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Latest revision as of 19:49, 9 September 2018

Red Rescue
Date of Scene: 06 September 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Red Robin saves Ekatrina from some Thugs and learns about her idea to open a Gallery.
Cast of Characters: Ekaterina Vespucci, Red Robin

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
It's near midnight and a small woman is making her way around an industrial area like she owns the place. In fact she does. Ekaterina sips her coffee and munches on a large nutella flavored Italian doughnut. The few female friends she has are jealous that she seems to be able to eat anything she likes and retain her figure. Little does she know she is being followed. The predators are out. Kat is no ordinary little girl though and perhaps it is this which is the source of her overconfidence. As she rounds a corner she runs headfirst into a couple muggers. One of them blocks her passage and the other her retreat. "Money now bitch!" says the larger of the men. "Oh Iv've never been robbed in Gotham before," Kat says cheerily rummaging through her bag. Her elevated mood begins to damage the calm of the two muggers who look at eachother in confusion. "Do you want my credit cards as well or just cash?"

Red Robin has posed:
"They want... a beatdown." Comes a distorted voice as two white eyes peek out from the shadows. "Last warning, leave her." The voice says as a staff comes into view, as if from out of nowhere. Stepping from the shadows is Red Robin, a scowl on his face and a no nonsense set to his step as he continues to walk forward. Both muggers charge at him. "So stupid..." He says as one gets a kick to the jaw, and is pinned to an alley wall as the staff hits the other in the throat, pinning him to the opposite wall. "Have fun in jail." He says as he does a spin and knocks both thugsa out cold. The staff vanishes back into his cape as he turns his gaze onto the woman. "This place isn't stafe after dark Miss."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat watches the whole thing unfold, "Wow! You're Red Robin!" she exclaims. "Well I guess you are right that it is not safe. My two chiefs of security Gary and Chris will be really mad at me for putting myself in this position. But I got to meet you so that has to be one really big positive. I actually met Wonderwoman the other day you know. Had coffee with her. She's coming to one of my openings. When I'm done with this place here," she says pointing to the warehouse, "It will be another gallery. I gentrify relentlessly." If Kat were strangely happy to be robbed before as though the latter were a novel touristy experience she's simply exstatic to meet Red Robin.

Red Robin has posed:
Now he knows how Batman feels. Red Robin smirks. "Come, let me escort you out of this alley, if thease lowlifes have friends, they might come around." He says as he allows his cape to move around him, much like how Batman does, a single hand motioning for her to lead the way. He does however, shift through his cowl's many different types of filters to see if there is anything off about this woman, since someone being happy to be mugged doesn't exactly scream 'normal'.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"And a real gentleman too," Kat says doing as she is directed. "I left my car somewhere hereabouts but I have forgotten where it is in all the excitement. I hope it wasn't stolen. Even though its a cheapy." The girl surveys the skyline with her large almost anime cornflower blue eyes. "So do you superhero types hang out together? I mean is there a club where you gather? A superhero cafe?"

Red Robin has posed:
"You'd have to become a superhero to find out." Red Robin says with a devilish smile. Her comment about a cheap car does raise his eyebrow abit, though, he does get to drive some of the most expensive, and exclusive vehicles -not- on the market. "You wouldn't happen to know it's general direction?" he says as he raises his arm and taps a few buttons on it's HUD, causing a drone to fly overhead, patching the camera feed to one of his cowl lenses.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"I don't know - I'm already sort of a villain see," Kat says in a very unconvincing manner reeking of utter harmlessness. "But I can see myself making the switch. Is there an application process?" Kat looks around for her car and waves her arm around in an arc that takes up about 90 degress - a /very/ general direction, "Theeeereish," she says. "Oh I didn't introduce myself Sono la Contessa Ekaterina Vespucci," she says switching to Italian. "But you can just cal me Kat."

