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Susan Rodriguez (Scenesys ID: 6993)
"Better safe than exsanguinated."
Full Name: Susan Rodriguez
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Theme: Other (FC)
Occupation: Former Reporter
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Bludhaven, New Jersey
Education: Bachelor of Journalism, Gotham University
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 27 Actual Age: 27
Date of Birth 10 August 1999 Actor: Eiza Gonzalez
Height: 173 cm Weight: 56 kg
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson


Starting off as a reporter for a paranormal magazine (one might read that as "tabloid"), Susan found her life getting swept off in strange directions once she started getting involved (in all senses of the word) with the wizard Harry Dresden. Unfortunately, that involvement led to her being infected with vampirism. Occult rituals and special magical tattoos have prevented her from fully turning, but she fights a slowly losing battle...



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Standing at 5'8" (173 cm) in height, Susan is on the tall side for a woman, with hair of a brown so dark as to almost look black, hanging slightly past her shoulders. Her skin tone is a dark caramel, reflecting her Latina heritage. Her figure is nicely curvaceous, and it's clear that she is willing to use her femininity as a tool if it will help her further her goals. She's dressed in black leather pants, a blank tanktop, and a red jacket.


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Susan Rodriguez was born in Gotham City in 1999, which meant growing up in a city full of crime, full of...stranger things...and full of urban legends. When you grow up in an environment like that, you have three real options. Either you stick your head in the sand, try to ignore it, and hope it gets better; you try to move and get away from it; or you try to do something about it.

Susan's option was to try and do something about it. In Gotham, if you don't run around with a bat motif, that means either trying to be a cop, or trying to go at it socially. Susan opted for that route, with trying to be a reporter. She went to Gotham University full of hopes and dreams, plans to Make A Difference (TM). Unfortunately, when she graduated with her degree, she found out that trying to get a job in the field is a lot harder, especially when you're trying to kick over the anthills. She ended up getting a job for a tabloid called The Arcane, which specialized in the weird, supernatural occurrences that keep happening around Gotham and Bludhaven.

Susan fell in with one of the local magic practitioners (the only one in the phone book), who also happened to be a P.I., and they struck up a bit of a partnership...he'd make use of her press access and resources, and by helping him out, she got the inside scoop on various goings-on that would earn her good scoops. The whole dynamic was very Superman/Lois Lane, except that instead of being superheroic goings-on, it was supernatural goings-on.

Unfortunately, being the investigative reporter poking into dangerous things only goes so well for so long. Eventually, Susan got herself caught, and was infected by a vampire of a group known as the Red Court. The transformation would not be complete until she fully fed and killed someone, but the slow transformation began.

Normally, the transformation would be fully complete long since, transforming Susan into a demonic, vampiric being. Instead, she's made use of a combination of iron resolve and mystical tattoos from an arcane society. The tattoos act as a sort of limiter/regulator, keeping the transformation from completing. She still has to feed, but as long as she doesn't /kill/, it stays the worst of it. She searches now for a cure to her condition, while at the same time using her powers and skills to do everything in her power to strike back at the things that go bump in the night.


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Susan shares more than a little bit of her personality with those other intrepid iconic reporters, April O'Neil and Lois Lane. She's driven, determined, and the "self-preservation" portion of her brain is apparently miswired, since she's willing to put herself in more than a little danger to get her story.

Of course, that doesn't take into account the other side of the equation. Susan has been infected by a supernatural, dark Hunger, compelling her to feed and complete her transformation into a fully vampiric being. She seeks revenge against the beings who are responsible for her condition, and is waging her own one-woman war against the supernatural entities out there.


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A quirk of the particular type of vampire that Susan was infected by provides them with saliva that is a powerful narcotic, as their primary feeding tool. Absorbed through the skin, Susan can employ this either through licking someone's skin, or spitting the saliva onto exposed skin. Chemically, it is a very powerful narcotic drug...someone exposed is in a state of heightened euphoria, their senses overwhelmed by the drug. It leaves them dazed, disoriented, senses overloaded...in short, in a perfect state to feed on. Moreover, the chemical is EXTREMELY addictive. It takes only a single exposure to hopelessly addict a normal human. Someone more resistant to chemicals, or with superhuman will, could resist more exposure, but the chemical is literally supernaturally addictive.

Because this is a purely biological ability, without calling on supernatural energies, it is not limited by Susan's tattoos. It is also perpetually in effect; it isn't something she can turn on and off.

Susan, in general, /has/ to drink blood...it's part and parcel of being a vampire, and it's the only thing that gives her nourishment. However, if she drinks more than mere subsistence, she can expend it to heal more rapidly. When she's full on blood, she can heal bumps/bruises/mild cuts in mere moments, broken bones and gunshots in minutes.

Almost not worth mentioning, but Susan is a vampire, and has extendable fangs to facilitate her feeding. These really aren't very viable as a weapon unless someone is either unawares (doesn't know she's about to bite them), or if she's used her saliva beforehand (in which case they are probably drugged and in little condition to resist). Beyond that, it's just a bite, no more dangerous than an angry dog.

Just as she can draw on supernatural strength, Susan can also pull on vampiric speed, reflexes, and reaction time. However, as with all her vampiric abilities, this starts off "limited" by the Tattoos of St. Giles she has. The more she draws upon, the more her tattoos react, as listed below:

Tattoos Invisible: Susan can move at the speed of your average college track and field star, with reflexes akin to a trained martial artist. She can maintain this level at all times without fatigue or risking tattoo failure.

