want to feel some peace
I need, your love, let everything that you are not decrease."

Kid resumes signing "I really liked that one!"

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason blinks as his voice enters his own head. "I...uh," he glances briefly at the cop uncertain whether it was heard by everyone. Given that the cop seems not to have heard it, he gives another smile, slightly nervous in nature.

    "Yeah, that was um, a pretty crazy time, you were there?" he asks. "I called an audible, never thought I'd sing that one in public. Just seemed like the thing to do right then. I'm glad you liked it."

Kid has posed:
Orion peers at Kid before looking at Mason "Excuse him...we are still working on a few things" he looks back to the gorilla "Remember, it impolite to just go into people heads like that" yes he heard it.

Kid rolls his eyes and signs "Well it not like I could put a name to it" he looks to Mason and continues "And yea. Got shot a few times, messed up some girl for stabbing me in the arm half a dozen times. Blah lblah blah"

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Well," Mason says uncomfortably, "It's cool, no big deal," he tells the officer. Maybe not the response of most people who receive an alien thought in their head. "It's good that you are okay, now," he states, as if trying to find a less morbid tone to the conversation. "I didn't say the song's name. It's called Frail Hands." He puts his hands in his pockets, and glances at Kid's large hands. "So are you planning to live here in Mutant Town?" he asks.

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "No. I live on the streets. Been everywhere, from here all the way to westchester and more. I travel. Alot. Better that way. Sides, not many people like a big rilla around" he gives a big old grin showing 4 abnormally large canines. He knew Mason was uncomfortable...he jumps startled when Orion punches him in the arm.
    "Ahem. He is a minor believe it or not" Orion says "I am hoping to get him into a proper home once things get settled. And not have him be a wandering vagabond' he eyes Kid who glares back. It might have been comedic, an old man stareing down a big gorilla before he looks to Mason "And frail hands eh? Seems a good name"

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Cool," Mason says, as if he's not sure what else to say. When Westchester is mentioned, a look of understanding comes over his face. He thinks at Kid instead of speaking. -Can you hear my thoughts?- he asks, then says aloud. "I mean, we all need a good family," he agrees with the officer. "No fun to get rained on all the time and stuff, right?"

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "Yea yea, trust me, it hard NOT to hear people's thoughts" he wasn't trying to hide anything at the moment, that is for sure. "Alot of folks got dirty thoughts, thats for certain" he signs. He makes no mention of the family, even as Orion nods in agreement with Mason.

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Well," Mason gives a lopsided smile. "Yeah, that's just human. Or...um, natural?" He isn't sure whether the word human should be used. Internally, he isn't that worried about it, it seems to be more of a polite function that he changed the word. "So if you're a juvenile, that means you're what, fifteen? I never was good at keeping track of how fast different species age and stuff."

Kid has posed:
    There is a beastial chuckle, likely the closest he has sounded to a gorilla, and beyound the growl, the only time he has thus vocalized. He signs "Seventeen actually...least that what the doctors tell me. Never had to track my age before" he signs. Not a common story thats for sure. "Apparently gorillas age similar ta humans" he shrugs after signing that.

Mason Steele has posed:
    "That's pretty dope," Mason says in agreement. "Well hey, if you ever wanna hang, that's cool, you just let me know, I'll get you into any concerts you want. I can probably get you into a few other folks concerts too," he offers. "I mean, who wouldn't want to meet a gorilla who is able to talk, it's like that Gorilla City place, pretty slick and all, bruh. We live in cool times."

Kid has posed:
A long pause. Like extreamly long. The officer and the rilla glance at each other, before Kid signs "Well, incase you haven't noticed" he gestures around. Everyone is cool with a rilla...untill the rilla is out of it's cage. People weren't exactly comming near them "But guess rillas are still a new thing. Personally hope to visit gorilla city myself someday" he tells Mason "Hah! Mabey if lucky they let human artist play in there. THAT would be something!"

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason watches the strange exchange, gathering that there may be a conversation he's not privy to. "Yeah man," he says, "That'd be sick." He seems at a loss for what to say next, one of those natural lulls in the conversation. "Well, uh, I hope you're able to get a good place to stay and all, and gimme a buzz sometime, I can introduce you to some people." He glances back at Orion. "If it's okay with your parole officer, or...I dunno you're name yet," he confesses, "Sorry, Mason Steele," he offers a hand to shake more formally.

Kid has posed:
    The officer shakes the hand "Officer Orion young man. And why I do not mind you introducing him to folks, I cannot exactly be letting him leave New York City currently" he knew these famouse types travel alot.
    As for kid he signs "Got a place" he repeats seeming fine with the streets, or perhaps he was just stubborn. Who can say "But yea...I will give you a buzz or something"

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Sweet," Mason says. He thinks his phone number for Kid's sake, and gives a mock salute. "Well, catch ya later, Kid," he offers. "I gotta get back to class, my teachers don't let me play the celeb card for bein' late."