Red Robin has posed:
"The pleasure is all mine mia bella." Red Robin responds in flawless Itallian, though his teacher must have been from compania, because that's the accent he has. "It's never too late for someone to turn over a new leaf, just because someone does nice things, doesnt mean you have to be nice about it." he says with a knowing smile.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"You make it sound so easy. But some of us are more than just people - some are forces of nature. Ever heard of En Sabah Nur or Apocalpse? Heard of Selene Galio the Black Queen?" Kat asks. "They might be a bit out of the circles of cookie cutter villains you have had to fight - if so be grateful."

Red Robin has posed:
"I think they should be greatful that they havent had to fight Batman. Though, I'm no slouch either, as you saw earlyer this evening." Red Robin says with a smile as he continues his walk with her. "And some of the villians I do face, I'd not call cookie cutter either." The Joker, Deathstroke, and countless others.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"They're immortal like literally not just that they don't age they are unkillable Red Robin. I've had quite a few run ins with Selene I try to keep things civil - that's the best course. Avoidance - maybe attacking their schemes rather than them personally. Ever run across Catwoman?" Kat asks with a measure of curiousity. Her questions may have outed her - or at least pushed her into the realm of someone who bears closer attention or investigation.

Red Robin has posed:
"And why is such a person in gotham? You know off thease immortals, and you have said you have had dealings with them based on that, and the fact that you probably have mountains of old money, I'm going to guess you arent a normal human." He says, well, he is the world's greatist detective, on par with batman. "But you also haven't caused a problem, and have been very good company, so I'm not going to push the issue further." That doesnt mean he isn't going to investigate more, or keep an eye on her, maybe subconsiously for more reason than just public saftey.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"I've stepped in it haven't I? I'm actually one of them. An external mutant. I haven't been around as long as either of them. But we are all unkillable, Hence my arrogance earlier. I'm in town trying to innocently open a gallery believe it or not but trouble always finds me. I try not to cause trouble but we Externals are all slightly unhinged so sometimes I cause a mess anyway. Like I said earlier we are all a sort of forces of nature representing abstractions. Apocalypse is Evolution. Selene is Corruption. I am Artifice. I think you'll find me much less megalomaniacal and not at all homicidal when compared to my older siblings as it were. If you come across either of them or any other Externals you might want to hunt me down for help. Things can get a little one sided otherwise," Kat offers with a small smile.

Red Robin has posed:
"Well, I have quite the royalty with me don't I? And I'm just a masked Vigilante." Red Robin says, though, some would say he is less than that, other, would say he is much more as well. "Well, you can still use your power for good, I mean, opening up galleries is all well and good, and Gotham has no shortage of well to dos who would enjoying partnering with you." he says with a smile.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"I do a few things. I also teach Art History at a community college and bankroll a soup kitchen for the homeless. But that is all back in New York I have yet to establish anything of note in Gotham." Kat says with a measure of pride. "The age which I came from demanded that nobility give alms even go on pilgrimage and live with the poor. Those habits are something I wish people had maintained. Oh by the way - can you keep the whole Mutant thing under your hat. I'd rather it weren't in the news. Tell who you have to if you deem it absolutely necessary of course."

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin blinks for a second and then looks back to the direction of the warehouse. "Tell you what... put me on the guest list for your gallery's opening, and I'll keep our secret between us. Alvin Draper." of course it's one of his fake names, and looking up that name lists him as a criminal thief, but at least there is a name to go with the face that will show up at her showing. "And charity is always good, one of the best virtues I beleive humanity has."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Done and done," Kat says. "Diana Prince is coming too if she can fit it in her schedule. I'll see who else I can talk nito coming. I might even try and get Selene Gallio to come. That'd be a hoot. She is actually surprisingly social and nice in public."

Red Robin has posed:
Red Robin would make a point of bringing up Bruce's name, but he knows better than to get in the middle of what the big man is doing right now. "Well then Mia Bella, until then." he says as he lifts her hand and kisses the back of it, before a puff of smoke causes him to vanish into thin air (or so people think.) leaving a contact card for her, with a simple phone number on it, and the address where her car is parked at.