Black Tattoos: Susan can drawn on a speed equal to the pinnacle of human capacity, at the cost of kicking her tattoos into the black color. She can maintain this level of speed for ten to fifteen minutes without pressing her tattoos into the red...about the length of time for your average supernatural/superhuman fight.

Red Tattoos: Susan's maximum speed lets her run at the speed of the average car, with reflexes and reaction time on the levels of a super-soldier type, but pulling on this level will kick her tattoos quickly into the red "failure warning" level. This is something she can only safely maintain for about a minute without tattoo failure.

As an infected of the Red Court, Susan can draw on a wellspring of supernatural strength that's far in excess of what one might think from looking at her. However, as with all her vampiric abilities, this starts off "limited" by the Tattoos of St. Giles she has. The more she draws upon, the more her tattoos react, as listed below:

Tattoos Invisible: Susan can safely draw on a strength roughly twice that of a woman of her height and build without the tattoos manifesting. She can maintain this level at all times without fatigue or risking tattoo failure.

Black Tattoos: Susan can drawn on a strength equal to the pinnacle of human capacity, at the cost of kicking her tattoos into the black color. She can maintain this level of strength for ten to fifteen minutes without pressing her tattoos into the red...about the length of time for your average supernatural/superhuman fight.

Red Tattoos: Susan's maximum strength is somewhere in the four ton range, but pulling on this level will kick her tattoos quickly into the red "failure warning" level. This is something she can only safely maintain for about a minute without tattoo failure.

Just as she can draw on supernatural strength and speed, Susan can also pull on vampiric durability. However, as with all her vampiric abilities, this starts off "limited" by the Tattoos of St. Giles she has. The more she draws upon, the more her tattoos react, as listed below:

Tattoos Invisible: Susan can take punishment on the levels of your average boxer or martial artist. She can maintain this level indefinitely, without fatigue or concern.

Black Tattoos: Susan can drawn on a level of durability equal to the pinnacle of human capacity, at the cost of kicking her tattoos into the black color. She can maintain this level of speed for about ten to fifteen minutes without pressing her tattoos into the red...about the length of time for your average supernatural/superhuman fight.

Red Tattoos: Susan's maximum durability takes her up into the super-soldier/low superhuman levels, but pulling on this level will kick her tattoos quickly into the red "failure warning" level. This is something she can only safely maintain for about a minute without tattoo failure.


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Susan is an accomplished hobbyist shooter. She sticks to smaller calibre firearms (generally a .22), but she's accurate with it, even in high-stress situations.

Susan has far more than a layperson's knowledge about the supernatural world: vampires, magic, faeries, and the like. She knows a lot about what bits of lore are real and which are mistaken common belief. She has no actual spellcasting ability herself, but has an excellent mount of academic knowledge.

Susan went to college for journalism, and her entire professional career involved not only being a reporter, but a reporter trying to dig up the truth of the supernatural, which goes out of its way to hide the details. She's a /good/ reporter, even if she was working for a pure and utter tabloid.


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Susan's pistol of choice. It doesn't do as much trauma as other, higher calibre bullets, but she's accurate with it, and it doesn't take a /big/ bullet to mess someone up when the bullet hits a vital location.

Susan knows a pretty good number of people in the supernatural world, and has worked with several, or done favors for several, at various times in the past. She can call on them for information, and they can do the same with her.

Susan is a member of the Fellowship of St. Giles, a group of survivors of Red Court infection, who work together to fight their vampiric nemeses, and also to support one another and fight the transformation they are all facing. It is this order that has devised the magical tattoos she uses to help control her hunger, and when push comes to shove, she can rely on them for support, whether that be financial, information, or more active field support. Of course, they can count on hers too.


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The biggest negative of the infection is that Susan does have to subsist on blood. She can still eat and drink other things, but doesn't gain nourishment from them...only from blood. And the Hunger is an almost parasitic presence within her, compelling her to try and feed on others...especially to kill them and thus complete her transformation.

The mystical tattoos of the order of St. Giles were derived solely to help the Red Court infected to resist their Hunger and resist the transformation into a full Red Court Vampire. As long as Susan bears the tattoos, she cannot fully transform into a vampire unless she drinks the lifeblood of another sentient being, killing them in the process.

As for the Hunger, as long as Susan doesn't pull on her vampiric powers, the tattoos remain invisible, and she remains in complete control of the Hunger. As she draws on her powers, the tattoos will gradually become visible; first looking like "normal" tattoos, ranging from quite faded to looking as if they were fresh and recently applied. Eventually, the tattoos will move into a red hue, first looking like bloody patterns on her skin, and eventually brightening to the point they glow. At that point, the tattoos are near failure and risk the spell being broken.

The effects of the tattoos on her Hunger are listed below:

Tattoos Invisible: Susan has not pulled on her vampiric powers. She is in full control of her Hunger.

Black Tattoos: Susan has been pulling on powers she shouldn't. As a result, the Hunger has become difficult to control. As long as there are no open wounds or other sources of blood, she'll likely be all right, but if there are, it will be very difficult to resist feeding.

Red Tattoos: Susan has strained her tattoos all the way to the point of failure. If there are any exposed wounds or open sources of blood, she will almost certainly have to feed unless it is an innocent or close friend. If there aren't, there's still a good chance that she'll take a taste off anyone available to sate the Hunger.

Susan has been infected by the vampires of the Red Court, and as such, exists in a partially vampiric state. Sunlight does not bother her (indeed, it helps her resist the transformation), however, she still suffers pain from exposure to holy items, and can be repelled by them if presented by someone of strong faith. Further, a mystic threshold, like the ones barring the supernatural from entering uninvited, can keep her out.


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